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Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers

Page 9

by N. J. Walters

disappeared and was replaced by a growing alertness. She sat up in bed so quickly the

  sheet fell to her waist, exposing her breasts. The rosy tips were puckered and he longed

  to reach over and kiss them both. Realizing she was naked, Sophia grabbed the sheet

  and yanked it up over her. Zane sighed, wishing this would be simple, knowing it

  would be anything but.

  "You. Me." She broke off and rubbed a hand over her face, careful not to let her grip

  on the sheet falter. "We." She shook her head. "I don't usually have wild, unbridled sex

  with a man I've just met. What time is it?"

  "It's just after seven."

  "That's impossible." She glanced over at the clock radio that sat on her nightstand.

  "It's the next night, Sophia. You slept the whole day away."

  "Damn it." She surged out of bed, dragging the sheet with her. "I had things to do

  today. An article to write." She swayed on her feet and he reached out to steady her.

  "You were in no shape for anything after last night."

  She whirled around to face him. "I remember last night. You said you were a

  vampire." Her face paled, making her few freckles stand out prominently across her

  nose and cheeks as she sat down heavily on the mattress. He wanted to kiss each of

  those freckles. "I saw your teeth and your eyes, but part of me didn't believe it."

  "Believe it," he muttered darkly.

  "You." She broke off and swallowed hard. "You drank my blood, didn't you?" She

  reached behind her neck and rubbed it as if it were sore.


  "I don't remember what happened after that."

  Zane eased down onto the bed beside her. "The bloodlust took over. My need for

  you was so strong the first time, I took too much."

  Her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean you took too much?"

  "You were already weak due to lack of food and sleep. Coupled with what had just

  happened between us, well..." He searched his mind for the right way to explain what

  he'd done. What he'd felt he had to do.

  "So I passed out." She shrugged, tugging the sheet tighter around her.

  Her nearness was affecting him. He already had a throbbing erection and bloodlust

  simmered just below the surface. He wanted to strip away the sheet, spread her across

  her milky white sheets and fuck her senseless. When she was exhausted with pleasure,

  he wanted to drink from her again. Her blood was rich and thick and sweet. He'd felt

  energized all last night and still felt the buzz in his body today.

  "It was more than just passing out. You were weak."

  "What did you do?" When he hesitated, her agitation grew. "Zane, what did you

  do?" Her voice was raised to almost a shout.

  "What I had to. I gave you some of my blood."

  Sophia stared at Zane with growing horror. There was no apology in his stark

  words. His stern face was set, his lips pursed in a thin line. His hands were resting

  lightly on his thighs but his fingers curled into fists and his big body tensed. She tried to

  imagine herself drinking blood and began to gag. A slightly metallic taste filled her


  "Oh God," she moaned as she surged off the bed and hurried into the bathroom

  with him right behind her. She slammed the door in his face and locked the door. Not

  that the puny lock would keep him out if he wanted to get in.

  "Sophia." She wanted to put her hands over her ears to block him out, but she

  could hear him perfectly through the wood door. "You haven't changed. You're still the

  same as you were. Think of it as a blood transfusion."

  She had the door unlocked and yanked open before she could think better of it. "It's

  not the same as a blood transfusion. I drank your blood." She couldn't believe she was

  actually saying those words out loud. "Furthermore, I didn't even know I was doing it.

  You did something to me, didn't you?"

  Zane nodded. "I won't lie to you, Sophia. You were weak and needed it. It was my

  duty to take care of you." He crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at her, his

  entire body uncompromising and reeking of male arrogance and testosterone. "I took

  control of your mind momentarily and compelled you to drink. It wasn't easy, though.

  Even weak, you still had a strong mind."

  "That's good to know," she snapped. "But obviously it wasn't strong enough to

  stop you."

  "No human could stop me."

  She shivered at the finality of his tone. What had she gotten herself into?

  A more horrifying thought occurred to her. "Oh God," she gasped. "I'm not a

  vampire now, am I?" She felt all the blood rush from her head and swayed. The

  implications were just too much for her to take in. She didn't want to be a vampire. She

  liked her life just the way it was, thank you very much. It was one thing to have a

  vampire as a lover and another thing totally to even contemplate becoming one.

  Zane cupped the back of her neck with his palm. The heat from his hand sent a

  shiver down her spine. "No, you're not a vampire. It doesn't work that way."

  "How does it work?" She locked her knees to keep from crumpling to the floor in a


  "The small amount of blood that I gave you last night is not enough to convert you.

  In order for that to happen, you'd have to be drained almost totally of blood and then

  have it replaced by mine." He stared down at her, his eyes almost black with emotion.

  "You'd have to die first, Sophia."

  Right. She had a vague memory of him mentioning something about this last night,

  but she was so muddled right now, she couldn't think straight. She so didn't want to

  hear this. How did anyone agree to do that? The possibility of something going wrong

  was enormous and there was obviously no going back or changing your mind once the

  deed was done.

  Zane's face softened as he gave her neck a light squeeze before releasing her.

  "Everything is going to be all right, Sophia. Why don't you get a shower while I cook

  you something to eat?"

  "You're going to cook for me?" She shook her head, not quite sure she'd heard him


  "What about some eggs and toast with some bacon?"

  Her stomach growled, shifting her mind back to the mundane and reminding her

  that she hadn't been feeding it very much lately. "I don't have the stuff to make that."

  "I brought it with me." Zane reached out his hand and brushed his thumb over her

  cheek. Just like that her stomach clenched and her body softened. The man's charm was


  She took a step away and his hand dropped back to his side. "Okay. You make

  breakfast while I shower."

  The corner of one side of his mouth kicked up in a lopsided smile, which made him

  appear younger. Which was impossible, of course. The man was a two-hundred-year-

  old vampire.

  Thinking about all this was giving her a headache.

  He started to speak, but she held up her hand. She couldn't talk any more, not until

  she had a cup of coffee and some breakfast or supper or whatever it was. Sighing

  heavily, she started to close the door again and then stopped. "What you did last night.

  The whole making me drink your blood thing. Don't do it again." She felt slightly

  violated that he'd taken over her mind to make her do that.

  "I won't," he promised and then ruined that promise when he continued. "Unle
ss I

  think your life is in jeopardy."

  Slamming the door in his face again, she turned the lock. "Your meal will be ready

  in about twenty minutes," he called out. She leaned her forehead against the door and

  listened to his footsteps as he walked away. She felt like banging her head against the

  wooden panel but resisted the urge. The last thing she needed to do was addle her

  brains further.

  As she pushed herself away from the door, a piece of vampire folklore ran through

  her brain. A vampire had to be invited into a person's home or they couldn't enter. She

  didn't know if that was true or not, but she'd certainly held the door wide open for

  Zane York. Her body ached and tingled in unexpected places. She hadn't been with a

  man in so long that last night's wild sex had certainly put her muscles through a


  Picking up her toothbrush, she wet it and then spread a generous amount of

  toothpaste over it. Her mind started to run through her calendar as she began to brush.

  She was supposed to have written articles for several different papers today. That was

  money she couldn't afford to lose. Then there was the major piece for a weekly

  magazine. Thank heavens she'd almost finished that. Another hour at most and that

  would be completed. It wasn't due until tomorrow, so she still had time.

  Leaning over the sink, she spit and began to rinse. Cupping water in her palm, she

  slurped noisily, wanting to remove every last trace of the metallic taste from her mouth.

  Then she had to check with her police sources and the detective in charge of the case

  and see if they'd found out anything else. There was a follow-up with Janice Barton's

  family as well as the research she needed to do on the Dalakis family. She definitely

  shouldn't have slept the day away, but apparently that hadn't been her choice.

  Satisfied that her teeth were clean and the taste was gone, she wiped her mouth

  with the back of her hand. It was time to take stock of the rest of her body. Dropping the

  sheet, she stared at herself in the small bathroom mirror. She appeared normal, if a bit

  pale and tousled, but that was to be expected after everything she'd been through.

  Grabbing her makeup bag, which she kept mostly for the rare business meeting that

  called for being dressed up or special occasions, she whipped out her compact and

  opened it. Angling the mirror, she turned and used both mirrors to try to see the back of

  her neck. She could barely make out the faintest pinpricks of two marks, but there was

  certainly no mistaking the hickey at the base of her neck. She remembered him doing

  that, remembered the way his teeth had closed over her skin in an erotic bite.

  She shivered.

  Snapping the compact closed, she tossed it back into the makeup bag. Crossing over

  to the shower, she flicked on the taps and tested the water before stepping beneath the

  flow. The hot water pummeled her aching body, washing away the sweat and sex of the

  night before.

  What was done was done. She was doing her best to try to not remember the earlier

  part of the evening. The sex between them had been phenomenal. Sophia had never

  experienced anything remotely like it in her life. Not that she was overly experienced,

  but even she knew that last night with Zane had been special.

  Grabbing her bottle of shampoo, she poured a dollop into her hand and began to

  scrub her scalp. As she continued to lather her hair, she could practically feel his

  presence in her apartment. It was like a low-level electrical current running through her

  veins. A level of awareness that she'd never shared with another person.

  For a person used to being alone and quite content that way, it was more than a

  little disconcerting to say the least. She felt uncomfortable, as if he was already a part of

  her and she was a part of him.

  She let the water cascade over her head until all the shampoo was rinsed away.

  Picking up her scented soap, she began to wash her body, doing her best to ignore the

  way her nipples puckered and her pussy throbbed as her thoughts continued to wander

  to Zane and what had happened between them.

  It was weird, but on a deeper level, she found it almost...comforting, for lack of a

  better word. One of her deepest desires, which she hid even from herself most of the

  time, was to find someone who she could depend on not to disappoint or abandon her.

  She slammed the door on those thoughts. She was an independent woman and quite

  happy that way, thank you very much. One night of sex, no matter how incredible,

  didn't constitute a relationship.

  For all she knew, Zane had slept with her to get information, to find out what she

  knew. She ignored the pang in her chest. He was a vampire. Surely he could have snuck

  into her home when she was out and gone through her notes and things if he wanted to.

  And she was truly losing her mind if she thought it was better for Zane to break into

  her home than it was to sleep with her for information. Maybe he hadn't done either of

  those things. Maybe he'd slept with her because he wanted to. As for information--all

  the man had to do was ask. She might not tell him everything, but still... Maybe he

  would ask. They hadn't had time to really talk since she'd awakened to find him

  hovering over her and a whole day of her life gone.

  Stepping under the spray one final time, she washed the soap away, watching the

  lather flow down the drain. She wished all her problems could be solved as easily.

  Sighing, she turned off the taps and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and

  wrapping it around her body.

  She made quick work of drying her hair, dragging her brush through the short

  strands. Tossing the brush aside, she unwound her towel and dried herself. After she

  hung the towel over the shower rod to dry, she grabbed her moisturizer. Squeezing a

  thick dollop onto her palm, she took her time, spreading the rich cream over her arms,

  legs and torso. Usually it was a task she did quickly and without thought. Today, it felt

  more sensual. Sophia had an awareness of her body that she'd never had before.

  Cursing softly, she grabbed the sheet and held it in front of her as she unlocked the

  door. The coolness flowed in, dispelling some of the steamy, humid air of the bathroom.

  She peeked out, but thankfully there was no sign of Zane.

  Hurrying into her room, she tossed the sheet aside and pulled open her dresser

  drawers, gathering underwear, socks and a bra. She didn't always wear one, but she

  thought it better to be as covered as possible around Zane. Her bras and underwear

  were all white cotton, so they matched. Pausing at her closet, she donned a pair of jeans

  and long-sleeved pale green pullover that was a favorite of hers because the color

  matched her eyes. It made her feel more confident and Sophia figured that she'd need

  all the confidence she could get in order to deal with the man currently cooking in her


  Satisfied that she was as ready as she'd ever be, she stuffed her feet into a pair of

  white canvas sneakers and headed for the kitchen. It was time to face Zane.

  Chapter Eight

  Zane knew she was standing behind him, watching as he continued to butter a slice

  of toast. Everything was ready. With his preternatural senses, he
'd been able to follow

  her every move since he'd left her in the bathroom. It had been nothing short of sheer

  torture to listen to the shower running while he pictured the hot water cascading down

  her naked body.

  When she'd left the bathroom, her scent had reached his nostrils. It was a clean,

  fresh smell of soap and vanilla, tinged with the lightest hint of feminine musk. It made

  his teeth ache.

  He groaned and shifted restlessly. He'd had a hard-on since Sophia had opened her

  eyes and looked at him. Just one glance from those pale green eyes had him hot and

  ready. But her mood was anything but amorous at the moment, even if her body was

  slightly aroused. Sighing, he picked up the plate and took it over to the small, round

  table. "You might as well come eat while it's hot."

  She hesitated for a brief second but then joined him at the table. He'd already

  poured coffee for her. There was nothing left for him to do but sit and watch her eat.

  Not wanting to crowd her, he returned to the counter to wipe up some crumbs. When

  he turned back to the table, she was seated there, mug in her hand, sipping some of the

  potent dark brew.

  "Did you go through my notes?"

  He didn't know whether to be insulted or amused. "No, I didn't."

  "Why not?"

  Sophia was obviously feeling testy this evening and he couldn't really blame her.

  Sauntering over to the table, he pulled out a chair, turned it around and straddled it. He

  folded his arms over the back and leaned forward. "Because I wanted you to show them

  to me."

  "Why did you have sex with me last night?"

  Zane was taken aback by the swift change of topic. "What do you mean?" As any

  sensible male would, he sensed there was a trap here, waiting to snap around him if he

  weren't careful. After two hundred years of living, he still didn't understand women.

  She laid her mug carefully back down on the table, her motions rigid and

  controlled. "Was it for kicks? Maybe you needed a snack and pizza didn't appeal to

  you? You could have snuck in here when I was asleep or gone if all you wanted was to

  read my files."

  Anger surged through his veins and he gritted his teeth to keep from yelling. "No,

  you sure as hell weren't a snack and it certainly wasn't for kicks." Zane gripped the


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