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Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers

Page 22

by N. J. Walters

  Sophia and Blythe would drink coffee and munch on cookies that Delight had baked--

  and who knew a vampire would like to bake and could make killer chocolate chip

  cookies--while they talked about that time-honored topic among groups of women.


  Delight and Laurel Rose were a wealth of information about how to deal with

  overbearing males, especially vampire males. Sophia found herself enthralled by their

  stories, laughing sometimes until she was almost in tears. There was no doubt that the

  women's husbands loved them, but sometimes they could be a tad autocratic. Sophia

  could definitely relate.

  Just before dawn, all the men would drag themselves home, disappointed at

  finding nothing. Cassidy continued to monitor the comings and goings of The Club and

  Adrian Prince, but since the last episode where he'd tried to hurt Blythe, Prince had

  done nothing untoward. Cassidy also took over security during the day, catching

  catnaps when he could. Strangely enough, the stress and strain was harder on the

  humans than the vampires. Come dawn, the vampires would drop into a deep sleep

  whether they wanted to or not. Sophia knew that she wasn't sleeping very well and

  from what she could see, neither were Cassidy or Blythe.

  Everyone had argued quite long and loud, but Sophia insisted on going home every

  morning just before dawn. She had a job to do and she couldn't afford to be away from

  her home office. She had to keep working if she wanted to eat, so she kept writing

  articles about the murders as well as several magazine articles that had been contracted

  before she'd stumbled into this whole mess. Keeping busy helped her feel almost

  normal, which she desperately needed right now. Her life was anything but normal and

  hadn't been since she'd gotten that first phone call from the killer.

  Zane wasn't too thrilled with her decision. He insisted on taking her home each

  morning, admonishing her to be careful as he slipped away before the sun came up.

  She was worried, but not overly so. So far, the mysterious telephone caller had

  made no overt threat to her person. It had been quiet on the streets for almost a week

  now, but nobody was fooled. They were all waiting for either Prince or the murderer to

  strike again. Everyone's nerves were wearing thin and tempers were beginning to fray.

  Zane had come back with the rest of the men about two hours before dawn. They

  were early tonight, but everyone was frustrated and Sophia suspected that both Lucian

  and Stefan wanted to spend time with their wives before they all went into their deep

  daytime sleep. Sophia didn't blame them. She wanted some time alone with Zane. It

  had been way too long since the episode in her office. They hadn't even talked about

  their future yet. It was as if they'd both silently agreed to put it off until after the

  murderer was stopped and the problem with Prince was taken care of.

  She also was wondering how he was feeling about the whole "newfound" family

  thing. Yes, he spent time with Lucian and Stefan every night, but she didn't think they

  were forging any deep familial bonds just yet. Zane wouldn't find it easy to trust the

  other men nor, she suspected, would they find it easy to trust him. But the more time

  they spent together, the easier they seemed to be around one another. Nothing like

  tracking down a crazed murderer to bring a family together.

  "You okay?" Zane's arm tightened around her shoulders and he pulled her tighter

  beneath his arm. The weight of his arm felt good wrapped around her.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Just wondering when something is going to give." Using her keys,

  she unlocked her door and Zane pushed it open, stepping into the room ahead of her.

  Sophia was used to the routine by now. He kept her behind him as he searched the

  apartment with his superior senses. Once he'd deemed it safe, he pulled her inside,

  shutting and bolting the door.

  Tossing her purse and keys on the small hutch just inside the door, she then laid her

  laptop safely on the floor and slipped out of her lightweight jacket, hanging it on the

  coat rack. Zane prowled the apartment, slipping from room to room as if to verify that

  the place were indeed empty.

  Sophia yawned. "I'm getting a shower before I come to bed."

  Zane walked over to her and dropped a casual kiss on her lips. "Go ahead. I've got

  to call Cassidy and let him know that you're home okay."

  As she kicked off her shoes and padded down the hall, she could hear Zane's deep

  voice as he began to talk to the other man on the phone. All of them were being careful.

  Cassidy would call her every other hour of the day to check on her and his number was

  on the speed dial of her cell phone.

  Yawning again, she rubbed her tired eyes as she flicked on the bathroom light and

  stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles

  beneath them. No wonder. She hadn't had more than a couple hours' sleep at a time in

  days, partly because Cassidy kept phoning her during the day and partly because she

  just couldn't sleep. There was too much going on in her brain to allow her to rest.

  Her red hair was standing up in spikes, mostly because she kept running her

  fingers through the mess. Her face was paler than usual, making her freckles appear

  even more prominent. She wasn't a raving beauty to begin with. At the moment, she

  didn't even look passable. She looked like a woman who hadn't slept in a week, which

  was exactly what she was.

  Sighing, she turned away from the mirror and twisted on the taps in the shower,

  testing the water with her fingers. When it was ready, she pulled her top over her head

  and dropped it to the floor. Her bra followed. She'd started wearing one on a regular

  basis since she started spending so much time with the others. It made her feel more

  secure or something. She only knew that she felt undressed without it.

  Bending over, she yanked off her socks, adding them to the pile. It only took her a

  second to shimmy out of her jeans and panties and kick them aside. Then she stepped

  beneath the hot spray, moaning as the jets of water beat at her tired body.

  She just stood there, enjoying the cascade of water against her skin when a shiver

  skated down her spine. Her flesh tingled and she knew she was no longer alone.

  Opening one eye, she stared out of the shower stall. Sure enough, Zane was leaning

  against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her. His brilliant

  green eyes were ablaze with something she hadn't seen in days--lust.

  He never took his eyes from her as he pushed away from the countertop and toed

  off his boots. She licked her lips and her breasts began to swell.

  He proceeded to remove all his clothing in quick, economical motions. Before she

  could blink, he was naked, and there was no doubt that he wanted her. His cock was

  long and thick as it bobbed before him. She licked her lips again and felt her feminine

  muscles clench as he slid open the shower curtain and crowded in behind her.

  Sophia turned to face him, letting the spray hit her back. Zane leaned down until

  his lips hovered just above hers. "Turn around." His voice, thick with need, made her

  shiver even though steam surrounded them. She made herself face away from him and

  waited to
see what he would do.

  She could feel the heat coming off his large body as he shifted closer. His chest

  pressed against her back, while his erection prodded her spine. His voice was deep as

  he whispered in her ear. "I want you, Sophia. I need you." Teeth nipped at her earlobe,

  tugging it gently.

  "Yes," she groaned, reaching behind to grab his flanks and pull him closer. She

  needed him too, desperately. Her pussy was pulsing with need as cream slid from her

  core. She felt empty deep inside and knew only he could fill her up and drive the

  loneliness away.

  His arm reached around her and she sucked in a breath, hoping, needing him to

  touch her. Instead, he grasped the bar of soap and then both his arm and the soap

  disappeared from view. Her breathing deepened as her ears strained to hear him.

  Then his arms came around her and his hands covered her breasts. Soapy and

  warm, he slid them over and around the small mounds, plucking at the puckered tips

  with his fingers. "That feels so good," she gasped as she thrust her chest forward.

  "Yes, it does," he murmured and she could hear the pleasure in his voice.

  One of his hands slid down her slender rib cage and rested on her stomach. She

  shifted from one foot to the other, pressing her thighs together to try to ease the

  growing ache. Zane's chuckle was low and filled with masculine satisfaction. "What do

  you want? Tell me what you want."

  The heck with talking. Sophia grabbed his hand and pushed it between her legs,

  spreading them slightly to give him better access. His soapy fingers slid over her heated

  flesh. His thumb flicked her swollen clitoris. She gasped and then groaned. It wasn't

  enough. Not nearly enough.

  "More," she demanded.

  There was no more teasing, no more games as he thrust two fingers deep. Her inner

  muscles grasped them tight. Sophia panted as the hand still on her breast continued to

  pluck at her nipple, sending bolts of desire shooting from her breast to her pussy and

  back again.

  Her body felt stretched tight and she knew she was going to snap. It had been a

  long week of wanting and waiting and she was more than ready. His fingers plunged in

  and out of her core, stretching her, and when his thumb pressed down hard on her clit,

  she came. Her hips jerked and she would have pitched forward were it not for the

  strong hold that Zane had on her. She trembled as liquid heat rushed from her core to

  drench his fingers.

  "Beautiful," he whispered as he carefully removed his fingers. She cried out in

  protest, not ready to have him leave her yet. He lifted her hands, pressing them against

  the warm, wet tiles. "Spread your legs, Sophia. Let me inside you."

  Her vagina clenched hard as she slid her legs apart. His hands were on her hips,

  urging her to push her bottom back toward him. Then she felt the hot, blunt tip of his

  cock being pressed just inside. Her swollen vaginal muscles clenched and relaxed to

  accommodate him. "Now," she whimpered, wanting his hard length to fill her.

  One thick, muscled forearm wrapped around her waist and then he surged

  forward, filling her in one swift motion.

  Zane pressed one hand to the wall for support. His large body trembled as he

  forged his way deep into Sophia. He could feel her body stretching to take him. Her

  cunt was hot and liquid from her orgasm, but it was also tight. Closing his eyes, he

  savored the feel of her wrapped around his cock, squeezing it in a silken vise.

  It had been a hell of a long week and he'd missed Sophia dreadfully. He'd come for

  her at dusk and escort her to the Dalakis house over in the Quarter and then he'd have

  to leave her until just before dawn when he'd bring her home. He missed the closeness,

  the hot clasp of her body around him. In such a short time, he'd become addicted to her.

  He'd learned much about his heritage in the long nights that he'd been sharing on

  the streets with Stefan and Lucian. They told him about the curse of the Dalakis family.

  At first, he'd been unbelieving, but eventually, he'd been forced to accept it as truth.

  It seems that Dalakis men loved only once in their lifetime. Both men insisted that it

  was both a blessing and a curse. Right now, buried deep inside Sophia's body, he could

  understand the blessing part.

  But it was more than just that. The women were always free to accept or reject that

  love. Many of their ancestors had given up ever finding their true mate and faced the

  dawn rather than live any longer without finding their true love. Others had done the

  same after being rejected by their chosen one. Thank God that Sophia had not rejected

  him, even after she'd found out what he truly was. He wasn't sure what he would have

  done. He'd like to think he would have walked away from her, but he wasn't sure that

  he'd have been able to.

  His arm tightened around Sophia and he buried his face in her neck, breathing in

  her unique scent. He had choices according to his cousins. He could choose to stay with

  Sophia and let her live a normal human life and join her in death when it was her time

  to go or he could attempt to convert her if she were willing.

  There was really no choice for him.

  After what had happened between his mother and his father, he wouldn't risk

  converting her. His cousins had tried to dissuade him, citing their own wives as proof

  that it could be done successfully. But he wasn't taking any chances. If Sophia ever

  looked at him with hate in her beautiful pale green eyes, he knew it would drive him

  over the edge and into insanity as it had done with his father.

  His life was now as long as hers and he didn't want to waste a single moment of it.

  Sliding his hand upward, he cupped her breast in his hand. So small and delicate, but

  so very sensitive. He tweaked her nipple and felt her inner muscles clench around him.

  They were both breathing heavily now as steam surrounded them. He wanted to

  move but held himself steady, feeling his cock pulsing deep within her cunt. His balls

  were tight and heavy and he knew he didn't have much longer.

  Inserting his other hand between her back and his front, he rubbed a finger over the

  tight opening of her ass. She shrieked and jerked in his arms. "Let me inside." He

  flicked her nipple with his fingers, moving from one breast to the other. Groaning, she

  relaxed in his grasp.

  His fingers were slippery with soap as he pressed the tip past the tight opening of

  her ass. He could feel her tense and nipped at the base of her neck with his teeth. He

  then soothed the sting with his tongue. "Relax."

  She panted heavily and leaned her forehead against the wall. "I'm trying."

  Zane pushed his finger deeper, feeling her stretch and expand. He pressed his

  finger to the front and could feel the pulsing of his cock inside her pussy. It was

  incredible. "Nobody has ever taken you this way before, have they?"

  She shook her head as he slowly eased his finger out. "I'm going to fuck you this

  way someday if you'll let me. God, Sophia, you'd be so damn tight, we'd both go


  "Yes," she moaned. "Anything. Everything. Just fuck me now."

  Zane started to chuckle, pleased at her demands, but it turned into a groan as her

  pussy clenched him tight. Reaching his hand arou
nd to her front, he spread her labia

  wide and stroked a finger over her clit. He gently pinched her nipple rhythmically and

  she cried out his name.

  Keeping up the teasing motions on her nipple and clit, he bent his legs until his

  cock was almost all the way out. Then he thrust back in. Hard.

  "Zane," she cried, her fingers clawing at the tiles. He could hear the desperation in

  her voice--it matched his own.

  His thrusts grew faster and harder, until his hips were pumping so heavily that her

  feet began to leave the floor with each trust. She was whimpering now, her hot, moist

  cunt clenching him so tight he could barely slide his cock in and out.

  "Zane," she screamed. Her cunt tightened around him so hard it was almost

  painful. Then she began to convulse.

  He could feel his vision turning a hazy red and his fangs shooting down though his

  gums as he plunged deep one more time, pushing her feet right off the floor. Bloodlust

  roared though his veins, demanding satisfaction. The cool blood he had stored in his

  refrigerator at home and had been forced to consume this past week had only fed his

  hunger. He longed for Sophia's hot, rich blood.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist, desperately trying to ignore the bloodlust

  growing inside him, and slammed his other hand against the wall for support as cum

  shot hot and deep within her. Her pussy milked his cock, wringing every drop from


  He managed to keep them both upright as they shook and trembled. Sophia tilted

  her head to one side, exposing her neck. He could see the heavy throb of her pulse. "Are

  you sure?" he growled, already licking his lips in anticipation.

  "Do it."

  He needed no further urging. Her skin was wet and salty as he licked it. He sank

  his fangs deep and his cock began to pulse again as sweet, hot blood hit his tongue.

  Sophia cried out and convulsed as another orgasm hit her.

  He drank and could feel his cells sucking in her essence, making her a part of him.

  He would never leave her. Never. She was his for as long as they had together and he

  would cherish every moment.

  Sophia shivered and he suddenly realized that the water had gone cold. Carefully

  withdrawing his fangs, he stroked his tongue over the pinpricks, closing them and


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