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Tech Mage

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by D. L. Harrison

  Tech Mage

  Technomancer: Book One

  Author: D. L. Harrison

  Copyright 2019. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  About the Author

  Other books by D. L. Harrison:

  Book Description

  Chapter One

  The deep whine of the motorcycle’s engine filled my ears as it ate up the road. I was going far too fast for the Chicago streets, even that late at night, but I hit nothing but green lights as I raced across the city.

  My heart raced as the ground started to buck and roll, like a wave of water. My breath caught and adrenaline made my heart skip and then hammer as the motorcycle left the ground. I winced, as the street below iced, my tires came down and found no purchase, and I jumped off the bike before it could crush my legs. My feet landed on the ice and I started to slide as my heart tried to hammer out of my chest.

  The motorcycle hit road and started to throw up sparks as it slid across blacktop, and I desperately brought up my power of telekinesis, the only damned useful power I had, and then jumped before the ice ran out and friction and road rash ruined my night. The bike straightened up back to its wheels at my will, and I used my power to steady myself as I landed back on it, and then I opened up the throttle.

  The bike jumped forward, and then stopped dead, as if it’d hit a wall, and as I sailed over it I saw that the bike had hit a wall. A brick wall that was just suddenly there. My mind panicked for a moment, but I directed my telekinesis magic and bled off the large momentum. When my feet hit the ground, my arms wind-milled as I started to run forward.

  I ran to the left and started down the alley, desperate to escape, but once again found myself struggling to stop, before I ran right into a wall of fire that sprung up in front me.


  I turned, and took deep breaths, as fear sent a shiver down my spine. I could have jumped the fire with the aid of telekinesis, but I also knew the one that chased me could have set me on fire, instead of the alley. Running just wasn’t an option anymore, the bastard was too close.

  “Why are you in a hurry, boy?” asked an amused voice.

  I frowned. I hated that, and I was twenty-one, not a boy. I’d just been graced with the worst power as a mage ever. Oh, technomancy could be cool, I didn’t have to worry about losing passwords, or even needing passwords. No computer was safe from me, no vehicle would ever break down on me either, technology was mine to control, understand, and even power. But, in any kind of fight, it was pretty much worthless against an elemental mage. Even my TK, which might come in handy against a normal in a fight, or even against a vampire or shifter, was worthless. My enemy had shields against it, or against anything I might choose to toss at him.

  “Just out for a ride, Dale. What’s the problem?” I bluffed, poorly. I wasn’t a coward, but I was terrified.

  Dale laughed, “You’re a horrible liar, boy,” and the wall of the building next to me seemed to shimmer like a wave as Dale stepped out of it.

  I cursed the day I’d met the bastard, and my own stupidity that night. I’d gotten over my head, way over my head, on my twenty-first birthday, and had been drowning ever since.

  Dale had black hair, cold dark brown eyes, and was wiry at about five foot ten. He was also one of the most powerful elemental mages in the city. Dale had on a long black coat that the older man thought made him look badass, but no one else in the city would dare tell him it made him look like a poser. Still, the guy’s power was terrifying, and Dale was very creative when he took down rivals.

  Not that I was a rival, I just wanted to get the hell out of Chicago. I was done being used. Technomancy made me shit in a fight, but it also made me, quite possibly, the best thief in the world. A twinge of guilt hit my conscience even then as fear gripped my heart. I’d had no choice really, not if I’d wanted to live, but that was just an excuse.

  A small bit of magic shot out to hit the nearby power lines, it was my only chance. I was pretty sure Dale was going to kill me this time.

  As far as I knew, I was the only one with my type of magic. I’d never heard of my kind before. Hell, Technomancer was a title I’d given myself, there was no name for my magical ability. There were plenty of elemental mages, though few of Dale’s power, then there were vampires, werewolves, fae, witches, and others. Most humans had no idea of the supernatural world around them, though some did. Those that did were smart enough not to talk about it.

  I knew there was law enforcement for instance, that helped keep the secret and even policed supernatural criminals, which were mixed groups of human and supernatural.

  I sighed, “I’m out Dale. I won’t do it anymore.”

  Dale clucked his tongue, and shook his head, “You’re naïve, boy. You don’t have a choice. You don’t want anything to happen to your sister, do you, Scott?”

  I stared, not quite believing what I’d just heard. Call me naïve as well, but the asshole was like a cliché from a mafia movie.

  “Stay away from my family!” I yelled angrily, the sudden rage at the idea of my sister being even looked at by Dale turned my stomach.

  But I immediately regretted that outburst, apparently I was a cliché from the same movie, only the victim.

  Dale smirked, “Work for me. Speaking of which, do you have it?”

  I shook my head, “No.”

  Dale’s smarmy smile went away, and he waved his hand.

  I cried out as I was lifted and thrown into the wall behind me. I screamed in pain, as I felt metal spikes grow out of the wall behind me and pierce my flesh. The pain was agonizing, as they dug into my legs, back, and arms. It was hard to think.

  Dale smirked, “I have no choice, I can’t be seen as weak, but I also can’t let your talents go to waste. Last chance Scott, work for me, or your little sister dies, maybe after I have a little fun with her first, and you get to work from a wheelchair.”

  A steel spike pressed against my spinal cord. I’d heard clothing tear, but it hadn’t broken skin yet.

  As options went, those kind of sucked, which was why I’d agreed to steal for the bastard in the first place. The pain was excruciating, and I wasn’t sure what to do. Did I really want to die for my morality, or see my sister killed? It was that second one that made me fold like a bad hand in poker. I was so screwed, I never should have gone to that sup bar, gotten drunk, and showed off like an idiot trying to score with that hot vampire. Shit.

  I was about to answer, before I bled out, when my magic from earlier finally paid off.

  A low growl reached my ears, and Dale disappeared under fur, tooth, and claw. The alley lit up with a bright light, and the telekinesis holding me against the wall failed. I slid off the spikes, and then fell to the ground right on my face.

  I passed out.

  I woke up to the steady beeps of the heart monitor, and my head felt like it’d been split open as I let out a groan. The light stabbed my eyes, and it caused my
heart rate speed up as I blinked furiously. I let out a sigh as the light was turned off, except for the light in the bathroom.

  Several thoughts flooded through my mind at once. I was alive, in the hospital. How long was I out, was my sister okay? My magic reached out to the Wi-Fi, I’d been out three hours. As for the second, I’d need my phone to find out, and I had no idea where my stuff was.

  I turned my head, and I took in the person in the room with me. The man was six foot four, built like a brick wall, and had on a suit.

  “What happened? Where’s my stuff.”

  The man said, “Agent Carlson. Shane Carlson. We took you to the hospital.”

  I barely restrained an eyeroll, and nodded instead, “Got that. What about Dale?”

  Shane frowned, “That was Dale Gibbons?”

  Well, shit, if he didn’t know that then the bastard got away. Of course he did, no shifter no matter how tough could take down Dale. At least, not when he was aware, and shielded.

  I said, “Yes, and my sister isn’t safe, the asshole said he was going to kill her. Jayna.”

  Shane frowned, and pulled out his cell phone as he left the room.

  My heart raced, and I shut my eyes, my phone, wherever it was, wasn’t in the room. I sent my magic out over the wi-fi, and I traced down her phone the hard way. It wasn’t something I liked to do, because I lost awareness of my surroundings, but I only did it long enough to verify she was okay, for the moment. She was in the dorm with her roommate. I couldn’t see them, but I could hear their voices.

  My sister Jayna was nineteen, and in college. I released the magic, and the hospital room came back into focus.

  Shane walked back in a moment later.

  “We’ll keep an eye on her, but you need to tell us what’s going on.”

  I sighed, and I nodded.

  “When I turned twenty-one last month, I went out to celebrate with some friends, and exhibited bad judgement.”

  Shane tilted his head, “What was her name?”

  I laughed, “You’re not wrong. I went to Neverland, a club on the east side. I was stupid, tried to pick up a vampire by the name of Desirae, only to find out the hard way that she worked for Dale. My power is unique, there’s not even a name for it. I call myself a tech mage, or a Technomancer. I’m rubbish in a fight, but if it’s technology I can make it do anything I want.

  “Fun for a few bar tricks, or so I’d thought at the time after a few beers. Before I knew it, she had me mesmerized and in the back office, as she explained to Dale how very rich they were about to be. I’d never stolen a thing in my life, not until then. I’ve been working with Dale the last month under duress, some untraceable money laundering, and creation of wealth.”

  Shane narrowed his eyes, “Creation of wealth?”

  I shrugged, “Money is all electronic, ones and zeros these days. I didn’t have to steal money from anyone, I suppose you could say it’s the modern version of counterfeiting. Anyway, Dale is one scary bastard, and I’ve been trying to figure a way out since day one. I’m… not a thief. Tonight, I decided the only way out was to cut and run, I planned to leave the city. Identities are something else that’s all digital, I could have set myself up in another city where he’d never find me, under a new name, and found a job like a normal person. Somehow, he figured out what I was up to. He always says I’m a horrible liar.”

  Shane shook his head, “Why tonight?”

  I frowned, “I’d had the thought before, but I wasn’t in a hurry to never see my family again. I guess I struggled with the idea of that, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was supposed to rob a bank, clear out the cash, and pick up some magical artifact that the bastard is salivating over, from one of the safety deposit boxes.”

  Shane nodded, “Some artifact?”

  I shrugged, “Not sure what it is, he didn’t tell me, and asking questions isn’t healthy. I can tell you it’s in safety deposit box fifty-eight, the US bank on Whacker.”

  Shane frowned, “And you could do it?”

  I nodded, “Like I owned the place. Listen, protect my sister, and I’ll tell you everything you need to know to take the bastard down.”

  Shane asked, “Just like that?”

  I shrugged, “Immunity would be nice. I was under duress and in fear of my life, after all.”

  Shane smirked, “I’ll see what I can do, but you know he’ll never see the inside of a cell.”

  I blew out a breath, “I know, but I also know your special department needs proof before taking down a supernatural. Especially one as well connected as Dale.”

  Shane raised an eyebrow.

  I smirked, “Information stored on computers is technology too…”

  Chapter Two

  One week later…

  The interview room was a little chilly as I waited for someone. Not sure who, they hadn’t told me.

  The last week I’d gone over every minute that I’d spent with Dale multiple times, as well as explained in great detail where all his illegal operations were, as well as the money. As for me, I’d been held in a cell, though I wasn’t quite sure if that was for my safety or because they’d decided they’d throw the book at me too. I knew for a fact my magic and abilities freaked them out a bit. I may have been rubbish in a fight, but with my abilities I could cause a whole host of problems, ruin lives, and never leave proof behind.

  Hell, if I was so inclined, I could walk into a silo, and launch a nuke. After all, launch codes was just a fancy way of saying password. That kind of thing made people nervous. In truth, I just wanted my family safe, what was left of it.

  I tried to relax as I glanced over to the booth behind the large mirror, but there was no one in there. The door opened, and I snapped my head around as Shane walked in, followed by two people I’d never seen before.

  The first was a distinguished man, dark brown hair and eyes, and about six foot one. He was also in uniform. A two-star general, and human, which made me wonder what was going on. The second new person was a total knockout. She looked eighteen, was about five foot one, and had long light brown hair and hazel eyes. She had a curvaceous body, and quite possibly the most beautiful face I’d ever seen, with full lips, long eyelashes, and soft high cheekbones, with perfect skin.

  She was also a vampire, which is why I’d said looked eighteen, but based on the power rolling off of her she was ancient. She had on a red pencil skirt, matching jacket, with a black blouse with matching shoes with three-inch heels.

  Regardless, the general and vampire beauty didn’t really go together in my mind, and I turned my head toward Shane in question. The shifter didn’t look happy.

  Shane said, “This is General Steven Schaefer, and Cassie Reed.”

  The general said, “We have it from here, you can leave.”

  Shane frowned, “What is this about?”

  Cassie said, “You don’t have that clearance.”

  Damn, even her voice was hot. Perhaps it was a cliché, but most vampires were extremely attractive. A shallow choice and attraction no doubt, of the vampires that turned them in the first place.

  Shane scowled, and then left the room. The sound of the door slamming shut sent a shiver down my spine, and I looked at my new guests as they sat down.

  I echoed Shane’s questions, “What is this about?”

  Steven cleared his throat, “Your future.”

  Cassie smiled, and I almost regretfully turned to look at her. I also managed to keep my eyes above her neck, though it wasn’t without effort.

  “You have two choices Mr. Akin. May I call you Scott?”

  I replied, “That’d be fine, if I can call you Cassie.”

  She nodded, “Scott, the government needs your help. You came to our attention through channels, because of your abilities. Abilities that would help your country. We’re willing to make the charges you face go away, if you agree to work for us for a period of five years. You’ll also need to sign a confidentiality agreement, never to speak of our project,
and what you learn from it.”

  I frowned, “My other option?”

  Steven cleared his throat, and I guessed he was going to play bad cop as I turned my head in his direction.

  “You will be charged with counterfeiting and we put you away for twenty years. You should also know Dale Gibbons and Desirae escaped and fled the city mere hours ago, despite the overwhelming task force the FBI’s special division put together. Your sister of course, is perfectly safe in her new life, as long as Dale doesn’t find out where she is.”

  Was that a threat? Did he just threaten to leak my sister’s new identity?

  “Just who the hell are you people?”

  Cassie said, “Officially, no one. Unofficially we work for the president on a task that’s more secretive than our supernatural world. You will be paid well, and work with cutting edge technologies, for the next five years. That will pay your debt to society, and quite possibly much more. All you have to do is sign this deal. Your family will be safe, you’ll be safe, and you’ll be doing your country a service.”

  She was extremely persuasive.

  It was entirely possible I could walk out of there, there was no jail that could hold me. I could also find my sister, and then go back to plan A and hide us both in a new life. I could do it just as thoroughly as the Marshalls could, if not more so, and the general wouldn’t be able to betray her location.

  But… it was a risk, what if I didn’t move fast enough? What if Dale was still in town and they only thought he’d left. We’d also be on the run for the rest of our lives, always looking over our shoulders.

  I couldn’t deny I was also curious. I could always sign to see what it was about, and then change my mind later. Although, that felt wrong to me. Despite the mess I’d gotten myself into, I’d always been a man of my word, and one to pay my debts.

  Still, despite my curiosity being piqued as to what they were into, the general’s thinly veiled threat against my sister made him too much like Dale in my mind. Enough to shoot myself in the foot, and endanger my sister? Hell no.

  “Let me read it over.”


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