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Peaks of Passion: Pleasure Point Series Book One

Page 7

by Jennifer Evans

  If Tyler found out, I figured I could handle him. I’d make him understand what it felt like to be in love. Why hadn’t anyone ever told me how this felt? All the dumb romantic movies or love songs I’d ever heard didn’t come close to what the feeling was like in real life.

  I wanted to make sense of what Rosalyn meant to me. It wasn’t only her sexy body and the way she had her own style. A big part of it was that she needed me. She needed a real man to help her and make her happy. There was a sadness about her that I think was the reason she smoked so much pot. Kind of like she was looking for something to make her happy in life, and I wanted to be the one to do that. When we were together, it was like being with a best friend who was also pretty and delicate, like a flower that needed watering. I wanted to take care of her every day for the rest of our lives.

  If my mom or dad found out what was really going on between Rosalyn and me, they’d go ballistic. Mom especially, because she was always bugging me to date girls from school. It wasn’t that I didn’t want a girlfriend; it was more that the ocean was my lover. I raised my arms over my head and stretched. I couldn’t let my folks find out because I didn’t know how they’d ever forgive Rosalyn. I had to protect her, make sure our love stayed secret at least for now.

  But I didn’t want to think about reality.

  Rosalyn had let me kiss her!


  Holy-moly. I let Jax kiss me. I had gone too far, and I had to turn back. What I was doing was so wrong. But here’s the worst part. After Jax left, I raced into my bedroom, stripped off my clothes, put my pink nipple suckers on, grabbed one of my favorite vibrators, and had a good old fashioned masturbation session. I thought about Jax the whole time. When he’d been massaging my leg, his warm, strong hands turned my spine to jelly. Guilt washed over me. He was Lydia’s son! I couldn’t let this go on. Maybe Jax was right. Maybe I did need to cut back on smoking so much pot.

  After three orgasms, my body was relaxed and my head clear.

  I lay on my bed, the ocean breeze blowing through the open window tickling my naked skin, the scent of salty air reminding me of Jax. As sad as this was to admit, at age thirty, I’d never met anyone as caring and attentive to my needs as Jax. He was polite, considerate, and eager to please. One time we’d been surfing together, and I’d wiped out on a wave. That happened a lot to beginners. Jax swiftly paddled over to me, scanned my body for injury, looked me in the eyes, and asked if I was okay. Of course I was okay, just a little water up my nose. Whenever we were together in the ocean, he kept an eye on me to make sure I was safe. When he was at my house, he never let me lift a finger. He fetched things from the kitchen, took out the trash, cleaned the cat box, did odd jobs and ran errands. Jax honestly cared about me without expecting anything in return.

  My head got fuzzy thinking about his body. He had a muscular chest and flat abdomen leading down to a V shape just above his pelvis. His arms were powerfully built from the constant upper body workout he got while surfing. When he wrapped those strong, protective arms around me, supporting me because of my limp, I wanted to melt into him and forget the burden of taking care of myself. Just let him do it for a while. And his delicious scent. When he hugged me, his aroma was salty and delectable, like the ocean. And those eyes. They were the clearest, most intense, mesmerizing blue eyes. Maybe he was hypnotizing me. And when he smiled, he even had dimples.

  I was in trouble.

  I could not let this go any further. I was taking advantage of an impressionable young man who had no experience with women. A young man who was my friend’s son no less.

  I had to have a talk with him.


  I couldn’t think about anything except Rosalyn. When I went to school the next day, I tried as hard as I could to concentrate, but in English class, I kept reading the same sentence over and over, and I still couldn’t understand it. In gym class, we played basketball. “Hey, Priest!” one of the guys on my team yelled to me. “Watch the ball, will ya?” He passed me the ball, and I was so busy staring off into space, thinking about Rosalyn that the ball hit me right in the head.

  At lunch in the cafeteria, Jamie, the girl who’d been hitting on me sat down, leaned in as close as she could, and said, “Hey, you coming to the party tonight?” I could barely breathe through the scent of her sickeningly sweet perfume, like pears in heavy syrup.

  The last thing on my mind was going to parties with these kids. “Can’t make it.”

  “Well, you’re going to miss out on some tequila shooters.” Her breath was hot in my ear. “And tequila gets me all worked up, if you know what I mean.” She rested her hand on my thigh.

  I smiled weakly and went back to eating my sandwich. “Maybe next time.”

  After school, I raced home, grabbed my skateboard, and headed for Rosalyn’s. On the way, I spotted the most beautiful rose bush and stopped to pick a single pink rose. Girls liked roses.

  She wasn’t home yet, so instead of using my key, I waited on the front stoop so I could watch her drive up. My palms were sweaty, and I couldn’t stop that crazy flip-flop thing in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again. And then, there she was in that crazy bimmer of hers. She got out of the car, and it was weird; there was a light around her body.

  “Hi,” I said when she walked up, “This is for you.” I handed her the rose. She took the rose, not making eye contact.

  “Jax, we need to talk.” The way she said it made my heart sink.

  I followed her inside. My body felt weak. It was, I don’t know, it was like if Rosalyn wasn’t happy, then I wasn’t happy.

  She grabbed a vase from the kitchen and stuck the rose in, setting it on the counter. “Thanks, baby. It’s beautiful.” She collapsed on the sofa, picked up her bong, and lit up, taking a couple of tokes. I sat on the floor in front of her, my hands clasped over my knees. “What happened to your finger?” she said. Blood dripped from my finger.

  “Just got pricked by thorns on the rose bush.”

  She stood up, took my hand and walked me into the bathroom. “Let’s get you fixed up.” She searched through the medicine cabinet until she found the bandages. “Hold still.” We stood in her tiny bathroom, face to face, while she carefully cared for my bleeding finger. The world stopped moving. Though I felt cool air coming through the open window I felt the heat of her body. I could even hear her breath moving in and out. Our hands touched, our eyes met, and before I knew what was happening, my hands were in her hair and my lips on hers. I kissed her hard, and she kissed me back. Her breasts pressed against me, and I pulled her into me harder. She pushed me away. “Stop it!” She escaped into the living room, slumped down on the sofa, and buried her face in her hands.

  “Jax, we can’t do this.” She looked at me, and my heart melted. Rosalyn was so gorgeous with those lovely brown eyes, her clear skin, and that delectable mouth that I wanted to kiss and kiss and never stop kissing.

  “Jesus Christ, Jax, you’re a teenager! You’re Lydia’s boy.”

  I kneeled down in front of her and put both my hands on her knees. “That doesn’t matter. Nobody has to know.”

  She crossed her arms and looked away. “Don’t you have somebody in your class you’re interested in?”

  “They’re all such little girls. You’re different. C’mon Roz. Why can’t we just have fun together? Maybe try out some of those toys you have in your bottom drawer?”

  She let out a gasp. “You’ve been going through my drawers?”

  “You made me go in there looking for your stash.”

  She sank back against the pillows. “This is ridiculous. I have plenty of men my own age I can date.”

  My body sagged with despair at the thought of Rosalyn being with another man. “You do?”

  “Yes, Jax, I do. There are plenty of men at work who want to date me. Men who are men. Who are mature and my age.”

  “Are you dating them?”

  “Well, no. But I could.”

  “So why don’t you?”

  “Because … Oh Jesus Christ Jax, this whole thing is so wrong.

  “But this is different Rosalyn. You know it’s different. We’re friends. Best friends, right?”

  “Maybe.” She crossed her arms in front of her and planted both feet firmly on the floor. “But it takes more than being friends.”

  “So tell me what it takes, and I’ll do it.”

  “Sweetie, I can’t. What if your mom found out? You know how screwed up both our lives would be?”

  “She’s not going to find out. Think I’m stupid?”

  She smiled. “Honey, you are anything but stupid. But no. We can’t.”

  I sat back on my heels, not taking my eyes off of Rosalyn. “You’re single, I’m single. You need somebody to take care of you, and we can just do some easy stuff. We don’t have to have sex.”

  “Easy stuff?” She closed her eyes and shook her head softly.

  “Rosalyn, I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  She stared at me for a long time, picked up her bong, and took another long toke. “You won’t tell anybody?”

  “Tell anybody what? That you have sex toys?”

  She kicked me with her foot. “No, dummy. I mean, you won’t tell anybody that we kissed?”

  I zipped up my lips and threw away the key. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

  She stood up and paced the small living room. “And if we decide to have a little more ‘fun,’ as you put it, you won’t tell anybody?”

  “Christ almighty, Rosalyn, of course not.”

  “Well, you need to learn how to kiss a girl. What if I taught you that?”

  “I do need to learn, don’t I?”

  “Yes, you do, because Jax Priest, you have no idea how to properly kiss a girl.”

  “Well, then, I’m all yours.”

  She took another toke from the bong, coughed, and said, “You are pretty darn cute. If you weren’t so darn cute and sweet—”

  “So what do I do?”

  “Come here.” We sat on the sofa together. “Well,” she said, turning to face me, “I’ll put my lips on yours, you make your mouth nice and relaxed, and then I’ll slip my tongue inside your mouth. Keep your tongue relaxed, and then you put it in my mouth. It’s nice if you touch my face while you’re kissing me, maybe touch my hair, stroke my back, and you don’t need to keep your eyes closed even though most people do. I like looking at the person I’m kissing. Ready?”


  She leaned into me and put those warm, pillowy lips on mine. I did everything she instructed and relaxed my mouth while the rest of my body went on high alert.

  “Mmm.” She pulled away and gazed at me. “Not bad.”

  She kissed me again. I stroked her face and hair the way she’d told me to, and then drew her head closer to mine, wanting to swallow her whole.

  “Slow down, there, babe. Take it nice and easy to start.”

  We kissed again, and my body felt like it was on fire, my hard-on straining against my jeans. I wanted to unzip my pants and touch it, but I was determined to play by Rosalyn’s rules. Her breathing was getting rushed, and I didn’t think I would last much longer if we kept this up. Abruptly, she pushed away.

  “I don’t know about this. I’m getting too excited.” She turned away and petted Leo.

  “Come on Roz, it’s me you’re with. I’m not gonna hurt you.”

  She jumped up off the sofa, grabbed one of her crystals off her altar to hold in her hands like she was praying, and looked out the window. She took a few deep breaths. After what seemed like hours, she said, “We can’t keep going on like this, but it feels like we have to get it out of our systems. So, what about if we have a little … a little session together where we don’t touch each other?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “One session, just so you can see what it looks like when a woman has an orgasm. If you promise me this will be the last time … I could show you how I like to touch myself while you watch. And you show me how you like to touch yourself while I watch. “But Jax, you have to promise me that this will be the last time you bug me about this.”

  Holy fuck! The earth fell out from underneath me. My heart sped up, my body flushed with heat, and I had the most indecent image of Rosalyn with her vibrator.

  “Will you show me what those pink things that look like thimbles do?”

  “Gimme my bong before I change my mind.”

  She took a long toke, keeping her eyes on me the whole time. Then we went into her bedroom. The first thing she did was hand me a towel. “You’re going to need this.”

  Rosalyn gave very strict instructions about what we were going to do.

  “You lay down on the bed with your head on the pillows,” she said. “Don’t take any of your clothes off, just unzip your jeans.” She reached into the drawer and pulled out a pink dildo that had an attachment on the front that looked like a rabbit with long bunny ears.

  “Are you going to use those thimble things?” I said, my voice shaking.

  “Hang on bucko,” she said, swaying over the drawer and removing the case with the pink thimble things. She held them up with a smile. “Got your pants unzipped? Good.” She eyed my hard-on.

  She stepped out of her skirt. Underneath, she wore a pair of lacy underwear. Then she dragged her top over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and I saw her luscious breasts for the first time. I knew I wasn’t going to last long. She took the pink thimble things out of the case, licked the suction cups, and covered her nipples with them.

  “Now, I’m going to lie down this way,” she said, placing a pillow on the foot of the bed. “And you watch.”

  She pulled her panties down, and when she lay down on the bed spreading her legs, I saw her pink sweetness and came immediately. I thought for sure I was going to lose consciousness, but then I’d miss watching Rosalyn masturbate. I forced my breathing to slow down.

  Rosalyn smiled. “You’re so cute. Now it’s my turn.” She closed her eyes, turned on the vibrator and slowly slid it inside. The rabbit ears made contact with the outer part of her most sensitive spot, and she started moaning, her head moving slowly from side to side. I heard the blood whooshing through my head. I reached out to touch her leg, but she opened her eyes and said, “No touching,” then went back to slowly moving the vibrator in and out.

  I’d never seen a woman naked before. The most I’d seen was the girls I made out with who’d let me take their tops off and feel their tits, so seeing Rosalyn completely naked using her sex toys was the most lewd, erotic thing I had ever experienced.

  My whole body burned like I had a fever. I touched myself again.

  Rosalyn’s breathing became shallower and faster. Then, her expression changed, she threw her head to the side, moaning, “Oh yeah baby. I’m … I’m coming. Oh … God.” She gazed at me through hooded eyes just as I orgasmed again, a fine sheen of sweat covering my body.

  My body tingled all over and my head felt like it was floating. I was actually lying next to Rosalyn’s naked body! I wanted to jump on top of her and cover her, feel her warm flesh, kiss her again, maybe have sex with her if she’d let me. But then, she jumped up, put on her robe, and rushed out of the room to feed Leo.

  “You need to get home and do your homework,” she yelled from the kitchen.

  I wiped myself off with the towel, zipped my jeans up, and sauntered into the kitchen. “Can we practice kissing again?” I stood behind her and brushed her hair aside to kiss her neck.

  She whipped around and gave me a warm kiss on the cheek. “I need to do some stuff for school. Now get your butt home.” She surveyed me for a moment. “Remember what I said. This was the first and last time. I expect you to get it out of your head.”

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”


  Riding my skateboard home, everything glowed and pulsed with life. The air felt soft, and the fragrance of roses and the sea filled my nostrils. I couldn’t believe what
had just happened. My head nearly burst from happiness. Rosalyn said this would be the last time, but I was hoping I could convince her to let me kiss her again, maybe touch her, maybe more. The feel of her lips was still branded on mine.

  My smile lit my whole body.

  I was in love.


  Was I suffering from some type of psychological disturbance? What I had done with Jax was unacceptable. Terrible thoughts flew through my head. I saw visions of someone walking in on us together.

  But we hadn’t done anything other than kiss, right? Yeah, right, Rosalyn, try to convince yourself of that.

  I had to stop this. Now.

  I bustled about the house, throwing dirty laundry into my hamper, distractedly throwing dishes into the sink to be washed. About fifteen minutes after Jax left, there was a knock at the door. I stalked the few steps across the living room, my body erupting in turmoil, thinking it was Jax. I was prepared to tell him that he needed to leave, tell him that I’d suffered some kind of psychotic break, tell him, I don’t know, tell him to leave me alone.

  But it wasn’t Jax. It was Lydia.

  She stood at the door with a neatly folded stack of white sheets in her arms. “Hi Roz, you ready for our project?” My body froze with fear, my heart thudding against my ribcage. I’d forgotten Lydia was coming over. I glanced at the clock.

  “I thought you said you’d be here at four thirty,” I said.

  “I did?” She consulted her wristwatch. “Ah well, I guess I’m thirty minutes early. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, come on in.” She brushed past me, walking into my apartment. Standing in the middle of the living room, her arms clutched the sheets to her chest.

  I stood motionless, my hand on the front door for what seemed like hours. I closed the door so hard that the windows vibrated. Lydia jumped a little then laughed. “Look at who doesn’t know her own strength.”

  My body broke out in a sweat, my face flushed. “Hey, sit down, and I’ll get you something to drink.” My eyes darted frantically around the room. “Give me a sec while I change into an old T-shirt.”


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