Maples, Strawberries and Fairy Tales (Leaves of a Maple Book 4)

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Maples, Strawberries and Fairy Tales (Leaves of a Maple Book 4) Page 6

by Haley Jenner

  “Enjoy, lovers,” Toby sings, turning back to Archer.

  I pull my hand away as soon as we turn the corner, shaking it out like touching her has scorched my skin. Touching Frankie is a hard limit. One I can’t let myself cross. Not again.

  Carnation is now my home. Jake and his family are quickly becoming the same for me, and that includes Frankie. We both need this. The connection, the friendship this group offers us. We need it. I won’t ruin it for her by letting a bit of sexual tension consume us. Truth be told, I won’t let her ruin it for me in the same way.

  The Wedding


  Everyone settled, I watch my dads talking quietly to Aleksandar and Marie, Will gooing over the stroller and a sleeping Emeli.

  Annabelle and I share a concerned look as I glance at my watch and she shrugs her shoulders, moving to stand up. I shake my head, holding a hand out to gesture her to stay seated.

  “I’ll find him,” I mouth quietly, sure not to alarm any of the other guests as I skirt along the edge of the room in search of my best friend.

  I find him pacing just outside the door, his palms running roughly over his face.

  “Dude, ceremony should’ve started ten minutes ago. What’s up?”

  I close the door softly, shutting away the rest of the guests.

  He pauses his marching, hands moving to his hips in uncertainty. It’s a look so out of place on him that I nearly laugh.

  Shaking his head, he turns his gaze away from mine, drilling holes into the door at my back.

  “What if I fuck it up? What if the biggest moment in Adam and Will’s lives, is a fucking train wreck, because of me?”

  Huh. Go figure. Will was right, Archer is in panic mode.

  “Archer,” I placate, moving closer to him, hands clasping his shoulders, to force his eyes to mine. He concedes, reluctantly, his nostrils flaring in distress. “My dads respect the fuckin’ hell outta you. Everyone in that room does. I do.”

  His Adam’s apple bobs with the effort to swallow down the emotion constricting his throat.

  “You can push it aside all you want, but you’re a hero, whether you care to admit it or not. Not only have you served our fuckin’ country, you fought your way outta hell, and you’ve fought fuckin’ hard.”

  I clear my throat, his green eyes boring into mine with a glassy intensity. “You’re a rock for us all, man. You’ve never stopped serving, brother. The support you throw at each and every one of us.” I shake my head, struggling to find my words. “You’re the core of our family. The strength.”

  “My dads wanted their wedding to be intimate, Archer. Personal. They didn’t want a stranger officiating a moment they’ve waited their entire lives for. They wanted to be married by someone they admired, someone they loved.

  Quiet sits between us, save the heaviness of our breathing. “And I’m proud as fuck that they chose my best friend.”

  Archer’s eyes close over, a tear escaping the confines of his eye sockets and I’m a little stunned at the show of emotion. He clears it away as quickly as it fell, inhaling heavily.

  “You couldn’t fuck this. Even if you tried. You stand up. You marry them with love in your heart. You declare them husband and husband. Then we all get drunk.”

  He barks out a cough of quiet laughter, our gaze locking as he nods confidently. Pulling me into a tight embrace, his palm squeezing at my neck before stepping back.

  “Just so you know, proud as fuck of the person you are too, brother.”

  I smile wide. “Ready?”

  Exhaling forcefully, he cracks his neck. “As I’ll ever be.”

  A quiet calm falls over Annabelle as Archer and I make our way into the room. The crowd of people is small, intimate, exactly the way Adam and Will wanted. The room isn’t ostentatious. Instead, an understated elegance transforming the space into something that is no longer just a venue, but a memory everyone here will carry for the rest of their lives. Large bouquets of white roses are artfully placed on platforms by the side of a small altar. Wide lighted chandeliers hang from the ceiling, offering a muted light throughout the space.

  I watch on as Archer approaches my dads; his hand clasping tightly onto Adam’s. Will moves in, a laugh shared as he embraces Archer tightly, gripping his shoulders in affection. Soft murmurs are shared between the three of them and having settled into their seats, the guests watch in a warm fondness.

  Clearing his throat, Archer moves to the altar, Adam and Will close behind and my throat tightens immediately. Darci’s small hand finds mine, our fingers entwining. Looking down at her smiling face, she reaches to join our lips quickly.

  “Love you, Riding Hood.”

  “Love you, Bennett.”

  My eyes fall to Emeli, tucked warmly in her stroller and my free hand moves to rest on the gentle up and down movement of her belly as she sleeps soundly.

  Fuck. So much love. In this room. Inside of me. For the two girls in my life. For my family. Lifting my eyes, I take in the people that make up my tribe.

  Jake sits comfortably in between Annabelle and Aubrey; his arm thrown along the back of Annabelle’s chair, Aubrey cuddled into his side, their hands entwined. Toby and Willow are next to them; Willow’s back angled against her husband’s chest, his arm resting over her shoulder to hold her hand. Frankie and Luca behind them, not touching, but talking quietly, smiles easily exchanged. Janie, her man, Aleksandar, Marie, my best friend, and my parents all in the same place. These are my people. My family.

  Archer’s quiet burr filters through the room, legalities recited as he officiates.

  Adam and Will share their softly spoken vows. No flashy declarations, just warm words of mutual love and respect, of adoration and life promises. Tears are shed, smiles shared and laughter had. A ceremony that was totally and completely encompassing of both my dads. I’m a proud son. The two men in my life taught me, through example, how important love is. They taught me that when you find that person that will hold your heart for eternity, there should be no restrictions, no shackles. That love, real love is greatest in its purest form. There is no need to hide away from who you are, because when you let your soulmate bury themselves within the fragile confines of your heart, they love you without condition, flaws and all.

  “Before I use the power vested in me,” Archer speaks quietly to Adam and Will. Only them, the rest of us mere eavesdroppers in a private moment. “I just wanted to thank you, for honoring me in the way you have today.” Pausing for a moment, he glances to Belle, his chest expanding heavily with the breath he takes before continuing. “I respect and admire you both. A whole lot. I hope with everything that when the time comes, and Belle and I decide to bring a life into this world, my kid looks at me the way Ben does you. With love, with pride, with respect. Thank you for showing me what a dad should look like.”

  My heart stutters in my chest, skipping on its rhythm as tears hit my cheeks before I’ve realized they’ve formed in my eyes. Pulling my emotional gaze away from my dads, my eyes seek Archer’s. He dips his chin and I offer him the same. A silent acknowledgment of a lifelong friendship, a bond that’s gifted us more than we could’ve ever expected.

  My head turns, searching for Toby and pulling his glassy stare from Archer, he taps a fist on his chest as his eyes meet mine and I return the gesture.

  “Now,” Archer coughs, pulling the attention of every watery eyed guest at the wedding. “It’s my greatest honor, with the power vested in me by the state of Washington, to pronounce you husband and husband.” His hands clap together in joy, a wicked smile transforming his severe features in unbridled happiness. “Let’s see a kiss.”

  Toby’s loud holla echoes through the room and standing, I clap my hands together as loud as I can. Proud as a motherfucker and just as happy. The rest of the party follows my lead, the kiss sealing my dads’ marriage met with loud applause, joyful laughter and face splitting smiles.

  Just the way it fucking should be.

  Emeli screams
blue fucking murder as I change her diaper, her little face turning red with the effort to cry as loud as she possibly can.

  “Baby girl, Daddy ain’t hurting you. He’s making sure you go home with Baba and Djed with a clean butt.”

  She pauses in her cry, her little legs kicking as I secure the diaper around her waist. The reprieve is short lived, her chubby face transforming into a silent squeal before the sound hits again.

  I hum the tune of a random nursery rhyme and her cry stops in her throat, her brown eyes widening in indecision as she listens to the soft sound dancing between us as I clip the buttons of her onesie in place.

  The kid fucking loves music. Much to everyone else’s disgust, it’s given Jake favorite status. She cries her eyes out if anyone other than Darci or I are holding her unless Jake’s in the room. The guy just has to start singing and she lays, cradled in his arms, eyes staring up at him in wonder as he serenades her. Usually to sleep, it’s magic.

  “Lucky we don’t let Auntie Aubrey sing though, hey, baby.” A shiver runs up my spine and her bottom lip pushes out, forcing me to start my hum before the crocodile tears begin again.

  All dressed, I reach her little arms above her head, leaning in close to nibble under her armpits. She giggles, soft and happy bells of laughter that make my heart grow. Pulling back to see her little face, brown eyes smiling up at me, I rub my nose against hers.

  “Little Bird,” I adopt Darci’s nickname, sighing contentedly. “I fucking love you. Never imagined my heart could feel so full in my chest.”

  She goos at me, her little plump lips pushing forward to blow a raspberry. My eyes go wide, joyful shock freezing me in place. “Did you just blow a raspberry?”

  She answers by making the noise again and my face splits into a wide smile.

  “You’re so clever, Emeli.” My voice assumes that stupid as fuck tone we all use with babies; the gah-gah, baby talk that we all vow we’ll never do. I’m not even ashamed I’ve fallen into the trap. My baby girl loves me gooing at her like a fool, and what my baby wants, my baby gets.

  Tipping my tongue out between my lips, I blow a raspberry to her smiling face and she imitates me immediately. Picking her up, I lift her into the air, raising her above my head. She squeals in delight and I bring her back down to kiss her cheeks.

  “Come on, baby girl. I love you, but you are having a sleepover with your grandparents. Momma and Daddy are gonna have some sweet time alone.”

  Cradling her to my chest in one hand, I pick up the baby bag in the other. “And Uncle Archer interrupted a very important moment before. Bad Uncle Archer.”

  She makes no sound at my incessant talking, I like to think listening intently to her daddy’s rambling.

  “Today was a good day, sweet girl. A great day. Every day since your momma and I really met is a great day, but today was extra special.”

  Chapter Six


  The soft scent of vanilla and jasmine dances along her skin, tickling my nostrils. The sweet perfume makes me want to lean down and inhale, draw the sweet nectar of her skin deeper into my senses. She smells like something forbidden, something illicit. Which only makes me crave her more.

  “I just feel it’s right you make a choice. Put these fools outta their misery,” Toby pushes, a slight slur tainting his words.

  I pull myself from thoughts of the way Frankie smells, the addictive scent of her skin and look to Toby, his focus on Will.

  Our usual crew stands around a single table, too many drinks having been consumed, the wedding reception in full swing. The mood is light, good-humored, different conversations echoing against one another.

  Will’s hand drags delicately over his chin, a soft bark of laughter dancing around the table. “Fuck off, not happening. I refuse to buy into your insecurities.”

  The affable taunt makes my body shake in quiet laughter and Will’s blue eyes wink over at me in obvious enjoyment.

  Ben’s dads are good people. The connection they have with his friends are familial, the love shared evident and infectious. I like it. It’s a solid family unit.

  “Hippy boy, Will’s a married man. Stop flirting.” Archer’s laidback jibe forces a makeshift scowl to form on Toby’s face as he pulls Willow closer into his body.

  “You would say that, it’s clear that Adam would choose you. Will,” he whines, “tell me I’m the prettiest.”

  Loud laughter moves around the table, Toby’s bottom lip pushing out in an exaggerated pout.

  “Sorry, Tobias,” Will sighs regrettably. “No can do. Francesca here’s won the lottery. Her date is by far the prettiest,” he gestures toward me and I laugh in spite of myself.

  “The Viking?” Toby slams his beer down in mock outrage as Will saunters away with a wave. “Ridiculous. He’s hideous,” he yells after his retreating form.

  “Totally hideous,” Willow bats her eyelashes at me, inflating a dreamy sigh. She follows it up with a playful wink and I return it, my tongue dragging along my teeth in flirtation.

  I’m boozed. Well and truly. My mind hazy and eyes a little unfocused. I feel relaxed and I’m enjoying the fuck outta myself. Who would’a thought? Me enjoying myself at a wedding. I usually despise the monotony and clichés of the tradition. This crew is starting to show me the fun in the day, the fun in the moment and I curse their loved-up ways, working to thaw my black and tainted heart.

  “Trust me, China,” Toby scoffs, kissing her temple. “He is of no interest to you. He plans on buying his future missus a vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day.”

  A collective hiss falls through the women present and I pause, drink held at my lips. “What?”

  “Oh! Sweet Jesus.” Willow lifts her hands in surrender. “This,” her hand drags along the line of my body, looking ready to shed tears, “is ruined. Baby, no.”

  My chuckle is easy. Placing my beer down and crossing my hands over my chest, I level Willow with my unimpressed gaze. “All right, Willz. Have at it, what did our favorite hippy buy you?”

  Straightening her shoulders, she meets my challenge head on. “He didn’t buy me anything.”

  Lifting a single eyebrow, I wait for her to continue, which she does, triumphantly. “He painted me a picture of his heart.”

  His arms wrap around her waist, chin tucking itself against her shoulder, lips meeting her neck.

  “Literally?” I clarify, a palm coming to rest on my chest, directly over my heart.

  “Painted Willow and Lily,” he answers and moving to her neck, she brings him into focus, smiling tenderly before kissing his lips.

  I watch them for a brief moment, a smile involuntarily touching my lips. “Noted. Draw future wife stick creatures of her and I.”

  “You could just steal her panties,” Frankie retorts on a snort, sipping her champagne innocently and my eyes slide to her.

  “That’s more for me than her.” Our gaze anchors and I arch an eyebrow in defiance.

  “Personally,” Aubrey breaks our trance, “I find the whole concept of keeping ones used panties quite disturbing.”

  “Amen, sister,” Annabelle salutes, lifting her full glass of champagne to tap Aubrey’s empty one.

  Bennett and Darci move away from the unsavory conversation, Bennett leading her to the dance floor in a drunken twirl. She giggles, her cheeks dusted pink in happiness and I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness for them.

  Frankie’s eyes remain glued to them the entire time they dance. A contented glimmer in her eyes as she finishes her drink.

  “Frank, let’s dance.” Archer moves his arm from Annabelle’s waist, his eyes following hers.

  She smiles wide, two dimples pressing into her cheeks and my fists clench unhappily, an unwelcome pierce of jealousy stabbing inside of me.

  “I’d love to.” Her empty glass slides onto the table as the asshole takes her hand, leading her away from the table. I could pretend it was innocent, that he was doing it for Frankie’s benefit, but the side eye he
slides my way, an arrogant smirk twisting at his lips, tells me differently.

  Before I can even reciprocate, and make him beat his fuckin’ man chest in the middle of the wedding, Annabelle grabs Jake’s hand, her hips swaying in time with the music as she leads the way.


  I could ask one of the others girls to dance, but my gaze is locked on Frankie. Or more so on Archer’s hand, currently pressed into her lower back as they sway, her laughter loud, his lips uncomfortably close to her ear as he jokes about God knows fucking what.

  One song morphs into another and they’re still pressed together, my knuckles cracking with every few seconds that passes.

  Tipping my head back, I slam the contents of my beer, pushing the glass onto the table without care. Without letting myself second-guess, I move through the dance floor, eyes honed in on the beauty in the green dress.

  Archer sees me coming, stepping away on a pleased as fuck smile as I move into his space without muttering a single word. He gets what I’m saying clear enough, my eyes cutting through his in dismissive warning. I don’t know what the asshole is playing at. What he plans to achieve. All I know for certain is that the guy’s a complete prick. I see the way Frankie looks at him. The longing in her face. The admiration, the flirtation dancing in her eyes. Maybe she’s not into him specifically, but she wants a guy like him.

  Immovable. Possessive. Dominant. A man with strong family values that dictate his every thought and action. She wants a soldier, a fighter, someone who will love her obsessively. It pisses me off that she sees these qualities in the guy who seems hell-bent on pushing me out of his family clique.

  Frankie’s eyes widen slightly as I move in to pull her body against mine. The selfish cut of my stare bores into her midnight eyes, daring her to reject me, to try and push me away. My jaw locked tight, my hand slides down her back feeling the sway of her lower back, the pout in her spine leading to her delicious peached-shaped ass. An ass I’ve felt in my palms. An ass I’ve squeezed the soft, naked flesh of as I pounded into her willing body; as she begged for me to go harder, deeper before coming in a million pieces over my eager dick.


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