Maples, Strawberries and Fairy Tales (Leaves of a Maple Book 4)

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Maples, Strawberries and Fairy Tales (Leaves of a Maple Book 4) Page 7

by Haley Jenner

  Her arms tentatively hook around my shoulders, her chest pushing against mine and I close my eyes in relief.

  The song changes, a pulsating beat running along the melody and our bodies move in sync. Hips kissed together they roll in time with the thick bass echoing around us and I’m taken back to the first time I saw her. The urgent and fevered attraction that caught us both off guard. That spiraled into a quick, dirty and satisfying-as-all-hell fuck in the back corner of a seedy bar.

  Bottom lip skating roughly against her teeth, the fire in her eyes burns like gasoline hypnotizing me. Fuck. How is it possible to want someone so fucking bad?

  Our lips sit a breath apart, not quite touching, but not exactly apart and I fight heavily against my need to breach that edge of space. God, to taste her again, to let her wicked lips caress mine, to feel the soft eagerness of her tongue brush against mine. My hand fists at her back, sliding to her hip and gripping her hard. I turn her body without instruction, my possessive grasp on her body moving her at will. She lets me move her without resistance and I growl, deep in my throat, imagining the things I could do to her body.

  Back against my chest, my heart beats heavily at her shoulder blade, letting her feel the effect she has on me, pissing me off big time. I don’t need Francesca Walker knowing how much she tears me up inside. But I can’t control it, and right now, at this minute, a little drunk and a whole lot turned on, I can’t bring myself to pull away from her intoxicating aura.

  My cock lengthens in my pants, feeling her pert ass grind into my crotch, driving me wild with my need to feel inside of her. My left hand moves up to her thick mane of hair. Brushing it off her neck gently, I wrap it along my knuckles, pulling hard to force her neck to arch. She whimpers at the contradiction in my touch, the soft caress echoed with the bite of my need to remain in control. The quiet desperation in the sound sends me wild, my nose skating along the tempting line of her neck.

  Left hand still bound in her hair, my right hand caresses the naked skin of her thigh that peeks from the evil split in her dress. My touch is feather light, fingertips barely touching the smooth skin in restrained need. Pushing her knee outwards, the split grows, gifting me greater access to the delicate skin and I groan against her neck.

  She’s naked under this dress. Completely fucking bare. All I need to do was trace my fingertips up a little farther and I’d feel her. I’d brush against the damp heat of the one place I want into more than I want my next fuckin’ breath. I’d slide my fingers against the swollen lips of her cunt, feeling how much I can turn her on by only the tease of my touch.

  Inhaling the sweet scent of her skin, my eyes open, teeth biting in her neck in tortured desire. My stare flickers across the room, to our friends, all dumbfounded and focused in on Frankie and I, all but fucking on the dance floor.

  I pull away from her like she’s fire. A blazing fuckin’ inferno that’s just set me alight. My palm rubbing roughly against my jaw in disbelief, my breathing racks heavily through my body. Glancing to me, then to our friends, Frankie swallows down her embarrassment, a deep shade of red crawling up her neck.

  “Fuck are you doin’ to me, Frankie? Evil pull of easy pussy is leading me by my dick, and I don’t fuckin’ like it.”

  She recoils, the force of my words compelling her feet backward. Pain slices across the beauty of her features, working to suffocate me in regret and I’m caught between my need to comfort her, to apologize and my need to get as far as fuck away from her as I can.

  She makes the decision for me, turning on her heel without a word and moving from the room with a quiet dignity.

  Fuck. I’m an asshole. I rub my palms over my face and without letting myself question my mental state for the umpteenth time tonight, I move after her without delay.

  “FRANKIE! Wait.”

  She moves faster, the tail of her dress flying behind her in pissed off elegance. Classy as all hell and I just called her easy. Would’ve done the same damage calling her a whore. I guess in a way I did.

  Chasing her through the door, I follow her down a darkened corridor. “Frankie. Babe. I’m sorry. That was outta line.”

  She whirls on me, the telltale sign of tears running tracks along her cheeks, filling her eyes as quickly as they fall.

  “Fuck you,” she spits. “Who do you… How dare… Fuck. You.” Her hand flies at my chest, pushing me back.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m an asshole. I didn’t mean it the way it came out. You’re confusing the fuck outta me, Crazy Girl. I can’t find any sense when you’re around.” My hands brace the back of my head, my neck tipping backward on a frustrated growl.

  “Jesus, Luca. Sense? You think you’re alone in that. I get so fucking lost in you, Luke. I don’t know how to act. Are we friends? I don’t know. I don’t think so, I’d like to be, but you avoid me most of the time.”

  Stepping closer, I drag a thumb along the socket of her eye, drying the tear that falls from her lashes. “Don’t know how to be your friend, Francesca.”

  She swallows heavily, and the step I take forward, she takes back. “Being your friend scares me,” I whisper as her back hits the wall.

  “You’re kinda doing it wrong anyway.”

  My eyebrows lift in intrigue, my cock once again ruling my overzealous reaction to this girl. “Do tell.”

  “Well,” she starts, her thigh pushing outward to let my hips to fall heavily against her apex. “Friends don’t steal other friend’s panties.”

  I work to suppress the grin threatening at my lips. “Hmmm,” I nod in thought. “God. What kind of friend would steal your panties. Sounds like a creep.”

  My lips dance over hers, the soft cushion of skin catching on mine, pulling her bottom lip down. “Total creeper,” she breathes, and I seal my mouth over hers, letting my tongue dive into her mouth.

  She groans. Boldly. The sound rough and heavy in the darkened hall. Dropping against her completely, I lift her leg, wrapping it around my waist to let the straining need of my cock hit the heat I’ve been craving since the bar. Even with the barrier of my pants, I’m in fucking heaven and I grind shamelessly against her.

  “Jesus, Crazy Girl. What are we doin’?” I speak against her lips, letting my fingers trail along the back of her thigh.

  She takes a breath to answer, the sound skipping in her throat as my fingers reach their destination.

  “Dripping,” I snarl, my tongue dipping into her mouth the same time I slide two fingers inside her body.

  A silent scream is swallowed by my kiss and I let my fingers dance inside her body. Massaging the sweet little spot, dragging in and out and making her gasp for more, beg for me to go deeper.

  “Last time you refused me names,” I pant into her mouth. “This time when you come, you say my name. You thank me for making you come so hard.”

  She whimpers. Her pussy convulses. I grind my granite-like cock against her, wishing like anything I was balls deep but not ready to let go of the feel of her soaking my hand. Of her pussy walls contracting heavily against my thick fingers.

  “I fucking give up.” We both startle at the sound of Archer’s voice.

  On instinct, my body pushes against Frankie’s, hiding any view he may have of her. Not that I need to, he gives us his back immediately, hands braced at the back of his head. “Bleach for my fuckin’ eyeballs. Valentine’s Day and everyone fucks like rabbits.”

  Clearing his throat, he stops his exit. “Frank. Babe. Was just checkin’ you were okay. Reckon you’re more than, so I’m out.”

  Our eyes watch his exit and as soon as he disappears from my line of sight, my fingers begin their assault once again.

  “Luca. God. Stop…. Everyone knows, ah,” she arches into my touch.

  “You want me to stop?” I tease, my voice soaking with a drawl of disbelief, my fingers slowly dragging from her body.

  Her small palm flies to my arm, wrapping tightly around my bicep to keep me in place and I smile in triumph. She groans at that. “
Fuck. You’re way too pretty for your own good, Thor.”

  Thrusting my fingers deeper, I curl them up to tickle her G-spot, my hips rolling against her clit. “Luca,” I mouth against her ear. “Not Thor, Luca.”

  She comes undone at the quiet bite in my demand, my lips tickling her earlobe.

  “Luca,” she follows my instruction, my name a whispered plea from her lips, her body convulsing powerfully. The violence in her orgasm is enough to drop her legs out from beneath her, but my hips keep her body upright, still pinning her to the wall.

  “Good girl.” I kiss her lips, pulling my fingers from her body, letting her stabilize her footing before stepping back. Righting her dress with one hand, I lick her orgasm from my other.

  “You taste like sin.”

  Dark eyes drunk with lust, her gaze cuts across the swell stretching my dress pants. My cock dying to escape the confines of the material.

  “Frankie.” Jake’s voice hits us before he does, giving us ample time to step away from the intimacy of our stance. His stare pauses on us for a second, uncertainty plaguing his eyes before he dismisses it. “’Nother set, babe. You good to go?”

  Her eyes flick back to me, down the length of my body, a small smile tipping her kiss-swollen lips up. “Raring.”

  She takes three steps before she turns back, her tongue wetting her lips. “Nice... chat, friend.”

  The taste of her orgasm still dancing along my tongue, I look to the ceiling, a defeated sigh escaping in a puff of air.

  “Friend. I can do that.” Truth is, I don’t have a choice. She’s either in my life as a friend, or she’s not in it at all. Scary as it is to admit, I don’t want to consider that possibility. I like her. Which may be dangerous, but I’m man enough to admit it.

  Friends. No benefits.

  I nod, ignoring the giant fucking erection tightening my pants and the taste of her pussy on my lips.

  I can do that….

  Chapter Seven


  Moving back across the dance floor, I shake my head to rid the images of what I just saw from my brain.

  Jesus. Fuck. What is wrong with everyone? Have they never heard of fuckin’ privacy?

  “She okay?” The husk of Belle’s voice hits me before I see her and I stare down at her pretty face, brown eyes wide with concern.

  “Better than,” I grumble, and she reads my meaning well enough, her lips clamping together to contain the laughter wanting to spill from her pouty mouth.

  “Ain’t fuckin’ funny, Belle Baby. I’ve seen way too much cock and pussy, that ain’t mine or yours, then I can fuckin’ handle today.”

  She loses the battle with her laughter, the throaty sound, soft and subtle, tickling my eardrums. Heaven. Her laugh. It’s my fucking heaven. I’ve been craving that sound to no end. Needing to see that full smile stretching her cushy lips. Her emotions have been all over the place these last few weeks and I can’t seem to get a handle on what the fuck is happening.

  She’s beyond happy one minute.

  Pissed off to no end a moment later.

  Turned the fuck on the next.

  Then come the tears.

  Over every fucking thing. A sappy TV commercial, she sobs. A bunch of roses died two days earlier than she anticipated; she cried on and off for an hour.

  I can’t keep up. I’ve tried everything. Talking to her. Being quietly supportive. Getting pissed off. Fucking it out of her. But nothing works. She just keeps shutting me out and I can’t pinpoint why.

  Stepping into her body, my knuckle finds her chin, lifting it silently to drag her lips up to meet mine. Relaxing into my kiss, she falls against me, her palms opening against my chest. My tongue invades her mouth leisurely and the feel of her delicate moan vibrates all the way down to my dick.

  “God. How is it possible to be so turned on all the fucking time?” she whispers, her teeth pulling at my bottom lip as she pulls from our kiss. Her chocolate colored eyes swirl with untamed lust, her pouty lips sit lightly agape, puffy from our kiss. A wet dream. The only way to describe my wife, a wet fucking dream come to life.

  Grabbing her hand, her feet move fast to keep up with my large strides as I drag her from the room. Pushing through the entrance doors, I look around for a split second before pulling her into the ladies’ bathroom. Dropping her hand, I move through the small space, pushing every door open to make sure we don’t have an audience. Belle’s orgasms are mine. Every last shudder. Every desperate cry and fevered moan. It’s all mine, ain’t no one ever gonna hear the sound of my girl come except me.

  Turning back, I pause, staring at my wife in complete worship. She’s so fucking beautiful it hurts. My heart can’t keep its rhythm. It aches when we’re apart. It speeds up when we touch. And when she looks at me the way she is right now, it stutters in my chest, robbing me of breath.

  “Ever told you I love you?”

  Tears drop from her big brown eyes and I stalk toward her with purpose, not stopping until her back hits the door and I’m fitted firmly against her.

  “Once or twice,” she answers with a watery smile.

  Cupping her cheeks, my eyes close as my lips drop to hers, inhaling heavily to pull her flowery scent into my body. “In case you’ve ever had reason to doubt it, know it’s true. The realest thing I’ve ever known is the love I have for you. It consumes me, Belle. I feel suffocated by it and I can’t get enough. I love you.”

  My voice cracks as I speak and I don’t understand the unprovoked emotion fleecing my ability to find calm.

  I feel desperate. I need her to connect with me, to trust me, to lean on me with whatever is fucking up her psyche right now.

  Her lips meet mine fiercely and I can’t deny that I need her in the same way. She crawls up my body the same time I lift her, pushing her dress up her hips. Her hands work fervently at my pants, yanking and pulling at my belt. In the end, she gives up, her hands shaking too heavily with need. Pulling the low cut of her dress aside, her tits fall out, their heaviness taunting me with her pebbled pink nipples.

  I finished ripping my belt open, flicking my top button and before I can yank my dick from my boxers, she stops me, her small hand pushing mine aside.

  Eyes focused down, she pulls lightly at the waistband of my boxers, bringing the thick root of my cock into view. Her breath stutters at the smooth line, the hint of veins peeking from my pants. The hopeless urgency in the cry that escapes her perfectly parted lips could bring me to my knees. Rough and needy, a whimper that morphs into the sexiest fucking moan I’ve ever heard.

  “So pretty,” she breathes, leaning forward to kiss me, palm moving to pull the thick swell of my dick out.

  No words are exchanged as I push the tiny cut of her panties to the side, sliding every broad inch of me inside her slick heat.

  Her stomach hollows out, pushing her back forcefully into the door, mouth opening on a silent cry. The growl ripped from my throat as I hit the deepest, most intimate part of her body isn’t as quiet, the coarse sound echoing through the bathroom.

  I fuck her slowly. It’s hard. Unrelenting in the most intimate of ways. The hooded pleasure in our gaze anchors and as hard as I fuck her, we know it’s love. Fiery, unrestrained, obsessive feeling. The way we love one another.

  It doesn’t take long for her face to fall against my shoulder, her teeth biting the material of my dress shirt as she comes violently, my name a choked plea from her lips. I follow her without delay, my teeth piercing the delicate line of her neck as I groan out her name, telling her I love her.

  Kissing the angry red mark on her neck, I pull back to see a tear drop down her cheek. “I love you, Arch.”

  My heart seizes in my chest, my eyes skating over her face in concern. “Belle Baby, you’re killin’ me here. You gotta talk to me.”

  Her legs drop from my waist and I growl in protest as I fall from her heat, her body sliding down mine. Righting her dress, I watch for a charged moment before following her lead, tucking my semi-har
d cock back into my boxer and redoing my belt.

  Her hands come up to brush her hair from her face, and she smiles at me. It’s such a fucking contradiction to the tears; pure happiness transforming her entire face.

  Taking a breath to speak, she steps forward, hands wrapping around my waist. Worst timing in history, the bathroom door opens, hitting her back forcefully. A grunt of pain coughs from her lips as Aubrey’s face pops through the small crack of space.

  “Ah. Payback, brother. Sorry, lovers. Busting to pee, you all done?”

  Moving to my side, Belle gives Aubrey the space to step into the bathroom, Darci on her heels. Darci’s amber eyes glassed over with booze skates over both Belle and I, a sinful smile crawling onto her face.

  “Not even sorry,” she shrugs, a light slur carrying on her words. “You interrupted a mind-blowing orgasm earlier. Not cool, man.”

  A bark of laughter escapes before I can contain it, shock causing my eyebrows to rise.

  “You too?” Belle questions, glancing between me and Darci.

  “Me too?” Darci’s brow furrows in confusion.

  “He walked in on poor Jake and Aubrey earlier,” Belle clarifies.

  “Willow and Toby too,” Aubrey adds. “Willz told me she was mid-ride when our favorite broody hero interrupted.”

  Belle looks at me in shock, and I clear my throat uncomfortably.

  “Ain’t on purpose. I can’t unsee that shit,” I gesture at my eyes and they all giggle.

  “Wait,” Belle stops. “He stumbled across Luca and Frankie mid sexy time too. Oh my God, baby. You’ve about seen everyone going at it.”

  “I didn’t see shit with the asshole and Frank, babe. Don’t start rumors,” I grumble.

  “You just need to stumble across Adam and Will on their wedding night and you’ll be complete. Wait. Did you just say Luca and Frankie?”


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