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The Rise of the Fourth Reich

Page 33

by Jim Marrs

  Despite Nazi hostility to Christianity and thanks to Goebbels’s propaganda, many Germans believed that Hitler was heaven-sent. A Cologne children’s prayer began, “Fuehrer, my fuehrer, bequeathed to me by the Lord.” And, with the notable exception of some anti-Nazi clerics such as Pastors Martin Niemoeller and the martyred Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German congregations all fell into lockstep with the Nazi government. Many churchgoers were zealous Nazis, but many were simply hesitant or afraid to speak up against their noisy fellow members.

  “We will discover that the Nazi era shouts its lessons to the church of America,” concluded the Reverend Erwin W. Lutzer, senior pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, who made a detailed study of the National Socialists’ seduction of German Christians. He stated: “It warns us, challenges us, and forecasts what might happen in the days ahead. Whether we heed its warnings, accept its challenges, and recognize its subtle deceptions is up to us.”

  GERMANY IN THE 1930s was a predominantly religious nation with the majority divided between Catholics and Lutherans. The fascist globalists realized that the multisectarian United States could not be brought under one religious control system. Through their corporate control over the large media outlets, these would-be global rulers have instituted a decades-long campaign to undermine and discredit organized religion, regardless of denomination. Some wayward TV evangelists and Catholic priests have only exacerbated this campaign.

  There also appears to be a movement to control the church’s message in the campaign for the 2008 election. According to a June 2007 CNN press release, the TV network “will serve as the exclusive broadcaster of a presidential candidate forum on faith, values and politics during the Sojourners ‘Pentecost 2007’ conference in Washington, D.C…. The Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners and author of the best-selling book God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, has invited Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. John Edwards and Sen. Barack Obama to share their ideas and proposals about pressing social issues with a special emphasis on poverty.” Soledad O’Brien, a CNN anchor and correspondent, was asked to moderate the forum.

  Jim Wallis in 1971 founded Sojourners, an organization that wishes “to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world.” Detractors accuse Wallis of attempting to divide evangelical Christians to the benefit of secular liberals. In an open letter, William J. Anderson, a teacher of economics at Maryland’s Frostburg State University, accused Wallis of serving as a leftist political operative for the 2004 presidential campaign of John Kerry. Anderson wrote: “I am familiar enough with you [Wallis] and Sojourners to know that much of what you have written reeks of the worst kind of hypocrisy…. the central theme of Sojourners from day one…has been anticapitalism.”

  According to a special report by the Traditional Values Coalition, which claims to be the largest nondenominational, grassroots church lobby in America, “Throughout the history of Sojourners, Wallis has taken a consistently left-wing and anti-American stance. He was an antiwar activist against the Vietnam War…. Wallis is also a darling of the liberal media. He is often quoted in articles critical of conservative Christians or of President Bush’s faith.” The report goes on to accuse Wallis of supporting socialist programs, noting that while Wallis was in seminary, he founded a magazine he named Post-American. Within its pages, Wallis called for the redistribution of wealth and for government-managed economies, described as “social justice.” Other critics saw Wallis as an example of the plutocracy’s propensity for supporting—and thus controlling—both sides of an issue.

  While Obama in early 2008 was criticized for intemperate remarks by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, little attention was given to Hillary Clinton’s longtime active participation with a secretive Capitol Hill prayer and Bible study group known as “The Family” or “The Fellowship.” According to an article by Barbara Ehrenreich posted on The Nation Web site, a former member of The Family—Jeff Sharlet—described the group’s real work as “knitting together international networks of right-wing leaders, most of them ostensibly Christian.” Quoting Sharlet, reporter Ehrenreich wrote that in the 1940s, The Family reached out to former and not-so-former Nazis, and its fascination with that exemplary leader, Adolf Hitler, has continued, along with ties to “a whole bestiary of murderous thugs.”

  Considering Hillary’s ties to the secretive Bilderbergs, her husband’s membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, as well as her work with the Nazi-connected group called The Family, it could be said that she provides a connective tissue between the globalists and their new Fourth Reich.

  Pastor Lutzer described what he saw as attempts to suppress and denigrate Christianity in present-day America. “As the state expands its powers, it can initiate laws that limit the church’s freedom,” he noted. “Consider the phrase ‘separation of church and state.’ Interpreted in one way, it can mean that the church should be free to exercise its influence and practice religion without interference from the state. That kind of separation is exactly what the church in Germany so desperately needed.

  “However, here in America the phrase ‘separation of church and state’ is given a sinister twist by civil libertarians. To them, it means that religious people should not be allowed to practice their religion in the realm that belongs to the state. Religion, we are told, should be practiced privately; the state must be ‘cleansed’ from every vestige of religious influence. By insisting that the state be ‘free for all religions,’ organizations such as the ACLU in effect makes it free for none!”

  Some churches in America are already feeling the eyes of the government on them. In 2007, Pastor Mark Holick of the Spirit One Christian Center in Wichita, Kansas, urged the IRS to brush up on the constitutional freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. This came after his church received a letter from IRS officials warning it against “political activity” and demanding answers to thirty-one questions regarding its beliefs. The IRS particularly cited church signs, such as one reading “[Kansas Governor Kathleen] Sebelius accepted $300,000 from abortionist [name withheld], price of 1,000 babies.”

  Holick notified the IRS that “the church cannot agree to not engage in any activity that may favor or oppose a candidate. Simply preaching the word of God on a moral issue to which a candidate is opposed, may be deemed to oppose a candidate. While it is the church’s policy not to oppose or endorse a candidate for office, it will not stop preaching God’s word.”

  Others have questioned the lack of public concern over a political candidate forum called “Pentecost 2007.” “The Americans United for the Separation of Church and State have suddenly gone mute,” noted Marsha West, founder and editor of the E-Mail Brigade News Report, an online news service for conservative Christians.

  Evangelist Bill Keller, founder of the fifteen-year-old Bill Keller Ministries, which created the Liveprayer with Bill Keller television program and, reportedly the world’s largest interactive Christian Web site, publicly complained that he too faced problems with his right to free speech. He specifically mentioned Americans United for Separation of Church and State, claiming this “liberal group…[would] try and silence churches and ministries by asking the IRS to investigate them for allegedly violating their 501(c)(3) status. Of course, this is designed to intimidate people into silence, even though in 76 previous attempts [they have] yet to be successful in getting anyone’s tax exemption pulled. Our attorneys are confident that nothing I said violated our nonprofit status, but we are now going to be forced to defend ourselves from the IRS.”

  Keller also complained his freedom of speech was being curtailed by Internet corporations. “For the first seven years, we sent our Daily Devotional every day to our subscribers around the world without any problems, including those who use Microsoft e-mail accounts,” he said. “Last Thanksgiving [2006], Microsoft went to
new filters many ISPs are now using to try and reduce spam. These new filters are ‘content filters’ and work off of a dictionary that can have any words added the operator wants. For six months, we have been getting our Daily Devotional blocked sporadically by Microsoft’s servers based on the ‘content’ of my message. This is also happening to other Christian organizations as well as conservative political groups who rely heavily on e-mail. We have done all we can to get Microsoft to rectify this problem, but they have arrogantly failed to even respond…. Even though we could show considerable financial damages over these past six months, we aren’t seeking any money from Microsoft, only that they stop blocking our Daily Devotional from going to our subscribers who use their e-mail accounts.”

  The issue here is not abortion or content but the right of free speech, whether it is a church or an individual. Large mainstream monied churches have long been used as platforms for politicians, both local and national. They seem to fare well but it is the fringe churches and religions where we find long-established freedoms being chipped away.

  FOR THOSE UNAWARE of the tactics of the fascist globalists, it must seem strange that churches can be intimidated by the government much like in Nazi Germany, even with a professed Christian in the White House.

  Some Christians have been less restrained in their comparison between professed fundamental Christianity on today’s political scene and the use of religion in Nazi Germany. “I have been telling conservative Christians that who should be howling at the top of their lungs is not the Liberal Left, it is the Far Right Christian Conservatives, for they are being lied to, seduced, and misled even more so than the Liberal Left. They are being seduced into fascism and that is not Christianity,” wrote Christian Republican Karl W. B. Schwarz, who, probably without knowing of the GOP’s fascist past, nevertheless styled the Bush-dominated Republican Party a “fascist cult.”

  An Online Journal contributing writer, Schwarz stated, “In fact, if you look real close at Bush-Cheney and understand the fundamental dynamics of what brought Hitler to power, how he controlled the masses, how he sold the Great Lie, it is very easy to see that Bush-Cheney ‘compassionate Conservatism’ and Fascism are one and the same. Many hear the term ‘neocon’ and do not recognize that in its current operative sense, it is a term meaning ‘New World Order Fascist.’”

  Whole books have been written about the rise to power in America of the “Religious Right,” a critical support base for the Republican Party. But most people appeared not to notice the parallels between the fascism of Nazi Germany and the conservative Christian movement in America today, both with deep roots in the conservative faction of the population. In America, this faction tends to be pro-business, which makes it a prime target of the fascist globalists, who largely control the corporate life of the nation.

  This faith-based political movement began in the late 1970s with the formation of the Moral Majority, a coalition of Christian conservative groups who were seeking to defeat President Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election. One of its founders was Southern Baptist preacher Pat Robertson, who in 1988 severed all connections with the church in order to run for president on the Republican ticket. Defeated in the primaries, Robertson urged his followers to vote for George H. W. Bush. Robertson went on to become an influential TV evangelist, primarily thanks to the Christian Broadcasting Network he founded in 1961. In 2005, he was forced to apologize for comments interpreted by many as advocating the assassination of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. “I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if [Chavez] thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It’s a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don’t think any oil shipments will stop,” Robertson told his audience.

  Another Moral Majority founder was Jerry Falwell, a televangelist who became a firm supporter of George W. Bush’s Faith-based Initiative. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, Falwell, on Pat Robertson’s 700 Club TV show, said pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU, and everyone else trying to secularize America “helped this happen.” He was found dead in his office of heart failure on May 15, 2007.

  Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL, is the founder of Blackwater USA, a private security contracting firm that has grown into one of the largest private armies in the world. In 2007, Blackwater came under criticism and congressional scrutiny following more than two hundred shooting reports in Iraq, one in September of that year that left seventeen Iraqis dead and more than two dozen wounded.

  Prince’s father, Edgar, a self-made millionaire from selling auto parts, supported the Family Research Council (FRC), a right-wing fundamentalist Christian group close to the Bush administration. Both men were significant contributions to the elections campaigns of George W. Bush. Edgar’s widow served on the boards of FRC and another heavyweight Christian right organization, Dobson’s Focus on the Family. She runs the Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation, of which Erik is a vice president. The foundation gave more than $1 million to the Christian right from July 2003 to 2006.

  Author Jeremy Scahill compared Prince’s private army to Hitler’s “Brownshirt” storm troopers.

  It has been noted that prewar Germany and the United States both had Christian roots, a widespread acceptance of biblical social values, and a basic commitment to private virtue. Pastor Lutzer pointed out that America has differed from Germany in that it has benefited from a constitutional guarantee of the separation of church and state, as well as its history of democracy. But he warned: “Despite the differences, the American church, like that of Nazi Germany, is in danger of wrapping the cross of Christ in some alien flag.”

  Like so many in modern America, most Germans of the 1930s offered no resistance to the ever-encroaching fascism of National Socialism. “Many welcomed the abolition of individual responsibility for one’s actions; for some it is easier to obey than to accept the dangers of freedom,” wrote Gerald Suster in his 1981 book Hitler: The Occult Messiah.

  No one in the area of religion seems able to get a clear picture of what is happening in modern America. The push-pull between liberty and security, scripture and social consciousness appears to have created a stultifying tension. The globalists have found that such ongoing controversies coming from many different directions is an effective mechanism to keep Americans arguing with each other, off balance, and ineffective in uniting to learn the truth behind their New World Order agenda.

  It might be wise to consider the words of the New Testament. On three separate occasions—Matthew 12:31–31, Mark 3:28–29, and Luke 12:10—Jesus specifically stated that all sins can be forgiven, even from those who choose not to believe in Him or have blasphemed against Him. But he stated the one sin that can never be forgiven is to speak against the Holy Spirit. In John 15:26, it states, “But I will send you the Comforter—the Holy Spirit, the source of all truth [Living Bible].” God is truth. Nothing in God’s universe is a lie; it simply exists. Only humans, with our free will, can choose to be deceitful. So to speak against the Holy Spirit is to distort, deform, or deny truth, an insight many politically conservative Christians seem to have missed.

  Truth must be gleaned through study and contemplation. No one, no matter how smart, can make correct decisions without truthful knowledge and understanding, the very cornerstones of wisdom. And knowledge begins with education.



  “EDUCATION IS CRUCIAL…” STATED PROFESSOR GEORGE MOSSE IN his book Nazi Culture, “for if an ideology can be institutionalized through the education establishment, it has won a major battle. The Nazis realized this only too well.”

  Upon close inspection, it will be found that the American education establishment has been created and guided for many years by the progenitors of the globalists who created both communism and National Socialism.

  The oil magnate John D. Rockefeller created the General Education Board (GEB) in 1903 to dispense Rockefeller donations to education. By
1960, it had ceased operating as a separate entity and its programs were rolled into the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1917, the GEB made a $6 million grant to Columbia University to create the New Lincoln School, a private experimental coeducational school in New York City. According to current school literature, the facility engages in “enrolling students from kindergarten through grade 12. Its predecessor was founded as Lincoln School in 1917 by the Rockefeller-funded General Education Board as ‘a pioneer experimental school for newer educational methods,’ under the aegis of Columbia University’s Teachers College.”

  According to Eustace Mullins: “From this school descended the national network of progressive educators and social scientists, whose pernicious influence closely paralleled the goals of the Communist Party, another favorite recipient of the Rockefeller millions. From its outset, the Lincoln School was described frankly as a revolutionary school for the primary and secondary schools of the entire United States. It immediately discarded all theories of education that were based on formal and well-established disciplines, that is the McGuffey Reader type of education, which worked by teaching such subjects as Latin and algebra, thus teaching children to think logically about problems.”

  Other Rockefeller-connected entities that still shape the United States include the Brookings Institution, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Public Administration Clearing House, the Council of State Governments, and the Institute of Pacific Relations. During the Carter administration, a former Rockefeller assistant, Paul Volcker, was named chairman of the U.S. Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System.

  John D. Rockefeller, who claimed to be a devout Baptist, began his attempt to influence American education in the late 1800s, with a $600,000 donation to the American Baptist Education Society for an endowment for the University of Chicago. Between 1890 and 1914, Rockefeller, through the society, handed out close to a million dollars to many different schools. But the lynchpin of his attempt to guide American education was his formation of the National Education Board and the continuing Rockefeller support to the University of Chicago.


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