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Tempting Boundaries

Page 4

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  She blinked, a bit stunned. He was asking her out? She didn’t think he thought of her that way. He was a nice guy, and she hadn’t heard he was a player or anything so that was something. Yeah, they worked together, but a few teachers had dated each other within the school, and the world hadn’t ended. It wasn’t in their contracts that they weren’t allowed to fraternize.

  But still.

  She wasn’t quite ready.

  She needed to get over Decker…or something.

  “Oh, um. I’m really busy.” Not a lie. She did have tons of work to do. She also wanted to check in with her dad about his treatments and then Sierra on the wedding arrangements. She hated hurting people’s feelings. Why couldn’t she just say no? “Maybe some other time.” Why on earth did she say that?

  Jack gave her a quick grin. “No problem. I’ll be sure to take you up on that. Drive safe, Miranda, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She nodded then got in her car. Jack got into his and drove off. Her body relaxed, and she started on her way home. The man was a nice guy and really good looking. She probably should have said yes so she actually had a social life beyond her brothers and sisters, but as she’d told herself before, she wasn’t ready to date someone while she was in love with another person.

  She pulled into her parking lot, grabbed her things, and made her way inside her apartment.

  She screamed when she saw Maya on her couch and her sister’s friend, Jake, looking in the fridge.

  Maya screamed back, and Jake cursed.

  “Damn it. I hit my head on the freezer,” he mumbled. The man was seriously hot, and Miranda didn’t know how Maya kept her hands off him—or if she even did—but that didn’t answer why the two were in her apartment.

  “What the hell?” she said once she caught her breath. She put her things down on the coffee table and scowled at her older sister. “I gave you the key for emergencies. What’s up? You scared the hell out of me.”

  Maya had her hand over her heart then raised her pierced brow. “We’re family, and I wanted to see how your day went.”

  “Plus you had food in your fridge,” Jake said, a bowl of potato salad in his hands.

  “You both have fridges of your own. Go shopping.”

  He smiled at her, and she sighed. Damn he was sexy. Not as sexy as Decker, but whatever. “I like your food. Maya was telling the truth. We wanted to see you.” He plunked himself down in the middle of the couch so Maya was on one side, leaving space on his other side.

  She rolled her eyes then sat down next to them. “I was going to have that for dinner and some cold fried chicken I had left over.”

  “You have chicken? Hold this.” Jake handed over the salad then hopped up. He soon returned with napkins, three spoons and a container of chicken. “We’ll have a couch picnic, and you can tell us about your day.”

  Miranda took a spoon and rolled her eyes. She shouldn’t have been surprised they were here. All her family came in and out of each other’s homes daily because they were always welcome. It was nice to have someone there to ask about her day.

  “I got asked out today,” she said. Maya’s eyes widened, and then she took a bite of her drumstick.

  “So? What’s his name? Is he hot? When are you going out?”

  Miranda laughed and took a thigh. There was just something about cold leftover chicken that made her happy. “His name is Jack. He’s pretty hot. And I said no.”

  “Why? He give you a hard time?” Jake asked. “You want me to beat him up?”

  She smiled and patted Jake’s shoulder. “You’re such a good friend. And he was perfectly nice about it. I’m just not ready to date him right now.”

  “Because you have a thing for Decker?” he asked, and Miranda choked on her bite of chicken.

  Jake immediately took everything out of her hands and pounded on her back. “Sorry. Sorry.”

  “Dude. You don’t just come out and say that,” Maya snapped.

  Miranda wiped her eyes, her hands shaking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Maya gave her a sad smile. “Yes you do, honey. I don’t think the boys know, but Meghan and I do. We’re the M&Ms. We always know when we’re crushing on someone.”

  Considering Miranda had no idea how Maya felt about Jake, she wasn’t too sure about that. Maybe it was just a Meghan and Maya thing.

  “Um. So. I have no idea what to say,” she mumbled.

  Maya gave her a sad smile, and Miranda wanted to ask them both to leave. “Honey, you’ve had a crush on him forever, but I don’t think he’s ever noticed. He’s a guy.”

  “Hey,” Jake put in, “I’m a guy. I noticed.”

  Maya narrowed her eyes. “No. I told you. There’s a difference.” She looked at Miranda again. “And I only did because he’s Jake. I would never tell the brothers or Decker. I only spill the beans on things that are actually happening, not about things that could happen and end up hurting them in the process. It’s up to you to do what you want with Decker, or with Jack for that matter. But remember, if you walk away before you do anything because you’re too scared to do it, you might miss out on something.”

  Miranda nodded, swallowing hard. “I…I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it though. Okay?”

  Maya reached over Jake and took her hand. “I’m here if you need me. I’m always here.”

  Miranda sighed and took a bite of her chicken she’d stolen back from Jake. She knew Maya was right. She needed to talk with Decker, let him know. Not about the depth of her feelings, but at least try…something.

  She’d regret it if she didn’t.

  The cost of what would happen if she ruined it all though?

  That might be worse.

  Much, much worse.

  Chapter Three

  Austin Montgomery gave a low groan then rolled over, bringing Sierra closer to him. He kept his eyes closed, knowing the feel of her—every inch of her—in his calloused hands. She wiggled back, her bottom rubbing along the length of his cock. He’d say it was morning wood, but with his fiancée in the bed, it was all for her, not just some chemical reaction.

  He slowly brought his hand up her side, brushing along the long scars from her past, to cup her breast. Her nipple hardened against his palm, so he rolled the nub between his fingers, enjoying her sleepy gasps.

  She turned over so she was on her back, and he opened his eyes to see her smiling at him. Her long, honey-brown hair framed her face and fanned out on the pillow. He brushed it away from her cheeks, caressing her skin in the process. Damn, she did have soft skin.

  “We’ll have to be quiet,” she whispered. That small smile on her face begged for a kiss, so he pressed his lips to the corner of hers, inhaling her sweet scent.

  He pulled back, and she licked her lips, arching her back to try to reach him.

  He grinned and lowered his lips to hers once more. “You’re the loud one, Legs.” He settled himself between her thighs and slowly worked his way inside her. He’d been running his hands along her body long enough that she was already wet and ready for him. He loved the feel of her around his length, bare, and all his.

  “Then you better kiss me so I don’t shout.”

  He did as he was told, working in and out of her in a lazy, perfect rhythm. He loved waking up by making love to his woman, his fiancée.

  He loved that word.

  He couldn’t wait to call her his wife.

  Soon, he thought. Soon.

  They made love leisurely, and when she came apart in his arms, he took her mouth with his, catching her moans and screams. He followed soon after, emptying himself deep within her.

  “Love you,” she said once they caught their breath.

  He kissed her again. “Love you too.”

  “Sierra! Dad! We’re going to be late!”

  Austin rested his forehead against Sierra’s forehead, holding back a laugh. “Well, at least I’m awake now,” he said quietly to her. “I’ll be out in a minute!”
he shouted to Leif.

  She laughed softly then pushed him up. “Go get your son some breakfast and make sure he has his homework in his bag. I put it there last night, but you know how he takes things out to make sure they’re there then leaves them in another place.”

  Austin rolled his eyes then smacked her bottom as she got up. “Go shower, though I like the thought of me still inside you for the rest of the day.”

  She scrunched up her nose. “Uh no. The idea of you seeping down my leg while at work is so not what I want to think about.”

  He smacked her bottom again, loving the way her eyes darkened at the sting. Oh yeah, his baby needed some time under his hand a bit later. He’d find time. Ever since Leif had come into their lives, they had to hold off on some parts of their relationship, but they were slowly finding a balance. He’d have to treat them both to something sweaty and kinky tonight.

  “I don’t like the look in your eyes, Austin Montgomery.”

  He licked his lips as he put on his jeans, tucking himself in gingerly. “You will. Now go shower.”

  She rolled her eyes then sauntered off naked to the bathroom. He loved his life. He made his way out to the kitchen where Leif was going over spelling exercises. Austin snatched the paper away and started quizzing him.

  His son huffed but answered and spelled everything correctly. The kid was smart. Austin quickly made up some oatmeal and fruit for the three of them and doctored his and Sierra’s coffees. They weren’t running too far behind, and since Sierra liked to get to places early and worked fast if she had to, they’d probably get everything done right on time.

  Morning sex was totally worth it.

  By the time Austin grabbed a quick shower, Sierra was finished getting ready and Leif was on his way to the school bus. The fact that he had a ten-year-old kid still surprised the hell out of him daily. Leif had come into his life late, but there was no way in hell he’d change his future.

  He had Sierra and Leif, a wedding to plan, a family that gave him fits daily, a dad getting healthy—at least that’s what the old man said—and a job he loved.

  Things were good.

  He pulled into the parking lot behind Montgomery Ink and leaned over to kiss Sierra goodbye. He loved the fact that her boutique, Eden, was right across the street from his job. Of course, he’d never have met her if that hadn’t been the case. Life was funny like that.

  “Have a good day, okay?” Sierra said as they walked toward the street.

  Austin wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her again. “I will. Make sure you don’t wear panties tonight.”

  She blinked then blushed. “Austin,” she whispered then looked over her shoulder.

  He took her chin and met her gaze. “No. Panties.”

  “Okay,” she said softly then smiled. “Oh! And tomorrow we have a meeting at the reception hall for the wedding. I know neither of us want a huge wedding, but with that many Montgomerys, there’s no way around at least having a decent-sized one.”

  “No problem, Legs.” He kissed her again then smacked her bottom before she walked across the street. She glared over her shoulder, and he smiled. Oh, she’d pay for that glare with another spanking. She seemed to get the drift from his look and blushed. Yep, she liked it.

  Austin rolled his shoulders then made his way into Montgomery Ink. Maya stood by the window and gagged.

  “If you were any closer to her, you’d be fucking her against the wall.”

  He flipped her off then went to the back of the room, passing Decker along the way. He frowned then remembered the date. “Shit, I forgot we moved the appointment. Let me get my stuff ready.”

  Decker shrugged. “I’m a few minutes early, but I wanted to check the drywall job I did last month.”

  Austin nodded then went to the office to get his things. When he came back out, Decker was lounging in Austin’s station, drinking coffee he must have gotten from Hailey’s café next door.

  “You get me some?” he asked as he sat down.

  Decker nodded then motioned to the cup on Austin’s desk. “Yep. It might be cooler now since I didn’t know you’d be in late today.”

  “Eat me,” Austin said. “I was five minutes late. If that.”

  Decker just grinned and stripped off his shirt. “We’re working on my back, right? Just want to make sure you didn’t change your mind and decide to tattoo something random on me.”

  Austin snorted. He wouldn’t do that to family, though he might joke about it. He quickly got his stuff ready for tattooing, setting out the inks and needles he’d need for this project. “Yeah, Maya did the dragon on your arm, and I did the dog paws, but it’s my turn for your back.”

  “I get his legs!” Maya called out.

  Decker chuckled. “Look at you two, always fighting over me. There’s more than enough of me to go around.”

  “Like I said, eat me,” Austin said back.

  “No thanks. You got Sierra for that.”

  Austin snorted then made Decker face the opposite way so he could see his back. “We’re working on the dead tree today. I’ll add more to it, piece by piece.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “So, speaking of eating…” Austin said as he wiped down Decker’s back.

  Decker laughed, and Austin grinned. “Yeah?”

  “How are things between you and Colleen?”

  Decker looked over his shoulder. “We chicks now? Gonna talk about our feelings?”

  “Fuck you both,” Maya snapped from her station.

  Both men flipped her off, not bothering to look over.

  “I was just asking. And Sierra wanted to know.” She’d mentioned it in passing, but whatever.

  Decker raised a brow, totally seeing through his bullshit. “We’re casual. I know I keep saying that, but it’s the truth. We eat together sometimes, but that’s about it these days.”

  Austin blinked. “You mean you two…”

  Decker groaned. “No. You got a problem with that? And since when do we talk about sex?”

  “Since we used to do the scene together a couple of years ago. But we’re both out of the public part.” They both had been into their own type of kink, just like a lot of his family and friends were, but they weren’t twenty-four/seven Dominants like a lot of the guys he knew from back then.

  Decker shrugged. “I’m good with where I am. I like Colleen and all, but…I don’t know.”

  Austin frowned. “Okay. If you need someone to talk to…” He cleared his throat. “Call Maya.”

  “Like I said, fuck you both. But he’s right. You want to talk about sex? Talk to me. Though I’m not going to do you. Sorry.”

  “Seriously, Maya,” Austin groaned. “Stop it. I really don’t want to think about any of my sisters having sex.”

  Decker cleared his throat then turned away, an odd look on his face. Huh. Wonder what that was about.

  Whatever. He’d figure out what was wrong with his friend. That was his job. He was the oldest Montgomery. He fixed things. And since his life was finally on track to being something fucking amazing, he might as well spread the wealth.

  Chapter Four

  Why the hell was she wearing such short shorts? Her legs looked fucking fantastic in them, and all Decker wanted to do was see them wrapped around his neck as he ate her out, making her scream his name.


  That special place in hell now had his name carved on the door. He had a hammer in his hand and one in his pants at the thought of a certain soft brunette who shouldn’t be on his mind in the first place. His best friend’s little sister wasn’t even looking at him, and yet he couldn’t get her image out of his brain.

  Had she always been that sexy?


  No, he wasn’t going to think of that.

  Sex and Miranda Montgomery would only lead to bad things.

  Namely, Decker’s balls in a vise, courtesy of Meghan and Maya, and his ass up around his ears, courtesy of the Montgomery brother

  Grif, the bastard, had asked Decker to come over to Miranda’s and help her install a few shelves. To do that, he had to measure first since he wanted to build them by hand. Yeah, he was a sucker, but he wanted her to have nice things, not some pressed board crap that would only hold a few books. Considering the number of books the woman had, he was afraid for the walls.

  Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

  “You don’t have to do this, you know,” Miranda said again.

  “I do,” he grunted as he stepped back.

  “No, you don’t. I know Grif asked you to help with my shelves, and I think it’s great, but I can do it myself. Mom and Dad taught me.”

  Decker smiled at her. “I know they did. All you Montgomerys know what you’re doing around power tools. Well, maybe some more than others, considering that one time Grif tried to use a saw.”

  Miranda threw her head back and laughed. “He didn’t cut his finger off, so that’s something.”

  “True. But really, your brothers just want you to have a nice place, so I’m going to help.” See? Brotherly. Not I-want-to-do-you.

  “I’m not going to get you to quit, am I?”

  Decker shook his head then went back to hammering in a nail. Since he was there, he put up the large mirror in her hallway. The thing opened up the space so the hallway looked bigger than it was. It had been too heavy for her to do it on her own, and he’d wanted to help. He’d already taken most of the measurements he needed for her custom-built shelves. Once she moved out, they’d be able to take them and put them in her next place. Any place was going to be bigger than what she had now, so it would work.

  “Well then. Thank you.” Miranda ran a hand down his back, and he stiffened.

  Dear dick, calm down.

  For the love of God, calm down.

  He looked over his shoulder and saw the shock of hurt over her face before she schooled her features. Fuck. He wasn’t doing this right. He just couldn’t think when she was near him, and when she touched him…damn it.

  What he wanted to do was put down his tools, press her against the wall, and taste every inch of her.


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