Book Read Free


Page 29

by Zac Funstein

  As Honoré trudged about to his utility-room to change his over-trousers which were caked with earth after a stint building an adobe hut to replicate neanderthal living the religious crank continued pouring over the Today News sudoku puzzle that had been giving him trouble since the free news sheet had dropped on his welcome mat.

  Smolders didn’t fit his or anyones expectations of what was expected that was for sure. There were times when something within him-some energy of indeterminate source seemed to move him however.

  Waiting like now asking himself how every discerning visitors would notice the taste, which was known to be uniquely earthy, musty almost. Smolders was taken to when last any contact had been made with a priest- a real one that is.

  The wedding had been scheduled to begin in the early evening. The chapel had been decorated the day before so that everything had been taken of. The family had begun to arrive all needless to say where absolutely stunning like you cannot believe. The men (all neatly combed in Tux’s) the women dressed in embroidered shawls. The bridesmaids or brides en potentiae as they were called however portentously were like cut-outs from some online bride-site. Then

  Bonnet arrived from upstairs suitably changed, unwittingly disturbing this.

  “I am greatly saddened by incidents which reflect poorly upon the young people of this province in such a manner.”

  “You knew our friend personally Honoré?”

  “No but I went to the same school-so it reflects on us all I believe us ex-alumni. The site where they were built the building was once an asylum for teenage girls. The doctor in residence was of the belief that dementia could be cured by drilling in key shaved phrenology quadrants most notably that of the ‘Adhesiveness’ sector. That was a while ago fortunately.”

  “Can you discern if the Stabilizer B is the old or the new-you seem to know a lot about everything?”

  “It’s a while since I did my degree but I believe I know who can help. Fellow student Vinícius Carvalho Alves. His interest in the safety of those of us burdened with the protection of citizens made him create a toughened bullet-proof vest. Everything from parcel shelf mountings to battery holders/ inlet manifolds could be made using these materials-the first cars made from the compound could be in production soon.”

  There was a workbench supports plus machine mountings that went through the floor into the basement that rested on several-ton weighing concrete blocks,in turn supported by pistons, which in turn rested on cushions of compressed air that utilized Bonnet’s hard wearing principles too. This was only the beginning.

  The gas component in the pistons was ethane, propane, butane, carbon dioxide, or hydrogen sulphide, most commonly methane but what was important was not the insides but the gas container which employed the same principle as the bullet-proof vest-it had to be both hard wearing as well as flexible. Puncturing must never be an option-even a slight one.

  “We will be objects of compassion/contempt until such time as we have become demonstrable masters of our own destiny Smolders. We must take the BC debacle firmly by whatever presents itself as a means of its solution. Vinícius hasn’t exactly distributed cards encouraging the faithful to pray for his canonization asking them to send in accounts of his miracles, but I still reckon this is the one that will help us.”

  “Sounds like you have great faith in him.”

  “There was some kind of assessment which rated him highly. We have obtained a draft copy of that very test, a powerful highly accurate method of assessing individuals for senior positions.”

  “What makes Vinícius so perfect for our remote highway?”

  “Vini-as known to his friends-has made the aging of unknown additives his total obsession.”

  “There must be a reason for such a unique understanding.”

  “I believe when Vinícius left uni his first post was with a big industrial conglomerate that were anxious regarding how their additives aged.”

  It can be seen that Honoré speaks the truth as seen, with deference /humility, but more importantly without hypocrisy. Alves a fitful, inconstant student, hardly a promising one, who never seemed likely to receive a degree, whose meager student effort was hardly unusual in a time when students often did not take degrees-suddenly found that this specialist interest gripped him ‘Despite all these potentially scarring experiences, I have certainly learned some good things along my way to finding educational gnosis - like tuning in when a niche comes around,’Alves allegedly claimed.’I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my career studying this kind of aging.’

  “Everything seems to be niche this niche that at the moment Honoré.”

  “If you can get one you’re made-it’s finding one.”

  The dark throws shadows over the whole area, the cracks in the sidewalk become canyons, so easily fallen into-like the warning his mother gave when a child ‘watch out for the canyons or the Gymediss will get you!’What or who the Gymediss is or were was never was made clear. The road sweeper goes through the gate, the key on the frayed string that has hung so perilously is relocated to the inside of his shirt; who would want to lose that? At total ease pushing his waste truck, the rubber wheels rumbling like the weight of the truck that give impetus to its movement. “Don’t beat yourself up,” exclaimed Ramses colleague from dim/distant beginning Petr Hoza.

  “If you’re experiencing unworthiness-telling yourself that you’re a bad person who should be thrown on the nearest scrap-heap isn’t going to help yourself or anyone for that matter. Don’t let the rest of us talk down to you like you’re a piece of dirt.”

  Dressed as a convict in stripes, dragging a plastic ball/ chain ready to attend a fancy dress function on the theme of ‘incarceration’ Petr’s advice seemed peculiarly relevant. A Toronto Telegram article described Petr as a ‘multi-talented dynamo of Canadian know-how-eminently suited to give out nuggets or home-spun tips’.

  “I like that as if I’m plummeting to Earth like Thomas Newton in ‘The Man Who Fell to Earth’. Someone who tries to save something cared about, but fails miserably.”

  “You’re not unworthy stop giving yourself a hard-time.”

  Traffic rumbled past, vans,lorries plus great articulated vehicles all oblivious to the dynamic that was being created.

  It took Petr to when his home was going to be destroyed there was nothing that could be done about it. Hoza would sneak close to the worksite then watch as the huge trucks rumbled past.Then in grief / amazement, watch the artisans in the digger trucks destroy a world what was missed with so little regard. As they excavated/ hauled, Petr often drew analogies between his state with that of Thomas Newton forced to be unfaithful to his wife just to survive-even then failing.

  “Vinícius Carvalho Alves is well respected I have heard-if anyones talents are worthy then candidature must be his. His vibrancy/enthusiasm hardly seem like that of his grandfather-a man who has packed so much into one lifetime-but those of his unique skills often aren't openly energetic. If any senior public servant can lubricate a gear change in the machinery of government, it is probably Mr.Alves. It makes no sense in a machine world to limit the functionality of perfect components so that imperfect components don't wear out or break. So many of these ignored heroes might be difficult to work with, with a huge casualty rate-but they get results that is what counts more than anything else.”

  “You hold him in high esteem you can tell.”

  “Cupidity is the great lubricator of many but once in a while someone pops up who has a genuine interest like Alves-someone who has put aside selfish concerns. His condition worsens unfortunately- we see the sad irony of a stunningly brilliant genius betrayed by an uncommonly imperfect disease which debilitates him.”

  “It is terrible to watch. It is like my grandmother who when too crippled to walk more than a few steps because of her MS, still arranged her husband's shirts/trousers out on the kitchen table then ironed them. It used to make the rest of us weep.”

  “Some returning immigrants w
ho crossed the border from LA describe being teased for their imperfect Spanish for not knowing the basics of Mexican culture and history, but if we may draw a comparison I am sure despite being out of action for a while Vinícius will be on form. If we can make some little progress along our chosen path, we shall be all the more willing to admit that progress along other paths is possible.”

  It was like an action-movie where the script writer who was strapped for dialogue got the lead character to say ‘failure is not an option’. Some had found him remote drawing the conclusion this was someone either cripplingly shy, or afraid to get close to another human being.

  Someone somewhere had whispered be proud of your life's journey. You've matured to this state and are searching for someone on the same ‘life-level’ to complement the originality, the indefatigability, the uncanny sense of self-promotion, the converting of science into sensibility, put Alves, it seemed, into the most rarefied circle.

  “Is there anything about the aging of compounds that Vinícius has especially observed with his greater interest?”

  “Are you familiar with Sáry Kemenes?”

  “Slightly-the industry critic who claimed cutting corners was rife-that public safety was ignored in the rush for profit.”

  “That is being mild in the extreme if you forgive us for saying so the aforesaid attacker fuelled an indefatigable smear campaign targeting the pre-wash industry in general. However even the usually acerbic Kemenes had to admit that when it came to the abrasive concoctions that they were unusually benign. Are you into continental drift geography at all?”

  “A little-Wegener/ Holmes provided the mechanism-together they were dynamite.”

  Adding that the fortunate few wore The Fashion, the rest of us wore clothes, with shifts in styles moving at a continental drift kind of pace was wisely neglected.

  “When first proposed a generation ago, the theory of continental drift/plate tectonics was one of the most shocking to accept, but what is relevant to us as amateur geologists /continental drift theorists have shown that there was once one super-continent named Humbpregares.”

  “I fail to quite see…..”

  For some reason it seemed to evoke those maps from when cartography was in its infancy when the continents as we know now weren’t mapped by satellite but were just amorphous shapes-some even believed the world was flat that we would fall off the end into nothingness.

  “Some believed that the inhabitants of Humbpregares rather than getting old/miserable as they deteriorated got if not better-which patently was obvious since everyone aged then died even on this ghostly land-mass-then developed new qualities which could help the youngsters thereof.”

  “I get where you’re coming from-that Vinícius is not entirely against Stabilizer B.”

  “It depends what mood the great-man is in-but we do not entirely believe being unsympathetic is his state.”

  Vinícius Carvalho Alves far from being distant or deliberately myth-creating when met at his comfortable but sparse abode seemed almost in a chatty mood. Almost too chatty. But, if that's how the charismatic figures gonna handle his grief, Honoré said to himself, then it's fine with him (Alves had lost a near/dear relative recently). If you wanted to write a novel about mishaps/minor disasters,Vinícius was your man it would seem for there was not much that Vinícius hadn’t gone through

  “Ludmila Žaloudková was always a moderniser, a reformist - if Ludmila was alive today, the great innovator would have had to listen to us giving thanks,” began Vinícius. Ludmila had been an innovator, so should be embraced for it that much was clear. Although Bonnet did not like to mention it-the last Žaloudková known had gone undercover at a Catholic mass to root out yobs who attacked the aging peripatetic parish priest. Their demise was unpleasant to say the least. Markéta Žaloudková was tiny, like her mother,(if they were Russian dolls they used to quip then Markéta wasn’t the tiniest one that didn’t get any smaller but the next one up) but worse than that given to violent mood swings. Hers was a living example that plastic surgery, except for specifically therapeutic reasons, was a sin, for Žaloudková had grown addicted to such intervention to the extent that many found her unrecognisable.

  Žaloudková 's nickname was ‘Swinger’, though that seemed like a euphemism for a far darker personality trait-. Ulmsted-her biographer- once described how Žaloudková ‘on the least provocation turns down almost to the core, pale, thin, yet hysterical’ that instead of sounding forceful/persuasive,Markéta often was flustered even annoyed.

  A seemingly innocent stone resting on a glass shelf is casually tossed. The inscription explains how in Yakushima Japan, granitic, sedimentary boulders such as this which are cracked polygonally on their surface are considered auspicious. This is a miniature replica of a famous stone known as ‘密度’ which in English meant ‘density’. There were very few similar stones in existence.

  What was brought home especially was it is not just the visual contents of photographs themselves that are so therapeutically important, but also everything that happens whilst the viewer is interacting with them, for as Vinícius gave a framed snapshot of the life-size boulder with a suitably enlarged fissure the pleasure at seeing this is tangible-as if to be confronted with such an immensity was an astonishment that virtually no one was prepared for. In this granite conception of nature are united the conceptions of law/ order, of ever-changing life, interdependence, of individuality, plus all-pervading subtlety, under which the universe is apprehended. It was incredible what people saw in just a stupid souvenir

  “I was always fascinated with the written word, even before I could read, and I must have recognised that there was something inherently magical about squiggly symbols organised in lines and packed together like corduroy,” explained Alves. “When I saw this winding chasm on the granite it seemed to invoke that first love of letters.”

  “That is interesting. If Žaloudková will help us find how old the Stabilizer B is in the torn jeans that is the question.”

  The stone was returned to the shelf.

  “I’m not sure-but Ludmila’s was always one for greater understanding that goes without need of reiteration.”

  Alves held the belief that praising the world's most powerful men is more persuasive than criticising them too.

  “My suspicions are that.”

  Vinícius began to reel off a plethora of doubts about what people believed the textile remnant was but hiding behind the canopy of his big-city affectations it was sensed an assumption that would not go away lurked.

  This essential distance seemed to grow through the interchange rather than get smaller. Honoré was sure that his daughters (the teenage girls in pinafores that had let Bonnet in)-were in collusion with their father which only sought to emphasise this disparity; they could be heard giggling upstairs somewhere as if sharing some in-witticism. Indeed they even sounded like officers that went undercover for a protracted observation in the same town, those calling themselves Mattie/ Anne. Like these daughters they were never seen again, although it was mentioned indirectly that Elbika (the eldest sibling) was training to be a nurse. Shrieked, bucking, squiggling, kicking even flailing into the calling maybe but a registered childrens-nurse Elbika was going to be-without a doubt.

  When the session was informally over -it was mentioned that the rate of decay (if not of the actual substances within the denim then the speed) was the same as an energy-based therapeutic approach to healing again that Elbika utilized, which used a variety of techniques to treat certain ailments.

  “I wonder if this unwitting similarity means anything that neither of us have recognised.”

  “There was some controversy I seemed to note. It banned a drug which had considerable therapeutic value that was far less harmful than many other medicines.”

  “I believe I have it now ‘Spheliers’ was the street-title.”

  “Correct-but this isn’t Spheliers-the more sophisticated choice. It delays similarly anyway as what you found. Som
e people use it therapeutically for conditions like arthritis plus other diseases that cause painful fixity.”

  “If we may return to the torn denim.”

  “We digress I’m sorry-it is a weakness of growing older. Yes-the denim. What is interesting about that is the low-temperature oxidation used in the production-known sensibly enough as Destaticism for reasons better known to itself which has altered the chemical structure.”

  Just as it was very easy for the immensity of the complex emotional drama in the Iliad to be lost in sweeping camera movements/ computer-generated battles-so now the importance of this was lost.

  “Can that help us determine a supplier or is this Destaticism fairly regular?”

  “You know I am ashamed to say that I don’t know isn’t that terrible-permit us to go into this deeper then I will give you a phone call when I have found out. You will have heard of the ‘prediction paradox’ no doubt: The more humility we have about our ability to make predictions, the more successful we can be in planning for the future.”

  The last Michal Sobotka had been come across it had been re workers raising concerns that airbag units were being delivered to automakers wet or damaged because of transportation mishaps. When nothing seemed forthcoming from Vinícius regarding LTO Sobotka was hunted out almost ruthlessly.

  For those who choose to make peace/ inner contentment a reality in their lives, Michal did not offer a practical pathway. A challenging person at best ‘I have yet to meet a poetry-lover who was not an introvert, or an introvert who was not unhappy in adolescence,’ exclaimed mutual acquaintance Stanislav Černý a slim/ not lanky man-who was very trusting, moreover believed almost everything anyone told him. Beneath his gruff exterior a Glaswegian humour lurked, Černý seemed to actually care about the less fortunate, not being ‘of the manor born’ himself-especially those like the one just taken in the vulnerable throws of growing up so unkindly dashed then ripped from us. His intonation had become very flat, probably due to asymmetrical weakness caused by a stroke.


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