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by Zac Funstein

  The men's distorted shadows were cast so a sadness that they mistook for dread came over him them that seemed cold even sterile.

  “Now I understand this is the site of the motel where you stayed with Furuta. You must have purchased the site after you graduated.”

  “Not to put too fine a point on it-but that is not why you’re here-you have come about Sheshy Medhane.”

  “There is a much you know about him Gabriel I can tell.”

  “Sheshy Medhane was born in the dispirited aftermath of some great war or other-it was never made clear which. His mother Annabelle was a nurse, who nursed Isaac Sutcliffe (his father) to health after Issac lost his optimistic resilience plus his ‘intactness’ in the trenches. Neither could have the life they wanted, so they determined to make do with the collected burden of their miserableness. It may have had the advantage of solidarity, an understanding of a shared history that they would never then need to explain, but it was also a gesture of their profound misery.”

  They had already fallen deeply into the script-line, his concentration was so intense, Němec suspected the hearing a cliched pin drop would be deafening- however the fire began to crackle signalling it needed replenishment-at least this was how it seemed.

  Small strips of solid fuel were put on so tiny fume-clouds began to dance upward. As the coals started to heat up then burn, this artisan turned down the drafts on both heaters to keep the fires on low so that the fuel wouldn't burn out so fast. All sorts of strange utensils lay around though what their purpose was was never discerned. Accordingly the comfortable indolence occasioned by the heat of the embers, soon dulled the exertion necessary to relate.

  “Unable to bear his disillusionment with Canada plus what Ontario had done to him, Isaac Sutcliffe took his family overseas, first to Dubai,United Arab Emirates (UAE), where work as an accountant was briefly his-they were happy for a while at least- Sheshy plus his brother Dean were born, then they moved to Abu Dhabi.

  Despite Annabelle’s much repeated protests that it was children who had ruined her life, AD with its round of colonial parties with the ‘in-crowd’ of people was a great success for her. When it came time to move it was her reluctance that was shown.”

  “Annabelle believed they’d made it into the big-time.”

  “The reality was different- Medhane’s earliest problems were of his fathers screams of pain, but more notably of hearing himself relentlessly discussed by Annabelle, how difficult/naughty Sheshy was, how having boy children brought her mother low, made her life a misery-why couldn’t they have girls like Mrs. Brianna McDonnell who came from Ariah park in NSW who drove a Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR whose daughter was called Cindia.”

  “Girl children who could be shown at parties not create a disturbance. They came out with cute stuff everyone liked.”

  “Exactly. His baby brother, by contrast, was the adored one, the golden-child. To the cross, hired wet-nursemaid Abigail, Annabelle would say ‘Alexei is my child, Madame Abigail (Dean was nicknamed Alexei after Alexei Nikolaevich because they dressed him in military uniform) Sheshy is not my child. Sheshy is your child. But Alexei is mine’. Alexi would then be hugged/kissed as if the most wonderful living object on earth.”

  “Despite the sophistication-this was a very straight down the line person.” “Everyone else got that-but when the trendy parties had come to an end-when the light a la mode blase laughter had died down Annabelle’s family got the reverse.It was the age of Gabrielly Castro Souza, in which disciplining the child was all that counted, letting it know from the off who was the boss, who was in charge. Annabelle gleefully recounted tales of how both her children were trained using click-meters usually reserved for counting traffic in surveys. Even in adulthood Medhane could not hear this sound without a reaction though the original impulse was blissfully lost. The potty training was something else again; from birth, Sheshy plus (to a lesser extent) Alexei were held over the pot at regular intervals. This obsession with regulating children on the behalf of one parent at least, particularly concerning fundamental bodily needs, seems to smack of an anxious desire for order in an infant world where such things are near impossible. But it is also an exertion of authority that is excessive, as if the mess made by tiny people loomed so large in Annabelle that only the most rigorous brutal acts of governance might rescue her from it.”

  “Can Sheshy’s patterns find the Qing zhisan tain shou?”

  “If anything can then I’m certain that this is what you should use. Years of terrorisation have rendered both Alexei plus Sheshy utterly incapable of deceit, they gradually spent their existence in isolation as Annabelles regime grew increasingly bizarre. They are incapable of hiding anything.”

  Júlio Cardoso Barbosa’s greatest claim to fame was having shot Rafael Araujo Rocha through his downtown courthouse office window with a high-powered rifle from a parking garage nearly a couple of baseball pitches away. The stylized ‘SS’ common among sniper teams, (often painted on Savage B.Mag rifles where it is meant to stand for ‘Scout Sniper’) was so often used that it passed into folk legend. His next honour was to have come from a small town, called Lawson, where once just about every youth of recruitable age was killed in a war.

  Once when an online- quiz was set as per design a web page what would be the most irresistible keywords to fill its metadata with, irresistibles such as ‘Kardashian’, ‘Jet Ski fail’ plus ‘Scout Sniper’ were the ones that stood out that got the most votes.

  Júlio had mellowed in his old age-now his interest was carb blockers since his life-partner Beatrice Lima Martins had died from an allergic reaction to liposuction surgery. Many had said that it was fitting when so many were so destitute that such blatant excess should not go unpunished once in a while, but Júlio did not see it like that.

  The deputy principal of the uni that allowed Júlio to talk postulated that the debating president had made an ‘almost catastrophic blunder’ in allowing Barbosa such a high-profile lecture platform with such a highly biased viewpoint.

  With its lively nightlife, here is best-known as a hangout for students- a stop-off for those visiting the city pad of the poet Kristijan Petković which is kept literally just as Kristijan left it. The glory days when Petković’s was rapidly becoming well-known as a hangout for writers plus, increasingly, the show biz crowd was now at an end-however rather like the literary salon of Gertrude Stein eventually came to a miserable finish. The teenage victor of strenuous battles against the most formidable/ seasoned of opponents, Němec’s ferocious gifts were alloyed with a beguiling sensitivity to all things bar the poetical however.

  It is also the relaxed setting of his daughters baby boutique-where many would have liked to have supported a locally owned company but ended up registering on Amazon for a stroller because it took ages to get served, the small, frail-seeming man, bald yet still attractive—was dressed elaborately in semi-formal ornate silken tunic. Some uncharitably said since firefighters extinguished a smaller fire at the property a short while ago, that the building had become known as a hangout for vagrants.

  “Excuse the mess but Draženka-that’s my daughter- just moved all my eBay stock onto the floor, mixing in the listed with unlisted stuff-I was mad as you can understand. It is the carb blocker I believe you’re interested in. There is a lot of ignorance if you’ll forgive us for saying so. Carb-blockers have little in common with that of science fiction either, nor is it a rhapsody on the miraculous benefits the Victorians were expecting their harnessing of electricity to bring to them,” Barbosa explained his interest.

  “It’s if such a blocker could be remotely found I’m more concerned with- potency does not concern us.”

  “I’m sure you’re familiar with the German automaker Porsche which is once again hinting at its production goals with its latest advertising campaign, well our little-friend is like the Spyder of halting carbohydrates. As such it is very distinctive I would imagine that finding it would be relatively easy. You are familiar with the meta
l palladium perhaps in catalytic converters.”

  “Not especially Júlio.”

  “William Hyde Wollaston noted the discovery of a new noble metal in his lab-book naming it palladium in the fall of the same year as the Napoleonic Wars. These pages (now in the museum attached to Wollaston’s Alma mater) - heavily edited, faded, some with frayed corners - were typed with the darkest ribbon, a telltale sign of antecedence. Wollaston refined enough of the material then offered it, without naming the discoverer, in a small shop in Soho the following Spring. After harsh criticism that palladium is an alloy of platinum by mercury by Greg S. Lykins, Wollaston anonymously offered a large reward for grains of synthetic palladium alloy.The reward was never claimed. Interestingly Historian Elliott Coues, who read it as ‘a sadly interesting passage’ linked it symptomatically with Lykins' suicide soon after this-the disgrace of being so humiliated too difficult to endure.”

  “This will probably sound daft but I don’t quite see the significance.”

  “Palladium is difficult to see but very distinct-the same with blockers of any description-I’m certain if they are there-they will be found. As someone who runs social media workshops I’ve become ever more convinced that many of the confusions which surround digital activity stem from a basic ontological misunderstanding of what online activity is. It’s too frequently construed as something distinct from the ‘real’ world. If the instrumentation says blocker then it’s there for sure.”

  “In your natal chart, the conjunction of your Pisces sun with Saturn gives you a tendency toward worry about small things.”

  “The word ‘conjunction’ is also used when the earth, the sun, plus one of the other planets are all in the same plane-for I am sure that I am the most fussiest man alive-I must have worse planets. Júlio found the astrological calculations worked on paper, sort of, but they did a much better job at keeping astronomers respectable plus their models intact than at describing the actual movements of heavenly bodies; they should be known as the epitome of bad science to his reckoning.

  “But I digress- the phrase ‘there's an app for that’ has become a popular punch line which I am sure is applicable here. Someone somewhere knows how to do this.”

  Then the sound of movement came quickly down the nearby staircase, letting into view the figure of an Afro-Canadian woman in a loose chiffon dress.The young lady was petite yet delicately featured.

  “Father who is it that you’re remonstrating with-I heard a noise so came quickly to see who it is?”

  “This is Mr. Němec my dear who has requested our assistance in whatever way that we can regarding a mysterious disappearance in Prince Rupert.”

  Her stance seemed to say anger or sullenness are certainly well-used tools in my emotional repertoire, but their employ doesn't usually lead to a happy ending for anyone in the household I dislike so be warned.

  “Don’t listen to what Daddy says Mr. Němec- as always Júlio- my father agrees with whatever Mommy says because being unable to deal with her belittling sarcasm/ judgment.”

  “This isn’t about the shop dear?”

  “Please forgive us Mr. Němec the local Chamber of Commerce are fully aware of the difficulties that we are experiencing in recruiting suitable employees. I was sure you were one of their irritating snoopers.They have been recruited to persuade citizens to report local villains-ha ha thats a gag who they really mean is us-the store owners. After we practically give our goods away they call us crooks!”

  Recently there had been a public stir when these snoopers so called had unearthed archives consisting of images of naked men, presumably fresh conscripts to the Canadian army- recruits taken for an unknown kind of ethnographic exercise. The camera lingers on their bodies with a kind of appreciative lechery, taking in the curves.The guilty parties however refused to admit they were responsible-claiming these had been planted.

  “With the health clubs I attend, the most salient marketing has always been to reward members for recruiting their friends, family as well as work colleagues, perhaps if you tried that.”

  “It isn’t so much the customers lack thereof as what goes on whilst they are there here-but you are very kind-your concern is touching.”

  The CB’s seemed to be very much up in the air - one could decide either way; it was once said, when the best thing you can find to run up the flagpole is something pointedly unimpressive, what you’re better off running up the flagpole is nothing at all.

  Moral as well as physical wickedness is the result of a want of congruity between the faculties vis-a-vis their sphere of action-many believed the Schreiber debacle told more about us collectively than it did about the dead-jejune or her attacker-for some it seemed there would never be an answer.

  Němec has been famously short-tempered at work, slamming desk drawers discouraging socializing a sure sign of annoyance. Baudelaire's poem, ‘De profondis clamavi,’ referring to the requiem Mass was gone over repeatedly as if an attempt was being made to finally exorcise all this when there was a new factor that seemed to grip everyone. Supposing there had been use of a Thermowav-the obesity remover. A device which melts away the ugly bathroom scales reading- so everytime you stood on them you didn’t get upset. It was claimed to produce stunning results which was sweeping Switzerland, the world’s most direct democracy, on nearly every count, the epitome of a stable, prosperous, multicultural nation-now it had made it to Canada.

  Even the title seemed to represent a desirable object, symptomatic of consumerism/ excess. Le Royal Monceau designed by Phillippe Stark, the hotel what might be called the epitome of Parisian luxury had one in every suite.

  There had been warnings however that this new 'instant-buster' technique was unproven as well as being potentially dangerous.

  The Thermowav was said to be effortless/ painless- to have been tested by university scientists. It works by transmitting VHF radio waves through wires to strategically positioned plastic caps-at least that is what the blurb said.The word Thermowav hasn't been defined well enough at all, so for years companies have been able to get away with basically defining it themselves which had resulted in a host of variants ‘WAtherm’ plus ‘ThermW’ being of note. What it could or couldn’t do was nobodies reckoning.

  Dr. Chapin Shusaku a well dressed, well mannered slimming specialist at the University of Paris on loan to an analogous Canadian establishment was anxious to demystify. Born in Kyoto

  Chapin moved to Tianjin after his parents separated, then Shusaku with his mother returned to Japan moving in with a violent uncle who persuaded Chapin to convert to Catholicism. Soon after his mother convinced the impressionable son to be baptised so they joined the minority of RC in this country. The religion however was alien to Chapin’s nature this coupled with his paltry commitment induced intense guilt as well as shame for it was believed his uncle would be disappointed. Shusaku travelled to France to escape not only his remorse but to begin a career in medicine. The doctor was described by the man who nominated him for the award as ‘the epitome of quality medicine in the modern era’.

  “The waves penetrate deep metabolising as it does so. Burns are avoided by having a film of powdered aluminium between the cup/ patient, so this dust temperature is kept constant. There is even a stigmata like impression where the dust is burnt into the aluminium leaving a distinct circular mark on the patient. But Dr.Pinabel Sylvain, secretary general of the N American Committee on Quality Assurance and Medical Devices in Plastic Surgery, has grave concerns about the immediate health effects.'I believe we need to be very, very careful when contemplating these kinds of techniques,' Sylvain said.'We have no notion what the effects might be. I can see many, many potential problems. If you apply this to that which you can't see from the outside, there could be all sorts of harm’. The difficulties is that you may be damaging a perfectly healthy patient. Dr. Wendy Garlos of the Canadian Thermowav Association an interesting, witty, opinionated, informed, guilelessly plain speaking, quite devoid of any self-importance person a
greed. 'This sounds like a very bad machine. A lot more needs to go into the safety issues involved. There is a regulatory group but it does not hold annual meetings or sponsor a serial publication’.”

  One symptom that doctors found most helpful in making a diagnosis of Thermowav damage was how the patient responded to touch; if there was pain where the cups were once positioned this suggested alteration had occurred. Severe discomfort seemed to be conversant with repeated protracted use.

  “If someone had used this would if it be recognisable is what concerns us-that is if it can alter something inanimate rather than living.”

  “I believe there is some structural change but it is negligible. The only congruously identifying factor is this intricate appearance of linearity in the read-out but there might be even future-improvements. You’d have to be pretty sharp to notice.”

  The doctor adjusted his glasses. A crummy Band- Aid holds the frame together from when Chapin took a basketball full-on in the gym. That was ancient but there hasn’t been a chance to fix them.

  “Leardo Colonna whose ancestors were one of the powerful Colonna family, whose antecedents included Pope Martin, who had become titular rulers of the artist Caravaggio's native Duchy of Milan, who showed a solicitous concern for his welfare on several occasions, has said much on the Thermowav.I believe the Italians are very fashion aware.”

  “What did Leardo have to say?”

  “Its of interest to you since you have some fabric as per leftovers. Leardo believed that the Thermowav would never catch on since the ‘thread’-as Colonna called- it might have been damaged. Those that came wearing fashion items were naturally not anxious to have their gear ruined.”

  “That is highly interesting-it might well be then that the BC find has been altered conversant with the Thermowav’s use-they’re beginning to recognise where it has been in contact with organic dead material.”

  Colonna’s ancestor left for France then Germany, where being excommunicated by the Lutheran Church occurred, then returned to Italy in the mistaken belief that it would be safe to do so. Leardo was perhaps being excommunicated too in his way-for not accepting the outlandish claims that were made for the Thermowav. The church once reviled those who said that the earth revolved around the sun, perhaps when there were improvements this would be the same.


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