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by Zac Funstein

  Way back when old India included Pakistan there was a family called Ramsinghani with antecedents in Lahore/Karachi since the British could not pronounce their name properly the alternative Ramsay was adopted. Manlio Ramsay the cyclist that turned to crack after getting kicked off the Olympic cycling team for calling Lance Armstong ‘a schmuck’; who grew up in a seemingly perfect upper-middle class family in Amherstburg. When the General Amherst High named Manlio as one of their chief bullies they retaliated against him. Overcome with guilt/ grief for his dead classmates, Ramsay got hooked on heroin. Manlio lived on the streets of Vancouver- his family were distraught for a while but there was nothing they could do.

  “Billboard liberation,” exclaimed Pavel Němec who was driving who had been listening closely to what had gone before.

  One driver one passenger, in a late model GMC on Ontario Drive, both peering outside the window, looking for something or someone special engaging in what one legislator calls ‘vasectomy zoning’. Some communities that may not want to increase their school-age population can embrace the elderly. That is socially acceptable, and because the federal Fair Housing Act allows senior-citizen developments to prohibit younger residents, it is legally acceptable.

  They have been silent for a while just taking in the scenery. The last Němec was here many of the drivers were driving too fast when entering the dust storm with zero visibility, causing a chain reaction crash. Rather than braking now the accelerator pedal was pushed to the floor causing his passenger to snap out of his cosiness. Felix V. Koch rather like Oscar Hopkins in Peter Philip Carey ‘s novel who was the Cornish son of a Plymouth Brethren minister who becomes an Anglican priest explains.

  “Billboard liberation amounts to property destruction- I personally can’t advocate that kind of behavior. But I must confess I do get a laugh when I saw a bus shelter ad featuring a too-thin underwear model turned into a ghastly spectacle with no more than a few simple strokes of a magic marker. Like in ‘Elemental Nothing’ when the mayor tries to hide there’s a psycho on the loose from unsuspecting tourists or thereabouts.”

  “The billboard Manlio was sheltering under had been altered for some political end, but from his position underneath Němec saw something different-that is unusual.”

  “Chromium is what it seemed to proclaim-though this wasn’t the intention don’t ask why this said this. Koch got interested specifically in chromium picolinate as a weight loss aid; particularly claims that this supplement drastically reduced appetite, which is why we are paying him a courtesy call now. Ah my dear Felix I believe we have arrived.”

  They pull up in what must be Ramsays forecourt.

  As the men were walking towards the entrance another car pulls up. The driver was none other than Vicky, the girl they had seen in town who claimed to be Manlio’s girlfriend who pushing unceremoniously past them put the key in the lock. Vicky who was wearing slinky jeans with a sweater was soon in hot debate with someone inside finally the remonstrance came.

  “I"ll see you in the morning then if that’s okay with you-if that isn’t too much trouble.”

  “Okay,” replied someone who must have been Ramsay who’d come to see what the fuss was about. “We leave early take the Nissan Altima.”

  Then something was mumbled which these new arrivees couldn’t discern.

  “That’s fine-they’re on the hook.”

  Vicky picks up her Swiss Army phone with a saw, a magnifying glass plus a plastic corkscrew that you wouldn’t even consider using even if you needed one. It really wasn’t all that ancient history that cell phones did one thing and one thing only: handle voice calls. Now cell phones are being crammed with all kinds of ‘non-voice’ features.

  “I’m coming over…..yes I have them.”

  Vicky took some keys off the mentioned hook just inside the entrance then after making her way to a Nissan Altima in the drive, drove off to some unknown location leaving the other car neglected where it had been parked. That this was returning to the setting of her childhood holidays to find the straggle of fibro cottages that had given way to rows of anonymous high-rise apartments was not known,nor that this was Manlios favourite vehicle that after many happy hours of motoring was only reluctantly sold. Although it was gone it was fondly held-so much so that his daughters decided to track it down-then present the vehicle suitably re-galvanised in an emotional reunion.

  Safely ensconced they were soon in hot exchange.

  “Villads F. Jepsen saw the consequence of living in this perpetual state of dread of our appetites as ‘an unparalleled violence that is being done to our sense of reality, our humanity’. Of course now this might seem vulgar even inhumane when it is recognised so many go without but more to the point die without our realising it.This is the final ignominy, much out of character, I launched into a tirade against these annoying, impolite, uncivil people.”

  Fascinated by the starting point of a ‘man in a room,’ as Ramsay describes it: a man dressing and preparing himself to go out and do battle for his aims like solving world-poverty or finding out how to make Chromium deaden greed-his need for new problems was unbounded.

  “There is much interest in this metal Ramsay elsewhere?”

  “Many of the small/ shrinking group of researchers in Pakistan work in a state of perpetual despondency, frequently with little access to policymakers/planners but I believe they are at the forefront of the Chromium game. It is their efforts which will help in the end.”

  “If this element is findable even when hardly present is what concerns us.”

  “Sure if it is there we will find it-that’s a guarantee.”

  That those interested in this were often victims of the Frequency Illusion: that is once you’ve noticed a phenomenon, you believe it happens a whole lot, even ‘all the time’ was not mentioned. That their estimates of frequency was likely to be skewed by noticing nearly every occurrence that comes past was played down. Professional linguists, people who set themselves up as authorities on language, ordinary people who are simply interested in language — are especially prone to the Frequency Illusion but the weakness was not exclusively theirs Ramsay was certain.

  In the past, asbestos has been widely used by South African companies to produce a wide range of products, including gaskets, seals, brake linings, roofing sheets, gutters plus other building products. It was from SA that the brake-lining came that was on Němec’s Chevrolet Suburban. It was the CS that had a slight accident which caused Pavel to seriously consider his involvement with the Schreiber events. Maybe, just maybe, self-belief, raw promise plus some unholy coming together of atmosphere/ occasion ability could surmount it all.

  Pavel decided to bow out. The GPR (Globular Pattern Recognition) that was necessary for recognition seemed more suited to a more technically inclined. As far Pavel could make out-which wasn’t very far- scavenger molecules, when added to the Chromium surface pick up a proton from the surface which left this round shape.To some this was relatively easy to get round but Němec found that science had never been his strong point. Excusing himself seemed a professional move-real talent was knowing ones strengths/weaknesses. The candidate to tackle this was someone called Ronnie S. Fernandez who had had some success with GPR before albeit in a different context.

  Ronnie agreed to be encountered at the airport that was to take him to his conference in Saudi Arabia. There was only a short cross-over but take it or leave it. Pavel despite breaking down thus having to call Roadside Assistance made the appointment. The road wended its way easily from valley to valley, dipping then rising through dappled concrete-there was even a certain piquancy since the trepidation that there might be another break down made this traversing especially unique. Labyrinthine once ancient slum housing now dez-res traversed the steep hill up to the impregnable airport environs. Cars moving along briskly seemed to distract left-lane slowpokes especially.

  To say the airport was busy was an understatement-’gridlock’ had become a popular way of describing a sta
ndstill traffic jam, another new form, ‘pedlock,’ had come along to describe a pileup/ immobilization, of pedestrians or would be plane-catchers. There must be safety in numbers or something. It is hard to predict whether Canadians will appreciate the generous amount of ‘crush space’ designed into the Air Canada Centre-maybe they need more.

  Ronnie upon a visual reference (perched on a suitcase) who was well-groomed, immaculately dressed in a dark sober tuxedo, ubiquitous skinny tie, tweed overcoat deviating from his usual classic style which was a sports jacket flannels, gave a warm welcome. An apologetic rant came for his attire. The tuxedo rental space ridden with dissatisfied user experiences/ uncomfortable suits, was ripe for disruption-they were practically giving them away. Now his wardrobe was filled with ex hire tux’s.

  The best romance writers knows there’s nothing that builds conflict or makes a gentleman of a rogue more quickly than responsibility. Fernandez had recently married so seemed comparatively tame to before entering this state. His concern was genuine enough that much was plain.

  “They’re not easy Pavel-I can understand your nervousness. I learnt them because I had to. There are several GPR’s as far as I know. They are named after the The Torah —Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus plus Deuteronomy too—which are collectively called the Wisdom of Moses. I don’t believe the person that came up with these was especially religious they just happened to be the same total-so it was easy to tack them on.”

  Ron begins tightening the strap on some luggage more as a distraction than out of necessity.

  It is slipped out of the notch then pulled tightly as it is possible to go so that breaking seems a possibility

  “Sounds okay I sense they fit in some way. There’s one missing but I guess there is a reason.”

  “I will go through each until I get one that fits-can’t say fairer than that. It wont be easy but I sense it will be worth the effort expended.”

  Passion/commitment can be focused, occasionally into the narrow point of view necessary for a solution that was certain.

  Similar experiences in battle cemented a deep friendship between them; Pavel respected Fernandez as a highly skilled craftsman who stuck rigidly to his own rules/ values. There are plenty of hackneyed truisms about ill-winds, silver-linings darkness-before-dawns that can be tossed into the glumness-but Němec was sure this old-pal was the one.

  Ronnie delivered his ultimatum after examining the analog-time on his phone.

  “I’m sure that this is possible to delve into this upon my recommencing my duties. A platoon of riot stormtroopers, a few carrying submachine guns/ stun grenade several wearing body armor despite the intense heat stand at a checkpoint on a barren road in the middle of trackless desert waiting for my support-when that is done I will begin this”

  Historically, cryptolects have been especially prevalent among service nomads: outsiders who provide settled populations with services they lack such as Tartar coppersmiths, Dublin Travelers, or the Sheikh Mohammadi peddlers of Afghanistan-this was the first time such had been conveyed to a military org.The cartridges manufactured for machine/ submachine guns, rifles automatic- pistols would litter the desert then when this had reached a peak it would be as if a signal to come home. The Médecins Sans Frontières vehicles clearly marked with a symbol showing that they are unarmed: a submachine-gun with a heavy cross painted over it-would bring him safely home.

  A talented actor/ monologist, Ronnie had won critical acclaim for his one-man shows plus diverse work-likeable as your average monologist - amusing company if sticking to anecdote steering clear of personal prejudices. Sally (who had been Pavel’s partner) plus Něme used to spend short-breaks away with Ronnie plus whoever was his girlfriend of the moment so they had got to know him. The truth is that the attraction which draws a man/ woman together in what they call platonic friendship always has something of the physical in it -Sally tall, mature, single, aristocratic, hypoallergenic, super-pure so perfectly thin/ delicate found herself attracted to Ron handsome, outwardly respectable middle-aged man with a raffish undertow. Blissfully nothing came of it or any harm to their respective partners. Something of how Fernandez articulated his conception of a politics of simplicity - one based in beauty, peace, appreciativeness, but most of all generosity touched Sally deeply. They were both rejuveniles too- people who have ‘tastes that are traditionally associated with people younger than themselves’. They liked playing Lego like kids or watching old ‘H.R. Pufnstuf’ videos. This epiphany wasn’t enough to hold them together however.

  From somewhere nearby, seemingly above the everyday sounds of the street, came the buzz.We go on funfair rides, drive fast cars, ride motorbikes, climb highest summits, take part in dangerous sports - all basically for a thrill, a buzz, but this was of a tiny motor.Ronnie was making tracks to visit Branko Lukić ostensibly a jewelry but also a Genesis GPR trainee level whatever.The buzz was his guide. In a nearby health-store acupressure treatment aids such as balls, dumb-bells plus small cubes believed to help improve circulation were on offer.

  We must follow the hallway to Lukić Jewelers enter the reception then listen as Fernandez calls: “Branko!”

  “Is that you Ronnie -I’m in the workshop.”

  There was the sound of metal upon metal-harsh discordant.

  Now we should walk past the tables where the jewelers work-down the end of a hallway with offices on both sides. There was nothing luxurious about the offices however-worn carpets or linoleum, tired furniture. In a discrete studio was a custom built safe made of concrete/steel. There was Sheetrock,then concrete finally the toughest of them all-the steel that must be penetrated to get to the goodies inside. There were men cutting through the Sheetrock with acetylene equipment.

  A welding area, both electric/ acetylene is entered (a machine shop consisting of lathes, Shapers, milling machines, plus drill presses would not have seemed amiss). Torch equipment similar to that for gas welding (The torch has valves for controlling the volume of acetylene and oxygen provided by tanks nearby) is switched off then attached to a stand. Oxyacetylene welding courtesy of Houston Electric Corp is written on the side. Shaded welding goggles/safety glasses, outfitted with a filter are removed.

  “I get this from my father before you ask. Pa taught us how to use a chainsaw, dig holes, build fences, drive tractors plus all kinds of equipment like dozers. I learned how to pour concrete, weld both with oxy-acetylene plus an arc welder before I could walk practically.”

  In wrinkled dress shirt/ slacks Branko’s tie looked as though it had been knotted repeatedly that it had only been tightened / loosened on the rare occasions that Mark dressed/undressed. The endorphin ‘buzz’- the sense of wellbeing/healthiness; frankly, the sense of satisfaction even superiority Lukić got from using this was almost tangible. The jeweller casts a glance.

  “Bet those environmentally friendly locals at the wind farm at Nantucket Sound going ballistic over the prospects of seeing an ‘industrial energy complex’ in their backyard would go AWOL over this Ron.”

  Whether this was the ozone destruction or the amount of electricity used was never ascertained. “The cinematherapy propellers like in ‘Ardent Fascination’ would veritably spin.”

  Cinematherapy- a relatively new therapeutic approach being used by many counselors was bibliotherapy gone wild, a technique developed by Marijo Petković, who assigned fiction/non-fiction books to his patients to help them develop coping strategies. When using a video the individual can view certain important scenes over/over again- use the message in the story to understand his/her problems.‘Ardent Fascination’ was a movie which had a wind-farm in that Branko’s counselor had recommended.”

  The important scene for Branko was when a faint, high pitched whine grew then began to pulse through the farm, a counterpoint to the deeper thunder of the turbines. Interspersed with this was the terrifying thunder of planes followed by the blast of the bombs. The turbines were like his brutal father Častimir who like the wind-gatherers despite attempts to move
him was indestructible. Petković devotee Tješimir Mikulić asked Branko to picture refilming the scene with the mortars hitting their target not missing them. To help him play Trevor -the pilot with conviction, Mikulić even invented a fictional biography for the troubled man.

  Lukić motioned that his casual assistants leave them for a while then pushes the equipment aside. His welding gear— steel bottles, one containing oxygen, the other acetylene made a metallic creaking sound. The big coil of plastic tubing on the trolley seemed as if ready to move. Working on the electronic lock continues throughout the exchange.

  “This is not why you’re here this is something to do with Genesis GPR I believe. We saw the news report about the denim that was found in PR.”

  “Of all the people I know you’re the only one that really understands Genesis GPR in the strictest sense Ron.”

  “The importance of Paris as an artistic centre, particularly in the book trade, meant that many foreign artists gravitated towards the French capital, attracted by the wealth of patrons. It is the same with Calabasas, CA where I originate from. GPR is synonymous with Calabasas, no one who comes from there can possibly avoid its influence.”

  Calabasas was in the news recently for having excessive ‘flu days’ in educational establishments. Shutting the subways might better some had mooted, because children are much more cleverer than adults at spreading flu, subways are enclosed spaces where sneezes linger in the air — but doing that would be harder to pull off.

  “I wonder what Marija Enright would say?”

  Like Jadranko Ivanović, the writer of ‘Ardent Fascination’ with whom Marija was being lavishly compared by her rather over-enthusiastic publishers, Enright was interested not only in the fictionality of history but Genesis GPR too whose globular patterns decorated the covers of her work. It was largely agreed that Marija mitigating the damage done by a story by forcing its audience to realize its fictionality at almost every moment. Her fictionalized version of the life story of Jiro Horikoshi, the aeronautics expert who designed the Japanese ‘Zero’ fighter aircraft. ‘Flight in the Illusion’ was strongly derivative of ‘Ardent Fascination’.


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