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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 14

by Jessie Rose Case

  From behind her and in front, Cyborgs converged on their position. The fighting intense. The pirates were soon overwhelmed. Kim turned back, and moved towards the injured soldier from Brent’s team. He was now getting medical attention.

  “He ok?” She asked bending down. Brent nodded slapping the man on the back.

  “Through and through he’ll live. Need to keep his head down better.” Brent told her. The soldier grinned. Kim rolled her eyes. Men!

  She stood and surveyed the scene before her. It was bedlam. The place ruined. Bodies were littered across the ground. Cyborgs and survivors were helping others. Kim wondered how many they’d lost today. People she didn’t know, trying to save other people they didn’t know. The whole thing was madness.

  Kim spotted prisoners being kept together out of the way. Rage was with his leaders talking to people Kim recognised from previous trips to the station. They ran this place, well some of them did. Others, she didn’t know. She couldn’t see the Port Magistrate who was the head honcho. There were lots of men asking for news of their wives and children. Kim’s blood ran cold. It wasn’t over for these people.

  Kim walked over, she could feel the tense atmosphere. They’d stopped talking and were staring at each other.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked Rage as she approached reaching out to touch him.

  “They are requesting we leave, they do not want our help. Or rather he doesn’t.” Kim looked at Rage with incredibility. After everything they had done and seen? She turned to the people. Some looked uncomfortable.

  “Where’s the Port Magistrate?” She asked. A male stepped forward. She sort knew him, his reputation was not good.

  “His dead, I’m taking over.” He told her smugly. Kim looked him over. Something was niggling in the back of her mind.

  “How did he die exactly?” A man Kim had seen before stepped determinedly forward.

  “Once they’d taken out security. They gathered us all together, they timed it well. We were at our usual Council meeting. They emptied all the bar’s and restaurants and grouped the people together, then asked for the Port Magistrate. He,” He pointed to the guy she didn’t like the look of. “Gave him up. They shot him.” Kim decided then and there, she’d heard enough.

  “Who are you?” She asked the male. He puffed himself up with self-importance.

  “I am Fieit I run the porters.” Then she remembered. There had been a huge scandal and falling out between the Port Magistrate and the head porter. The Port Magistrate wouldn’t let him run the docks how they wanted. There was talk of corruption, bribes and money laundering.

  Kim smiled. “Well Mr Fieit. You are now under the control of the Cyborg Empire. This Port and the people in it, were saved by them. It is now under our law. Until we have ascertained what has gone on here, we have yet to eliminate the possibility that someone or someone’s,” she looked squarely at him, “have aided these pirates and that, I promise you, we will find out. The punishment will be harsh for anyone that did. Then fair and untainted elections will be held, for those who wish seats on the Council and for the position of Port Magistrate.”

  Fieit started to bluster. Kim cut him off. “Stop trying to take over, it’s not happening, and I strongly suggest, you take more interest in what has happened to these people, than trying to impress your will on people. Cos it gotta tell you, that bothers me and if I’m bothered, then so are they.” She pointed to the Cyborgs.

  Fieit gave her a cold smile and moved to strike her. Rage moved in lightning fast and caught his arm.

  “You are under arrest for an attack on a member of the Cyborg Empire. Take him.” Two Cyborgs removed Fieit. Struggling and screaming obscenities. Kim couldn’t help but see the relief on some of the Council’s faces.

  “Now he’s gone. We see to your people, medical is needed on the third floor if you can arrange that and then, we should adjourn and discuss what has been going on here?”

  There were several sad faces and nods. “Do you know where our females are?” Asked one of the men.


  Sometime later, Rage was led to a room with a large circular table and chairs. It was still intact. This was the stations Council meeting room. He grabbed a chair and pulled it out for Kim. She took it and he took the one next to it. His men filed in behind him. The Council members, what was left of them, came in and joined them. Someone had rustled up some refreshments and everyone took some.

  They were all looking to him with expectation. He wasn’t a diplomat. Rage went with honesty. Cyborgs didn’t lie.

  “We have an offer for you. We do not wish to run this Space Station Port. It is still yours, but it is now in Cyborg territory. We intend to establish this part of space as the Cyborg Empire. Anything and anyone in it, will be subject to its laws and we protect what is ours. We need a base. So, we propose taking over the Stations security. Whoever was doing it before was doing a piss poor job. That means, there will be Cyborg ships docking regularly. Making purchases and orders, using the facilities here, and moving off again. We are happy to support other visitors as normal and have trade routes established. We expect business will get back on their feet. We have the resources to help with that. All in coming traffic will be managed by Cyborgs including the docking area. The rest, is not our responsibility but yours.”

  One of the Council members Kim recognised spoke up. “What’s that going to cost us?”

  Rage shook his head. “Nothing more than payment for our services. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement nothing more.” He let them think about that. They had nothing to lose by Cyborgs running security on this station and everything to gain.

  “Now,” he asked, “how did this happen.”


  Kim walked the top floor. It had been two days since the fighting had ended at the top. The Gallerea looked better but nothing like it did. She had enjoyed coming here previously. The open space, the glass ceiling showing the stars. It had been quite magical. Kim hoped they got that back soon.

  The people and Cyborgs had done a great job in clearing up the mess. Sadly, it would take a lot longer to put things right, but they would get there. She wasn’t alone. Others were milling about. Some in grief, others in relief. The head count told them that over half the 400 inhabitants were dead. Mostly females.

  Rage had talked to the Council about bringing more people out to the Port over time to fill gaps. The Cyborgs would be happy to help and Kim hoped they took them up on the offer. There would be a week of funerals and mourning officially. Then work to rebuild would start in earnest.

  Kim couldn’t blame those that had decided to leave. They’d been through so much. Most had decided to stay. Build a new life comforted by the security of the Cyborgs. Kim thought that was a good start. Many of the unattached females, found themselves with Cyborg protectors. Kim had sort out those Cyborgs and given them a short lesson on female humans. And left them with a message. “Don’t fuck it up.”

  She found a bench and sat down, closed her eyes and listened to life all around her. A gentle shake woke her and she guessed she’d drifted off. She recognised his smell. So dam sexy. Kim stretched and leant into him.

  “Sorry, guess I was more tired than I thought.” Rage smiled back at her. He had barely seen her in the last two days. He knew from reports she hadn’t slept much. She’d worked along with all the others trying to put things right.

  “We found him.” Kim sat up.

  “Where was he?”

  “Hiding on a ship waiting to leave.” Kim huffed. Fucker.

  “Ok let’s get this done. Garrett?” She asked.

  “He will join us.” Kim got up.

  “Right let’s do this.”

  Rage escorted her to the new security block. They’d taken over the old one and made it bigger. Much bigger. It now housed not only the computer running systems for the station but everything to do with its security. Cyborgs were after all bigger than the average human, and needed more space. Kim had insisted they
needed a reception and waiting area of sorts. He, Dark and Pain needed offices. So did the other Empire Councilman when on the station. They also needed cells. She’d drawn a plan and gave it to them. Cyborgs had got to work. They walked through the security doorway.

  Rage took pride is seeing Kim’s face light up. He watched her check it all out, as she walked through the open reception area to the corridor leading to the interrogation rooms. He entered one with Kim, finding Garrett waiting for them along with Dark.

  “Well, it looks like our business is about to be concluded.” She told Garrett taking her seat.

  “About dam time,” he mumbled. Kim put her gun on the table and he sat back. Kim smiled. The opposite door opened and in walked Remix being held by two Cyborgs. He didn’t look happy. They dumped him in a seat opposite her and took up position behind him.

  Kim smiled. “Well Remix. How very nice to see you.” He looked between her, Rage, the Cyborgs and Garrett. He swallowed hard. Then looked rattled. He started doing that shuffling thing he did. Kim smiled wider.

  “This douchebag,” she pointed to Garrett, “is Garrett. He has an interesting story to tell. It seems you, sold him something that belongs to me. Do explain that.”

  The end ….. for now… Book 2 Continues the adventure!

  Now on sale …..

  Jessie Rose Case

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series


  Book 2


  Note to Readers: If you love the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this!

  If you are looking for strong dominant male characters and females who can hold their own, with hot steamy sex you just found it. Enjoy!!


  Mackensie Navarelli knew all about life. She'd had it thrown at her more than once. A child prodigy orphaned, who had been pushed and pulled all her life. Love. Who needed it? They used it to get what they wanted. And men were worse. No sex without love, that was her rule. And still it had fucked her every single time and not in a good way. WTF! It all led to pain and disaster. Trusting someone only ended up one way in her experience. With her, In the shit. The last one cost her her dream job and her savings. Well no more. She'd had it. No more being led down a path. No more miss nice. She was good at her job, dam good. She'd spent years qualifying in some of the best fields of medicine and research only to have her perfect job snatched from her hands by a cheating lover who submitted her work as his.

  The bastard! The last of a long list of broken trusts. If she stayed she'd kill him. Just thinking about it made her want to break every oath she'd ever taken.

  She was 28 and still as naive as ever. Would she never learn? She needed to get out of here. A fresh start to a new out post was just what the doctor ordered. They needed a specialist urgently. She could do celibacy, It couldn't be any worse. Could it? Frying pan or fire? No dam it. She would be the master of her life ....

  Dark. His chosen name for good reason. His unique Cyborg abilities allowed him to go unseen. Unheard. Deadly. He had accomplished the worst that had been asked of him without question. He'd been a life taker and a heart breaker. Females liked his size in every aspect. He'd enjoyed servicing them but felt nothing for them. No connection. No need. He was a soldier. He followed orders.

  From his first kill 14 years into his creation, to the last, 57 years later. His Cyborg cybernetics preventing him from ageing beyond optimal performance, 34 years.

  He was just as strong, just as deadly as the first day he breathed on his own. Now, he was free. Free to choose. Free to live. He and his brothers searched for others of their kind. Lost and broken soldiers throughout the Universe. A chance encounter for their leader led them in a direction they thought impossible. It gave them hope for a future they'd never expected. A connection to the world not have thought possible. Mates. Dark knew he would never find one. He did not understand females. Did not need them. He could pleasure them, give then what they needed and leave. He understood duty.

  A raid by Pirates in their part of the Universe on a Space Station outpost of civilians, while helping the boss's new mate, had ended with the Cyborg Empire declaring itself. Bringing the power of the Cyborg Nation to their aid and the notice of the Multi-World coalition and Earth Corp.

  It had been bloody and deadly. The Pirates severely out numbered and over powered. They saved what was left of the people on the Space Station and brought it into their domain. Under their protection. The people manning it decimated and those females that survived, were traumatised and damaged from several days in Pirate control.

  It would take years to re-build and heal, the people would need help. The Empire would make sure they got it and kill anyone who got in their way.

  Mackensie, Mac to her friends, opened the door of her cabin looking for the liaison she'd expected. A mass of tall dark and deadly stood in her way. She looked up and kept going. Her body heated, her mouth dry. "Holy shit your big." Slipped out .....

  But time was nothing to Cyborgs. They had time ....... a lot of it.

  And they now intended to have it all .....


  To those who dare to dream …… then gives life a kick and gets on with it !

  Copyright July 2017

  All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

  Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental.

  Other Books By the Author


  (A American West Native Indian Romantic saga)

  The Awaking

  (A Bataari New World Sci fi Alien Romantic saga Book 1)

  The Beckoning

  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 2)

  A Pairing

  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 3)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 1 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 2 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 3 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 4 House Arturo)

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Books 1 - 10.

  A word from the Author.

  Hello, I'm Jessie and I thank you for buying this book! I know you did not have to.

  There are so many choices out there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone else will enjoy one of my stories. And for me, it's about telling a story that I'd like to read myself.

  I am not caught up in POV or literacy genius. It's simply not me or my style and I will never be that person, so I apologize to all those who are focused on the POV and the genius of literacy. I envy those that are.

  On the days where my pain and meds stop my thinking processes, writing these books have been my lifeline. It reminds me that I still have the ability to rise to the challenge and that I refuse to go quietly into the night. God forbid!

  But, I'm a person just like you, who wants to bring some passion into my life and yours, and put a good story out there that's hard to put down, that brings some escapism, sexy fun and pleasure into your reading. We all love a bit of that!

  And, I hope I achieve that for you in this book. I sincerely hope you enjoy it so much that you want to look out for the next in the series. (Coming soon) And if I'm lucky, you will have had such a good time, you'll recommend it to your friends and I thank you kindly.

  My very best wishes to you and yours. Jessie x

  About the Author;

  Jessie, (pseudonym) is married with sadly no children but 3 wonderful dogs that fill her life with much laughter, joy and love. She is a ‘second mother’ to her foster children, now grown with chi
ldren of their own who call her grandma and her husband’s two children and her nephews who she accepts, she spoils rotten.

  Having been a 30-year career social worker. Now retired due to ill health. And many years of supporting services across all sectors and leading several teams, Jessie has now turned her attention to another love of her life, books.

  In a career that required the ability to write court paperwork, lengthy reports, create protocols and procedures, and having been published in a medical journal for a study on addiction, Jessie is now concentrating on producing stories she would love to read and buy herself. When not busy on her lap top you will find her cooking, reading her favourite authors or swimming in the sun.

  She hopes you can join her on the adventure….

  Get in touch with Jessie ….

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


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