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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 16

by Jessie Rose Case

  Dark couldn’t get enough of the feel of her skin. He needed more. Grabbing both edges of her shirt, he ripped it open exposing her body beneath him. He shredded her bra and dominated her breasts. No time for finesse. He grabbed them roughly, tweaking and pulling on her nipples, raking his nails over them, then soothing them and doing it all over again. The female had leaned back into him bracing one hand on the wall. He could sense how close she was to coming. Her internal muscles rippled along his cock. He caressed and pumped her breasts pulling them forward like the teats they were. He hungered for a taste.

  “I will drink from these when full of milk,” he told her fucking her with his cock. He had no idea why he’d said that. He’d never taken from a nursing mother and now, he was demanding it of this female? He moved a hand to her clit and pinched it then rubbed it. “I will suckle you here and you will come for me and I will drink you down. Lick and suck on you until you cry my name in pleasure.”

  Mac cried out as he’d pinched her clit. She was so dam close. Everything he did and said, drove her closer to her climax. She was naked under him, braced against a table and she didn’t care. He’d ripped away her shirt, her skirt was hanging by its waistband around her waist, and all she wanted was more. Had he said he would suckle from her? Her brain had stopped working. She felt wonton, desired. How long had it been since she’d felt anything like this? Never. Her brain screamed. Mac pulled her legs wider, she wanted more. Nothing felt like this. She felt her peak coming. Felt the wave teeter on the cusp. Stars appeared in her eyes as she tried to hold on. Now, she needed it now, her mind screamed.

  “Fuck me harder,” she called out at him slamming her hand against the wall. “Need to come NOW.”

  Dark heard the call of his mate. She needed him. Needed more of him. He increased his pace. Going faster, deeper. Hitting her body harder as the table crashed into the wall beyond it. Changing his angle of thrust, he hit her g spot. He grabbed both her breasts once more and pinched them both as he pounded against her new best friend.

  Mac held her breath reaching for the stars. Dark moved slightly behind her and suddenly the world moved. It was overwhelming. Her orgasm struck her like lightening, sweeping over her and rolling through her body. She was on fire. Her entire body convulsing with her orgasm. It was beyond anything she’d ever experienced before. Total domination of her body had taken over by this male. The science in her wanted to examine it all in fine detail, the female, wanting it to go on and on. He continued to ride through her climax and a second orgasm rolled through her from nowhere and still, he kept pumping deeply into her. Another struck again. Her climax stuck on repeat, it raged through her again and again. She collapsed under her own weight, no longer able to hold herself up under the deluge.

  “I have you.” Dark told her ploughing into her. Mac could hardly hear him, the sound of her blood rushing through her head so loud, it blocked everything else.

  He couldn’t stop. She was coming around his cock, time and time again and it drove him on. He had no words for this. His woman. His mate. Pleasured by his cock. He could still feel her body hum with the righteousness of it. It rippled and pulled on him. Dark couldn’t hold back any longer. He needed to come, needed his scent on his female. Reaching forward he clasped her shoulder once more and gripped her thigh with the other, pulling her up higher, tighter into his body. Ramming his cock one last time up into her, going balls deep and roared, as his seed flooded into his female.

  Dark slumped forward, his seed pouring from him. Bracing himself against the table, he held onto Mac. He felt drained. His muscles weak. He had never felt do dam good. He caressed the side of her face and pulled her hair out of the way so he could see her.

  “Are you ok?” He asked. She was still panting, re-gaining her breath.

  She nodded slowly. “Yes, more than ok.” She told him, a slight smile on her face.

  Reality started to penetrate the red haze of his frenzy to have her. He’d torn her clothes to get to her. He had enjoyed it. But she would have nothing to cover her. An intense need for no other male to see this female overwhelmed him. “I ruined your clothing. I will replace them.” He told her gruffly. Running his hand down her neck, shoulder, taking procession of a breast.

  Mac sighed. She thought she was losing her mind. She wanted him again. Feeling his fingers teasing her. Her body already starting to respond. How was he talking? She wondered. Hoping he’d stop and keep playing with her. He rocked into her. Mac held back a grown. Closing her eyes, relishing the feel of his hands on her.

  “I should go.” He told her. It was cold, no emotion.

  It took a moment for Mac to register what he’d just said. What the fuck? He was still embedded in her and ‘he should go’? Was he fucking serious? He slid his cock out and back in. Mac stifled the moan racing up her throat. Did he regret fucking her or just wanted a quick getaway? Embarrassment assaulted her. This had been a major mistake. She thought clearly. She’d acted like a whore and he’s treated her like one. What had she been thinking? He was sliding in and out of her, she could feel her juices flowing, her need rising. Emotions choked her. She hadn’t thought this through. He needed to get the fuck out of her. Now.

  “Yes, you should go. I have work to do.” She told him trying to be just as cold. Just as unemotional. He rammed up into her and ground against her ass. To her shame, her body responded, her need to come again assaulting her. Mac bit her lip holding back from asking for more. Then felt every inch of him being pulled from her body. And suddenly she felt hollow, empty. As his body moved away from her, the cold seeped in …. And an overwhelming feeling of being alone. She felt the tears behind her eyes as she heard him dress. Mac leant over to the bed picking up her robe, slipping it over her ruined clothing. Fighting back the tears, she stood there, their joined juices running down her legs. She wouldn’t hide from what had just happened, but she wasn’t standing there naked either. She could hear him straightening his clothing. She turned to face him.

  Dark could sense her anger, taste her tears in the air. He did not understand it. Had he hurt her?

  “Did I hurt you?” He asked concerned for her. She had enjoyed it, he knew that.

  “No.” She told him. She’d schooled her face, closing herself off from him. He stared at her, lost for what to do. He was on unfamiliar ground and didn’t know what to do. He moved into the bathroom and grasp a towel and handed it to her. Had she got what she wanted and no longer needed him? Had she used him? No, he didn’t believe that. His logic held no answers for him.

  He stood taller and delivered the message he’d come to give her. He’d got side-tracked, but he was here on a missing and he would do his job. If she was his mate, he would deal with it. He would give her reason to believe in him.

  “I am to inform you, that as an employee of the Cyborg Empire you are provided with a protection detail. Said detail will be with you outside this door and wherever you go for the entire journey. My ship will also be in orbit around this vessel to escort you and intervene if needed.” He gave her a curt nod, turned and left the room.

  The door closed behind him. Mac wasn’t sure what the hell had just happened. He’d given her the best sex of her life and just ….. left. Tears came flooding to her eyes. She didn’t need this…

  Dark strode down the hallway. His mood deadly. He’d ignored the call from his second twice, during his time with the Doctor. He’d felt the request over his neuro net and blocked it. He had responsibilities. He couldn’t stay with her any longer. His emotions rode him. How things had got this fucked up he didn’t know.

  Mac slumped onto the bed. She was sensitive in all the right places. It had been ………. amazing. Wickedly surreal. Everything she’d ever hoped for in a lover. She knew he would be demanding and dirty. Her breasts ached. She’d badly wanted that. Her body hummed. Memories of his cock buried deep within her and his incessant pounding swamped her. Her nipples hardened and her clit pulsed with need. She’d had more orgasms in minutes, than she�
��d had in the last two years and she wanted him back. Tears ran down her face. She was a mess curtesy of a male again. Would she never learn! She hiccupped. There was no doubt Dark was all male. What he could do to her…… A smile sneaked across her lips until reality crept in. Shit. This wasn’t a good start.


  Four months later…..

  “Ladies and gentleman. We will be arriving in approximately two hours at the Olorian System Port, Space Station Delta. If you have any last requests of the staff please make them now. A steward will be along in the next hour for all luggage. Please ensure it is ready for disembarkation, sealed and labelled. Once your luggage has been taken care of, please make your way to the assembly area with your papers for disembarkation. There will be some uncoupling noises that you should not be worried about. It is the assisted engines being removed. Thank you for travelling with us and good journey.”

  Mac had been up for several hours and ready to go. She’d had enough of this cruise to last her a lifetime. Not used to so much down time, it had dragged. Her only salvation had been assisting the on-board Doctor, and using her mediation and reacquainting herself, with her chants and songs from her time at the monastery. It helped to gather her wits. It had been a while, but a photographic memory meant recall was one of her things. The weight of her cheating ex, grating on her every nerve. Heightened emotions from her time with Dark, confusing and conflicting her. It had taken the entire journey, but she had finally made peace with it. It would hold, until she got to kick shit out of one of them.

  She wanted to put that down to accepting her role in things and good meditation, but she knew better. She kept having dreams of Dark. His passion consuming her. She woke morning after morning, hot, horney and close to going in search of him. It had felt like months of hell at times. She held it back with cold showers and plenty of that meditation. It had worked. To a point. Ignoring her oath, she’d focused her energy on how she’d get some payback on her ex, then dealing with Dark. She no longer wanted to kill either of them, just to feel righteous. It was an improvement.

  Mac smiled. She had never been more grateful for her time with the monks. It truly had been her salvation on this journey. She had sort refuge there, when her life had spun out of control years before. The death of her parents coming out of the blue, her anxiety and heightened empathy, had led her to shut herself away. No one had understood her. Always a little anti-social. More of a geek than a social butterfly, their loss in her life had tipped her over the edge. Learning had always been her solace, and she reverted to what she knew best. Isolating herself in her work. Until, it was clear it wasn’t working, and she was harming herself. In her need for peace, she’d sort out a new kind of learning. And once she’d been ready for it, a whole new world had opened up to her.

  Her bags were stacked by the doorway. She checked her watch. She still had time for breakfast and decided to go for it now. Once she was on the station, she wasn’t sure how much time she’d have. Or what to expect. She wanted to be ready to go. Mac checked her watch again. It was old fashioned for anyone to still carry one, but the antique had been a gift from her parents. The feel of it was comforting.

  She knew most people would be rushing around, doing last minute packing. She hated when it was crowded. Her mind wandered to Dark again. He’d stayed out of her way and she’d talked herself into believing it was the right thing. She’d seen him of course. His men had followed her day after day. And on occasion across a room, she’d caught him staring at her.

  Walking to the doorway she engaged the lock with her hand print and it opened. The sight of the two warriors standing opposite her doorway, had gone way beyond being a surprise. They had been her constant shadows throughout the last four months. No matter what she said or told them to do, or how she tried to ditch them, they remained by her side. She had to give them credit. They were determined.

  “Ok boys, breakfast.” She told them coming through the door and turning towards the main areas of the ship, not bothering to wait for an answer. They wouldn’t give her one anyway. Mac walked down the corridor and called for the lift. It silently arrived and they stepped in. Several people tried to follow but as usual, the ‘boys’ prevented them from entering and told them “get the next one.”

  Every time they did it, it annoyed her. Other people had the right to ride with her dam it. She pouted. Ok, so she wasn’t good at small talk and didn’t have the patience of a saint, but she wasn’t a social pariah either.

  “I’ll be glad when this crap is over.” She whispered. She caught both warriors smirking. Dam Cyborg hearing. You couldn’t get away with a dam thing. Mac frowned. Did they know something she didn’t?

  The lift opened to the chaos of people travelling and getting ready to leave. Mac smiled feeling instantly better. People eager to get off just like her. The open lounges were full of passengers, talking, laughing, doing business or ushering loved ones. It was more crowded than she’d expected. Mac tried to ignore the last group as much as possible. She didn’t need to see loving couples all over the place. Moving swiftly, she headed towards the restaurant she’d come to enjoy while on board.

  Those in her way, moved quickly away once spotting her guard dogs. It had been like that the whole journey. The one time she’d gone for a drink and been chatted up, came to a grinding halt, as both her boys stepped in. She was pissed that night and gave them hell. The memory made Mac smile. They hadn’t known what to do. Several times during her rant, she’d caught them glazing over. They’d told her early on, it was how they received instructions. She’d guessed they were talking with Dark. What he’d thought of that, she couldn’t have cared less, she’d told herself nearly believing it.

  Pushing the memory away, Mac decided she really needed to come up with a name for them. She knew it was childish and petty, but she needed an outlet. She needed something old school she told herself walking towards the restaurant entrance. What was it her grandfather liked on these vids? O yeah, Bevis and Butthead. Mac smiled again. That will do nicely.

  Mac turned into the restaurant and the ‘boys’ herded her to the seating area. It was beyond annoying. She looked at them confused. She hadn’t got anything to eat yet. The taller one nodded in front of her. He’d be Butthead Mac decided. Turing back, she saw the brick wall waiting for her up ahead at a table. O shit. Her mind crunched.

  She’d managed to avoid him the entire journey. It had been a close call a few times, not that he’d ever made a bee line for her, O no, but she’d got good at getting lost. Just seeing him was too difficult. Made her want things she couldn’t have. Mac noticed he had food in front of him. A lot of it. And two plates. She sighed and started walking in his direction. Guess she’d been invited to breakfast. Nice of someone to ask or even tell her. Mac peeved as she reached the table. Her chair was pulled out for her by Butthead.

  “A word to the wise,” she glared at Dark. “If you invite a woman to a meal, you tell her.” She told him giving her best fake smile. “I don’t seem to have received my invitation. I have other plans with Bevis and Butthead here.” She gave a nod in their direction. Dark continued to stare at her while Butthead held onto the back of the chair he’d pulled out for her. She caught both her boys looking at her strangely. Good. She was fed up with being ignored.

  Dark liked her attitude. He would enjoy breaking it, he decided. He’d let her avoid him on this journey but now things were different. He didn’t know what Bevis and Butthead meant, but she’d referred to his men. He would find out. The boss’s mate knew all things human.

  “Take the seat. Had I told you, you would have ignored me. You will have breakfast with me and then, I will escort you to meet the boss as instructed. Eat. You are too small.” He told her.

  Butthead pushed the chair against her legs to sit. Dark picked up his knife and fork and started eating, cutting into his steak. Rare, flame grilled, triple bacon and eggs on the side, with stacks of bread and butter. Mac had been told supplies of human food had increa
sed since the Cyborgs had taken the Space Station and secured trade routes. It benefitted all of them. This ship certainly carried some of the best.

  Mac was torn between taking the chair and making a run for it. “You wouldn’t get far.” He told her between bites. Mac took the seat in a huff. Picked up her fork and was suddenly torn between digging into the delicious food on her plate, or stabbing the delicious male setting opposite her. It was a close call. Then she realised what he’d said. Had he called her skinny? Had she ever been called skinny? She took a moment to process that. She was tall and heavy set. She hated exercise and did it because she knew it was good for her, not because she enjoyed it. Nope never. Was he blind? She wondered watching him dig in. Then remembered they had optic cybernetic vision, could zoom in and see for miles. Maybe it was faulty?

  Mac loaded up her fork and started to eat. Just when she’d hardened up, he had to go and say something nice. She didn’t need back handed compliments. She stuffed in more egg melting on her tongue. Those were soooo good. Eggs one of her favourite foods. She’d admit if was nice that he cared. Worried that she ate. Encouraged it even. When had that ever happened? She narrowed in on Dark eating. Was he playing her? Pushing her buttons. Dam it. She didn’t have time for this shit.


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