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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 18

by Jessie Rose Case

  She was annoyed with herself for the panic attack. “You sure that’s not Grizzly?” Mac asked turning back to her. Rage snorted and Kim laughed taking her arm and leading her out.

  “O he’s plenty Grizzly when off his leach.” She patted her arm. “They all are. Meet Pain, Angr, Kane. It’s overwhelming I know. Your gonna do just fine here and you’re not on your own.” Kim told her. Mac wasn’t sure at all.

  “She needs a mate.” Rage called out after them.

  In their wake, a resounding “no” came from both of them. Then they both laughed walking away.

  Dark watched Mac go. “She’s ……… sensitive and has a mate.” It came out before he’d processed the response. He said it aloud, there’d be no misunderstanding the claim. If their neuro net didn’t work, the other Cyborgs heard him loud and clear. He looked back at Rage.

  “She’s not like Kim.” Rage told him.

  Dark agreed. “She’s not. They’re all so dam complex.”

  “It didn’t go well on the ship?” Rage asked.

  “No.” Dark looked sadly in the direction Mac had left in. “She’s drawn to me, we fucked it was good. Then she got angry I do not know why. She avoided me and I couldn’t be near her.”

  “Awww.” Rage walked over to him looking in the direction both women had gone. “As Kim would say,” Rage slapped him on his back. “Good luck with that.”


  They’d been drinking for a while since leaving Rage’s office. Mac had been very glad to see alcohol when she’d walked into the cafebar. It might only have been after 10am on the Station but the state Mac was in on entering, she was way passed the yardarm. She needed that shot in her tea. They’d spent the last couple of hours talking about nothing, Kim had been informative and fun to spend time with. “So how did you meet Rage?” She asked Kim. The cafebar was across the Gallerea from the Cyborg offices. Kim had introduced her to several sweet pastries that were delicious. Mac decided Kim was going to be a good friend to have. She licked the sweet stuff off her fingers.

  “Umm long story short.” Kim told her. “I had this new engine design. Rage thought I and my pilot friend Mack were selling Cyborgs. He came after us. I boosted our engines to lose him. He found us eventually. Made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Sorted out the misunderstanding. I gave him better engines. He helped me patient them. Make bucket loads of credits, get even with a douche bag and I realised I loved him to bits.” Kim shrugged her shoulder.

  “You forgot to mention that you shot me several times and how annoying I am. Or what a huge cock I have and how good I am at using it.” Rage bent down and thoroughly kissed Kim. Mac spluttered her drink, she couldn’t miss how much Kim appeared to enjoy it.

  “Way too much information guys, thanks for that visual.” She got out struggling to breath passed her flooded windpipe. She waved a hand in front of her face for air.

  A hard slap to her back didn’t help but crush her. “You damaged her.” Mac turned to see Dark standing over her glaring at Rage. Now with a sting in her back to go with her breathing difficulties. The idiot! She took slow breaths in.

  “I’m not damaged Bluto, it went down the wrong way. Jeez. Could you not bash the merchandise?” Mac rolled her back and turned to Kim as the kissing fest ended.

  “You do not need to see his cock. You can see mine.” Mac couldn’t believe the words that had just come out of Darks mouth. Hers dropped open and she stared wildly at Kim who shook her head amused. Seriously? She turned her head back towards Dark.

  “Who said anything about looking at anyone’s cock?” She gritted out. “They couldn’t hear you back on Old Earth, maybe you should say that a bit louder.” She told him with some sark. Kim smirked.

  “As you wish.”

  “NO.” Both Kim and Mac said it at the same time. And turned to look at each other. Mac wondered if she would survive this encounter intact.

  “It takes some getting used to.” Kim offered apologetically waving dismissively at both Rage and Dark.

  Mac nodded. “Not sure I have that much time left.” She told her rolling her eyes. Mac felt a giggle start to rise. Kim looked equally amused. Before she knew it, it burst forth and Kim joined in. Uncontrollable laughter exploded from both of them.

  “O that was good.” Kim told her between breaths, “needed that.” Mac couldn’t have agreed more. She could feel the stress lifting gaining some control.

  Dark looked from the females to Rage. He looked equally as confused as Dark felt. “What is wrong with them?” Dark asked. Rage spoke over his neuro net. Best not to ask my friend.

  “Ready?” Kim asked her. “Your tour awaits.” Kim stood and made her way around the furniture to Rage. He made a grab for her and kissed her again. Mac smiled watching them. She was in no doubt there was a deep love between them. As they walked, Kim told her all she needed to know about the Station and its people. She’d been relieved to know she wasn’t the only medical person on the Station. Now that she thought about it, it had been stupid to think she would be.

  She knew what had pulled her under. Her empathy, the propaganda of the place, her anxieties and stress of the unknown had really done a number on her. She was better than this. Her confidence had been severely hit by that asshole at home and it was still plaguing her. She’d always had such confidence. Maybe too much. She’d believed in herself, until she’d crashed. Tipped over the edge and burnt herself out. Now, that confidence had a nasty crack in it. The Station held hundreds of people. Of course, they’d be other staff, she berated herself. Kim told her there were in fact, several teams working on the Station from before the raid. She knew that. She’d read the intel. Mac took a calming breath, she’d acted like an idiot in the Admirals office.

  She knew the Station was dealing with the aftermath of what happened to most of the women that had worked and lived on the station. They had been the biggest victims in the attack. Apart from the few nurses that had survived, few other females had. Only those that had managed to hide, had escaped the abuses. They carried a different type of burden, gilt. Females who’d gone to the aid of others trying to fight off the attackers, got caught themselves. Many of those were dead. Or badly damaged. Of those attacked, nine nurses had returned to work, Kim had explained, from a workforce of over fifty. Five were still shadows of their former selves, unable to get passed the attack. A couple of others, were barely functioning. Mac hoped she could help them. Kim told her new medical staff had been on the ship with her, more, had been recruited. Mac wished she’d known about the other staff on the ship. She would have welcomed getting to know them and pulling their resources. She felt it had been a missed opportunity and told Kim so. She agreed. Any further new recruits would be called together on the ships out and they would work out an information programme.

  Kim had continued the running commentary as they walked passed buildings still with damage. She explained that the rest of the females that had been found after the attack, were in various stages of recovery. Most had been able to accept the human males offers of help and some females had been able to accept both the human assistance and Cyborgs helping them. Physically most were now healed of their injuries but emotionally, was a different story. A couple of the females had gone feral and were sedated for their own safety. Kim told her sadly that they may never recover. Others were in various stages, some shut down. The sadness and shock on the Station still with everyone. Kim told her quietly, the Station had desperately needed women to work with the women. So, they’d advertised for them. Sort specialists to help rebuild. Her ship had brought many with her, who wanted jobs on the Station. It was a start but there was a long way to go.

  “We know it will take years to re-build. And no one expects you to do all the work yourself. But we’d like you to recommend people. We have offers out and people have applied, some will be out on the next ship and the one after that. Quite a few of them in fact. Other’s will be here to help soon but with your special skills and empathic abilities, we ho
ped you could work with the women, help them find themselves again.” Kim told her quietly as they approached an area currently undergoing lots of repairs.

  “The first thing you need to do,” Mac told her, “is get rid of the reminders. Seeing all this damage is not going to help heal anyone, its just more reminders.”

  “We know. We’ve more men coming to help with that, but the Council here makes all the decisions and it’s been slow going.” Kim pushed through the doors and Mac followed. It looked like any other clinic she had been in, apart from the damage. “When the raiders found out there were a lot of female’s in here, they took the place apart to get to them. They put up a dam good fight though. Protecting themselves and their patients.” Kim ran her hand down a wall panel. “They will be honoured on this wall.” She turned around. “This is the reception area.” Kim told her sadly. A male came towards them with his hand extended. Mac could see he was human, possibly in his 50’s.

  “Hello. Welcome. Dr Navarelli I’m guessing.”

  Mac took his hand to shake it in the old-world way. “Yes I am.”

  “Excellent. I am Dr Breson. Joe. We are very much in need of your skills. I can take it from here Kim.” He smiled at Kim.

  “Ok Doc.” Kim turned and reached out to touch her arm. “You’re in good hands Mac. When your done, your escort will be outside to take you to your accommodation to settle in. We’re having dinner to welcome you tonight about 8. Good for you?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Mac told her getting into professional mode.

  “Ok then. Doc. See you later.” Kim told them and waved them off as she left the clinic. Mac guessed she was heading straight to Rage.

  “If you would come this way I can show you your offices, and we can talk about the work I hope you can help us with.”

  Mac nodded looking around. “Sounds good. Do you run this facility?” Dr Breson didn’t answer. Mac looked back at him.

  He looked a little uncomfortable and shook his head. “No, you do.” Dark told her.

  Dark had given her a nod and left. Mac entered the office Dr Breson had opened for her, still stunned by the information she’d just been given. Mac didn’t like not knowing all the details and someone had left that off the JD too. That was becoming a habit, thought Mac. She’d be running this clinic? And no one thought to say? She’d be having words with the HR person. The extent of her new responsibilities igniting her ambitions. She could do so much here. Do work she’d only dreamed of. Mac looked around. She realised she could achieve a great deal with these people. It was a large office. Larger than her old one. The shelves were full of items. Several held pictures. Lots of couple pictures and family groupings. She guessed they were from her predecessor.

  “I’m sorry,” Dr Breson told her. “I couldn’t take them down.”

  Mac smiled. “Don’t be. No need. I’m not the take over kind. Are they family to my predecessor?” Mr Breson nodded.

  “Call me Joe. Yes. The Doctor and his wife were killed in the raid. The Doctor tried to protect his wife, she was here when the raid happened. She was out front trying to keep people calm. We locked the doors but they broke into the clinic and dragged her out with others. We fought back but had no guns and they did. Even so, several got injections and injuries that ending their abuses. A complete violation of our oath.” He told her sadly, “but they were our women. When the Doc realised what had happened, he secured his patient and came out after her. He wouldn’t let them be separated. They killed them both. As an example to the rest of us. They had no children. It was their biggest regret but now, I think that was a blessing.”

  Mac could feel his pain. “Then we will honour them here.” Mac took a seat in front of the desk. She indicated the other to Joe. “So bring me up to speed. The HR here is shit.”

  They spent several hours going over the work the clinic offered the citizens of the newly established Cyborg Empire. Mac was pleased to see they offered a lot. Some of the practices from before the pirate raid and many others since. And nothing appeared to be done on the cheap. Mac was glad to see that. Joe kept a tight hold on expenditure and when their accountant and commissioner arrived to show her the books, it was clear that things had been run well. Mac felt happy to leave those roles in place.

  Before the raid, the medical team had run a full hospital. It had departments on different floors for different specialists. Dealt with small and large injuries, accidents, triage, and scheduled lifesaving and improvement operations and dealt with issues relating to living in space that affected physical and emotional wellbeing, such as depression, anxiety, stress and relationships. There was an emergency response team on rotation that stayed in the docking area, where most injuries occurred or could be found coming in from ships. There was also a quarantine area down by the docks in case it was ever needed. A surgical unit was on the lower floor. Other procedures were booked according to availability.

  Now, with limited staff, the focus had turned to emotional wellbeing having treated the people from the raid. They’d had their med beds in constant use. More had been brought in on her ship. They’d been woefully under equipped for such a raid. He told her there were a number of women who had refused all male support and intervention, victims of the raid. They’d been given the med beds. Their treatment slowed by the availability of the female nurses. So they’d been given priority. Mac asked to see their files. Joe pulled them from a stack on the desk. The med beds had treated them for their physically needs and even that had been difficult. Several were so shut down they were unresponsive and remained residents at the clinic since the incident. Mac read their files then asked to see them.

  She did the rounds with Joe and inspected the clinic on this floor. It held the recovery ward. Joe told her post attack, it had been all and anything they could get their hands on. Now it was more back to normal. Three wards corridors, four beds in each cabby, some designated male others female. Four cabbies to each corridor. It could hold 64 at any one time and there was an overflow section, should it be needed in an emergency on floor 2. It held the same number of beds. Mac worked the corridor. Spoke to any staff and introduced herself. Minute by minute feeling more like her old self. Moving on to the wards she picked up each person’s chart, Joe gave her the details of prognoses and treatment and she spoke to anyone who was with them.

  She was surprised to see more than one Cyborg on the wards standing near a female but out of the way. She’d tried to engage them, but they weren’t much for communication. Mac didn’t understand why they would be there. “Do they need guards?” She asked turning to Joe.

  “No. I’m told, they are ‘potential mates’ as I understand it.” He whispered to her. Mac was shocked, the last thing these women needed was a dominant male. It must have shown in her face. Joe moved her to one side. “I know, they refuse to leave other than when on duty. I tried, in the beginning, even went to the Admiral about it because I was so worried, and he explained things to me. They do not interact with the women, they wait and watch. Protect what might be their responsibility one day.” Joe told her quickly. “They come here on their time off and just stand with them. At first, it seemed creepy, I asked several to leave and when they did I found the women became restless, disturbed, their presence somehow soothed the women, I don’t know how, so I let it go.”

  Mac walked on to a young woman in a bed, picking up the chart. “Hello, I’m Dr. Navarelli, I’m going to look at your chart, I hope that’s ok.” She told her although it was clear she was unresponsive. Mac read for a while standing there, then looked down at the female. She was quite beautiful. Her face was marred with recent scars that had healed. She turned to Joe. “Why hasn’t the med bed cleared those scars?”

  Joe came forward. “She wouldn’t settle in it. We hope to do it once she comes back to us.” Mac held back her anger. They hadn’t been satisfied with raping her, they’d marked her too. She was completely unresponsive lost in her nightmares. Mac felt the emotional vacuum. A similar looking child sat nex
t to the bed, she’d stopped reading to listen to the conversation then started again. A Cyborg stood to one side. He looked to be as big as Dark. Mac eyed him wearily. Then looked at the child as she looked up at her and smiled.

  Mac handed the chart to Joe and walked around to the opposite side of the bed. Bending down level with the child. “Hi I’m Dr Navarelli.” Mac held out her hand to the child she took it and shook. “Is this your sister?” The child nodded her head. “And who is that?” Mac pointed to the Cyborg behind the child. His eyes followed every movement she made.

  A beaming smile lit up the child’s face. She would be a beauty too, thought Mac. “That’s Brak. He helps me care for my sister. He will be her mate if she will have him. I hope she does. We will never have to fear again. He will protect us with his life, so will his brothers.”

  Mac couldn’t help but be moved by the child’s words. She squeezed her hand. “Can I take a look at your sister?” The child nodded. Mac got up and walked the two steps to the top of the bed and bent down to be level with the female on the bed. Her eyes were open staring at the ceiling, she had a vacantness that pulled at Mac. She was still locked inside.

  “Hello, Betsey, as I said before, I’m Doctor Navarelli. I know you can hear me. If you’re ok with it, I’m going to touch you. I will not hurt you and would ask your permission. You are lost and afraid, I think I can help you with that, if you let me.” Mac waited for a response. She didn’t expect one but gave the woman time. Then lifted her hand and a growl vented the air. The Cyborg had made known his displeasure. Without looking at him, she told him.


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