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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 26

by Jessie Rose Case

  “No sorry cant, just checking the place out. I didn’t know it was opening today. I’m previously booked elsewhere. Enjoy.” Mac turned to leave.

  “I wasn’t kidding last night Mac.” He told her holding onto the bag. Well, thought Mac, he clearly wasn’t intimated by the boys.

  Mac indicated her head to him on the way out. “Gotta go.” She made a quick exit and heard the punching start up again.


  Dark didn’t like it. It had been several weeks since he’d got back and brought that Doctor with him. It was two weeks since he’d left things with Mac. It grated that he’d liked him. And that he was showing way too much attention to Mac. She wasn’t happy with her security being back either. It was a mess. He read the reports on his neuro net on both of them again. His emotions started to hamper his capacity to work. He shut it off again. Dam it. It was getting harder to do. The cruiser was docking later today. Dark hoped that the monks would distract Mac from the male, along with the other new staff arriving. He cracked his neck. He would need to punch something soon.

  He taken to going to the Tai Chi and watching from a distance, when Mac was doing it thinking that seeing her would help. It didn’t. It hurt. Made him feel things he didn’t want. So, he’d stopped going. That hurt too. Nothing fucking worked. He snarled. Fucking emotions. Dark slammed a fist down on his desk. Things were getting out of hand. Getting worse. With his emotions turned off his logic should sustain him only it wasn’t. It seemed compromised too. Like it was making demands on him. Pushing him. Dark roared, completely out of control. He would get passed this.


  A knock on the frame of her door brought Mac’s attention from her notes. Colm stood leaning on it.


  Mac gave him her best professional smile. “Good morning.”

  “So, Joe informs me that its tradition for any new Doctor to have dinner with the Director. I thought we’d get that scheduled in before business got busy.” He told her plainly. Both dimples on show. Mac wasn’t sure that was a good idea but he was right. It was something that Joe had told her when she’d first got here and she’d had dinner with everyone not just the Doctors.

  Mac nodded. “Sure, mid-week next week should work. Talk to my secretary she’ll arrange it.” Mac went back to her notes then realised he was still standing there. “Something else?” She asked looking back up.

  “I’m wondering why you don’t like me.” Mac tried to look surprised at the comment and failed. She sat back in her chair giving up trying to pretend to work.

  “Nothing personal. We work together and I’m not interested in starting anything.”

  He stayed looking at her for a moment. As if trying to figure something out. Mac wondered what it was. If he’d throw Dark in her face.

  “Fair enough.” He told her. Mac watched him walk away. Her emotions washing over her. Tears threatened again. What the hell was wrong with her? What she’d told him was true. And had a certain Cyborg not rocked her world, she’d have really appreciated all that maleness. Shit. She should have stuck to her no sex rule. She only wanted one male and she’d royally fucked that up. Life would have been so much simpler.



  Mac had dressed carefully this morning. She didn’t want to give the wrong signals. She’d gone for a business suit and blouse. It was the most conservative thing she had and matched it with low pumps. She also took out her contacts and put on her glasses. Told herself that she was giving her eyes a rest, but it was a lie and she knew it. Washing up she looked in the mirror, happy with the result.

  Coming back to her desk she closed down the files she’d been working on. She’d come to work prepared today. She’d no intension of going home to get ready for this dinner. It was professional. Not personal.

  A knock announced Colm’s arrival. “Ready?”

  “Sure, just finished. If you don’t mind I’m going to take this opportunity to discuss your ideas on research.” She told him picked up the data pad.

  “Sounds good. I have some ideas I want to run by you too.” He told her. Mac looked up and drank in the male standing in her doorway. He’d scrubbed up well and his suit looked really good. She swallowed.

  “Look forward to it. Let’s go.” She told him.

  Dinner was good and Colm’s conversation was light and engaging. He’d told her about himself, that his family way back when, came from Ireland, he had a touch of the blarney in him. Mac found it endearing and enjoyed his company. He had many a tale to tell. It had been better than she’d expected.

  “More wine?”

  Mac shook her head. “No I’m done. Tea would be nice.” Colm waved over the waitress and ordered two green teas. Mac was surprised he’d gone for that too.

  “I have to be honest with you Mac. I came here for two reasons. One I want to make a difference and help these people. They were abandoned, what happened shocked people and it sits poorly with me.” Mac couldn’t agree more

  “And the other?” She asked.

  He sighed and looked a little put out. “I have a colleague who got two identical papers for the same post. A prodigious posting. Lots of research opportunities. The person who was offered the post appears to lack the skill base indicated by the work. When they found out I was coming here and that you were the in post Director, they asked me to check things out.”

  Suddenly Mac felt insulted. She shook her head. Looked like that shithead ex was getting his comeuppance. Good riddance. “You’re a spy? And the come on?”

  Colm shrugged. “Seemed the easiest way to find out if you were genuine or not.” Mac got angry.

  “And what did you find out exactly?”

  “That my friend was duped. From what I hear, so where you, which is what led you here. You have the right qualities and skills. I was concerned hearing the Cyborg connection,” Mac stilled and narrowed her eyes at him, “it’s not unheard of for sex to be used in trade or abused.” Mac went to stand up. Colm slapped his hand on top of hers. “That came out wrong. I know nothing like that is going on. Your exceptional at what you do. The rest is none of my business.”

  Dark lost his shit. The male touched her. “Take your fucking hand off her.”

  Darks hard, cold voice filtered through what Colm had said. Colm lifted his hand from hers in a no offence gesture. Mac turned slowly towards him. He didn’t look at her but continued to stare at Colm. She wanted to ask him what he was doing here? But didn’t. “Hi Dark, nice to see you out and about.” She looked around him. “Your date hiding?” She then re-took her seat, grabbed her tea and took several pulls.

  “I thought you were leaving?” Dark asked her gruffly. She could feel his eyes boring into her.

  Mac shook her head. “Mis-understanding, all cleared up now.” She told him pleasantly. Dark stood silently and didn’t move. Shit.

  Mac waved her hand at Colm. He seemed more amused than concerned at Darks actions. “You were saying?” She asked him.

  Colm looked between Mac and Dark then back at her. “The job, its still on the table, if you want it. The guy that stole your research got kicked out on his ass and is being sued. They want you. You can name your price.” He passed her data file. “All the information’s on there. Personally, I hope you choose to stay.”

  Dark blew his top. He’d been holding on by a thread for the past week knowing she was having dinner with this guy. Seeing her with that male had tipped him over the edge. Seeing his hand clamping down on Mac’s like ownership, took him into orbit and he exploded.

  “Job? What fucking job? You have a job here. There are no other fucking jobs. This is it!” Dark snarled loudly.

  Mac stood, reached out and grabbed Darks arm. “Stop it.” She told him quietly. He calmed instantly. Colm noted the bi- play. “The boyfriend?” He asked.

  Mac gave a waning smile. “It’s complicated.” She told him. “I need time to think about the job offer, could you tell them?”

  Colm leane
d back in his chair. “Sure, I was obligated to give you the info seeing as you are on the up and up but that’s where it ends.” He told her.

  “Thanks, I’ll let you know.” Dark grabbed her hand and pulled her to the exit and kept going. They were half way across the Gallerea when Mac pulled a halt.

  “Enough. What the hell are you doing? We’re not in a relationship, you don’t own me, you don’t get a say in what I do and what the hell was that in there?” She demanded.

  Dark frowned. “You taking that job?” He demanded.

  Mac’s own anger flared. “Maybe.” She stared at him.

  Dark clenched, opened then clenched his fists again. He was in trouble. His system screamed at him he couldn’t lose her. Mate. She was his mate. He didn’t understand his actions. Hated himself for what he was doing. Couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving him. He cracked and snarled. “Do what the fuck you like. Your right, your nothing to me.” Dark walked away.

  Mac watched him go. Then walked over to a bench and sat down. How the hell had that gone south? He hated her. She was nothing to him? Mac stared across the park. The pain. She’d hurt him and he’d lashed out. She knew that, but it didn’t make hearing the words any easier. She wiped at her face. It was wet. She’d been crying again. She took a few minutes to gather herself and made her way back to her apartment. Maybe she should take the job.


  “You told her what?” Kim was staring him down, which wasn’t easy seeing as she wasn’t much over 5ft and he was well over 6. But hell, that women held height. Rage didn’t look too happy in the back ground either.

  Dark mumbled out the answer again. He’d come here looking for help and found hell.

  Kim was totally pissed, at him. Dark knew he was in deep shit. Kim activated her coms and screamed into it. “Someone get me the fuck a spoon.” Rage took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. Kim looked back at Dark. Pointing.

  She was shaking. “Let me get this straight. Arsehole. Mac gets a job offer from her original dream job, her ex is kicked out and being rightfully sued, something she’s dreamed of for the fucker for the best part of a year, and you, you useless piece of tail, tell her to take the fucking job!” She screamed.

  Dark tried to interrupt. Kim put her hand up and narrowed her eyes. “Did I say I was fucking finished? I don’t think so buddy. Not only is she my best BBF, she’s my only real friend on this god forsaken Station.” Kim’s pitch had started to grate.

  Rage tried to cut in. “Now gorgeous you know you love this Station.” Kim turned on him. “Where’s my fucking spoon?” She turned back to Dark.

  “And you, you stupid ass, she’s the best fucking Doctor in this quadrant, have you seen what she’d done here singlehandedly? Well have you? No more women left comatose, the community mending, healing. Good people coming here to stay. She did all that. No one else but Mac. She’s my fucking friend. You stay the hell away from her, got it?” A Cyborg came in with a spoon and held it out at arms distance to her. He looked worried.

  Kim snatched it and turned to Rage throwing it at him. “He has no heart, re-move it.” She stormed out. “Fucking Cyborgs. I need to kill something.” She screamed. Several moved away from her.

  Rage picked up the spoon. “Well ….. that went well.”


  Kim was waiting for her when she got to her office. She also had two drinks, she guessed tea for her and what appeared to be several of the pastries Mac liked. Mac took a tea and pastry and sat with her on the sofa. Neither one spoke. They just drank their drinks and munched in silence. Eventually Kim got up and headed to the door. Mac smiled. Her friend had her back no matter what.

  Mac stood and got to work.


  Dark took his punishment. He was leaving. He couldn’t be near her without wanting her. The mating pull, they now called it, was driving him crazy. He had three days to get his life in order and all he could think about was Mac. He tried shutting down his processors to fix that but it just shut him down permanently and Rage found him out cold and had him re-booted. It was embarrassing. The medics gave reports confirming what he’d thought to be true. He was bonded and without the female, his system wouldn’t work. Shutting down seemed inevitable. There was just so much with mates, they didn’t know. He didn’t fear it, just the lost opportunity. The future he’d hoped for and for the first time in his life, Dark didn’t know what to do.


  Mac turned over the information Colm had given her. Did she really want the other job. She’d done so much here. The people needed her. Together they had achieved so much. It might have been a knee jerk reaction in the beginning but it had worked out. And she’d come to love being here. Made great friends. Mac pondered what to do for the hundredth time. If she were honest, she loved more than just the job. She rubbed at her chest. She missed the lug. Wanted him. But being here without him in her life? Not so easy. Mac peered out her office. The clinic was busy today. Colm came in.

  “Got a minute, I could do with your opinion?” He asked

  “Sure.” Mac got up and followed him out.


  Dark watched Mac walk out with Joe and Colm. He didn’t like seeing her with Colm. He wanted her. Dark could tell and he was leaving tomorrow. Dark felt sure that male would move in and take what was his. Dark shook his head trying to clear it. She wasn’t his. Mac walked towards the lift system. Dark called off her security and moved silently in behind her. As the lift doors opened he stepped in with her.

  Mac felt the presence of someone else seconds before realising who that someone was. “Dark?” She turned towards him.

  The lift moved. Dark paced. Desperately looking for some control. Some other way. Reaching out he stopped the lift with his neuro net and turned to Mac.

  She looked worried. “You ok? You look ill.”

  “I stopped the lift.”

  Mac nodded. “I can see that.”

  She wondered what was going on in his mind. They hadn’t spoken since the meal disaster. “I’d like to hold you if you’ll let me?” He asked quietly. Mac was shocked by the gentleness of it. She nodded. Dark came at her slowly and wrapped her in his arms. He pulled her close and leaned back against the lift wall. “I’m a fucking idiot Mac. I should have done things differently.”

  Mac chuckled. “Not the first at that, won’t be the last.”

  “Forgive me. I said some things …… “

  Mac nodded. “You did, so did I.” He breathed out slowly.

  “I missed you. The male makes me nuts.” He told her, his head on her shoulder breathing in. Mac sighed. Dark tightened his arms around her. “I’m leaving tomorrow. Got a job. Thought it best. Give you a chance to make the decisions that are right for you, without me getting in your way.”

  Mac didn’t want to hear it. She hated the thought of him leaving again. “How long?”

  She felt him shrug. “Couple of weeks, maybe a month.”

  Dark pulled away from her. “I’m really sorry Mac, I’ve no excuse other than being a fucked up male, who can’t control what’s going on with him. I can’t seem to function without you. I don’t understand it. I’m Cyborg. I don’t need anything or anyone. I feel like I’m at war with myself all the time, apart from when I’m with you.”

  Mac reached up and touched his face. She could feel how much he craved her. Mac pulled him down to her and kissed him. It started gentle then became more demanding and urgent. She pulled away panting.

  “Well,” she patted him. “Someday, we’ll understand that. It’s all new to everyone. You’d better get going then.” She told him. Dark brought the lift back to life, as he felt his own, was now over.


  Dark felt despondent. He was leaving her again. There was no pleasure in what he was doing. He felt empty. Lost. Alone. The ship moved out from its docking bay. Dark checked with his skeleton crew. No issues, no concerns. Smooth running. “You have a message sir.”

  Dark nodded. “I’ll take it
in my room.” Dark walked out. Down the corridor to his allotted birth on this trip. He opened the door using his neuro net and walked in.

  Lounging on his bed was Mac. Dark blinked, thought for a moment that his neuro net was providing him with what he wanted to see. And then she moved and he knew it to be real. He thought his chest would burst, at realising she was real and with him. He wasn’t sure what her being there meant. Or how she’d got on board. Or what she was even doing there, and he didn’t care. She scooted to the edge of the bed, stood and started removing her clothes.

  “I came to get a message.” He stammered confused. Mac nodded

  “Yeah, I’m the message. I’m hoping you finally get it.” She told him taking off her shirt and walking towards him.

  The relief at seeing her pounded through Darks brain. She wanted him. He was a fucked up, unworthy male but she still wanted him. He couldn’t remember why he’d fought this. She was everything he’d ever wanted. He would spend the rest of his life making it up to her. If she let him. Dark dropped to his knees.

  “I’m mated Mac. In the human way, I fucking love you woman.” He told her emotionally.

  Mac grinned and reached out to hold his face. There was tears in his eyes. “I know.” She whispered. Then leaned in and gently kissed him.


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