Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4 Page 28

by Jessie Rose Case

  Morgan followed Pain through the open security reception into the offices. She noticed it was well positioned. With a clear view of the whole Gallerea. Anyone on reception duty would see everything. She carried on through several doors and corridors to a large office. The door was open. Pain stepped in, Morgan behind him. As he moved to the side she got her first look at the Admiral. Leader of the Cyborg Empire, Rage.

  He was a big fucker, she’d give him that but she’d seen bigger. Beautiful, in that deadly, male way. That air of confidence and determination, a combination that turned his looks, from beautiful to the right side of handsome. He didn’t offer her his hand. Good. She wasn’t here for politics. Morgan dropped her bag and sat in the chair opposite him. He wasn’t her superior either. She looked around the office then back at Rage. “So,” she asked him, “who’s the fucktard that lost us a Space Station, got civilians killed and handed it to you Jar heads?” She hadn’t given her name and he hadn’t asked for it. Polite was needed here. Logic was.

  Cyborgs, they knew everything. If it exited in a file and on record somewhere, they’d find it. It cut a lot of the bullshit.

  Rage leaned forward in his chair. He stared at her for a moment. “Welcome to OUR Station Commander and those people have been dealt with.” Morgan held his gaze. “Really? That’s good.” She nodded looking around his office. “So, you won’t mind me doing my job and checking all that out now, will you. I want all the records on security for this Station, going back to launch and footage of all vids feeds going back to the same period, the attack by the pirates and …… your take over.” Rage stared back at her.

  “Why?” He asked.

  Morgan shrugged and pulled out her Contract and handed it over. “It’s my job.”

  She watched Rage read it and could have sworn she’d seen a twinge or two on his face. “There’s nothing to find here.” He told her pushing it back to her. There was a distinct chill in the air and Rage had gone from straight charm to deadly. It was wasted on her.

  Morgan grinned. “Then we’re good Admiral. But I answer to someone who under Galactic Law until designated otherwise, needs me to earn my pay check. I still need the information and footage. It would be easier on both of us, if you just handed it over but, I can take it if I have too. This Station was paid for by Earth Corp, they want answers and so do Old Earth. I’m here to make sure it’s all on the up and up.” She kept her eyes on him, never wavering. She knew how this game was played. Eventually, he nodded in the direction of her escort and her data pad pinged. Morgan stood and pocketed her contract.

  “Commander, you going to be trouble?” Rage asked her.

  Morgan shrugged. “Anything’s possible Admiral.” Morgan thought she’d noticed a slight smile creep across his face, but it was gone just as quickly.

  “I expect to be kept in the loop.” He told her.

  “Affirmative.” She told him picking up her bag and turned to leave. “Two things,” she told him walking towards the door and turning back, “my team will be arriving in a couple of weeks. 100 Strong, they were already on deployment when re-called to here. And since your records don’t show any, I’d like to start up female defence classes, so I’ll need a space. Starting tomorrow. 6pm.”

  Morgan could feel the air tingle with heightened awareness. Rage stared at her. “Your bringing 100 fucking soldiers onto my Station, and you didn’t think to ask permission?” He raged. Morgan could see how he’d earnt his name.

  She gave him a nod and narrowed her eyes. “Not technically your Station Admiral.”

  Rage blustered. “And what exactly will your team be doing?”

  Morgan turned away from him and walked to the door. “Whatever the fuck I tell um to.”

  Tell her dinner, no excuses mandatory. Rage looked at Pain and sighed.

  “Commander, dinner three nights hence mandatory, my wife will wish to meet you and my other senior Cyborg.” Rage called out.

  Morgan stopped, turned back to the doorway confused and looked at him. “Wife?” Someone had married that juggernaut? A Cyborg had married? That, didn’t happen…

  “I’ll send you the details. Don’t be late and don’t piss her off. Life can be hell when she’s pissed.” He told her. Morgan gave a nod and left. That was new …

  Pain stared at Rage. “She used ‘Affirmative’.”

  Rage nodded. “Dinner? Fuck, I just got Dark back. Not you too. Keep her out of trouble.” Rage told him. Pain wasn’t sure he could or would do that. He could imagine the Commander looked good in trouble.

  “Get out.” Rage told him, as Pain realised his neuro link still open. Rage would have caught his thoughts and more.

  Pain smiled and stepped into the corridor, then found his way outside and the Commander waiting for him. “My quarters?”

  “This way.” The Commander shook her head.

  “Directions are sufficient. Your designation Cyborg.”

  Pain nearly gave her his old ID number. She’d managed to unsettle him again. It brought back memories he’d rather forget. “As I mentioned before Commander. I am Pain. Specialist infiltration, information and cybernetics.”

  Her data pad bleeped. Morgan looked at it. Her room was hi-lighted. She turned to Pain. “Soldier.” She gave him a nod, picked up her kit bag and moved off.

  Pain stared after her. Dam it. She’d taken control again.


  Morgan found her bunk. It was more of a suite. The door processed her hand print and gave her access. It was a good size room. Large bed, small sitting area, with vid screen, cabinets, drink dispenser and small kitchen, bathroom off to the side. It was clear that it was a routine layout. The configuration fitted neatly along the corridor and matched the Station specs, she’d been given before she’d left Earth Corp. Bathroom’s side by side. Morgan emptied her kit bag and squared away several spare work uniforms, two sets of civilian clothes and bathroom items.

  Moving to the drinks dispenser she ordered coffee, Italian, black and strong. Grabbing her data pad and coffee, she sat at the small table and looked at the information Rage had sent her. It was going to take a while to get through it all. There was tonnes of data.

  She pulled her personal data pad off line and started taking notes. If it was in the grid, Cyborgs could access it and for what she needed to do, she needed freedom.


  Dark came rolling into the office. Pain couldn’t help but see the smile on his face. “Do I have my number one back?” Rage asked.

  Dark patted his own chest. “The wife and I are happy to be back.” Rage rolled his eyes.

  Pain was happy for his brother. Rage got straight to it. “We have a guest from Earth Corp. A Commander. Wants to know how they lost this Station and seeking answers.” Rage told him.

  Dark shrugged. “They dropped the ball.” Both Pain and Rage nodded.

  “They sent a Commander. That means, they believe this Station can be taken back. That’s not gonna happen but I don’t want war. So, start digging. Both of you.” He looked at Dark. “Dinner tomorrow at 8 bring the wife.”

  Dark narrowed in on Rage. “What’s the problem?”

  “She has her own team, 100 soldiers are on their way. Be here in two weeks and Pain, wants to play with her.” Dark turned towards him. “His named for his play.” Dark told him smiling.

  “Another thing.” Rage was all business pulling their attention back to him. “She knows about Cyborgs. How we tick. That takes time and close quarters. I want to know how and why, she and her team are not in the system.”

  Both Pain and Dark walked out. “You gonna mess with that?” Dark asked him.

  “Would you?”

  “Before my Mac. If I felt that pull, hell yeah.”


  Morgan closed down her data pads. She’d had to add two more, she had so much to go through. Then showered and changed into her civvies. She didn’t want to be late for Sarah. She engaged her door and was confronted by two Cyborgs. “We are your escort until your
team arrives.” Morgan raised her eyebrows and hit coms. Rage was trying to hem her in and keep tabs on her. She’d expected him to be more subtle.

  “Computer connect me to Admiral Rage.” Morgan looked at both men while she waited. Both looked competent. Well-armed.

  “Commander.” Rages voice could be heard over her coms.

  “Nice escort Admiral but I don’t need it.” She told him flat.

  “I disagree Commander, you’re going to be asking questions of people, that are likely to make you unpopular. If one of them takes a swing at you, I’ll be answering to the Council and 100 men when they arrive. I can’t take that risk.”

  “I won’t kill anyone.” She told him pissed.

  “It’s for their protection Commander not yours.” She could hear the snarl in his voice.

  “Still don’t need them.” She told him clearly.

  “They stay.” Rage told her digging in.

  Morgan breathed and let it out slowly. “Admiral, with all due respect, I could invoke Article 51.3.2. When engaging with Cyborgs, an officers request to decline support will be approved by the leading authority. But, I respect your position, so if I see them I’ll shoot them.” Morgan could hear female laughter in the back ground.

  “I like her.” Came clearly over the coms. Morgan guessed this was the ‘wife’. Interesting.

  Morgan waited. “You know as well as I do, that Article was not made for this situation, it was made, in the event of a battle scenario.” He roared. Morgan waited. “Fine.” He bit out. Both Cyborgs moved off.


  It was a small victory and Morgan was glad to see Sarah waiting for her. She rushed over as Morgan exited the lift and squeezed her arm. “O good you’re here.” She told her breathlessly. “I’m starving could we do dinner?”

  Morgan decided it was easier just to go with it. “Sure, I could eat.”

  Sarah herded her towards the restaurant area. “OMG, isn’t this amazing. I looked up when I came out the lift and wow, I couldn’t believe it. It reminded me of the old pictures of that Eve Project, the one centuries ago in the land mass called England, only in space.” Morgan realised Sarah was nervous. She’d noticed on the ship, she rambled when nervous. “I booked a table over at Paco’s. It’s said, Spanish/American I think.” Sarah looked confused and worried.

  “Sarah whatever it is will be just fine. I’m not fussy when it comes to food.” Morgan had learnt to eat anywhere and anything.

  As they approached the restaurant her coms pinged. Morgan checked the message. She could use the gym for self-defence classes 7am or 7pm three days a week. Her choice. She chose 7pm from tomorrow and comm’d back, asking for an announcement to let females know. Beginners Self-defence. It felt good. She hoped she’d have some takers and didn’t look as ass.

  Sarah grabbed her attention again and they were shown to a table. They were eating when the first announcement came over the PA system. “In the interests of female safety, self-defence classes will be starting free of charge from tomorrow, at 7pm in the gym. All are welcome. This programme will be led by Commander Evans, who is a female specialist.”

  Sarah looked up at her and smiled. “That you?” Morgan nodded between bites.

  “7pm Don’t be late.”


  Morgan had spent the day going over computer files from the Stations launch to being situated in its current system. Then the re-build, and how the Station was run before the raid. There was plenty to go through. She started with budgets, purchase orders and resources. Looked at how stock was ordered and from who, against usage and payments, then re-stocking of goods and the ordering and delivery. Morgan then moved on to docking payments receipts. Then docking payments against revenue, Station contracts and who was in charge of what. She’d got through the first couple of years without concern. It all seemed on the up and up. Her comm pinged for 5pm. Morgan shut everything down and prepared a light snack. Showered and changed, picked up her clothes for later and headed to the gym.

  As she walked in, she was presently surprised to see the gym well stocked. Morgan checked out the layout, familiarising herself with some of the equipment. There seemed to be something for everyone. It was a good mix. Whoever had put it together had known they’re stuff. Checking out the locker room and showers, she stored her stuff and walked back out. She was just wondering if there was some professional support with the equipment, when she felt a presence. Morgan turned and a Cyborg was standing some distance behind her. She hadn’t heard him approach. That was no surprise, his presence was.

  “Designation?” She asked.

  “Cruz. This is my rotation. Do you require assistance?”

  Morgan shook her head. “Not today, I’m taking the self-defence class in room 3.”

  Cruz gave her a nod and went to walk off in the direction of some people using the equipment. “I could use a partner to show some moves to my group, if you’re up for it?” She asked him. He turned back and stared at her for a moment then gave another nod.

  “Excellent” She told him. “7pm.”

  She checked the schedule hi-lighted on screen by the entrance, and made her way to room 3.

  Morgan found the room and looked around. It was a good size. Would hold up to about 40, but could be halved for a smaller setting if needed with some screen doors. It would do, thought Morgan. Looking round, she was glad to see spring matting stacked by the wall. That would be needed for more advanced classes. Walking over to the water dispenser, she made sure it was working and brought two bottles to the front. There was a mirror along one wall. That would help with following instructions. Morgan felt good. This would work well.

  Sarah arrived shortly after. Full of enthusiasm and she appeared to have rounded up some others. Morgan smiled and let Sarah hug her doing introductions. People started arriving in one’s and two’s after that and Morgan introduced herself welcoming them in. A larger group arrived next. A good-looking woman who moved well, came towards her with her hand out stretched. Morgan took it and shook.

  “Hi I’m Mac, I’m the Medical Director I work in the clinic over there.” She thumbed back to the main Gallerea, then pointed to the group who’d come in with her. “Those are my guys that are off duty. I’m going to insist they all come at least one day a week if that’s ok?” She looked determined, thought Morgan and wondered what her story was.

  Morgan was more than happy to hear that and told her so. “That’s fine, I’m Morgan. I’ll be repeating the same class for a couple of weeks then move it forward and repeat. I want to make sure that everyone who want it, gets a chance.”

  “I don’t know why we didn’t think of this before,” Mac told her warmly. “It will help the women feel empowered. It’s a good thing. Actually, some of the civilian men could do with it too. I’ll talk to Dark about that.”

  Morgan knew that name. The Admirals second. “You know Dark?” She asked.

  Mac seemed to light up. “O yes, he’s my husband. I better get back, so no one sneaks off.” She told her smiling, then jogged and headed back to her people.

  Well wasn’t that interesting, two leading Cyborgs, married to humans.

  Cruz appeared in the doorway and pulled her from her thoughts. He came towards her. “Time?” She asked. He nodded. “Do you remember your basic defensive hand to hand?” She asked him. He gave a nod. “Good, we will start with enhanced human strength, you will be the aggressor, don’t hold back. No weapons. If it goes well, I will tell you when, to use Cyborg and come at me. We’ll show them why they need it, then demonstrate moves slowly and they will copy them. We will assist so they get it right. Crystal?” He appeared to process what she’d said, then gave her another nod. Not a talker then. Good she hated small talk.

  Morgan turned back to her audience. At a quick count, about 30 females were there. It was a good start. “Ladies, if I could have your attention, we are about to start, please pair up. We will mix you up each week, so you don’t get used to your attacker but for today, anyone
will do.” The women started moving around.

  A female put her hand in the air. “I don’t have one.”

  “I got that.” A voice called out coming in the doors. A small pixy, thought Morgan. The woman bounded in, waved to Mac and got with her partner.

  “Ok everyone. First things first. I’m Morgan. I will be leading todays exercise but I hope in time, some of you will feel confident enough to take over. Housekeeping first, toilets and emergency exits are in the corridor you came through. Water is here, get it when you need it. Staying hydrated is important. Now I intend to run these classes three times a week, same time. Duration is approx. 45 minutes.

  “For two weeks, I will run the same training. So, if you miss something or want a refresher, come back. Then I will up the training and move it up a level, every two weeks thereafter. Some of you might only want basic self-defence and that’s fine, I will always run those classes for the newbies that join us, but I would remind you, that it’s a good workout anyway and you will gain skills. So I hope at least some of you, will want to get more advanced. But make no mistake ladies, if an attacker is coming at you and you have a gun, shoot the fucker. If you have a bread knife or frying pan, stick it to him. Even a stylist can do some serious damage.” There were several chuckles and wary glances.


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