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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 32

by Jessie Rose Case

  Pain surpassed a grin thinking of how that must have looked and turned to Rage. “It’s no wonder that is not on the official log.”

  “I’m surprised they did not charge her with those deaths.” Rage looked at Ted.

  “O they tried, she showed them all the evidence from the Captain she’d gathered, all the correspondence, the orders, the audio, video, the incoming logs, who’d sent them, having chased back ID’s, noted the money trail, what was owed to us and that it looked like the Captain and his men were following orders. Their orders and if that got out, heads would roll. It ended there, very quickly.”

  “And how do you know all this?” Pain asked him.

  “Because Morgan never left my side again until we were all free. She took her own army to deliver her message.”

  “That took courage.” Pain mumbled. Awe in his voice.

  “What’s your interest in Morgan?” Ted asked him.

  “She’s a possible mate.” Pain told him expecting a challenge.

  Ted burst out laughing and turned to Rage. “We done here?” Rage nodded.

  Ted stood. He walked to Pain and slapped him on the back. “I hope your fighting skills are up to it. There are 87 Cyborgs who stand in your way.” He carried on laughing as he left the office.

  Pain turned to Rage. You think he’s serious?


  Ted was waiting for Morgan as she walked out her class. Kim and Mac were with her. “Hay big guy.” Morgan walked up to him and Ted pulled her in for a squeeze. “How’d it go?” He asked her.

  “Good, some of these fine ladies are a challenge already.” She told him. “Where are my manners, Ted, this is Kim she is an engineer supremo and mated to Rage, she’s his wife and this is Mac, she is the Director of medical here on the Station and is married, mated to Dark.”

  Morgan watched Ted as he unnaturally held out his hand to both women and shook theirs gently.

  “Ok,” Kim told them rubbing her hands together, “I’ve worked hard and now need a reward, drinks lead me to it.” Morgan watched her turn and head for the bar. “Don’t even think about not coming.” Kim threw over her shoulder back at them. Mac shrugged and started walking after her.

  “Its easier to give in Morgan.” She told her.

  “Drink soldier?” Morgan asked Ted.

  “Thought you’d never ask.” They both turned in the direction Kim and Mac went. The bar looked busy. Morgan spotted Sarah at the bar at the same time she saw her. Sarah waved and they headed towards her. Morgan was about to introduce Ted when she realised he’d stopped. She turned back to find him. As he started up again and walked right passed her and knelt in front of Sarah. She was still shorter than him. “Hello mate, I’ve waited a long time to find you.”

  Shit. Thought Morgan.

  Sarah appeared to take it in all good humour. Trouble was, Morgan, Kim and Mac knew he wasn’t kidding. They brought her into their circle and kept an eye on things. Morgan wasn’t surprised how good Ted was with the ladies, she’d seen it all before. He could talk the hind legs off a donkey. A few drinks in and Morgan felt it time to make a move. They still had work to do. Giving their excuses, Morgan pulled Ted away. It was clear he was reluctant.

  As they moved back towards the lift system Morgan gave her warning. “She’s young and not ready. You push it and we’ll be having words.”


  “This is what I have so far.” Morgan told Rage, Dark and Pain sitting in Rage’s office giving her update. Ted had come in with her. She showed them all the evidence she’d collected and how it linked to five individuals. Then showed them the evidence of the porters gang that needed breaking up. Then the murders and suspected murders, moving people into viable positions. It was compelling. Then she added the communications and the finance and it was very clear what had been going on.

  Rage sat back. They all needed to be arrested. “I expect you’ll be taking them back with you as per your contract with Earth Corp?”

  Morgan nodded. “We’ll start picking up groups together so they don’t get wind of it and try to make a break for it.”

  “No one’s getting out,” Dark told her, “all passage has been stopped.”

  “Good. That leaves us with the problem of who was responsible for the downfall of this Station. My findings would lead us to give notice that Earth Corp is still the legal owner. The fault of who was responsible right here.”

  The room was silent for a moment. “That’s not strictly true.” Pain told her. Morgan turned to face him. “How so?”

  Pain passed her a data pad. Morgan read the contents, twice. She hadn’t seen this. Earth Corp hadn’t supplied it. Stupid of them. This was good. It gave the Cyborgs an out. She nodded and passed the data pad back. “Please send that to me. Based on the original terms of the contract that Pain has just shown me, between Earth Corp and the original custodians of this Space Station, it would appear that Earth Corp were in breach of that contract, long before things started to go wrong here. That would be my judgement to them, if that paper work holds up. Congratulations Admiral, you have a Space Port.”

  Rage smiled for the first time in several days. “Thank fuck for that. My wife was going to kill me. Dark, Pain work out the round up details.”

  Morgan and Ted stood. “One other thing Admiral. My Cyborgs have asked me to ask you, if it would be possible to have a permanent base of operations here. We understand where we are docked is unused and in need of repair. We are willing to take over the space. Pay a fee for its use and make it suitable for our needs at our expense.”

  Rage didn’t need to think about it. “Done. Pain, work it out with the Commander.”

  Pain walked out with Morgan. “Dinner tonight. 19: 30. I’ll pick you up.” Morgan was about to protest when Ted butted in. “She’ll be ready.” And dragged her off by the arm.

  Morgan was trotting to keep up. “Shit Ted, I don’t need to go to dinner with Pain to get this job done.” She gritted out complaining, not too sure she was happy the way this was going. Ted had a firm grip on her arm to stop her bolting.

  He leaned down to her. “No. But you should get laid.”

  Morgan couldn’t have been more shocked or sure, what Ted was getting at. He marched her along back towards their ship. Why did she need to get laid?


  Morgan wasn’t happy. She’d put up with Ted not leaving her side all day. Then escorting her back to her rooms. She knew he was out side now making sure she kept her dinner date. It grated. Morgan scowled. She didn’t need a bloody dinner date. She looked at the outfit Ted had shoved at her, on the ship. She’d looked at the wrapped garment in confusion when he’d brought it out. Then he’d slapped it to her, telling her he’d bought it for her to use.

  Morgan hadn’t known what to say. She’d tried to give it back and he’d given her a stony look along with “don’t disappoint me Morgan.” What the hell? She had no idea how this had happened. She was here to do a job, not date!

  Her concern only got worse when she’d finally got back to her rooms and opened the package. It was a bloody dress and not much of it either. And shoe’s. Where Ted had got shoes she had no idea. She’d showered, changed, dried her hair brushing it out. Slapped on some mascara and lip gloss and looked in the mirror. She had to give it to Ted, she didn’t look half bad, she told herself pulling down the too short hem. It wasn’t budging. Morgan tensed in frustration, if she bent over her knickers were gonna be on show. Fuck. A knock at the door told her time was up. She quickly slipped on both shoes, when another knock came at the door.

  “Morgan you’d better be ready girl or I’m coming in anyway.” She knew that tone, Ted was not happy. Morgan walked to the door pad trying not to twist an ankle and slapped her hand on the mechanism. Ted was gone and Pain stood there. Morgan poked her head out looking both ways for him. He was nowhere in sight. Fucker.

  Morgan brought her attention back to Pain. He stood there mouth open. That pissed her off more. “Never seen a woman before?�
� Pain looked her up and down. He’s eyes appeared to get wider as they rose up her body. They stopped predictably at her chest. Morgan clicked her fingers at him. “Up here buddy.” She told him pointing to her eyes.

  Pain couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Morgan dressed to kill, and he was sure, he’d stopped breathing, as he gazed at her in all her glory. Then she’d snapped at him and his cock had twitched in delight. He’d heard her comment on his gaze not going passed her chest. But dam, it was a fine chest. And so much of it was on show. Morgan had squeezed into a body fitting dress that stopped at her thigh.

  It was short and deep red. It set off the halo of her hair perfectly and showed her hourglass figure, long legs and firm filled breasts, that were practically spilling out. Begging him, to come out and play. His mouth watered. Her nipples demanding his attention.

  “Hay,” Morgan shouted, “if those eyes do not get off my tits this date is over.” She crossed her chest with her arms and that just made it worse.

  Pain grinned and lifted his gaze. “Your fucking beautiful Morgan and I want to fuck you into next week.”

  Morgan’s body fired. She wasn’t hungry for food and didn’t want to do the date thing, but suddenly she needed cock. It had been a while. She grabbed his T and pulled him into her room. The door closed behind them. “Ok, let’s see what you’ve got soldier.” She demanded as she kicked off her shoes, grabbed the hem of her dress and drew it up and off her body, throwing it on the chair in one movement. She stood in her bra and panties facing him.

  Pain stood stunned. He’d expected to have to wine and dine Morgan and wear her down but no, there she stood in all that glory and demanded what she wanted. She was a goddess. His emotions told him. Pain pulled off his T and bent to untie his boots. Kicking them off with his socks, he unbuttoned his jeans. Morgan’s eyes followed every movement. The bulge of his cock clearly evident, the tip now peaked out the top of his open jeans.

  “You sure about this Morgan? I won’t be able to stop.” He’d give her an out even now.

  Morgan shook her head. “O I’m sure we both want this. Show me.” Pain undid the buttons on his jeans one by one. As each button slipped open, his cock pulsed and became more visible. Morgan licked her lips. On the third button it sprang free. Morgan’s eyes got very round. Pain watched the emotions crossing her face. She licked her lips again, leaned forward and grabbed both sides of his jean waist, and yanked them down. His cock sprang free. Morgan’s eyes lit up.

  Before he could say anything, Morgan bent forward and sucked him into her mouth, grabbing his ass with both her hands. Her tongue went to work as her mouth sucked him in and out. “Fuck Morgan, yeah just like that.” Pain put a hand on her head and ran his hands through her silky hair. He tired not to push or ram his cock down her throat, but he wanted to feel her swallow him. He stroked her. “Take more Morgan, open and swallow, show me how good you are.” She did. Pain nearly came right then.

  He held her head and couldn’t stop the need to grind into her mouth.

  Morgan wasn’t sure what had taken hold of her, but she’d wanted to taste him and didn’t want the bullshit, so she did. Pain was exactly what she expected. She’d seen plenty of Cyborg cocks. They weren’t exactly modest, and she’d lived with them for over 5 years. She’d seen a lot of naked men. But there was something about Pain.

  The minute he’d told her he wanted to fuck her, no messing, no games, she was so on board. The tease, of his cock when he’d undone his jeans, had only encouraged her more. The minute she could get him in her mouth, he was. And god, he tasted delicious. Her saliva mixed with his pre-cum. She gobbled him down while squeezing his ass, balls and the base of his cock. She couldn’t get enough of him in her hands, he was harder by the second.

  Pain struggled to remain in control. His body demanding release. He moved with Morgan. The tempo increasing. He was going to blow his load. It was just too good. He reached out both hands and tried to pry her off him. Morgan fought to remain where she was.

  “Morgan,” Pain panted, “you need to stop or I’m going to unload.” He stroked her hair. “Awww………” He strained. “I don’t want to choke you.” He tried for reason, but couldn’t hold back.

  “Move Morgan, now.” He demanded grabbing and pulling her hair to move her. She got faster. Fuck. “I’m ……. coming baby.”

  His body started to jerk. He tried to hold it back and lost when she nipped the end of his cock. It burst forth, a volcano of hot seed no longer held back. He pushed at her shoulders, his control spent.

  “Pull out Morgan,” he cried in a last desperate attempt.

  She swallowed and kept swallowing. And still his cum poured from him. Fearing for Morgan he tried to stop, his body having none of it when Morgan squeezed his balls. He nearly dropped to his knees. The sensations running through his body, new and exciting. He wanted more. Only the reality that Morgan might be hurt prevented him from collapsing and holding on. Finally spent, Morgan pulled back from his cock, licked her lips and looked up at him.

  Pain reached down and grabbed her by the neck and pulled her to him.

  “That was fucking amazing Morgan, now I’m going to fuck you until you scream and then fuck you again and again. We have all night and I intend to use it.”

  He kissed her hard, unforgiving tasting himself and the natural essence of Morgan. It tasted right. Delicious. He needed more. He slipped his hand under the waistband of her panties spread her lips and found her soaked. He explored her mouth with his tongue and Morgan met him stroke for stroke. Finding her opening he pushed in two fingers and pumped her. Morgan moaned.

  “I’m going to make this so good for you Morgan.” He told her as his thumb found her clit and circled it. He could feel her excitement rising. Removing his finders, he fell to his knees and pulled down her panties lifting one leg out of them, he placed it over his shoulder and opened her to him.

  “Beautiful Morgan.” He went in search of what he wanted, her taste on his tongue.

  Pain was holding her up and open to him. His hands supporting her ass and back while his face and tongue sucked, licked and nipped her. Morgan pulled him to her with the leg over his shoulder. She was so close to coming. Couldn’t stop herself from rising on her toes on the floor and arching into Pain’s face, while she ran her hands through his hair, encouraging him to go faster. “So close, need more.”

  Pain dropped her leg and stood. Turning Morgan roughly around, he ripped off her bra and moved her towards the table. He grabbed both breasts and caressed them looking in the mirror next to the table.

  “Look at us Morgan, see me touching you.” She looked up and gazed into the mirror. It was a large one, they were both reflected in it. Him standing behind her, her breasts heavy and perky, nipples pearled begging for his mouth. His cock standing to attention again, slowly growing as they both looked at each other. Pain bent her forward over the table, Morgan braced her hands. He pulled her legs wider apart, Morgan moved her head away from the mirror.

  “No.” He pulled her back. “Watch me fuck you.” He stroked his cock slowly watching her eyes on him. “Look what I’m doing Morgan, I’m getting ready for you. It’s crying to be let into your heat.” He stroked his cock again, smearing his pre-cum around the bulb, he could feel it growing, swelling with the need to penetrate, his balls got heavy and tightened.

  With his other hand he stroked down her back and found her opening and stroked up and down her slit. Morgan whimpered at his touch. He circled her opening with his cock and Morgan whimpered again. Pain smiled. He found her clit and flicked it. Morgan jumped. Her perk nipples bouncing and catching the table, she took a sharp intake of breath. Pain pushed in two fingers and pumped her. Morgan arched her back and pushed out her ass. “You ready for me female?” He asked, her pumping her and stroking his cock. Her eyes remained on his.

  She nodded “Yes, fuck me.”

  Pain removed his fingers and placed his cock at her entrance and circled it teasing her. He watched Morgan c
law her hands onto the table and push back slightly, trying to slip him in. Emotionally he savoured it. She wanted him. He steadied himself at her entrance and slammed in. Balls deep. Morgan cried out and slapped the table arching into him. “Fuck.” She cried out.

  Pain gave her a moment. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her eyes up to meet his. He felt the moment she relaxed around his cock. She was slick and wet. And he started to move. He didn’t have gentle, he trust in and out of her hotness. The murmurs and whimpers from Morgan urging him on. Gradually, he felt her bodies need take over, she met his rhythm thrust for thrust, in her own desperation to come. It was hard and fast. He could feel her muscles tightening around his cock, her climax close. Slipping his hand around her front he found her clit and circled it roughly, as he ploughed into her hard and deep.

  Morgan held on for as long as she could, then felt the moment her climax over took her. It rode through her body exploding out to her fingers and toes. “Yes.” She’d screamed, as the intensity of it hit her. She tingled all over. Exhausted and spent, as she rode the emotion down. Panting heavily, she recalled Pain had held her head in place while she’d come, making sure she didn’t miss any of the action. It was erotic and amazing. He’d slowed his pace as she’d come, but he was still there, driving into her. She felt her nipples harden and her stomach clench. She couldn’t come again………… could she?


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