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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 41

by Jessie Rose Case

  Blake leaned against the wall. What was wrong with her? They hadn’t even exchanged names. Not that she didn’t know him, he was General Angr but, they hadn’t actually shaken hands or had a formal introduction. It hurt, that he didn’t know her, that there’d been no light in the room, so he could see her.

  He didn’t even know what she looked like. Tears sprung to her eyes, her chest burned. What she normally prided herself on …….pained her? Blake shook it off. She didn’t have time for this. He’d be awake soon, his Cyborg metabolism would burn through the sleeping drug.

  Blake moved to the end of the corridor and removed her cameras. Turned and went to the other end of the corridor and did the same again. They’d piggy backed off the Station’s surveillance, giving her warning if someone was heading her way. It could be annoying, not being able to recognise friendly from foe, waking her at all hours but last night, she’d been glad of it.

  Blake pocketed the camera’s and turned the corner, instantly changing her image as she passed. Ahead was the lift systems and a number of people looked like they were making their way to work. She changed her image again as she passed another camera and joined them. Walking in she stood at the back of the pack. They were going down five levels. That would do nicely. Her mind wandered as they descended. What the hell had she been thinking?

  The lift opened and those with her got out. Blake moved forward hit the pause on the lift doors, bringing up her data pad and shut off the camera in the lift and walked out, she’d been on this level before, she turned left then right, she rubbed her skin on several doorways and moved in a large circle throughout the floor, picking up and putting on a pair of work gloves in a pile she’d seen before. She walked back to the lift and closed the doors.

  Placing one foot on the hand rail she leaped up to reach the escape hatch and pushed it open. Throwing herself forward she grasped the edges and pulled herself up and through it. There were no cameras in the lift shaft, she’d checked. In her opinion that was a mistake. Laying back down she pulled herself back through half way and hit the second level button, the glove would prevent any DNA left behind, as the lift started to move, she pulled herself back out and closed the hatch.

  She settled against the frame work and rested. There was nothing she could do about her DNA in that room. There’d been no time to clean it. It would be on every surface ……….. in the bed ….. on the walls and on the items, she’d used. The shower, the table, the cup and replicator. He’d be able to lift it no problem, it would add to his tracking ability. It was just as well, her DNA had been wiped from all known data storage a long time ago.

  She rode the lift all the way to her destination. Here her scent would be difficult to pick up. If he tracked her and she knew he would, he’d be hard pressed to find her. Blake leaned against the A frame. She’d be safe soon.

  The lift stopped at the second floor. Blake looked up the shaft to the emergency exit. Moving over to the wall she grabbed the support beams and climbed. It was an easy climb for her. She’d cut her teeth on wall work. Opening the latch on the emergency exit she pushed it open, it was three floors up and she climbed through. Hit the walkway at a run and out to the stairwell. Going down one flight, she exited on her floor and headed to her corridor putting up her cameras as she went. She placed the last two and headed back to her new bunk. Using the pass code she opened the door and stepped in. Wasting no time, she stripped heading into the shower. The clothes she’d ordered for each of the rooms were on the bed. Three minutes and she’d be in bed sleeping.


  Angr instantly came awake with the knowledge that his system had been compromised and he’d lost time. Sitting up he registered he was alone and checked the time lapse since he’d fallen asleep. 54 Minutes. His system had shut down in a sleep mode for 27 minutes, before the sleep agent was introduced. He marvelled at his body shutting down instinctively for sleep. It had been a very long time since that had happened in someone else’s company. They must have both fallen asleep. She’d clearly woken first and drugged him. Curiosity crossed his mind, what was his female was up to now?

  Surprisingly he wasn’t angry with her. She had kept her word. She hadn’t drugged him until sunrise had passed. Had he not fallen asleep, she may not have managed it. Then again, he smiled, she was inventive and might have bested him even then. Angr grinned. She was a very cleaver female indeed. A worthy opponent.

  He linked via his neuro net with security. DNA analysis of this room is required.


  Angr threw off the covers and walked to the shower. He sensed the scan and let it pass over him. He quickly did his business and cleaned up, putting his clothes back on.

  Female DNA not on file. No record on exiting data bases. Crossed his net.

  His female was good indeed. Now he just had to find her again and keep her.

  Register the DNA mark it female Angr. Scan the Station for its current location.

  Affirmative. Angr doubted the computer would find anything useful. His female was just too good.


  Angr had been dealing with Rage’s emotional bombardment for some time. It showed no sign of letting up. “Let me get this straight,” Rage leaned forward in his chair. Pain and Dark were also in his office, “you found her, she got the drop on you, you agreed to have a ‘time out’ till sunrise, you fell asleep and she drugged you, getting away again?”

  Angr smiled. “Yes.”

  “Why the fuck are you smiling General?” Rage, raged.

  “She is magnificent Admiral.” Rage slapped his hand to his face and wiped it, slumping into his chair.

  “One sniff of hot pussy and you are all fucking nit wits.” He roared clearly exasperated.

  Angr turned to Dark and Pain, they shrugged giving a waning smile. He guessed he wasn’t alone in this. He turned back to Rage.

  “Find her before I have to order you to shoot her.” He told him deflated.

  Angr’s emotions flared. He stepped forward. “I will not allow that Admiral.” Rage stared silently at him.

  “Then you’d better find her.” He knew a threat when he heard it. His Admiral had given him an order, he was protecting his own female and Angr would do his best to obey and protect his. She was his, he realised that now. He just had to convince her of it.

  Having been dismissed he walked out to the Gallerea. Glad for the fresher air. He’d struggled to pick up her scent after leaving the sub level. There were still elements throughout the Station, but no strong trails giving an indication of where she was. She was off grid somehow. That meant she had to be in the infrastructure not the public areas. He would have to re-define his search parameters. She was good, but he was better and he’d found her once…..


  Blake woke refreshed. Her body well used in all the right places, it tingled and hummed. Better than she’d felt for a very long time. She had no doubt that was due to Muscles. General Angr. He certainly knew he’s way around a female’s body it was just what she’d needed. She couldn’t help the smile that crawled across her face, as her mind played devils advocate. A reflective frown creased her forehead, her smile vanishing. Had he done that very thing to many females? Taken them with such ferocity, such need? Made them crave him as she had him?

  Images and sensations relayed across her mind. Her body heated. She wasn’t naive enough to believe that it meant more than what it was. Sex. Good. Hard. Sex. Shit, she had to tap that down. It would heighten her scent and give her away and he would find her before she’d finished her mission. Her contract was due. Throwing back the covers, determination instilled in her. She had a job to do and time was running out.


  Angr fumed. His emotions were back and unrelenting. He wanted to bark and smash, he needed to pound something. His cock hardened. Fuck. The only pounding he wanted to do was with that dam female. She was giving him hell and wasn’t even here! A slight smiled formed across his lips ………… he liked it. Dam.
He did. And realised he didn’t have time to search the infrastructure of the Station.

  Following her scent to the lift had not given him any help. He needed to work with what he did know, not what he didn’t and she needed something from Kim. It was why she was here. She had less than four hours to collect. Angr grinned. He’d bide his time and wait. She had to surface sometime and he knew just where to be. Her sweet ass was his and he was going to remind her of that fact, riding it all the way to heaven.


  “Good evening Kim. I am a little early but then, we both know your Admiral and General are making life ……. Difficult shall we say?” Blake heard the smile in the voice on the other end of the comm transmission.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Kim told her proudly.

  Blake grinned to herself. “Indeed. They are Cyborgs. If you check your accounts you will see that contractual payment has been made. I have informed the buyers that although part of the original order, you are not available to accompany and install the engine, I will therefore require the graphics. Again, as per the contract.”

  “Blake it’s not that simple. Not everything is on the paperwork and things that are on the paperwork might not look like they will work but they do. It requires special handling which is why, I do all installations. They need to come here.”

  Blake shook her head. “I have relayed your message and the information back is that they cannot attend the Station and are not willing to wait. That wasn’t part of the original Contract.”

  Blake could feel the tension across the coms. “I can’t just up and leave. And if that engine isn’t installed right, people could die.” Kim told her.

  “I’m not here to debate with you Kim. I’m here to pick up the goods only. That’s with or without you.” Blake told her honestly.

  “You can’t leave with that engine.” Kim insisted.

  “I’m sorry I already have possession of it. My ship leaves in 30 minutes.”

  Blake cut off the comm. She’d given the female a chance. She’d been as fair as she could be.

  Blake connected to her ship. “Maggie status”

  “Cargo secured. Scheduled leaving slot in 29.3 minutes.”


  “No longer on board.”

  “Secure all doors ready departure. Loading arm on my signal.”


  Blake made her way from her bunk. She had just enough time to get to the dock before her ship left. She made her way through the level to the lift system changing her image as she went.


  A buzz in his inner ear alerted Angr that he was being communicated with via his neuro net. He opened the channel.

  Angr, The Buccaneer is scheduled to leave in 14.3 minutes and although I’d like to detain it, I have no legal ground on which to do so. But, I’d very much like a conversation with that Captain before it goes.

  Angr stepped out of his hiding place on hearing his Admiral. It would do him no good now.

  Acknowledged. He told him walking out into the dock area.

  Blake walked a steady pace towards her ship. There were several Cyborgs standing around it. She’d expected them to try and re-enter her ship and shut her down trying to leave. That wasn’t happening. She moved to the stacked cargo off to the left of her ship. Timing would be crucial, she realised. At least she didn’t have to worry about void space! The security field encompassed most of her ship making the area air tight.

  She checked her data pad. 16.7 Minutes. She hit comms, “Maggie deploy arm.”

  Blake crouched and looked around the cargo towards her ship. She could just see the arm deploying and checked her data for the pick-up point. At a dead run she could do that in 12 seconds. She paced it out, coming out. Blake watched as the time to full deployment ran down. As it slipped passed 13 seconds she stood, ran her image on auto changer every 3 seconds, it would confuse anyone who saw her and got ready to go.

  Angr came around the corner and looked at the locked-up ship. His communication from the squad commander had been correct, this ship was locked ready to leave. Shit, he thought, as movement caught his eye. For a second, he wondered if what he was seeing was real, then realised too late. A second image came flying after the first, this one he knew. Kim. As the first one leaped onto a cargo arm walkway, the second latched on behind it. The arm gave a little at the unexpected weight. It wasn’t calibrated for two.

  Angr froze, if it gave way it would bring them both down. They would both be hurt of worse. Jumping after them, clearly not an option. He ran towards them as the arm started to move again, carrying it’s precious cargo. He hit comms to security while he ran. There was no way that arm walkway, was going to take his weight. “Lock down that ship, prevent it from leaving now.” He called out, holding his breath as the arm retracted and took both its cargo onboard.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Called out Admiral Rage running up. Angr could understand his anger. It was boiling in him too.

  “Sir, Kim has boarded the vessel with the Captain of The Buccaneer. She used the secret walkway to gain access to the ship unseen.”

  “She kidnapped Kim?” Rage roared.

  “No sir. Kim made the move to join her voluntarily.” Angr had no idea what was going on.

  “Cage, stop that ship from leaving, remove its permissions to leave from the system.” Rage called out.

  “I’m sorry sir. I am unable to do that. It seems the ship had two permission’s logged. This one and one in 10 mins. It is too late to stop this one.”

  “FUCK.” Rage roared. “Someone get me my wife NOW. Blow that ramp if you have too.”

  Blake dropped to the floor inside her cargo hold. Kim dropped behind her. Turning on a dime Blake turned to face her. “That, was not a good idea.”

  Kim shrugged. “Couldn’t let you go with my engine and people get hurt.”

  Blake stared at the female facing her. Blake had heard the stories, there was no doubt she could be formidable. “Gonna fight me Kim?” she asked.

  “I have no wish to harm you.” Kim told her smiling.

  “Good. Maggie scan for weapons.”

  “The female has a stun gun and a knife.” Blake stared at her and held out her hand. Kim gave her both items.

  “Incoming message from Station Security. There’s a lot of shouting going on.”

  “Thank you Maggie. Guess we’d better go see what’s up. After you.” Blake pointed out the direction, making sure her image generator was working.

  They entered her Bridge. “Take a seat Kim. Maggie on screen please.”

  They both took a seat to find a clearly fuming Rage, facing the screen. Blake recognised his General’s and Councilmen, Pain and Dark with him, Angr was hovering in the background. Someone else not too happy. Rage looked at Blake first and pointed. “I’ll get to you in a moment.” Blake raised her eyebrows. Clearly she didn’t get the message that’s he’s in charge. Rage turned to Kim and so did she. “Intense much?” She asked. Kim rolled her eyes. “You have no idea.”

  Rage looked from one to the other then back to Kim. If he’s anger could ratchet up higher, by the look of it, Blake would say, it just did. “What the fuck is going on? And what in gods name, did you think you were doing, leaping from the docking bay onto a cargo arm? I saw the footage, don’t deny it,” he pointed at Kim again stepping nearer to the vid scene, “it nearly dropped you.”

  Blake put her hand up. Rage looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Yeah my bad, wasn’t expecting company but I changed the load just in time.” She smiled back.

  “Shut up and what’s with the image changing. She has seen you without it.” Blake shrugged, “professional curtesy? You haven’t.” He looked like he was turning blue. Blake put her hand down. Guess he really didn’t want an explanation.

  “Now baby, you know how much I love you.” Blakes eyes got rounder as she turned to look at Kim. The vibe off this female was not what was coming out of her mouth. “I told you befo
re, I can’t let my engine go off half cocked. You know how bad that would be. So, I’m going to go and do this installation. I contracted for it. I made the deal, so I’m going. Be back in about…. “ Kim looked at her. Blake was still staring at her, wondering what was wrong with this conversation.

  “Flight time just over 6 days there and back, unless you can get some more juice out of my engines.” She told Kim automatically.

  Kim slapped her hands together, turning back to the screen. “There you go baby, you know how good I am at getting more juice out of something. I should be back in three weeks. Think of it as a holiday.” Blake watched her smile and bob her head. For a second Blake wondered if Kim’s lift went all the way to the top. Couldn’t she see her man was about to explode?

  Blake turned back to Rage. He really didn’t look well. “First off, cut the cute shit Kim. You and I both know that’s not going to wash here. Second. Not once did you say you’d have to go with it. Third. That Captain has avoided every member of my security for the past three days. We still do not have an actual visual of her. Forth…” His voice continued to rise along with his colour. “You do NOT go anywhere without security. MY security, and you will get your ass back on this Station NOW.” He roared at the screen.

  “That was ….. rude.” Blake muttered not sure where to look.

  “I agree.” Kim told her wholeheartedly. “He forgets,” she smiled sweetly at the screen punching the words out. Blake thought Rage looked rather uncomfortable all of a sudden. “I’m not his property but a living breathing person, WHO CAN DO HER OWN SHIT AND DOESN’T NEED HIS PERMISSION.” She shouted at the screen leaning forward in her seat. “And,” she added quietly as she sat back, “if he ever wants to get fucked again, he will back the fuck off, before I lose my temper and get out my SPOON.” Blake wasn’t sure what the hell that meant, but she watched all four men on screen cringe. Ok, can’t be good.


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