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Francesca's Kitchen

Page 30

by Peter Pezzelli

  What can you tell us about your actual writing process?

  It’s hard. Ninety percent of it is just showing up at the keyboard every day at the appointed hour. I’m easily distracted, so I have to really struggle sometimes to stay focused when it comes time to get my creative work done. I write little motivational Post-It notes to myself and stick them on the wall next to me. The most important one has only one word: Produce. It’s not enough to just come up with a wonderful story idea with wonderful characters in a beautiful setting. What counts is actually getting it down on paper so other people can read it, and that takes consistent effort. It also takes patience and a certain amount of trust in yourself because the characters and the story don’t always reveal themselves to you on your schedule. Some days I write a bunch of pages, other days barely a word. On those days when the story isn’t flowing, I try to just think about my characters and what they’re experiencing and where it is that I ultimately want them to go. I might scribble down just a few thoughts that at the moment don’t seem to fit the story, but might help somewhere down the line. In any case, it’s a very hard process to rush.

  What, for you, were the most enjoyable aspects of writing this particular novel?

  I had a lot of fun with the confessional scenes. I also enjoyed the interaction between Francesca and the two children.

  Did you draw inspiration from any particular books or writers while working on Francesca’s Kitchen?

  Not directly. When I read a book, I often find myself wondering why a particular passage was funny or moving, or why it seemed ineffective or superfluous. I try to learn from it. My tastes in reading, though, are all over the place. Right now I’m reading The Mauritius Command, the fourth installment of Patrick O’Brien’s Aubrey/Maturin novels. I’ve enjoyed them all so far. He was a great writer. I have several other books on the floor next to my bed which I’m reading in fits and starts. I’ll get to them all eventually—I hope. My favorite book of all time, though, is still The Once and Future King by T. H. White.

  What is your strongest childhood food memory?

  Helping my mother make the lasagna for a holiday meal when I was a kid. The memory of mixing the ricotta and the eggs and the spices is still very vivid to me. Another favorite memory is helping my Gramma Helen make tapioca pudding from scratch. I love tapioca pudding.

  Can you tell us about a family celebration where food figured strongly?

  I can’t think of a family celebration where food hasn’t figured prominently. Whatever the occasion, when you invite the family to your house, people come expecting to eat, and eat well. You can’t disappoint them.

  Certain foods, of course, have special significance. On Christmas Eve, for instance, Italian Americans traditionally eat fish, usually of more than one variety. We might eat fried smelts, baccala, snail salad, shrimp, lobster, scallops, or liguine with clam sauce. Seven different fishes seems to be the magic number that everybody shoots for, but nobody knows exactly why. Some people say it represents the seven sacraments, others say the seven virtues or the days of the week. Either way, it’s a lot of fish—but it’s really good. On Easter I always look forward to the rice pies and ricotta pies and Easter bread. I love all that stuff.

  Do you like to cook?

  I enjoy cooking very much, but I have a very limited repertoire, mostly some simple pasta dishes, frittata, a few meat dishes, things like that.

  Who’s the best cook in your family?

  My wife, she’s awesome, which is one important reason why I like to ride my bike, because otherwise I’d weigh three hundred pounds!

  From where do you derive your love of Rhode Island?

  I was born and raised in Rhode Island, and I’ve lived here my whole life. It’s home.

  Finally, the question many of your fans have been waiting for: Can you give us any hints about your next book?

  Sorry, that’s a secret!


  One of my favorite things in the whole world is to come home, especially after a long day, and smell dinner cooking in the kitchen when I walk through the door. When you’re tired and cold and hungry, is there anything better? No matter how crazy your day might have been, sitting down to a nice meal with your family has a way of centering you and restoring your sanity. Sleep might be the balm that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, but good food is what keeps it from falling apart in the first place.

  With that in mind, I pass along to you the recipes for some typical family dishes that always bring a smile to my face. Like most Italian cooking, they are all very simple, but very delicious. For appetizers there are my cousin’s arancie e pepe, and the fungi riempieni, which were one of my father-in-law’s specialties. My wife makes a great spaghetti agli e olio, and, of course, my mother’s lasagna is the best! I love frittata, so I asked my sister for her recipe. And for a little sweet after dinner, my mother-in-law’s biscotti are always a treat!

  Buon appetito!



  18 large mushrooms or stuffing mushrooms

  ½ stick pepperoni, chopped finely

  1 cup tomato sauce (canned puree)

  ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes

  Clean mushrooms. Remove stems and chop very small. In bowl, mix chopped stem pieces, chopped pepperoni, tomato sauce, and red pepper flakes. Stuff mixture into caps of mushrooms. Place on baking sheet or sheet pan (can line with foil to avoid a mess). Bake in oven at 350ºF for about 30 minutes. Mushrooms are done when they turn brown. Serve hot or at room temperature.


  Fresh oranges

  Olive oil, preferably extra virgin

  Black pepper

  Slice fresh oranges into half moon shapes and place on platter. Sprinkle generously with extra virgin olive oil and black pepper.


  1 lb. spaghetti 3 gloves garlic

  Red pepper flakes

  Fresh flat leaf parsley

  Olive oil (preferably extra virgin)

  Freshly grated Romano or Parmigiana cheese


  Using a 6 quart pot, put water on to boil. Optional: add 1 tbsp. salt when water is at a boil.


  Use a 12-inch heavy bottom skillet for sauce. Warm skillet on medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil. Sprinkle in red pepper flakes. Use as much as you like for desired hotness. Chop 1 garlic clove and add to pan. Slice other 2 garlic cloves into large pieces and add to pan. Heat garlic over medium heat until just soft and starting to turn color. VERY IMPORTANT: Do not let garlic burn! Now, lower heat while spaghetti is cooking (remember to stir spaghetti so the strands don’t stick together). Add ¼ cup of olive oil to skillet. Add 1 cup of pasta water (water taken from the boiling spaghetti) to skillet which should be at a low simmer now. Add a handful of chopped flat leaf parsley (about 1/3 cup).


  Drain spaghetti while still al dente. Reserve the water in the pot. Put spaghetti into skillet. Add another ½ cup of pasta water to skillet. Toss spaghetti to coat with sauce. This will be wet, but not soupy. If you like, you can add more pasta water. Bring skillet to table or transfer spaghetti to a warmed bowl. Drizzle with olive oil (not too much). Serve with freshly grated cheese.


  This will serve 4 people. Enjoy!


  P.S. To make your basic sauce more interesting, try adding chopped black olives, hot pepper rings, or tuna fish in olive oil or all these together. Add these when you add the first ¼ cup of olive oil to skillet. This can also be tossed with a pesto sauce at the very end while still in the skillet. Be creative. Use the basic Aglio e Olio sauce to make your own signature dish!


  2 pkgs. lasagna noodles, flat or curled edges.

  6 to 8 eggs

  1 large ricotta cheese (12-15 oz. container)

  flat leaf parsley, chopped (approx. ¼-�
� cup)

  1 teaspoon cinnamon

  ¼ cup grated Parmigiana cheese

  ¼ cup grated Romano cheese

  2 qts. marinara or meat sauce. (I prefer marinara.)

  2 mozzarella cheeses—medium size (sliced) or 1 pkg. shredded


  Boil lasagna noodles in large pot of salted water until softened. Drain and add cold water to keep from sticking together. In a large mixing bowl, whip eggs until frothy. Add ricotta cheese and fold together. Add cinnamon, parsley, Parmesan and Romano cheeses, gently folding mixture together.


  To assemble lasagna:


  Use large ovenproof baking dish, approximately 12x15x3 inches. Start with a layer of sauce to cover bottom of dish to keep noodles from sticking. Take noodles from cooled water, shake off water. Place layer of cooked noodles, slightly overlapping, in bottom of dish. Spoon small amount of tomato sauce over noodles. Spoon ricotta mixture on top of the noodles. Sprinkle on ¼ cup mozzarella pieces or thin slices. Spoon small amount of tomato sauce on top. Add another layer of noodles. Then add tomato sauce layer, layer of ricotta cheese mixture, then layer of mozzarella cheese slices and more sauce.


  Continue to layer until pan is ¾ filled. There should be 3 to 4 layers. For top layer, a little extra mozzarella will give a nice browned crust to the finished dish. Put pan on a cookie sheet to avoid spills in oven. Bake in oven approximately ½ hoursat 350º F or until bubbling and golden brown on top. If there are any ingredients left over, continue layering in another baking dish. These can be frozen raw or after cooking for an extra meal.



  1 dozen eggs

  ¼ cup grated cheese

  2 thinly sliced zucchini

  olive oil

  1 whole chopped onion

  garlic salt and pepper

  Spray bottom of skillet with cooking oil spray. Beat eggs and grated cheese together. Sauté zucchini in skillet with olive oil and onion until al dente. Season with garlic salt and pepper. Add eggs to skillet. Let cook. Use a spatula to check bottom of eggs. When bottom of eggs is brown, place skillet in oven under the broiler to brown the top. Serve hot or at room temperature.


  2½ cups flour

  1 cup sugar

  dash salt

  2 tsp. baking powder

  3 eggs

  1/3 cup oil

  2 tsp. anise flavoring

  Mix flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Make a well in center. Put eggs, oil, and flavoring in the well and mix together. Place in bowl and let stand loosely covered for 2 hours at room temperature. Preheat oven to 350º. Grease cookie sheet with cooking oil spray. Shape mixture into two logs on floured surface, then place on cookie sheet.


  Bake about 25 minutes until tops brown slightly. Cool and slice diagonally about ½ inch thick. Place cookies on their side on baking sheet and return to oven for 10 minutes more at 360º.


  As an option, add ¼ cup chopped walnuts or almonds to mixture. Also, dip ends of biscotti in chocolate before serving.

  KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  850 Third Avenue

  New York, NY 10022

  Copyright © 2006 by Peter Pezzelli

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Kensington and the K logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.

  ISBN: 978-0-7582-6751-1




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