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The Carrero Heart - The Journey: Arrick and Sophie (The Carrero Series Book 5)

Page 22

by L. T. Marshall

  He moves on top of me slowly, taking his weight on his arms as he slides fully against me, moving to my throat with soft kisses, as his hand grazes my breast through my dress, I close my eyes at the sensual contact. I let my own hands wander over his chest and shoulders, one finding its way down to his hip then over that tight ass, groaning when he nibbles my throat and his pelvis grinds in against me. I can literally feel waves of lust sweeping from him, yet I know he is staying back, still being gentle, overly cautious and it has the same effect as trying to reign in the ocean.

  So far there is nothing but that ache of heat and desire to get him on top of me and lose myself in him. I moan and writhe at how good his hands feel all over me, as one slides under my dress at the thigh, sliding up to my hip where my lace panties lie, stroking my skin deliciously and I mentally urge him to keep going. Pushing, edging for more, yet still holding himself in check, fully aware of where he touches me. I just want him to unleash that inner animal I know exists. I get hints, more and more as we continue to be together and part of me knows that if he opened and let go then he would probably be more than a competent lover, he will probably blow my mind.

  I want my mind blown.

  Taking that as a hint that he is open to more than making out, I slide my hand between us, down his now naked abdomen and start moving lower; kissing him once more, teasing his lips with my teeth, his mouth entangled with mine.

  ‘Sophie.’ He breathes, breaking apart a hair width, catching my hand with his and pulling it from between us, placing it beside my head on the pillow. He moves back to kiss me, but I turn my head in disappointment, so he can’t.

  ‘Why are you stopping me?’ I pout woundedly, just wanting him to go with what’s happening; relax and let this occur naturally, especially as I very clearly want it.

  ‘You know why.’ He moves over me to kiss me again, not willing to stop getting things heated up even if he has no actual desire to go any further and I hold my tongue, hoping that I can urge him to change his mind if we keep going. His body is very pointedly indicating he wants it too, I can feel his erection in my groin, even if his head is trying to stop it. I resign myself to shut up and see if I can coax him with seduction rather than words.

  I turn back, getting lost in the way he starts kissing me again, his hand letting mine go so he can go back to running his fingers up the outer edge of my thigh and under my dress, edging closer, stroking my skin sexily. He seems lost in the moment again so quickly, skimming my naked skin and edging his pelvis into mine a little gradually with every moan and arch I make.

  I get lost in the way we are heavy grinding, erupting into a million sensations as his body fits to mine snugly and I get to taste every part of his jaw and neck, moving to keep unbuttoning his shirt. He buries his mouth in my neck, pulls my dress neckline down a little and trails kiss over the curve of my cleavage seductively; nibbling gently and getting more than a little aroused against me. I can practically feel his erection trying to get free from his pants and the way I’m crushed again him and he’s rubbing into me has me clawing at him as tingles hit my pelvic floor.

  I recognise the feeling from that night, the start of an eruption from within, and it amazes me that even though he isn’t doing anything I can feel one starting. Crazily sensitive down there, either that or he knows just how to touch me without touching me. I wonder if he is doing this deliberately, if this is why he is pushing for more even if he has no intention of actually having sex with me. Knowing he can make me climax in other ways.

  Arrick lifts my leg at the knee, pulling it up to bend around his body, so he can grind into me more intensely, hitting me very directly with his ‘bulge’ so that I cry out rather than moan and get a smile against my mouth as a reward. I lose any doubts that it is exactly what he’s trying to do. I am panting so heavily that I can barely kiss him now, the effort of not having some womanly explosion consumes me and his hot breath in time with mine hits me in the cheek as he ups the pressure and level of speed to his pushing into me. I am more than convinced he is trying to make me cum now.

  Sneaky ass!

  Letting go to slide his hand under my dress and up to cup my breast through my bra as he captures my mouth once more. Kiss more frenzied, bodies completely wild for one another and looking to anyone watching like we are fully having sex with the motion and noise coming from us. It’s obvious he is extremely horny, and he has me that way too, squirming for release from the craving inside of me to just do it already. I want more than an orgasm this way. I want him to get naked and show me what I have been missing in the last month. It’s obvious he has skill and it’s about time I got the benefit from having a boyfriend who spent years honing that skill.

  Feeling braver that he is escalating things a little, I grab his free hand and push it across my thigh towards my underwear, which is now on full show since my dress has gotten hitched up my abdomen with his wandering fingers. He tenses and pulls back, stopping his grinding rhythm for a second, but I catch his wrist and hold it tight, refusing to back down when this is something I want more than oxygen right now. He breaks away to look down at me, gorgeously turned on with dilated pupils, kiss swollen lips and messily ruffled hair from my own clawing fingertips, dragging in breath which makes his shoulders heave and naked chest expand rapidly. I don’t think I have ever seen him look so crazily sexy in my life.

  ‘Don’t stop it… I trust you. I know you’ll stop if I say No.’ I whisper through short inhales into his mouth, kissing him back and slipping my tongue over his so that he can’t talk, just getting lost in this and urging him to not stop. I am so close to the brink of internal climax, but I want it from his being within me, not like this.

  I feel him relax on top of me a little, his hand moves up under my dress again and over my breasts once more, slowly, tensing as doubt obviously gets him. He stops and looks down between us for a long moment, so many thoughts and emotions passing over his face as he lightly draws patterns on my skin with his finger. I can almost taste his turmoil, that quick brain torn between wanting to have sex with me and the protective part, wanting to not hurt me. I couldn’t love him anymore in this moment.

  ‘Say No…. Promise me! If anything doesn’t feel right Sophie. Even the tiniest feeling, then stop this.’ His eyes meet mine, deadly serious and I nod, leaning in to kiss him again. Arrick seems to hesitate, looking at me for a moment even though I am kissing him, as though trying to decide if he should or shouldn’t and then finally closes his eyes and kisses me back. Pushing against me and losing himself in me once again, going back to the way his body fluidly moves with mine.

  His hands come up to cradle my neck and face, angling to deepen the kiss to panty twisting levels and I realise just how much my boy has been holding back in a single moment. Hot kissing to scorching kissing in a flash, his groin meeting mine harder as euphoric heat starts enveloping me at a faster speed that makes me literally tense and move higher up the couch in reaction with a gasp. My mouth is a whole new plaything for him, lip sucking, tongue caressing and generally making every part of me tingle with lips that clearly have a lot of hidden skill. Talent he has been keeping from me until now. I am literally swept up hopelessly and realise he has only had me simmering until this second and now I am consumed with new levels of lust.

  Arricks hands move down to my thighs and pulls me up, so I am wrapped around his hips snugly as he nestles tightly against me, body moulding heavily to mine, manoeuvring me so I can feel every growing inch of his desire between us and he has access to my upper body without leaning on his own arms. He pushes my dress up to my bra to expose it fully, still kissing me, then my jaw and neck, grinding against me, igniting a switch inside that has me moaning and grinding back against him a little wantonly. Excitement going crazy inside of me as I realise I am finally getting exactly what I want, and it only intensifies the sensation.

  The way our bodies are pressed together, his hardness fits tightly against me in ways that have me arching my back as he m
oves against me deliberately, clearly knows how to get a woman ready when he has his eye on the goal. He slides his hands under my butt, under between us to the outer edge of lace underwear. His mouth is back on mine leaning forwards over me, flitting from my throat and cleavage to my mouth in small bursts. My own hands are roaming him, unbuttoning the very last buttons low down on his shirt to reveal sexy tanned torso, achingly perfect abs and that one side of tattoos and sleeve that is as sexy as sin.

  My mouth goes to his throat when he leans into me again, nibbling him and tasting his skin in the way he is tasting me. Aching to be fully naked and feel him against me in every way possible.

  He slides a hand between us, along the top edge of my lace panties and pulls his face away from me, opening his eyes to look into mine, focusing on me, nose to nose as he slides his hand lower and into my underwear slowly. Watching me with obvious concentration and a hint of wariness as I hold my breath in anticipation. Watching his eyes moving from mine to my mouth and back as his fingers slide down over their target making me flinch with pleasure. My lips part with a gasp, as his warm skin connects with me between my thighs.

  I groan as he slides his fingers up and down slowly, feeling me out, testing my responses and making me squirm wildly. His own breathing becomes more laboured as his pupils dilate. He seems to watch for any sign of rejection, seeing only my inability to withstand how good this feels as I close my eyes, bite on my bottom lip and wriggle about in sheer ecstasy at his massaging touch. His mouth finds mine again, tongue in my mouth as he slides his fingers under the edge of the fabric and inside of me so slowly it’s almost torture. I moan out, panting, overwhelmed at how amazingly good he feels, arching to let him have better access and pushing against him hard.

  He slides inside of me slowly, his thumb massaging the front of my underwear as tingles, waves, and crazy aching sensations consume me. Sensations that make me claw at his shoulders and arch underneath him. He dips his head to my throat and kisses me, sucks gently, drives me wild with the intensity of how this feels. Unable to control myself and not caring about how I am reacting; I have never felt this crazy, yet so lost at the same time, my body yearning, crying out for more and unable to control anything I am doing.

  His fingers sliding inside of me are raising my body temperature, heart rate to explosive levels and the building waves and tingles are so close to erupting. I can barely hold myself together and arch crazily as my body is gripped with need. I am almost on the verge of a body ripping orgasm.

  The harsh ring of his cell breaks the sudden ecstasy of the moment and completely kills my buzz. He curses under his breath, pulling his hand from inside of me and moving around to fish his vibrating cell form his back pocket in angry agitation. He pulls it forward glares at it and sighs before tossing it aside. Almost automatically I see her name on the glowing screen and turn back to him with a frown, anger spiking stupidly inside. It’s still ringing as he tries to come in for another kiss but something inside of me snaps, something that has been building all evening after seeing her arrive, lying dormant under my happy fuzz since being aware of her presence in the bowling alley. Maybe being brought to the edge of this mind-blowing ecstasy and then halting abruptly has sent me over the edge.

  I push him off and pull myself to the side, pick up the phone and red button it to reject her call, before throwing it at the opposite chair in complete erratic rage. Cursing her under my breath for ruining this moment for me, like she ruins fucking everything in my life. Arrick tries to pull my face back to his softly, but I just resist him, unable to look him in the eye when this much disappointment hits me hard and I am struggling to control Psycho Sophie from kicking out inside of me.

  ‘Baby?’ He soothes, leaning in to kiss me back into submission, smoothing a little of my obvious temper tantrum in a bid to get me back under him, but the stupid thing starts ringing almost immediately, again, and this time in my drunken stupor; I pick up my shoe from the floor and throw it at the cell phone in complete unfounded rage. I score a perfect bullseye and it falls to the floor with my shoe in rattling silence, unclear if I just smashed, or killed, his cell. I really do not care right now, I just picture her in my head and want to assault her with my shoe too. Stab her seriously tiny, little doe eyed, fucking face, with any one of my knife edge stilettos.

  ‘Sophie, what the fuck?’ Arrick half snaps, half laughs in disbelief, but she has completely killed the mood and I am being the asshole I always am when I feel hurt. Unable to go backwards when this inner demon breaks free and acting like a petulant spoiled kid in meltdown.

  ‘Screw it… Screw you, and fucking screw her.’ I push him back hard, so he ends up falling back against the couch and slide myself out of his embrace. I pull myself off the couch, pull down my dress angrily and start stomping towards the bedroom without a backwards glance as fire consumes me for a whole different reason. Irrational, drunk, and being an idiot, seething inside that we were so close and there she was, like every time, popping up to just ruin everything. Like a damn infernal constant black cloud on my parade, who opens the heavens to a downpour any time she catches a tiny ray of sunshine in our life.

  ‘Answer your fucking phone, you know you’re going to.’ I yell at him in rage, as his cell starts ringing again, storming into his bedroom and slamming the door magnificently, so a picture falls off the wall with a crashing thud in the room I just left. Tears blinding me and feeling like a class ‘A’ psycho for completely over reacting. We were so god damn close to something people take for granted as normal every day, and like always, she just goes and fucks everything up for me.

  And he lets her! Every god damn, fucking stupid, asshole, time.

  Arrick opens the door seconds after me and stands looking at me like I have completely lost the plot. Face calm, but he has that tell-tale tense muscle and square jaw of pissed off-ness, that makes me want to scream at him. His shirt wide open and looking a little too inviting, even though I am in no mood to even go back there and I ask myself why the hell I can’t just go back out there and continue when he’s looking like that; but I can hear the ringing starting again in the room behind him and it just makes me a hundred times worse. I glare at him coldly, like I hate him, even though he hasn’t actually done anything wrong. Like any other fucking time I act like a completely insane, jealous psycho, and take it out on him.

  ‘What was that?’ Arrick seems mildly irritated, but I know him better and can see the suppressed anger as he tries to keep his cool. Clearly as drunk as me and swaying on his feet a little. I guess stopping men mid sex makes them grumpy as hell too, as he looks pretty pissed, in his subtle but annoying way, not his normal cool and controlled, understanding sober Arry.


  ‘Nothing. I don’t want to talk to you. Go away.’ I wipe the start of my tears with the back of my hand, not even sure why they started and glare past him as the phone finally stops vibrating across the wooden floor like a massive irritation. Hating that she made me feel this way with just a bloody call. I am really starting to lose it where she is concerned, this goes beyond minor or major jealousy, she’s getting into my head and making me crazy on new levels of insanity the longer this goes on.

  I can feel him staring at me as I try to think and impulsively throw a cushion at him in a bid to block him out, unable to have him look at me that way when I know I am the one being mental. I just feel like I am suffocating inside, and my head is so crammed full of conflicting thoughts that I just want to rip my own brain out.

  ‘Go away.’ I snap childishly, tearfully, as the rage dies, and I start to feel embarrassed and ashamed of the epic melt down I stupidly just had. I should be apologising, I know this, and he’s looking at me like I should know this, yet I can’t. There is that tiny little stubborn mini me who wants to slap him about the head, shake some sense into him and tell him for once and all to just make her disappear for me.

  ‘Why the fuck are you punishing me for her calling? Am I answering the fucking phone So
phie?’ He is getting more pissed by the second, fuelled by my own behaviour and as much as I want to shake myself too and tell myself to stop acting this way, I can’t. My hearts breaking with everything that I have been thinking about in the last month. About sex, about her. Alcohol always makes me more irrational and less able to cope with this kind of shit, it’s why I got so much stronger in myself when I cut out drinking so much. I always end up this much of a mess when I drink, and Arrick always ends up like that.

  It's like the straight thinking attentive part of him gets replaced with pig headed and impulsive, quick to anger and a lot less lucid; and right now, we are not a good mix. We don’t gel well with each other when we are drunk and pissed off. He just reminds me of Jake at his worst when he is like this. Jake can be an asshole when he’s drunk too and it’s about the only time I have ever seen him argue with Emma over pointless shit or ever made her cry.

  Drunk Carrero’s are assholes!

  ‘If you don’t know then I am not telling you. Go away, leave me alone.’ I sulk. Being juvenile, deflecting his question because I no longer have a straightforward answer that will hold any weight to explain my behaviour. I feel his eyes boring into me and cannot stand it anymore, unable to just stay in this airless prison with him. I push past him to leave the room, but he only catches me by the waist and spins me to him.

  ‘So you get to turn psycho on me, and I am just supposed to fucking guess? Or wait! Leave my own fucking apartment while you take a tantrum?’ He snaps at me, gaining a push in the chest as I try to fight him off. Hating how he’s being, looking at me with that green infused, cold glare of his and reigniting the angry part of me which had started to curl up and hide in shame.

  ‘You always let her ruin everything.’ I bawl at him, pushing harder when he only pulls me back for the second time. Not letting me go, refusing to let me storm off and walk away from this fight.


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