Book Read Free

Sharon Poppen

Page 7

by Hannah

  “Soon’s we could, Benny, Charlie and I talked Drake into separating for awhile. We done lots of stuff, even murder, but what Drake and his brother Johnny did to that kid was bad. Only reason we’s here is Drake held all the money we got doing ... well he said he’d give us our share here in San Antonio. Said maybe we’d find some targets here, and then head south to Mexico. Now, can ya keep us from hangin’?”

  “When is Drake due to arrive?” Hannah asked.

  “Anytime now.” Charlie said. “Him and Johnny said we’d meet ‘round first of the month at the Gold Mine Saloon.”

  Liam took Hannah’s arm. “Thanks, Sheriff, we’ll be leaving now.”

  “Good luck.” He followed the couple out of the cell area.


  The door to their hotel room hadn’t quite closed, when Hannah began. “What are we doing here? We’ve got to get to that saloon.”

  “Hannah, think. If they’re here, they know about Hank and Charlie and probably high-tailed it. If they haven’t got here yet, we have time to watch, to plan.”

  Hannah fidgeted and then agreed. “You’re right.”

  Liam smiled. “Good. Now –

  “But,” Hannah interrupted. “We do it my way.”

  Liam sighed at the determination in her eyes and acquiesced. “And your way is?”

  “I need a satin dress and some fancy slippers.”

  Chapter 15

  The Gambler and his Lady

  Liam leaned against their hotel room door and tugged at the sleeves of the uncomfortable black suit he was wearing. “Hannah, I’m not sure about this.”

  Hannah looked into the small mirror above the dresser and made some final touches to her hair and make-up. Her cheeks reddened when she noticed how the late afternoon sun accented the suggestive look to the pink, satin dress now hugging her body. She was nervous and unsure of her plan, but decided it would do no good to let Liam in on her worry and doubt. She hoped her voice sounded more convincing than she felt.

  “We’ve been over this, Liam. It will work.” She managed to flash him a conspiratorial smile as she picked up the black felt hat from the dresser and tossed it to him.

  He caught it, but did not smile back. “Everyone knows us because of what happened at the ..., the…”


  “Yes, the bordello and taking on those two ..., uh ... “


  “Don’t help me. I can find my own words.” Liam harrumphed as his fingers circled the brim of the hat. “What I’m trying to say is, this ruse of me being a gambler and you my woman isn’t going to fool this Drake fellow. He may be low life, but someone’s bound to tell him who we are. San Antonio’s a good-sized city, but it’s still small enough that word gets around.

  “Liam, I’ve got to try.” She slipped her feet into a pair of black dancing slippers. “Look, folks saw us walking around town in worn, dusty clothes, not the way we look now. And, we moved to this new hotel. The Gold Mine Saloon is a good six blocks from the bordello and in between are scores of saloons and bawdy houses. Hank and Charlie said Drake and Johnny were going to meet up with them at the Gold Mine.”

  “I should drag you away from here and take you to Aunt Emiliana’s.” Liam opened the door. “But, come on. We’ll try it your way.”


  Hannah set a mug of beer at Liam’s elbow. “Here you are, honey.” She stepped back and sat down at a nearby table.

  “Right nice havin’ a fine lookin’ woman as your own bar maid.”

  Liam smiled at the man to his right who’d been paying more attention to Hannah than his cards. The man wasn’t the only one of Liam’s poker mates who’d been eyeing Hannah and, because of it, Liam was winning far more than his skill level normally brought in. “It surely is, friend.”

  “All right with you if she got me a drink?”

  “Ante up, then ask her.” Liam chewed at an unlit cigar.

  Just before dawn, they gave up and headed back to their hotel. Their first night out had brought no word or sign of Drake.


  When they’d arrived at the Gold Mine the next night, it was packed with a Friday night crowd. Gamblers, drinkers and ladies of the night occupied every table. The regular bar maids couldn’t keep up with the orders, so Hannah was offered a job. She had just delivered an order to Liam’s table, when she heard another call for beer.

  Turning to take the order, she nearly dropped her tray. It was one of her rapists. Fighting the urge to run, she walked over to the table where he sat alone. “Beer?” She didn’t meet his eyes, but assumed what she hoped was a look of boredom as she pretended to adjust her hair in the mirror behind the bar.

  His lips curled in an eerie grin. “That’ll do for now.”

  “Coming up.” Hannah hurried away.

  Passing Liam’s table, she coughed and continued on toward the bar to place her order. Liam excused himself and headed for the privies just outside the back door. Hannah waited a few seconds and then followed. Liam grabbed her arm as she stepped into the night.

  “Johnny,” she whispered.


  “I’m taking him a beer.”



  Their conversation was cut short as someone staggered into the darkness headed for relief. Liam squeezed Hannah’s arm and went back inside. She followed and picked up her drink order.

  Johnny didn’t say a word as Hannah set the beer down. He reached over, tucked a coiled bill into her bodice, and lifted the mug to his lips. Hannah smiled and briefly caught Liam’s watchful eye, before turning to other thirsty patrons. Johnny never ordered again, but sly glances in his direction let her know she was being watched.

  A fight broke out at the bar, upsetting several nearby tables. The bartender fired a warning shot into the floor. It calmed or scared everyone back to their drinks. Hannah’s eyes drifted toward Johnny. He was gone! She looked for Liam. He was gone! She raced out the swinging doors.

  The street was dotted with late nighters changing bars or heading home. She frantically dashed to the corner and scanned the cross street. No sign of either man. She raced back to the other corner, but found nothing. She ran back and looked into the Gold Mine. Neither had returned. Her head told her to check their hotel room, but her heart gave little hope.

  The dark interior of the room suggested Liam wasn’t there even before she lit the lamp. Tears threatened, but she brushed them away with the back of her hand. She needed to think, not cry. She decided to get out of the silk dress. Reaching back to unlace it, she noticed the money in her bodice and lifted it out. About to toss it on the floor, she noticed it was two-ply and one of the pieces was a note. Holding it near the flickering light, she read:

  Hear you been talkin’ ‘bout

  the day we met. Hear you been

  sayin’ bad things ‘bout us. Can’t

  let you do that. Don’t go

  talkin’ to the sheriff or you’ll

  miss out on the soup we’s fixin’.

  We’ll come get ya when it’s ready.

  “Soup?” Hannah wondered, and then the story of the kid and Drake’s cannibalistic tendencies came back. “Liam,” she cried and dropped the note. She ripped off the dress and kicked away the fancy shoes.

  Pulling on her traveling clothes, she forced herself to think. Frank said Drake’s a gambler. So, why was Johnny alone? Where’s Drake? How did he know I was in town? How did he know about Liam? That I was looking for him? Who told him? The sheriff! No, he’d of got word to me or Liam. But, somehow, Drake knew. He sent Johnny to get me. They took Liam to get to me, to hurt me. But, how did he know I was here?

  Suddenly, it came to her. Hank and Charlie lied. The meet wasn’t at the saloon; it was at Coralee’s bordello. Hannah remembered Coralee’s steely eyes and had no doubt that the woman would sell her soul for her business. The madam was probably angry about the altercation that Hannah had caused in her house and had fo
und a way to extract punishment. Coralee told Drake!

  With a surety that she’d found where Liam was being held, Hannah belted on his holster. She managed a couple of awkward practice draws with his pistol. She’d seen it done many times and it looked so easy. After nearly dropping the pistol, she decided to quit before she ended up shooting herself. Before holstering it, she spun the chamber to be sure it was loaded and ready for revenge. She’d practice her draws later. Right now, all she had to do was shoot straight, to kill if need be.

  Over the past months, she’d tried to convince herself that she could kill Drake and his men. But when she looked deep into her soul, she’d found doubt. She jammed the loaded pistol into the holster and stormed from the room. All doubt was gone. Drake, your hours are numbered. You will not live to kill another good man!

  Hannah stepped out into the dusty, moonlit street. She paid no mind to the liquored up men who straggled along, alone or in pairs, leering at her. Nor did she hear their lewd remarks and disgusting offers. With her hand gripping the pistol, Hannah strode purposely toward the house with a pink shaded candle at its door.

  Chapter 16


  Arriving at the bordello, Hannah slipped into a side yard that corralled several horses. The second story windows were all lit up. Most hid the activity inside behind pink shades that created a soft halo around the top of the house. One unshaded window drew Hannah’s attention. It framed a man leaning against the jamb. He stared into the night like a sentry. Hannah’s instinct told her that she’d found where they’d taken Liam. She could only hope she’d found him in time.

  Staying in the shadows, Hannah’s mind raced with desperation to devise a plan for rescuing the man who’d only recently rescued her. Her need for revenge against these killers and rapists was the reason for Liam’s kidnapping. What they’d done to her no longer mattered. It was Liam she had to think about.

  Someone approached and then walked on by, but it left Hannah with the seed of an idea. Hearing another set of footsteps approaching the door next to the pink lantern, Hannah slipped out of the shadows and shoved Liam’s pistol into a man’s back.

  “Hands on your head. Move into the shadows,” she ordered.

  “Don’t shoot. Got a wife, kids,” the man whined.

  “Your name?”

  “Bill Hawkins.”

  “Let’s have a look at you.”

  “Please, don’t shoot.”

  “I’ll let you go on one condition.”


  “Go tell the sheriff I need him here as quickly as possible.” She shoved the gun in tighter. “Do this, Bill Hawkins, or the sheriff will be called to your mysterious death. Understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Hannah pulled the gun back. “Go.”

  Watching him run, Hannah knocked on the bordello door and offered her first prayer in ages that he’d really get the sheriff.

  As the door creaked open, Hannah stepped inside and pressed the pistol into Coralee’s rib cage. Recognition flashed in the madam’s eyes. Hannah scanned the deserted entryway and parlor. Her eyes traveled up the stairs and she winced remembering that she’d nearly sold her body to two men, in this very house, a few nights ago.

  “You,” Coralee hissed.

  Hannah closed the door. “Where is he?”

  Coralee smiled. “Who?”

  Hannah cocked the pistol and shoved it deeper. “One move, one scream and I fire. Now where is Liam?”

  Coralee’s smile faded. “Upstairs.”

  Hannah gripped Coralee’s arm and moved the gun to the woman’s back. “Take me to him.”


  “Yeah?” Drake responded to Coralee’s rap

  “It’s me. Can I come in?”


  “Got word about that girl.”

  “It’s unlocked.”

  Coralee, with Hannah’s gun in her back, stepped into the small room containing only a bed, a bureau and a couple of chairs.

  Jumping up from the bed, Johnny yelled, “What the hell?”

  “You move, she dies.” Hannah was surprised at how calm she was facing these two killers. Johnny stood next to Liam who was tied to a straight back chair. His face was bruised and hung down to his chest as if unconscious, or dead.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the prairie poke.” Drake leaned back in his chair on the opposite side of the room. His feet were propped on the bed. He looked amused and relaxed holding a shot of whiskey in one hand and a thin brown cigar in the other.

  “Untie him and let him go. Your business is with me.”

  “That right?”

  “Yes. Let him go.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or,” Hannah buried the pistol deeper into Coralee’s back, “she dies.”

  “My, my, the little poke looks mad, don’t she, Johnny?”

  Johnny laughed.

  “I mean it. Let him go.” Liam’s head came up giving Hannah a clear view of a brutal beating.

  Liam, I’m so –

  “Ain’t that sweet?” Drake interrupted. “Told you he was the honey and she’d come for him.”

  “You did.” Johnny grinned like an idiot.

  “Let him go, I said.”

  “Or what?”

  “She dies.”

  Drake brought his feet to the floor and stood up. Setting his drink down, he picked up his gun and pointed it at Coralee.

  “Son?” Coralee began to tremble.

  “She’s your mother?” Hannah couldn’t believe her ears.

  “And she’s in my way.”

  Coralee’s body jerked back into Hannah as Drake’s bullet pierced the woman’s chest. The impact caused Hannah’s pistol to fire into the woman’s back. Coralee’s limp body eased from Hannah’s grip and fell to the floor. Hannah’s shield was gone.

  “Now. My gun, your gun? Who’ll go to hell first?”

  “You killed your own mother?” Despite some trembling and a burning sensation in her hand, Hannah kept the pistol aimed at Drake.

  “Nothing gets in my way and right now you’re in my way. Course, I’d like to sample your goods again while you’re alive,” he smiled, “but that’s up to you.”

  Hannah glanced between the two brothers looking for any sign of humanity. All she found was evil in these disciples of the devil. Johnny’s gun was pointed toward Liam, whose head had slumped to his chest again. Hannah turned and looked directly into Drake’s eyes. “Will you release him if I surrender to you?”

  Drake smiled. His handsome face was clean-shaven and his black suit looked freshly cleaned and pressed. To most folks his smile would be disarming, enticing. But Hannah had experienced Drake’s true nature. Ignoring his smile, she probed his callous eyes. They were not smiling.

  “No.” Hannah shook her head. “You’d kill Liam anyway, wouldn’t you? Like you did my husband’s brother.”

  “Guess you’ll have to trust me.” He took a step toward her.

  A loud crash drew their attentions. Drake turned to check on his brother. Hannah dropped her pistol and screamed, “No!” Liam had hurled himself into Johnny, knocking him onto the bed. Johnny’s gun discharged as it flew out of his hands. The bullet struck Drake in the arm. Drake’s free hand went to the wound and was immediately covered in blood.

  “Why you -- Drake’s words were cut short by a shot fired from behind Hannah. Another bullet ripped into Drake’s arm.

  Johnny jumped to his feet, managed to retrieve his gun and fired wildly. The sheriff pushed Hannah aside and fired into Johnny’s chest. He fell across Liam on the floor by the side of the bed.

  Johnny’s distraction provided Drake with an opportunity to bolt for the door. He turned and aimed at Hannah’s forehead. Though terrified, she refused to let him see her cringe, even facing death. He curled his lip and smiled and then turned his gun on the sheriff. He fired off a shot that blew the sheriff’s gun out of his hand and embedded itself into the sheriff’s palm. Hannah watched
Drake disappear into the hallway.

  An instinct to pursue him was immediately dismissed as Hannah raced to Liam. Pushing Johnny’s body aside, she touched Liam’s face. “Liam, are you all right?” She called Liam’s name over and over as she caressed his hair and face.

  She was vaguely aware that the wounded sheriff was cussing his deputy and ordering him to get Drake. Eventually, a hand gripped her shoulder. “This one’s dead, ma’am.” The sheriff nudged Johnny with his boot. Blood from the sheriff’s hand dripped onto Johnny’s shirt.

  The deputy entered the room. “He disappeared. He got away.”

  “You fool,” roared the sheriff. “Grab a horse and chase him down.”

  “He didn’t take no horse. I saw him hightail it out the front door, but when I got to the street, he was gone. Disappeared into the night.”

  “Damn.” The sheriff shook his head.

  Hannah continued to brush at Liam’s cheek, “Liam, please. Talk to me.”

  “Here, ma’am, let my deputy untie him.” Liam was released from the chair and helped onto the bed. The sheriff grabbed a towel from a wall hook. He had the deputy rip it in half and wet it from the water pitcher atop the dresser. The sheriff gave the damped cloth to Hannah to dab at the caked blood on Liam’s bruised face.

  “Liam, please. Wake up.” She couldn’t accept the possibility that he was gone. Guilt that it was Liam’s body so bruised and lifeless tore at her sense of justice. It should have been her. “Please, Liam, come back to me.”

  Tending to his own wound with the other half of the wet towel, the sheriff shook his head. “He’s been beaten something awful, I’d –

  A moan silenced the sheriff. Liam’s swollen eyes fluttered and opened a slit. “Hannah?”

  Fighting tears, she whispered, “I’m right here.”

  Liam coughed up some blood and exhaled with a groan. His body trembled and collapsed. He stopped breathing.

  Hannah screamed, “No!”

  Looking up into the grim faces of the lawmen, Hannah noticed several of Coralee’s girls gathered at the door. “Get a doctor,” she yelled. “For God’s sake, get a doctor!”


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