Book Read Free

Sharon Poppen

Page 10

by Hannah

  Hannah was the first to gain control. “Liam?”

  “Shush,” his hoarse voice requested. “Give me a moment.”

  She closed her eyes and waited. Eventually she felt his lips softly brush against hers. It was warm, but fleeting, a kiss that a brother would bestow on a sister.

  He pulled away and turned his back to her again. “Good night, my love.”

  “But, don’t you –

  “In the worst way. But, I don’t want your body as payment, I want commitment.”

  The room screamed with uncertainty, yet hope. Tears threatened as she struggled for a response.

  His hand drifted back and rested on her hip. “It’s all right, Hannah. I knew what I was doing when I followed you here. I’m a patient, but determined man. I’ll be here when you’re ready.” He gave her hip a gentle pat and pulled his hand away. “Now go to sleep. I don’t want you cranky, in addition to determined, tomorrow.” He managed a brief chuckle.

  She smiled in the darkness and turned on her side with her back to him. “Good night, Liam.”

  Chapter 21


  Janey hadn’t slept at all. And it wasn’t the demands of her boss Mr. Ketchum that weighed heavy on her mind. It was waiting for sounds of her sister Martha. She lived in fear that Mr. Ketchum would come looking for Martha and find out that she was gone, not sick as Janey had been telling him.

  Janey walked to the window of her small room in the attic above the hotel. “Martha, where are you?” she whispered into the moonless night. “What’re you doing with that baby?”

  Some loud talking on the floor below brought shivers of fear and dread that Mr. Ketchum was coming up to their room. She hurried to the door and listened, but all was now quiet. As she leaned against the wood, she accepted the fact that it was just a matter of time until Mr. Ketchum did come for his relief. She was surprised it hadn’t happened yet. A tear made its way down her face.

  Roughly, she wiped it away with a chapped hand. It would solve nothing to cry. She needed to take some action.

  “Oh, Martha, you’re the smart one. Why did you leave me alone?” Her words, though hardly more than a whisper, echoed around the room and seemed to challenge Janey to do something. Problem is, Janey thought, every time I do something, I mess up. Like spilling coffee on the sheriff tonight.

  “The sheriff.” Memory of the man brought back little snippets of the conversation she’d heard him having with that young couple. They’d mentioned something about a baby. It was what had made her nervous and clumsy enough to spill the coffee.

  She thought about the handsome man and pretty woman and how they’d seemed disappointed in what the sheriff had told them. Janey knew they were staying at the hotel. They were only one floor down.

  The candle flickered as it burned low in its wall sconce and accented the emptiness of the room. She needed to find Martha. Janey decided she needed help. Before she had time to question her decision, she stood outside the door of the young couple.


  “Who’s there?” Hannah called out. A succession of gentle knocks had finally registered into Hannah’s sleeping brain.

  “Janey Pruett.”


  “Janey Pruett, your waitress last night.”

  Hannah sat up as a picture of the young, chubby woman materialized in her still foggy mind. She cleared her throat. “What do you want?”

  “Please, I need to come inside. I don’t want anyone to know that I’ve come to see you.”

  Hannah shivered as her feet hit the cold floor. She felt Liam’s hand grab her arm to hold her from getting out of bed. “Hannah, this seems suspicious to me.”

  She leaned into him. “Do you think she heard our conversation with the sheriff?”

  “It’s possible. Ask her again what she wants. No, wait. I’ll ask her. She needs to know you aren’t alone.” He stood up, retrieved his gun, then walked to the door. “What do you want?”

  “I may have some information about that missing baby.”

  Liam opened the door. The waitress that had served them earlier in the evening glanced to the right and then left, before finally slipping into the room.

  “Leave the door open a little,” Hannah asked, “so I can see to light the lamp.”

  As Liam complied, he glanced at the girl. Their eyes met briefly before she dropped her head and blushed. A cool breeze caressed Liam’s torso and reminded him that he was nude, but for his unbuttoned denims. The room filled with an amber glow and Liam shut the door. He quickly slipped into his shirt, buttoned his pants, and turned to Hannah. He smiled. Despite her disheveled hair and prim flannel gown, she took his breath away. He’d follow this woman anywhere, anytime for as long as she’d have him.

  “Liam, are you listening? What’s the matter?” Hannah touched his arm.

  Her touch brought him out of his reverie and back into the cold room and the presence of the waitress. “Yes,” he answered. “I mean ..., ah ...”

  “Liam, Janey here thinks her sister may be the woman who took the baby.”

  Now, she had his attention. He looked at the girl. “What makes you think so?”

  Janey fidgeted with the end of her long blond braid. “Martha showed up in our room a couple of days ago with a baby, and then yesterday she took the baby and disappeared.”

  “She wasn’t tending to the baby of a friend or neighbor?” Liam asked.

  “No, we don’t have any ... uh, ... friends. Mr. Ketchum doesn’t allow it. She said it was a special baby that was going to make us rich and get us out of this place. Martha hates it here.”

  “Here? This town?” Hannah asked.

  “No, well yes the town too, but mostly it’s living here in the hotel, in one room, and working long hours for Mr. Ketchum. Said she feels like a slave.” Janey alternated between facing them and dropping her chin to her chest, as if embarrassed.

  During one of those moments Hannah asked Liam to fetch Janey some water while Hannah smoothed out the bed covers. Having no chair in the room, Hannah wanted to encourage the girl to be comfortable and stay long enough to tell them all she knew. “Here, sit. Rest for a moment. I’m sure your sister’s disappearance has you worried to death.” Hannah sat down and patted the bed beside her.

  The bed springs creaked in protest as Janey settled her plump bottom down. Her cheeks rosied into a full blush, as she took the water Liam offered. Her eyes darted between Liam, Hannah and her lap. Seeing that she was uncomfortable talking to him, Liam stepped back and nodded to Hannah. She gave him a quick smile of understanding.

  “So, Janey. Why are you coming to us and not Mr. Ketchum or the sheriff?”

  Her hands worried the glass as she nervously twisted it round and round between her hands. “Because, I’m afraid of getting Martha in trouble.”

  “Isn’t Mr. Ketchum aware that she’s gone?”

  “No.” Janey met Hannah’s eyes. “I’ve been making excuses for her. Mr. Ketchum thinks she’s got a bad stomach and a terrible cold. I’m working double shifts. See I don’t normally waitress, I clean the rooms.” She dropped her head again. “I’m kind of shy.”

  Hannah reached over, patted her hand to give comfort and then took the glass. She handed it to Liam and asked, “Janey, would you like more water?”

  “No.” Slowly the eyes came up and she smiled at Hannah.

  “How old are you, Janey?”

  “Just turned eighteen last month.”

  “And Martha?”

  “She’ll be seventeen next week.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “Papa was killed by Apaches when I was five. Mama said there was a half dozen of them. They wanted to kill all of us, but their leader told Mama we could live if we left the ranch and never tried to settle on their land again.”

  Hannah touched Janey’s hand. “I’m so sorry.” Eyes that had experienced brutal horror met in a grim silent sharing.

  Janey nodded. “Thank you.”

p; “So your mother left the ranch with you and your sister?” Liam wanted to know more about Martha.

  “Yes. When Mama got to town, the sheriff said there was nothing he could do. Apaches faded into the landscape and were impossible to bring to justice. He helped her get the laundry job at the hotel. Mr. Ketchum paid her with room and board for the three of us, but no cash. Sometimes, a hotel guest would give her a few coins for some sewing or such, but mostly we lived on Mr. Ketchum’s charity.” Janey’s fingers began to work the edge of her apron by rolling it up, then smoothing it out. The more she talked, the more she worked the apron.

  “Where’s your mother now?” Hannah asked.

  “She passed away when I was thirteen. I was already helping her with the laundry and Mr. Ketchum put Martha to work in the dining room. Same pay as he gave Mama, no cash. Martha hates it. She’s always talking about leaving this town.” Janey began fidgeting again. “And, now I think she’s gone and done something that’s going to get us fired.”

  Hannah and Liam exchanged glances, then Hannah said, “Surely not. Mr. Ketchum must have some feelings for you or he wouldn’t have kept you on for all these years.” At the word feelings, Janey bit her bottom lip and her fingers stepped up their nervous action with the apron.

  Janey looked toward the window. The black of the night was ebbing into a dark gray with just a tinge of pink. Liam followed her gaze and waited for her answer.

  Hannah’s voice drew both their attention. “Mr. Ketchum takes advantage of you, doesn’t he?”

  Again the abused women took each other’s measure. Liam looked like he wanted to say something to ease the pain he saw in Hannah’s eyes, but wisely accepted the fact that he was the outsider in this very personal communication and remained quiet.

  Finally, Janey nodded. “Yes, uh well, not advantage, exactly.” She tried to smile, but the sadness behind it made it macabre. “See, Martha and I, well we ain’t exactly beautiful. We ain’t even average looking. Like Mr. Ketchum says, we’re fat, got big noses, and smell bad.”

  “Smell bad?” Liam had to ask.

  Janey held out her hand. “See. I smell like soap and bleach and he says Martha smells bad from being in the kitchen and being around the cigar smoking gents in the dining room.”

  Liam shook his head and worked at swallowing his rage.

  Hannah took the girl’s hands. “Your hands are lovely, strong, able. They look and smell good.”

  Janey smiled her thanks.

  “So, about Mr. Ketchum, tell me more,” Hannah urged.

  “Well, right after Mama died, he come to us and said we’d have to take over Mama’s chores or he’d have to fire us and get someone who would. About a week after we took over the chores, he come one night and ...” She looked up at Liam.

  Hannah drew her attention back by asking, “Does he take advantage of both of you?”

  Janey nodded. “Me one night and Martha the next. Told us it was a lot of work for him, but that young girls needed it or we’d never develop properly and be able to have babies. Says he’s doing us a favor because as ugly as we are, nobody else’d do it.”

  “You believed him?” Liam tone of voice reflected his surprise and frustration that such drivel would be believed.

  “Yes, they would,” Hannah said. “They were just babies when it started. Oh my, I can see how your sister would grow to hate Ketchum and this place.”

  Again Janey nodded. “Her hated grew and grew until lately it began to scare me. I’d see her holding a knife and looking like she was,” she glanced between Hannah and Liam, “like she was talking to it. When I’d ask her what she was doing, she’d say ‘Ketchum’.”

  The room was silent for a few minutes as the early dawn brought more light into the room and drew attention to the deep concern in Janey’s eyes. Hannah looked over at Liam.

  “I think we’re on the right track here,” he said.

  Hannah nodded and then turned back to Janey. “I think you’re right. I think it was Martha that came and got the baby. You fit the description of the woman. Do you and Martha favor each other?”

  “Yes, she’s not quite as heavy as me, but we do look alike.”

  Liam asked. “She say anything about the baby, its parents, where she was to take it?”

  “Yes,” Hannah added. “Anything you can remember? Even the smallest detail could help us.”

  Janey rubbed her temples and tried to stifle a yawn. “Can’t think of ..., oh, wait.”

  “Yes?” Liam and Hannah chorused.

  “When I was leaving to go to Mr. Ketchum’s room the other night, she hugged me and smiled. She said, ‘Cheer up, Janey. Next time we hear that train whistle, we’ll be on it and headed out of this hell.”

  “Train whistle?” Liam asked.

  Janey’s voice quivered as she continued talking, twisting her hands in her lap anxiously. “That’s what she said. That’s why I think she’s involved in this baby taking thing. I can’t think of anything else that would get her a lot of money. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened .…” Janey’s voice broke just short of a sob.

  Hannah took one of Janey’s hands. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. We don’t know that she’s involved.” Janey nodded and Hannah continued. “Liam and I will look for her as we search for the baby and if we find out anything, anything at all about Martha, we’ll get the information to you. I promise. But, let’s keep this midnight visit just between us for now.”

  “Yes, yes, that’s a good idea.” Janey stood up. “I must be going. I’ve laundry to get started before the dining room opens.” She turned at the door. “Thank you for ...”

  Hannah nodded, then after the girl slipped out into the hall, she closed the door.

  “Martha’s involved,” said Liam.

  “I think so, too. The problem is that she’s gone. No way to question her. And heaven only knows where she’s off to. I hope the baby is being properly cared for.”

  “Me, too.” Liam opened the drapes and flooded the room in a predawn pink hue. He glanced up and down the dusty street and watched tradesmen make their way to their jobs. An idea hit him just as the sun crested the horizon and replaced the pink sky with a brilliant blue. “Hannah, I think we should check with the livery. Maybe they’ve rented a horse or carriage to Martha.”

  “Oh, Liam, what a good idea.” Hannah rushed to her clothing and began to untie her gown to slip it over her shoulders. She stopped and glanced at Liam.

  He smiled. “I was going to look away before you got much further.” He turned his back and reached for his socks and boots.

  Without stopping to eat, the pair hurried to the livery. A young man was sitting at a table just inside the door. He wiped away the last of his breakfast on his sleeve and grabbed a mug of coffee as he came to his feet. “Name’s Zach, can I help ya with somethin’?’

  “I hope so.” Liam smiled. “We’re looking for someone.”

  “Can’t help ya with someone. Only got critters here.”

  “So I see, but critters are owned or rented by someone.”

  “Reckon ya got me there. Who’s it yer lookin’ for?”

  “A young woman.” Hannah stepped into the conversation. “A blond by the name of Martha.”

  A flash of concern crossed Zach’s face before he managed a shrug. “Rent or board too many horses to ‘member each and everybody.”

  Liam stepped back and latched the door. “That right? Maybe you need some help remembering.”

  “Hey, whatcha doin’ there?” Zach set his coffee down and took a couple of steps back.

  Hannah touched Liam’s arm. “Please. We mean you no harm. It’s just very important that we find Martha. When we said her name, your face gave you away. We think you do know her.”

  Zach’s brows knitted, but he stayed his ground. “What’s yer interest in Martha?”

  “We think she may be in trouble.” Hannah and Liam waited and watched Zach ponder their remarks. Hannah sighed in relief at his answer.
  “I think so, too.” He nodded and continued. “She come in here night before last, matter of fact, ‘twas the middle of the night. Had a baby with her. Now those girls are right plump, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t born this baby.”

  “You’re sure?” Hannah asked.

  “Whole town woulda known if one of them girls was knocked ..., ah ..., with child.” He kicked at the dirt and straw at his feet. “Fact, it’s a wonder old Ketchum ...”

  Liam and Hannah exchanged glances. It was obvious Zach cared about the girls. They could only hope it was deep enough for him to open up and trust them.

  Liam began, “Listen. We talked with Janey last night. And you’re right, there are some things going on at the hotel that need fixing, but first we need to find Martha and that baby. Janey’s worried about her. She trusted us with some information and we offered to help find her.”

  “Bastard Ketchum. I knew it.” He paused and picked up his coffee. After a swig, he asked, “How can I help?”

  “Did she rent a horse, a carriage?” Hannah asked.

  “A horse. She had me help her fashion a sling outta an old sheet so’s she could hold the baby against her chest while she rode.”

  “Did she take any supplies? Did the baby seem all right?”

  “Baby slept through the whole thing. Never made a peep. Martha had a pillow case full of stuff, but I couldn’t see what was in it.”

  “Did she say who the baby belonged to?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Wanted to ask in the worst way, but there’s some thing’s ya don’t ask. Ya think she’s in trouble?”

  “We hope not.” The tone of Hannah’s voice was not convincing. “Did she say where she was going?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Exactly what did she say?” Liam asked.

  “She asked if the horse she rented would be able to swim across the San Antonio just south of town and where would be the best place to cross?”

  “Could the horse manage?” Liam asked.

  “Sure. She rented herself our best mare, Rosy. Rosy’ll take her anywhere she wants to go. Told her about a mile outta town the road turns east. Told her ‘twas a shallow crossin’ area ‘cause the river’s wide there. Say, if she wanted to cross the river, she’d be heading west. That help any?”


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