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The Best of Daughters

Page 8

by Dilly Court

  ‘I think he’s really good-looking,’ Ruby said eagerly. ‘Wouldn’t you say so?’

  ‘Why, yes. I suppose he is,’ Daisy said, trying hard to sound casual. ‘I hadn’t given him a second thought.’

  ‘Shall I take him out a cup of tea and that last bit of toast, if it’s going free?’

  ‘No, you eat your breakfast.’ Daisy rose from the table. ‘I’ve finished mine, and anyway I want to speak to Mr Bowman. I need to find out how much his services are going to cost.’

  ‘We’re broke, ain’t we?’

  ‘Not exactly, Ruby. But every penny counts.’ Daisy picked up the teapot. ‘I’ll make a fresh brew. Mine’s cold anyway.’

  Minutes later she was making her way around the side of the house, heading towards the stable block with a mug of tea in her hand. As with the rest of Rainbow’s End, the half-timbered buildings had seen better days. The roof over the coach house looked ready to cave in at any moment, but, Daisy thought with a rueful smile, it had been in that state since she first came here as a child. Twitch grass had forced its way between the cobblestones and moss was growing on the brickwork, but somehow that just added to its rustic charm. The double doors were propped open and she hesitated on the threshold. ‘Hello.’

  Barnaby Bowman appeared from the dark depths of the building, holding a spanner in one hand and an oily rag in the other. His dark hair was ruffled and his overalls were open to the waist, exposing an expanse of bronzed flesh that made Daisy hastily avert her eyes. ‘What can I do for you, Miss Lennox?’

  She felt suddenly shy and unusually tongue-tied. It seemed rather foolish to have interrupted his work when her father had already agreed that he might start on the repairs. ‘I – I just wanted to see if you’d assessed the damage,’ she said lamely. ‘And I thought you might like a cup of tea. I didn’t know if you took sugar so I just put one in, but you can have more if you want.’ She broke off, raising her eyes to his face, and found him watching her intently. For some unknown reason she found this infinitely more disturbing than his somewhat cavalier attitude towards her the previous evening.

  He took the mug from her hand. ‘Thank you.’ He held her gaze for a moment and then turned away. ‘Come and see for yourself.’

  Her heart rate quickened as she followed him into the dim interior of the coach house. The smell of engine oil and petrol had all but obliterated the sour stench of damp rot and bat droppings. It took a few seconds for her eyes to become accustomed to the poor light, although a few stray sunbeams filtered through gaps in the roof where tiles were missing. She could just make out the shape of the Humberette, but it was in a sorry state. Bowman and Farmer Hayes had done a good job getting the damaged motor under cover, but she could see that to make the car roadworthy again was a considerable undertaking. ‘It’s a bit of a mess. Do you think it can be put right?’

  He brushed the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, leaving a streak of oil on his forehead. ‘It could be fixed, but it’s a big job and it won’t be cheap.’

  She bit her lip. She did not want to admit that her family was in straitened circumstances, but in all fairness to Bowman she did not want to let him start on a job that they could not afford. ‘You’ll have to speak to my father,’ she said after a moment’s thought. ‘He’ll decide if it’s worth going ahead with the repairs.’

  ‘A new motor like this would cost at least a hundred and twenty-five quid, which is more than most blokes earn in a year.’

  She stiffened, sensing the underlying criticism of people who could afford such luxuries while others struggled to survive. Suddenly it had become a battle of wills between them to see who would give way first. ‘So how much do you estimate that it would cost to make it roadworthy?’

  ‘Can’t say off the top of my head, but it wouldn’t be anything like that sum, and Mr Lennox would have a reliable motor at the end of it. I’m a good mechanic.’

  She was not going to allow him the last word. ‘Very well then, I suggest you give my father a written estimate before you start on the work. We wouldn’t want to waste your valuable time.’

  ‘Anything you say, miss.’ He raised the mug to her and then downed the rapidly cooling liquid in one long, thirsty gulp. He handed it back to her. ‘Thanks for that, and now if you’ll excuse me, I’d better get on with the job in hand.’ He turned away and she found herself dismissed like an errant schoolgirl.

  Annoyed but not quite certain why she should let a man like Bowman make her feel this way, Daisy left him to get on with his work and went out into the sunshine. A gentle breeze fanned her cheeks and she took deep breaths of the sweet country air. She felt oddly unsettled, as though her world had tilted slightly on its axis and she could not quite get her bearings. There was something about Bowman that both attracted and repelled her. If Ruby’s reaction to him was anything to go by he would be a disturbing influence in a household dominated by women. She hoped that his estimate would make it impossible to hire him, and she was even more determined to seek help from Lady Pendleton.

  She hurried back towards the house, but she hesitated outside the scullery door and raising the mug she pressed her lips to the spot where Bowman’s mouth had left its mark. She closed her eyes and felt a shiver run down her spine. Ashamed of her irrational and sentimental action, she let the mug fall to the ground where it shattered into shards. What kind of madness had this man wrought not only on her but also on level-headed, street-wise Ruby? She went indoors to fetch a dustpan and brush.

  After a morning spent in the kitchen baking bread and cakes both for the family and for her mother’s stall at the church bazaar, Daisy cooked lunch and served it in the dining room. Ruby ate her meal alone in the kitchen and Daisy left her to do the washing up while she went upstairs to change out of her working clothes and into something more suitable for calling on Lady Pendleton. She had not told her mother of her intention as she would have been sure to forbid such a venture and Daisy did not feel like an argument.

  Dressed in a cream shantung afternoon gown trimmed with navy-blue piping, and wearing a large straw hat to protect her complexion from the sun, Daisy set off down the garden and through the orchard to a wooden gate half hidden by brambles and ivy. They had discovered it as children and found it led into the grounds of Pendleton Park. It was here that she and Teddy had first come across Rupert, who literally dropped upon them from the branches of an oak tree where he had been hiding from his tutor. Daisy smiled as she remembered those glorious days of freedom when they roamed the estate, swimming in the lake and playing hide and seek in the cool green woods. They had been enchanted summers but all too soon it was time for herself and Bea to return to London and the boys were packed off to boarding school. She could see them all in her mind’s eye as she crossed the deer park to the avenue of trees which led to the great house. The impressive Jacobean mansion had been built at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and the magnificent grounds designed by Capability Brown. She had visited the house many times in the past, but she was still a little over-awed as she knocked on the oak door with its wrought-iron hinges and metal studs. She could not imagine herself as mistress of all this. She took a step backwards as the heavy door swung open to reveal the butler, Warrington, who had been with the family since he was a boy. Now he was stooped and grey but Daisy knew that he was held in great esteem by the family above stairs, and below stairs he was king.

  ‘Good afternoon, Warrington,’ she said, stifling the urge to curtsey to such an august personage. ‘Is Lady Pendleton at home?’

  ‘I’ll see if her ladyship is receiving visitors, Miss Lennox.’ He stood aside to let her into the great hall. The black and white marble floor tiles echoed to the sound of his footsteps as he headed for the staircase, moving slowly like a rheumaticky tortoise. Daisy was left to wait amongst the suits of armour, which stood stiffly to attention against a background of oak-panelled walls decorated with shields, halberds and crossed swords. Shafts of fragmented sunlight filtered throu
gh the mullioned windows, and the Pendleton ancestors stared down at her from gilt-framed portraits, making her feel very small and insignificant.

  After what seemed like an age, Warrington reappeared and escorted her to the crimson and gold saloon on the first floor, ushering her into the room and announcing her as if she were a person of some importance. Lady Pendleton sat by an open window with her embroidery frame at her side, but she rose to her feet as Daisy entered the room and held out her hands. ‘How lovely to see you, my dear. Do come and sit down.’ She turned to her butler with a charming smile. ‘I’m sure Miss Lennox would like some refreshment, Warrington.’

  ‘Yes, my lady.’

  Daisy was certain that she could hear his joints creaking as he bowed out of the room, closing the double doors softly behind him. Lady Pendleton did not seem to notice anything untoward and she resumed her seat, motioning Daisy to take the chair opposite. ‘You look hot. Have you walked all the way from Rainbow’s End?’

  ‘It’s not very far.’ Daisy hesitated, not quite knowing how to raise the subject of transport. ‘You heard about the accident to our motor?’

  ‘Yes. Rupert told me all about it. He was terribly sorry. He said it was his fault entirely. Your father must allow us to foot the bill.’

  Embarrassed, Daisy sank down on the edge of the spindly gilt chair. ‘I didn’t come to ask for money, Lady Pendleton.’

  ‘Of course not, but all the same we must make amends. I’m well aware that your father is financially embarrassed, although I’m sure it will only be temporary.’

  ‘I did come to beg a favour,’ Daisy said, pressing home her advantage. ‘I wondered if we could borrow a gig or a dog cart, just for the time being until the motor is back on the road. I know that Father wouldn’t dream of asking, but he and Teddy actually walked into Colchester this morning.’

  ‘Consider it done, my dear. When you’re ready to leave I’ll send for our head groom and he’ll sort something out for you. I’m sure we’ve several vehicles that are hardly ever in use these days, and you’ll need a carriage horse too. Our stables are filled with animals eating their heads off without adequate exercise. I’m certain that Donovan will find one suitable for your use.’ She sat back in her chair, smiling. ‘Now, tell me how you’re getting on at Rainbow’s End. I keep meaning to call but I have so many demands on my time that I never seem to get round to it. Of course, I see your mother in church every Sunday, but it’s hardly the place for talking about personal matters.’

  ‘We’re managing very well, thank you.’

  Lady Pendleton gave her a searching look. ‘I’m sure you are, but I was actually asking about you, my dear. How are you finding life in the country? Everything moves at a much slower pace.’

  ‘I don’t have the time to be bored, Lady Pendleton.’

  ‘Rupert has been teaching you to drive.’

  It was a statement rather than a question and Daisy nodded her head. ‘Yes, my lady.’

  ‘He’s very fond of you, and he was very upset when you turned him down.’

  Daisy stared at her in dismay. ‘He told you that?’

  ‘No, my dear, but I know my son. He left home that day in such a happy mood and returned looking like a thundercloud. I knew it wasn’t simply the damage to his precious motorcar that had brought him so low.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘Don’t be. I’m sure you had your reasons.’

  ‘I’m terribly fond of Rupert, but I don’t think that’s enough. I couldn’t marry a man I didn’t love with all my heart.’

  Lady Pendleton smiled but there was sadness in her blue eyes. ‘I’m sure you know best, Daisy dear.’ Her attention was diverted by someone tapping on the door. ‘Enter.’

  A small procession of maidservants dressed in black with starched white aprons and goffered headbands brought in trays laden with sandwiches, cakes and tea. They moved swiftly and silently like well-practised dancers performing a ballet as they set a rosewood table with an embroidered cloth and laid out plates, napkins and cutlery.

  ‘Would you like me to pour, my lady?’ The most senior housemaid bobbed a curtsey.

  ‘No, thank you. That will be all.’ Lady Pendleton reached for the silver teapot, straining the tea into a bone china cup. ‘Milk and sugar?’

  ‘Just milk, please.’ Daisy eyed the plate of dainty cucumber sandwiches and she was reminded of Rupert’s invitation to take tea with him. ‘They’re his favourite,’ she murmured.

  Lady Pendleton picked up the plate and offered it to her. ‘They always were and he loves scones with strawberry jam and cream, but I doubt if he’ll be having afternoon tea in the mess today.’ She eyed Daisy thoughtfully. ‘Perhaps you’ll feel differently when you’ve had time to think about his proposal. Rupert can be impulsive but he knows his own mind. I doubt if he’ll change, but you might, given time.’

  ‘Why me, Lady Pendleton? I don’t understand why you favour me when I come from such an ordinary family.’

  ‘Has your mother never told you about my background, Daisy?’

  ‘I know that you went to the same school. That’s all.’

  ‘My family were what one might describe as ordinary people. My grandfather was a master cabinet maker and a good businessman. He opened up a shop in Oxford Street just as the other department stores were beginning to appear. My father went into the business and made it what it is today. He could afford to buy me an expensive education and that was when your mother and I became friends. We both married for love. It’s as simple as that. Rupert is very much like me and there isn’t an ounce of snobbishness in his whole body. I was so happy when you two met and became friends, and if your friendship for my son blossoms into love I would be absolutely delighted.’

  ‘I see. Thank you for telling me.’ Daisy stared at the sandwich on her plate, but her appetite deserted her. She took a bite but her throat seemed to close up when she attempted to swallow. She wished with all her heart that Rupert would walk through the door and they could start again. Not that she had changed her mind about marrying him, but a soldier’s life was always going to be dangerous even in peacetime, and she wished that she had sent him away in a happier state of mind.

  Intuitive as ever, Lady Pendleton seemed to sense her discomfort and swiftly changed the subject. A message was duly sent to the head groom and Daisy began to relax and enjoy herself. They parted on the best of terms with Lady Pendleton promising to call at Rainbow’s End as soon as her commitments allowed.

  Daisy made her way to the stables, where she discovered that a governess cart had been dusted off and a sturdy Welsh cob harnessed between the shafts.

  Donovan held the reins while she climbed onto the driver’s seat. ‘Are you used to handling horses, miss?’

  ‘Of course,’ Daisy said stiffly. She did not want to admit that the last time she had driven a horse-drawn vehicle was when she was fourteen, and then it had only been a short tool around the grounds with Rupert at her side giving her instructions. She settled herself on the seat. ‘Thank you, Donovan.’ She flicked the reins. ‘Walk on.’

  To her amazement the well-trained horse moved off at a brisk trot and headed in the right direction for which she was grateful. She would have to practise if she were to become a proficient driver, but luckily the cob seemed to need little guidance. It was not quite so easy however when she arrived at Rainbow’s End, and as she climbed down from the driver’s seat she realised that she had not the faintest idea how to unharness the animal or how to get the cart into the coach house. Bea might know, but Pumpkin’s stall was empty and it was still only mid-afternoon.

  The horse turned his head to look at her with large limpid eyes and she shrugged her shoulders. ‘I’m sorry, boy. I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you here until I can get help.’ She hesitated. Would he stay put? There was nowhere to tether him and it would be embarrassing to say the least if the animal decided to return to the stables at Pendleton Park without a driver. She cursed her stubborn pride that had
made her refuse to ask Donovan for assistance. She had no doubt that he would have accompanied her had she asked, and he would have been happy to show her what to do. She took off her straw hat, fanning herself with it as the sun beat down from an azure sky. If only Rupert would appear now and help her out of her predicament. She would not even mind a lecture.

  Then, almost as if in answer to her silent prayers, she heard the sound of a motorcycle engine approaching from the direction of the village. She stepped into the lane, hoping to flag the person down and ask for help. It was hard to admit defeat, but the horse was pawing the ground and any minute might decide to wander off. She waved frantically as the rider rounded the corner but as he drew to a halt she realised that it was Bowman, and seated precariously on the crossbar in front of him was none other than Ruby. She slid off, rearranging her skirts with a sheepish grin. ‘I had to go into the village to take the cakes to the village hall for Madam,’ she said hastily. ‘Barnaby was coming this way and he offered to bring me home.’ She shuffled her feet. ‘I’ll go inside and put the kettle on, shall I?’

  Daisy was too busy calming the horse to make any objections. ‘Yes,’ she said through clenched teeth. She would give Ruby a lecture on the dangers of riding on motorcycles later. She glared at Bowman as he balanced the bike on its stand. ‘What do you think you were doing? She might have been killed.’

  Chapter Six

  ‘DON’T WORRY, MISS. I’m a good rider.’ He took off his goggles and his eyes danced with amusement. ‘She was quite safe in my hands.’

  ‘That contraption doesn’t look very safe to me. Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought I told you not to go ahead with the work until you’d given my father an estimate.’ She was not prepared to admit that Lord Pendleton would be paying the bill.


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