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Captive: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

Page 24

by Natasha Thomas

  “You own me too, now prove it.”

  That must have done the trick because in a second he has me flipped on to my hands and knees, lining our hips up, and plunging into me over and over again with uncontained ferocity. I push back against him, encouraging him to take me as hard as he needs to. This is who he is, the man I fell in love with is not gentle, he’s not soft. He’s hard, intense, possessive, dominating, and mine. With nothing between us anymore, no demons lurking in his closet, and no secrets in mine we’re finally where we should have been all along…together.

  Knowing exactly what will set him off I swivel my hips in a circular motion grinding back hard when I do. The groans and grunts get louder, and without warning my climax descends on me. As it does I feel Max pull back on my hair until I’m nearly upright, his teeth on my neck, his hand between my legs manipulating my clit. The rush of wetness coating my thighs would embarrass me if Max wasn’t gathering it in his palm, rubbing it into my mound.

  Smearing the last of my juices over my belly he flips us again until I’m staring up into his gorgeous blue/green eyes. Shoving in and out roughly still he growls,

  “Need to see you when I cum in your cunt, Angel. Need you to come for me too, babe.”

  I don’t think I’m capable of cumming again. If I do I might combust. Holding my eyes captive I can see he’s serious, he expects me to cum with him.

  “I-I don’t think I can,” I stutter out.

  If there’s one thing I can tell you about Max, it’s that he’s nothing if not an overachiever. The second I tell him I can’t he begins tugging on my nipples, which shoots bolts of lightning directly between my legs. Bending his head he captures a nipple with his talented mouth, rolling it with his tongue, scraping his teeth across the highly sensitive tip. A smirk graces his lips,

  “You like that, Angel? You like when I suck your pretty tits?”

  I moan again not able to help myself. Is he crazy? What woman doesn’t like having a sexy as hell man sucking on her breasts, not me that’s for sure. His answer to my moan is to nip around the outside of my breast alternating between, licking, sucking, and biting. He’s driving me crazy, and he knows it. Squirming beneath him I run my hands up his sides, along his shoulders, and grab his jaw bring his face within an inch of mine.

  “Kiss me, Max. Please kiss me.”

  I haven’t kissed Max in three years, eight months, four days, and sixteen hours, and even more than wanting him to make me cum again I need him to kiss me. Crushing his mouth to mine he thrusts his tongue into my mouth mirroring the motions of his gorgeous cock. This kiss isn’t soft or slow, but it’s passionate and real, most of all it’s us.

  With his tongue in my mouth, his hand twisting my breast fingering my aching nipple, his hips wedged firmly between my thighs, and the coarse hair surrounding his cock that’s drilling inside me I shoot off like a rocket toward the stars. My orgasm doesn’t start easy, it comes on hard and fast, stealing my breath, making lights dance behind my eyes, and blackness tint the edge of my world. The only thing keeping me anchored is Max. Ripping his mouth from mine he pulls back saying,

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck yes, Angel. Cum all over my cock, cum hard.” Like I had a choice.

  After I start coming down from my euphoric high I experience the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, or felt. Watching Max cum is like watching a solar eclipse. It encompasses everything. His muscles go taut and strain against his deeply tanned skin, the veins on his forearms bulge, sweat rolls down his brow dripping onto my chest. The way his eyes widen and his pupils dilate has me shivering, as does the way his abs contract starkly showing off each defined ridge. What’s got me mesmerised is the motion of his chest heaving, sawing up and down with the sharp inhalations of breath he’s taking, the sounds he’s making as he takes his pleasure from my body, how he looks at me with more love in his eyes than I’ve ever seen before. Just as he stills over me he whispers,

  “I love you, Angel.”

  Smiling at him I reply,

  “I’ve only ever loved you.” And it’s true. As much as I loved Trig, I realise now that it was only ever a plutonic love. One that’s shared between friends and family, not lovers or soul mates. That’s another thing, I truly believe what I feel for Max transcends love. He’s my other half, my soul mate, my everything.

  At my words Max groans loudly throwing his head back until all I can see is his tanned corded throat. Running my hand from his back up to where his neck hollows out before reaching his chest, I lightly circle it with my whole hand, and hold on to him. His head rolls limply on his shoulders and the burning gaze he spears me with causes another round of shivers to wrack my body.

  “Fuck. Tighter, baby. Squeeze tighter.”

  I’d never figured Max for someone to trust another person enough to control him like this, but I can’t say I’m disappointed. Doing as he asks I apply pressure steadily until his body begins shaking uncontrollably above me. Within seconds his heavy frame drops to mine, and we lie skin to skin for long minutes just listening to the cadence of each other’s breathing.

  “Holy shit, Angel, I’ve never cum that hard in my life. What are you doing to me?” What am I doing to him? What about what he’s done to me.

  Laughing isn’t easy when you have a six-foot-three, two hundred and fifty pound man carved from granite lying on top of you, but somehow I manage.

  “I’m not sure, but the feeling’s mutual hot stuff.”

  Rolling us to our sides, he swipes the sheet that ended up pooled at the foot of the bed, and covers us to our waists.

  “I don’t want anyone walking in here and seeing what’s mine. I’d have to fucking kill them if they did.”

  Patting his chest I roll my eyes, and internally count to ten. He’s going to be the death of me, I swear it.

  “Not everyone wants to get in my pants, Max,” I huff.

  The vibration of his chest tells me he’s either laughing, or doing that growling thing he was doing outside. I’m not scared of his reactions anymore, because one thing I’ve learned during everything we’ve been through is that Max would die before he laid a hand on me in anger, so of course I take advantage of that knowledge and pinch his nipple.

  It’s freeing not to have to worry about how someone will react to me being myself. Not that many people have reacted badly, at least outwardly, but still it’s nice to be able to tease Max not fearing violence in return. Hissing in a breath through his teeth he says,

  “That’s where you’re fucking wrong, Angel. There’s not a man alive that doesn’t want in those sexy little panties of yours, not that they’ll get within ten feet of them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to.” He pats my ass adding, “And stop pinching my nipple, you’re making me hard.”

  Jesus. I think the man has a thing for pain, because after cumming that hard he should be well and truly spent, but as he said I can feel him hardening against my thigh again.

  “Are you sure you’re almost fifty-one?” Max looks at me brow furrowed, and a look of confusion marring his handsome face. “Because I could swear you’re still a horny seventeen-year-old boy with the elevator action your cock is doing.”

  His deep rumbling laugh echo’s around the room but is abruptly cut off when the door flies open, and in walks someone I’d hoped I’d never have to see ever again…Beth. Not only is she standing in the open doorway calm as anything she’s holding what looks to be a compact Colt .380 Mustang.

  Great, just what I needed to ruin a perfectly good moment with my man. Now I know what you’re thinking, why aren’t I freaking out, screaming, crying and generally carrying on like most women would be in a situation such as this? The answer to that is pretty straightforward. I’m familiar with guns; the way they work, the power behind them, their specifications. I can pick out a make, model, calibre, and magazine size from twenty feet away. Add to that in my purse I’m carrying my own handgun, and I’m pretty secure in the knowledge that I can protect myself. It also doesn’t hurt tha
t I’m sure Max has one, if not a few backup firearms hidden strategically around the room.

  Tapping her gun impatiently against her temple Beth speaks in a low and menacing voice.

  “It’s not considered ladylike behaviour to whore yourself out just days after your fiancée’s killed, Adelyn. What would Leo think if he saw you now? Not so angelic after all now are you.”

  Why is everyone under the misguided belief I’m a whore? I mean, fuck me, I’ve had sex with three people in my entire life, and I’m nearly thirty-four years old dammit. That’s not a lot by anyone’s standards, and definitely not hers that’s for sure. I know for a fact little Miss Righteous over there has fucked half the MC, and probably at least that many of the single men in town. Who the hell does she think she is calling me a whore? As my temper rises I formulate a plan in my head, and albeit Max is probably going to lose his ever-loving-mind at me later, this is our best option.

  As far as Beth is concerned I’m not a threat. Her attention will be divided between Max and me, but I’m willing to put money on the fact that she’ll be focused mainly on him. That’s what I’m banking on anyway. Edging closer to the side of the bed furthest from the door, hidden by the large king sized bed that dominates the room, I thank God, Allah, and Vishnu that my purse landed here when Max threw me down earlier. Anywhere else and my plan could have gotten a whole lot more complicated.

  With a warning look that tells me to stay the hell put, Max covers himself with the sheet that was dipping dangerously low on his hips. I pick up on what he’s doing instantly; he’s creating enough of a distraction for me to gain more ground, hopefully reaching for my purse before Beth notices. Clever man.

  Once I’m close enough I reach inside slowly moving my hand so as not to make any noise. Feeling the grip of my SIG Sauer P220 in my palm I let out a silent sigh of relief. Withdrawing it I place it between the mattress and box spring base, barrel first. My weapon of choice might not be capable of firing off as many rounds, but the eight it does will pack a hell of a punch, unlike the compact she’s sporting.

  Safe in the knowledge that I can access it if I need to, I want know why Beth’s here in the first place. From what I’ve gathered Max hasn’t had anything to do with her for a good long while, and none of the women attached to the club are particularly fond of her either.

  “So why are you here, Beth? What could possibly convince you that walking into an MC clubhouse armed during an eleven-year-olds birthday party would be an intelligent idea?”

  She lets out a bark of laughter that holds not a hint of amusement.

  “You really are fucking stupid aren’t you? I can’t believe after all this time none of you put it together, it’s been what? Nearly four years? Five?”

  Max sounds as confused as I am when he snarls,

  “I’m going to give you one chance, Beth. One chance to put the gun down and get the fuck out of here before all holy hell breaks loose, and you never see this side of a prison cell again.”

  Her laughter escalates to hysterics, and that’s when I know Beth never intended to leave here alive. She never had any intention of getting caught and taken into custody. And that make her a very fucking dangerous woman. Max seems to come to the same conclusion within seconds of me, and squeezes my ankle gently in reassurance. I’m not sure anything can reassure me right now, not unless the full-force of the MC charges in armed to the teeth, but the likelihood of that happening is slim to none, so we’ll have to work with what we’ve got.

  “Can I get dressed if you want to talk? I don’t feel comfortable sitting around naked having a conversation with an armed woman.” I enquire.

  “No, you can’t. I’m not taking any chances with you alerting someone before I’m good and ready.” Just as I thought, she doesn’t plan on being alive to walk out of here. Double great.

  I know I’m pushing her, but you can call it curiosity, call it the need for confirmation, you can call it anything you want when I ask,

  “Is this about me and Max, or is there more to it than that? You haven’t been together with him for an awfully long time to be torn up enough about it to pull a gun on an SAA for a motorcycle club, Beth. So what gives?”

  Striding toward me angrily she stops a foot away and slaps me across the face. Hard. Max’s muscles twitch, and I can see he’s coiled tight, spoiling for a fight. With a small discreet shake of my head I hope I’m relaying for him to stand down. Taking a step back, enough to create some distance for her to look down at me from her position diagonally across from me, but not enough to give me the leverage to kick her ass she says,

  “I’ll cut to the chase, because I’m sure your lackeys will be around soon,” she assumes with a grin. I fucking hope so otherwise we’re literally up shit creek without a paddle.

  Settling herself in the chair close to the bed in the corner, Beth keeps her eyes trained on us, but she looks lost in thought.

  “I met Leo when I was working at Mo’s. I was twenty and he was seventeen. He basically pursued me until I gave in and went out on a date with him. Leo was sweet, kind, and attentive, I thought I had lucked out in the man lotto until I found out the truth.” Beth takes a deep breath in through her nose and goes on. “We dated for a while moving in together after six months. Everything was perfect, and after two years I thought he was getting ready to propose to me. That was until I found him in his room here at the clubhouse fucking some common whore. That day I learned he wasn’t sweet or kind like I thought, he was just like every other manipulative bastard he was just the same.”

  Wow! I’m not making excuses for him, because there is absolutely no excuse to cheat on your partner, but I can’t help thinking Trig was only nineteen. He was a member, or almost member of an MC, and pussy is on tap for these guys, most men would be hard pressed to turn down an offer of easy, willing, no-strings sex.

  “I packed up and left the same day. I left Blackwater, and didn’t return for a decade. When I did I found a job at Chasers working as their receptionist, and thankfully managed to stay clear of Leo altogether. I mean we crossed paths occasionally, but he figured out pretty quickly not to approach me, that’s when I met Reaper.”

  My skin prickles at the sound of her using his name. The only redeeming point is that she’s not calling him Max and she won’t either. No one is allowed to call him by his first name except me, and I’m only exempt from having my ass kicked by him because he was the one who demanded I call him that in the first place.

  “I don’t trust men, so Reaper was the perfect candidate to scratch my itches with,” she says grinning evilly at me. “He’s got a huge cock and knows how to use it, his tongue is magic, and he didn’t expect me to dote on him like one of the stupid old ladies I’ve seen around here. I didn’t think I’d ever want a relationship with him, and for the most part I didn’t. But when I realised I was never going to get the respect I deserve being a booty call, and nothing else, I started asking him to be official. Not once did I think he would be monogamous, so it came as a pleasant surprise when he was…until you fucking came to town that is, Adelyn.”

  Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. I’m not going to nit-pick over the details of her story, but I highly doubt Max ever agreed to be something as high school as boyfriend and girlfriend with Beth. Sure, he might not have told her no in so many words, but I’d bet my big toe he wasn’t on the same page as she was. Neither Max nor I see fit to correct her, so she goes on uninterrupted.

  “When he came to me and told me he had cheated on me, with you of all people, it didn’t matter. I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened, and I had already been offered the opportunity to teach you a lesson by this point.”

  “What the fuck are you going on about? What opportunity?” Max growls. He’s getting frustrated, so am I, but him going all psycho hulk on her isn’t going to help anything.

  “Let her finish, Max,” I say as calmly as I can hoping to soothe his ragged nerves.

  Gesturing to me Beth gloats,
  “Yes, listen to your girlfriend, Reaper, let me finish. I can guarantee you it only gets more interesting from here on out.” Max twitches beside me and I take the opportunity to link our fingers loosely together. “As I was saying, an opportunity presented itself in the form of Mr. and Mrs. Bryson approaching me to take care of a little problem for them.” Wagging her finger at me she chides, “Apparently Adelyn here had their son murdered in cold blood by some thugs, so obviously they were seeking retribution for such a horrible turn of event.”

  This time it isn’t a shiver of pleasure that rock my body, it’s one of revulsion. Seeing it Beth smiles widely.

  “The only thing that bothered me about the whole thing was how they knew I’d be interested in helping them. Later I found out they had been following you for some time, leaving notes and gifts for you. It was easy enough to pick up where they left off, I mean you are a creature of habit, so you made it a piece of cake to predict when you wouldn’t be home.” Snorting Beth shakes her head. “I am sorry about your dog though, he was a cute puppy.”

  Fucking bitch. It always bothered me that someone would hurt an innocent animal the way she had. Why not tie him up, do any number of things to keep him quiet? Why did she have to kill him, especially like that?

  “I didn’t intend to stab him so many times, he just wouldn’t stop trying to bark, and the whining. Oh my God, the whining. I needed him to be quiet, so I made it happen. That said, you,” She says pointing at me, “You I did intend to kill.”


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