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Small Town Sins: Paranormal Vampire Romance

Page 7

by Martha Woods

  “Thank you,” he whispered into her ear, gripping her as if he was frightened she would vanish. Pulling away, his hands came to rest on her shoulders, squeezing. “Gather what you need. We must go quickly. Ethan made it clear that he knows who you are—somehow, he knows you have met me. I cannot imagine how, or how much else he knows about us. The sooner we leave, the better. Do not be afraid: I will not allow him to hurt you.”

  Mia huffed now, crossing her arms over her chest, smiling defiantly. “I’m not so weak, Vaughn! I won’t be hurt so easily. I can take care of myself, thank you.” She tossed her hair.

  Vaughn laughed, his eyes sparkling. “I know. You are strong, you are brave—perhaps more brave than I—and certainly more beautiful. More beautiful than anyone I have ever met." His eyes lingered on hers, and she thought she could see the barest hint of fang tips pressing into his lips. "Now go, gather your things. We will leave as soon as you are ready.” He gave her a gentle push.

  Nodding, Mia stepped away, her fingers slowly sliding from his hands as she ran toward her bedroom. She wasted little time shoving what her essentials into a bag and quickly returning to Vaughn’s side. He waited for her at the door, looking both anxious and excited. A conflicted mix of emotions she had never before seen on his face—in fact, she had never seen him so expressive, period.

  As she stepped toward him, her fingers found his own once more, wrapping together before giving a quick squeeze.

  “Ready?” His voice was low, an almost nervous whisper, and she just laughed, nodding.

  “Hell, yeah. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 8

  It was amazing, how quickly one’s life could change. Only half a year ago, Mia was living with Dixon, depressed and wishing hopelessly for freedom. Every day, she had felt more and more distant from the happiness she had known as a child, and her only relief was speaking with Vaughn. The man who had completely torn apart everything she knew.

  Humming gently, Mia pulled a small vase, carefully packed with vibrant flowers, from the sink, setting the glass piece on the framework. As she pushed open the curtains to allow a healthy stream of the sunlight into the room, she stepped toward the oven, frowning. The appliance was already on and something seemed to be inside. Before she could lean down and check, arms found their way around her waist and tugged her close. Gasping at first, Mia let out a loud laugh as Vaughn planted a soft kiss against the back of her neck, playfully squeezing her sides.

  “Welcome home.” Giggling in response, Mia squirmed to face him, running her fingers affectionately through his hair and pressing her lips to his, firmly but gently. Smiling softly, he broke the kiss to press his lips against her forehead, staring at the woman before him. “How was work?”

  “Good! Quiet.” A completely different profession these days. While she had been working as a nurse before, Mia had taken this new state as an opportunity to start anew. Instead of taking up such a tasking position, she had settled on working at a flower shop. A more calming environment, and Mia could be surrounded by life and beauty instead of death and dismay. The change was one Mia had never thought of before, yet it had done wonders for her outlook on life. “I was going to make you dinner, but it seems like you have something already baking?”

  “Oh! Yes, I wanted to surprise you with dinner. It seems I misjudged the time of your arrival, of course. Our dish won’t be ready for a while yet. I believe it needs a few more hours in the oven.” His arms stayed around her waist, eyes tracing the fine details of her face. Mia flushed faintly at the unabashed adoration in his gaze, shyly tucking her face against his chest.

  “I suppose we’ll just have to keep each other company while we wait. Not that I’m complaining—I missed you all day.” Which was true: it didn’t matter how busy or slow her day was, Vaughn was always lingering on her mind. The man was an addiction at this point. Every moment she was distant from his touch, from his affection, Mia felt herself growing rather lonely. Vaughn always laughed when she explained her feelings, stating that she was terribly sweet, but she flattered him too much.

  “What are you making? I didn’t even know you cooked!”

  “Sadly, I wish for it to be a surprise.” He followed his words with a smile, pressing his lips lightly against her forehead before pulling away and squeezing her shoulders. “I did, however, obtain some rather fine wine. Would you like to have a drink with me?”

  “Of course,” she laughed. "Maybe in the bath?" She turned to gather two wine glasses and watched as Vaughn grabbed the wine bottle, popping the top and filling the glasses. The liquid was a deep red, swirling and settling within the clear glass. Keeping the bottle in one hand, Vaughn accepted a glass and allowed Mia to lead the way toward the master bathroom. “So, what kind of bath do you feel like? Bubbles, or…?”

  “You enjoy bubbles, so we both know the answer.” Vaughn chuckled and placed a small peck against the skin of her shoulders, exposed by her thin dress. He set the bottle and glass down, and Mia could feel his eyes on her as she started the bath. With her glass resting on the edge of the tub, Mia tested the water before pouring in a small amount of liquid to start creating bubbles.

  Behind her, Vaughn wasted little time before stripping, pulling the clothing from his body without a hint of shame. They had been together, passionately, for quite some time. There were few secrets between the pair now. It was an amazing feeling, trusting each other completely, being utterly honest. Her relationship with Dixon had been nothing like that. He'd rarely told her anything that was on his mind—in fact, it often felt like he was constantly keeping secrets. Which was probably why she didn’t feel too guilty about running out on him. She had felt regret at first, and still wished she could have ended things on a better note with her husband. Well, ex-husband, that was.

  Mia didn’t truly spend her time thinking about Dixon these days, but he did occasionally wander into her thoughts. Often, he only came to mind when she thought about her hometown and wondered if her absence had been noted. And of course it had. She knew the people of Brixton noticed even tiny changes, and she had done some research on her town.

  Mia had always been a terribly curious woman; it was shocking that she had managed to wait two whole months before looking into her own disappearance. Did people miss her? Did they assume she ran away, or that something foul had happened?

  These questions were answered, of course, when she finally did search for her name in the papers posted online. There was indeed a missing person’s report for herself—as well as one for Dixon. While it was surreal seeing an article about yourself, about your own absence, Dixon’s absence was far stranger. Per the article, they had gone missing at the same time. Both were last seen by their coworkers, who said they had seen them heading home for the night but did not return the next day. Police reported their home seemed undisturbed, nothing out of place except Mia's car, which was missing. They believed the couple had left during the night, though their reasons was unknown. In the article was a quote from Mia’s mother, stating that she was glad Mia had finally escaped this awful little town and she hoped Mia was safe and happy.

  That bit had caused Mia to smile, but she couldn’t help the tightness in her chest while reading. It seemed the fight that she had with Dixon had been cleaned up—no doubt Vaughn’s work. He had cleaned up, spoken with Dixon, and left with Mia in her car. At least, she assumed he had spoken with Dixon, but she wasn’t completely sure. Vaughn had never once let on to what had happened when he came to her house that night. Never told her if Dixon had been there, if he had frightened the man off or even paid him to leave.

  Her mind had constantly run through plenty of possibilities during the first few months—more so after the article—but she was starting to care less and less. While she did wish to know what had become of the man she had once married, it wouldn’t change anything. Mia would still be here, with Vaughn, enjoying the new life they had created together. Dixon and his abuse were of the past, irrelevant to her present happiness

  Turning off the tap water, Mia stripped away her own clothing and waited for Vaughn to slip into the water before joining him. They spent a moment shifting to find a comfortable position, water nearly spilling over the side. Snickering slightly, Vaughn kissed her ear, playfully tugging at it with his teeth.

  “You will make a mess if you keep squirming like that, love.” His bite was sharper than usual, causing a shiver to run down the length of her spine. Vaughn was in a frisky mood, it would seem. His fangs were out, teasing the skin along her neck, and she gave a low whine in anticipation.

  Since living together, Mia had grown quite accustomed to this situation with Vaughn, had grown used to being his source of sustenance. Now more or less in hiding, the pair had become terribly cautious about their habits. Vaughn only fed on Mia, to keep himself well hidden from anyone who might whisper about him or contact the authorities—he didn’t want to risk Ethan finding them, and neither did she. Not again.

  Vaughn had told Mia he didn’t want to live on the run, though. He wanted to settle, to build a life with her. Perhaps even a family, something they weren't sure was even possible. But she understood the craving to have something together, to create that amazing bond.

  She let Vaughn lean her head back to rest against his shoulder and causally trail a hand through her hair, sighing as he kissed her temple.

  “I love you.” The words were whispered, nuzzling her sweetly, and Mia merely grinned. Her lips found his for a soft kiss, her fingers curling in his hair as she pulled herself a bit closer. As their lips parted, she sipped her wine, then set it aside once more.

  “How was your day, love? I hope you had more than myself.”

  Vaughn laughed at the question, slowly shrugging his shoulders. Still being cautious, he currently worked from home as an accountant. After being around for so long, he had become well versed in numbers and quite confident with financials. It brought in a cozy little profit and provided him a safe place in which to work. Of course, he had money from his investments as well, but they didn't think it wise to pull from that when they were trying to lie low. Ethan and other hunters might be able to trace it.

  “Quite boring, in all honesty. Just lines and lines of numbers. I far prefer being here with you, letting my days fade away with your beautiful body in my arms.”

  “You already have me, yet you keep trying to seduce me. Keep that up and you’ll have to quit your job to keep me satisfied, young man.” Though he laughed at her response, Mia took the glass from his hand, setting it aside. Carefully, she moved to face Vaughn now, straddling his lap with her face tucked against his neck. She kissed him there, slowly, while rotating her hips, rubbing against his bare cock.

  Vaughn stilled beneath her, and she smirked, rocking back and forth, making sure to rub her bare lips along the length of his growing erection. She had become more excitable lately, more insatiable, eager to engage in such delightful activities with her lover. She had never felt such desire for a man before, such need.

  Mia trailed her kisses along his jaw and tilted her head to the side, boldly exposing her neck to him, quivering in anticipation of his bite. Sliding her hand between their wet bodies, her fingers wrapped around his erection and helped guide his head past her lips, nudging against her entrance. With a breathy moan, Mia pressed herself down against him, gasping as he filled her inside.

  “Mm, Vaughn… I don’t mind.” Her words were whispered but she knew he had heard her clearly, knew he understood her meaning. Kissing the curve of her neck once, Vaughn brushed his fangs against her skin, his breath coming hot and quick against her. She inhaled sharply, in both pain and unfathomable pleasure, as the sharp points of his teeth pierced her skin. Vaughn didn’t hesitate, just quickly flicked his tongue back and forth to lap up her welling blood, letting out a deep groan and gripping her tightly. Mia melted against him, eyes closed, relaxing into the sensation as he suckled hungrily.

  His movements were slow, thrusting slowly within her as she whimpered his name, his large hands squeezing her thighs. Nails raking against her skin and toward her rear, gripping her firmly. Sliding his fangs from her skin, he kissed her eagerly, smearing the blood against her lips. He pressed his tongue to her mouth, rubbing against her own and giving her a taste of what he craved so desperately. Though it tasted bitter, she didn't mind, and it seemed to drive him wild. He kissed her now with unbridled ferocity, one hand at her rear, the other tangled in her hair, keeping her head in place.

  Moving his hands to her hips, Mia straightened to ride atop his thick erection, shuddering as she gasped into the kiss. The water rocked against the sides of the tub with their movements, but the pair hardly noticed. Her nails bore against his shoulders as she moaned his name, breaking the kiss to breathe. Vaughn panted heavily, his eyes raking over her body, his own hips thrusting powerfully to meet hers.

  She could feel droplets of blood dripping down her side and along her chest. Reaching a single hand up, Vaughn smeared his thumb into the blood, rubbing it against her nipple before cupping and squeezing her breast. She giggled as she leaned forward, pressing herself against his hand and pecking his jawline.

  “I love you, too.” Mia kept her voice soft, affectionate. She knew that, as feral or unrestrained as he might get, every action was born of his love for her.

  Gripping her hips, Vaughn pulled Mia off with a slight grunt, gently nudging her back before standing from the tub. Mia watched him, confused, before he scooped her up, ignoring her surprised squeal, and carried her into the bedroom. Mia let out a soft laugh as he dropped her carefully to the mattress, cupping his face and kissing him eagerly as he crawled atop her, settling between her thighs and thrusting in with ease.

  Inner thighs slick and trembling, her legs wrapped neatly around his hips and tightened as he thrust deep inside. Mia kept her lips pressed firmly against Vaughn’s own, her fingers knotted in his hair while she moaned against his mouth. Every inch of her skin felt sensitive these days, her body burning from the slightest touch—as long as it was Vaughn’s touch. No other man could make her feel this way. No one could make her tremble and cry out the way Vaughn did every time they fell into bed together.

  Finally breaking their kiss, Vaughn’s grip slid down her curves to grip the backs of her knees. Sitting her up, he pushed her legs farther apart, his thumbs gently rubbing against her knees. Mia gasped, arching beneath him, looking into his chiseled, focused face. He was gazing down between her legs, watching how her body shuddered beneath him as his erection buried itself deep within her aching sex. Her fingers twisted in the sheets, and she fell backward, lost in ecstasy.

  “You are so beautiful.” Leaning down once more, Vaughn chastely kissed her lips, fingers sliding down her thighs to instead grip her hips and pin them against the bed. She felt a thrill of excitement, knowing what was coming next. Once he had Mia in place, Vaughn began thrusting more forcefully, more rapidly, seeming to know the exact spot and reaction he was aiming for. She gasped out, all thoughts gone from her mind. It only took a few more careful, rough thrusts before she felt that familiar tremor through her body and tightened around him, screaming his name. Her nails tore against the sheets, hips bucking as she climaxed hard against him.

  Vaughn held out longer than the exhausted woman beneath him, still thrusting deep inside her wet slit before reaching his own climax as well. Burying his face against her neck, Vaughn moaned his lover's name as he thrust to his hilt inside her, spilling his seed with a loud, satisfied groan.

  Taking a moment to collect himself, Vaughn slowly withdrew from Mia and fell against the sheets. His arms looped around his woman’s body, drawing her close and eagerly kissing her once more. It was never enough, no matter how many times he had the woman, no matter how often he told her his feelings; Vaughn always felt like he needed to express himself more. The moment she was free from his grip, he started to crave her again. It was unhealthy, and he knew that, but Vaughn wasn’t interested in seeking a cure anytime soon. For now, her b
ody was enough.

  As their muscles started to relax, Vaughn tucked his face against her jaw with a gentle hum, fingers threading through the mess he had made of Mia’s damp hair. This was his favorite part of the evenings, when she returned home and he could reclaim every single inch of her. The bond, the relationship, between the pair had become quite domestic. It was not a situation Vaughn had ever thought that he would find himself in.

  For so many years, he had traveled alone, looking over his shoulder and refusing to sit still for more than a few months. He had never had any desire to settle, to build a life, or to attempt living like a normal man. Many of his kind had done this in the past, but he had always thought them foolish. Doing such a thing would only invite trouble, and he had never before understood what caused them to become so docile, to take such risk.

  Of course, now he certainly understood.

  Mia had completely changed his world. This woman, this amazing, gorgeous woman, had saved his life, had even given him the chance at a brand new one. And here she lay beside him, her beautiful chest heaving, her lovely hair strewn across the pillows: the woman he loved. The woman he would marry.

  At least, the woman he hoped to marry. When he finally grew brave enough to ask her the question, in due time. He knew her wounds needed time to heal, and he knew they were still in danger from Ethan. Still, the desire lingered in the back of his mind. When they were safe, she would be his wife. He would be her husband, kind and loving. Vaughn wanted nothing more than to provide for her the dream that Dixon had ripped away. A home that was safe, a life that she loved. Mia had, far quicker than he could have ever imagined, become everything to Vaughn. His beautiful and strong little Mia.

  He smiled at her, stroking a hand over her bare shoulder. He still couldn't believe his luck.



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