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Small Town Sins: Paranormal Vampire Romance

Page 13

by Martha Woods

  I stand up, wash my hands and face, and brush my teeth. I flush the toilet. I take two painkillers from the cabinet above the sink and swallow them, washing them down with a glass of not quite cold enough water.

  I look at myself in the mirror, at my sallow skin, the bags under my eyes. I groan.

  I’m never drinking again, I think to myself as I make my way back to my bedroom. Bella is waiting for me, loyal and expectant, wagging her tail as if to say, “It’s going to be ok.” I crawl into bed next to her and instantly fall back into a deep sleep. Mercifully, there are no more dreams.

  Chapter 5

  I wake up and instantly feel my head throbbing. With a groan I push myself up on one elbow and push my hair out of my face. I smack my tongue against the top of my mouth a couple of times. My mouth is so dry it feels painful, and it tastes like a small rodent crept in in the middle of the night and died in there.

  I glance at the clock beside me. 4:47 p.m. No way! It must be wrong. I grope for my cell phone. The clock is right. It is almost 5 p.m. How did I sleep for so long?

  I think back to last night. I may have slept late, but I didn’t really slept that long. I didn’t get in until after 8 a.m. I smile. It was some night. I hadn’t gone all out like that in a while. A job like mine tended to get in the way. I shudder as I remember waking in the morning – which may as well have been the middle of the night, given yesterday’s schedule – and throwing up. I also remember the nightmare I had.

  It made sense after talking to Vincent. The alcohol must have warped my memory of the conversation into something ugly and frightening, and then my own guilty conscience at not calling Rick must have kicked in, resulting in the disturbing dream. That’s why in the dream, I felt the woman dying was my fault.

  I reach for the remote control, hardly daring to switch on the news. I do, though. I watch the newscaster run through various stories, including a dig at the police for not being any closer to catching the serial killer, who last struck the other night. I breathe a sigh of relief. No one else was killed last night. I laugh a nervous laugh. Of course, they weren’t. Do I think I’m psychic now? Psycho, more like.

  With an effort, I drag myself out of bed. I turn the TV off and go to the bathroom. I take another two painkillers and down two glasses of water. I get in the shower and I stand under the water, turning the heat up as hot as I can stand it. Next, I brush my teeth, glad to be rid of the stale alcohol taste. I debate texting Cara, but I don’t. She would want to know if Vincent called, and I don’t want to talk about him right now. I don’t even want to think about him.

  The painkillers are doing their job. My headache is down to a dull pounding, and I realize I am absolutely ravenous. I run a mental inventory of my fridge and cupboards. Nope. Nothing even close to greasy enough.

  I get dressed, grab my things, and head out. The elevator ride isn’t long, and I am soon outside in the fresh, crisp air. It is cold, but not unbearably so. The cold feels good against my skin, and the chill wind seems to blow away the rest of my headache. It is already dark when I head for the pizza place down the road. Pizza is exactly what I need to feel human again.

  I can’t believe it is already going on 7:30 and I am going for breakfast. Granted, breakfast is pizza, so it all balances out. I smile. It reminds me of my early twenties, when this would have been a regular weekend. It feels good to let go now and again, and I thoroughly enjoyed last night. The laughter, the dancing, the gossiping. The normality of it all. I even spent some time talking to Julia. And she was really nice. If anything, I finished that conversation thinking she probably deserved better than Tommy. She would tire of him soon enough. Just like I did.

  I enter the pizza place and step up to the counter.

  “A large slice of pepperoni and a coke please,” I say.

  The man behind the counter puts a huge pizza slice on a plate and hands it to me along with my coke.

  “Eight dollars please,” he says.

  I give him a ten. “Keep the change.”

  “Enjoy your pizza,” he tells me as I leave.

  Oh I will, I think. I sit down near the window, not that I can see much. The café is brightly lit with neon bulbs, and with the darkness outside, the window is more like a mirror.

  I eat the pizza slowly, feeling more and more like myself with each bite. When I am finished, I wipe my mouth and hands and take a good long slurp of coke.

  The man behind the counter is watching a small TV mounted on the wall. Suddenly, he reaches for the remote and turned the volume up.

  I look over.

  “Breaking news,” says the woman on the screen. “The LAPD are already on the scene here down by the river bank, where the mutilated body of yet another young woman has been found. Early reports indicate that she is another victim of the….”

  Her voice continues, but I don’t hear anymore. The river bank. Another woman. It’s my dream. I jump to my feet. I have to get down there. Leave or no leave, I have to talk to Rick, to make him understand.

  As I leave the café, my cell phone rings. I consider ignoring it, but as I check the screen, I see Rick’s name.

  “Hello,” I say into the phone.

  “Amy. Thank god you’re ok. Where are you?”

  “What?” His voice, usually so calm is laced with panic. “I’m just on my way home. Do you need me on the scene?”

  “No. Amy you have to stay away from this. When we got here, there was a photo in the victim’s pocket. It was a photo of you, Amy. It says you’re next. You need to go to the station now. They’ll sort out protection.”

  “Calm down,” I say. “Look, it’s just some psycho trying to unnerve me. He expected me to be on the scene; the one to find the photo. He probably thought it would distract me. You don’t need me to explain this to you. You know how these people work.”

  “I know,” Rick said, calmer now. “But what if he means it? I can’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’m pretty tough,” I smile. “Look, I’ll come in tomorrow, and we can talk. I don’t want or need protection. Is that clear?”

  I hear Rick sigh. “Loud and clear,” he confirms.

  “Do you want me down there?” I ask again.

  “No,” he says. “The last thing I need right now is having to watch out for you.”

  He hangs up. I find I’m a little offended. I don’t need watching. I am quite capable of looking after myself. And I know exactly what that photo is. It isn’t just a threat. It is a message. Vincent is taunting me, and there is no way I am going to let him see he has unnerved me.

  I reach my apartment door and unlock it. I push it open and step inside, but as I go to push it shut, someone grabs my wrist. Before I have a chance to take a breath to speak, or cry out, a large hand is over my mouth. I feel a body pressed up against mine, my hands held behind my back.

  I hear the lock engage as the man who holds me kicks the door closed.

  “Mmmmm,” I protest indignantly into the hand. I wriggle and writhe, trying to pull myself free, but it is like I am a rag doll. Nothing I do has any effect on the man holding me.

  I try to bite the hand that covers my mouth, but it is encased in a thick, leather glove.

  “Mmmmm,” I say again.

  That’s when I notice the scent. Musk. The man holding me is Vincent, I am certain of it. I should be afraid. He left a note saying I was next, and now, he is here, holding me. But, a little voice in my head reminds me, if he wanted me dead, he’d have done it by now. Still, I continue my futile struggle.

  “Stop fighting me, Amy. We need to talk,” Vincent says into my ear. His voice is level, calm, and it has a calming effect on me. I relax in his grasp. I am vaguely aware of the goosebumps that spread deliciously down my neck as his breath tickles my ear. “Promise me you won’t scream.”

  I nod my agreement. Of course I won’t scream. I’m not some scared little victim. Oh, no. Vincent has met his match with me.

  He removes his hand.

go of me,” I say, my voice coming out strong and confident. “Now.”

  He does. I try to hide my surprise as I turn to face him, but I can see from the amused smile that I’ve failed.

  “Look, I’m sorry about the welcome party,” he says, “but I really do need to talk to you and I wasn’t sure you’d agree any other way.”

  I shrug. I’m not sure myself.

  “Let’s sit,” I say. I turn and walk into the living room. I feel his presence behind me all the way. I sit down and he sits beside me.

  “I think by now, you know what I am,” he starts.

  I raise my eyebrow, but I nod. Of course I do. As much as I’ve tried to tell myself I’m going crazy, I’ve known deep down this whole time I’m not. I am officially sitting in my living room with a vampire. I decide to give Vincent the benefit of the doubt. After all, a good cop has to examine all possibilities before coming to a conclusion, right? And I am still a cop, after all, albeit one in a very strange situation.

  “I want you to know that I’m not the bad guy here,” he says.

  I raised the eyebrow again. He laughs.

  “Really, I’m not. It’s true that I need blood, human blood to survive, but I stopped killing a long time ago. I got control of myself. I only take enough to feed me. And the woman I take it from doesn't miss it.”

  I find that hard to believe, but right now, it seems inconsequential. I wait for him to go on. All the humor disappears from his face as he continues.

  “Amy, you’re in danger. I know you think you can handle this, but I believe that you're underestimating the enemy here.” Vincent takes a deep breath, and for the first time since I first met him, he looks uncomfortable.

  “This is going to sound crazy,” he says.

  “Any more so than the rest of it?” I ask.

  He smiles humorlessly. “I guess not. The thing killing these women – that’s no man, and it’s no vampire either. Vampires feed; we don’t mutilate. This thing is a supernatural being known as a Shaman. The Shaman is able to transform himself into a werewolf. It can change at will – it doesn’t have to wait until a full moon. He has been reckless, killing and leaving the bodies out in the open. It’s against our rules.”

  I consider his words. It does sound crazy, he’s right about that, but really, is it any crazier than the fact that I’m sitting chatting to a vampire? Probably not. And what he’s saying makes sense. I’ve seen what that thing does to people, and we’ve said all along that it doesn’t look like the work of a man. But the tracks are always covered, which made us think it had to be a man. An animal doesn’t care who knows it was there. So what Vincent says is a good explanation. A Shaman that turns himself into a werewolf. With the strength and instincts of an animal, but the mind of a man.

  “You seem to know a lot about it,” I comment. I can’t think of anything else to say, and the silence is stretching out, making me feel awkward, like I’ll blurt out something stupid. The truth is, actually, I can think of a million things to say, a million questions to ask, but trying to choose just one to start with is an impossible task. I am afraid of what I might learn. The statement I chose seemed easy, less likely to lead to anything that could scare me more.

  “Yes,” Vincent smiled. “Well, it stands to reason that I would. I’ve been hunting Elric for centuries.”

  It has a name? Well, it would, wouldn’t it, if it was a man some of the time. My mind ticks over the information. It shouldn’t be too hard to track down someone named Elric, should it? I curse my own stupidity. The man behind the wolf is clever enough to not have been caught on its killing spree. It is hardly going to introduce itself using its real name.

  “Centuries?” I ask. Surely he was just exaggerating, but something about the calm way he speaks tells me he isn’t.

  “Yes, Elric has been growing stronger over the centuries. Every victim he murders, he traps their souls,” Vincent replies, as casually as though he is talking about the time of day. “Each new soul he ensnares makes him that much stronger. Elric needs to be put down once and for all.”

  So Elric is extremely clever. He evaded capture for over a hundred of years. That is hardly reassuring.

  “I appreciate you telling me all of this, but I’m not sure exactly what you want me to do about any of it,” I say. “I’m sure you know I got kicked off the investigation after telling my boss about you.”

  “Yes, sorry about that,” Vincent interrupts.

  I ignore him and carry on. “And if I go to him with this new development, he will lock me up and throw away the key.”

  “I don’t expect you to do anything about it. And actually, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone what I’ve just told you. If it gets into the media, or too many people start talking about it, he’ll flee again, and it could take years to find him. And I’m close this time. I can feel it.”

  “But how will they ever catch him if they don’t know what they’re looking for?”

  Vincent snorted. “You really think they’ll catch him? You’re delusional.”

  Ok, he had a point. Not about me being delusional, he had actually just proved I wasn’t, but about the rest of it. How could Rick and the team even hope to track a supernatural Shaman that can transform himself into a werewolf at will? The very idea is preposterous.

  “So why tell me all of this if you don’t want my help? Is it just an ego boost or something?”

  Vincent laughs again. “My ego’s pretty big as it is, thank you. I’ve told you for two reasons. Firstly, I need you to stop talking about vanishing men and necks being bitten. Of course, your boss doesn’t believe that, but the press would have a field day with it, and with all the publicity, Elric would flee again.”

  That makes sense. “Ok. I won’t mention it again. You maybe should have told me that earlier.”

  He shrugs. “Yes, because of course, you would have listened to me as you stood over the body of the woman you thought I’d just killed.”

  “Fair point,” I say with a wry smile. “You said there were two reasons. What’s the other one?”

  “The second one is the most important one. You’re in danger, Amy. Elric is coming after you.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about his warning. It’s a perk of the job,” I say dismissively.


  “Yeah. You know, the photo? Don’t pretend you don’t know. Why else would you tell I’m in danger?”

  “I don’t know anything about a photo, but it doesn’t sound good. Elric is becoming bolder, teasing of his next move. This isn’t good at all. That wasn’t what I meant, though. You’re in danger because of me.”

  “Because of you?” I snort out a laugh. “That ego’s taking over. I’m in danger because I worked the case. He’s making a point, that’s all.”

  Vincent shakes his head sadly. “No,” he says. “You’re in danger because I’ve taken an interest in you. That night we first met and I tried to compel you. You were immune. I have never met a human that has been able to resist a vampire’s compulsion before.”

  “I don’t understand,” I say.

  Vincent looks away from me. He stares down into his lap where his clenched fists twitch nervously.

  “I sought you out, Amy. I spoke to you in that alley. I found you at that bar. And now, because of that, you’re in danger. Elric will kill you to get at me.”

  I swallow. I am in danger. But there is something about Vincent’s behavior that is more than just protectiveness. I sense that Vincent has a bit more than an interest in me. But I am pretty sure that isn’t what I’m supposed to be getting from this conversation.

  I allow myself to look closely at him as he sits not meeting my gaze. I see something I don’t expect to see. Gone is the arrogant façade, and in its place is a vulnerability. A fear of rejection. I can’t help myself. I reach out and squeeze his hand. He’s taken his gloves off, and the skin beneath is cold to the touch. Of course. Vampire. He looks up and meets my eye. I feel the hypnotic pull of Vinc
ent’s gaze and I reel a little bit. It feels almost like I’ve begun to feel the effects of some alcohol, even though my hangover has subsided and I am now decidedly sober.

  “Do you understand now?” he asks. I think, if he hadn’t spoken when he did, I would have straddled him right then and there in my living room.

  I nod. I do.

  I am a pawn in their centuries old game. Elric would use me to take down his enemy. I am bait. I would die. Suddenly, the reality of that hits me. I feel my stomach clench, and the color drains from my face.

  “Please don’t be afraid,” Vincent says. “I won’t let him hurt you. I just needed you to know what was going on here so when you see me around, you aren’t concentrating on watching me. You need to be alert at all times.”

  “What else?” I ask, all business now. I have no idea how to kill a shaman or, worst-case scenario, a vicious werewolf. But I am willing to learn.

  “Nothing else,” Vincent says. “You need to trust me to protect you. And don’t interfere. Whatever happens, whatever you see, leave it to me to deal with. If something comes for you, just run, ok?”

  I nod slowly, not sure I can actually keep the promise if the time comes. But strangely, I feel that I do trust Vincent. Me, the cynic who trusts no one, especially men, can quite happily trust a vampire with her life, apparently. Not that I have much choice in the matter, it seems.

  “I will die before I let him hurt you, Amy.” He speaks with such passion, such intensity. I know he means it. I know he would sacrifice himself for me. It won’t come to that, I tell myself. He is a vampire, for god’s sake. Vampires are strong. I know how strong Vincent is. My frantic escape attempt when I came into the apartment hadn’t even caused him to take a half step back.

  “Don’t you want to scream and shout and tell me I’ve ruined your life or anything?” Vincent asks.

  The moment of vulnerability is long gone, and his cocky, charming demeanor is back in full force.


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