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Grind City

Page 13

by Gary Hardwick

  Why did she have to go and get pregnant on him? Just a few times he slipped up and released inside her. She got knocked up and then wanted to keep it.

  And then Jamilla, that traitorous bitch. She had cut a deal with Jesse King behind his back. She talked with them then tried to say that nothing had been said. That was some bullshit. They had offered her a deal. She’d thought about it, then she took it and now they were coming to get him.

  “Fucking bitch!” he yelled to no one. “Disloyal fucking bitch!”

  Thank God their source in the prosecutor’s office had tipped them all that it was coming. But he did not wait quietly like a pussy. No, he was going to roar so loudly, that no one would forget it.

  Everything was going wrong, he thought in his fevered mind. Marriage crumbling, job gone and now, prison. He’d never last. He’d rather go out like this, a blaze of glory, like that cop in Los Angeles.

  Dobbs picked up the AR-15 and checked it as the first police sirens sounded in the distance.

  “Let’s rock, motherfuckers,” he said. “Let’s rock.”


  Dr. Sandra Bell-Ross rushed to her car outside of the small building in Grosse Pointe Park. It was chilly and she was still hot from the yoga session. She wanted to get home and get into a hot shower and watch some TV.

  She loved to watch medical shows and laugh at the doctors as they said and did things that would kill their patients in real life.

  She threw her bag onto the front seat and climbed in the big Mercedes S. She turned the car over and pulled off into traffic. There was still a lot of moisture on the road and so she drove slowly.

  She jerked the wheel when she saw the shadowy figure in her backseat.

  “Oh, God!” she exclaimed as she swerved in traffic.

  “Calm your ass down,” said Renardo from the backseat. “Just keep driving and nothing’s gonna happen, lady.”

  He showed her a gun. He tried to disguise his voice and he wore a black ski mask. He felt silly but this was necessary for now.

  “You can have my money and the car,” said Dr. Ross. “Just don’t—“

  “Shut the fuck up, please,” said Renardo. “Head up this street and keep them hands on the wheel. And give me your phone.”

  She started to cry and Renardo knew he was going to have to take action. This dumb bitch would crash the car and then he’d be fucked. He took her phone, then tossed it out the window.

  He’d paid a lot of money for the car code replicator he borrowed from his friend who was a high-end car thief. That’s how he had gotten in but he didn’t think she would go to pieces so quickly.

  “Pull the car over, in that alley, now,” he said.

  Dr. Ross did and Renardo got out and forced her into the trunk of his own car which had been left there.

  He tied her hands and feet and then stuffed her scarf into her mouth and put a sack on her head. He tossed her purse and then got back into his car.

  “Damn females,” he said.

  He drove into the city into a desolate part of town. He pulled into an old plant he and Kelvin sometimes used then they needed to get things done in secret.

  Kelvin waited but he did not look happy. He ran over to his boss and together they removed Dr. Ross who was shaking and took her into the room they had prepared for her. It had a bathroom, a space heater and a cot. They sat her down in a chair.

  “Don’t move lady,” said Renardo.

  She just sobbed and slumped in the chair as they walked out of the room.

  In the larger space, Renardo and Kelvin walked away from the room. Renardo took out his cell phone and turned on a program. The doctor popped up on his screen from the camera they had placed in the room with her.

  “Good,” he said.

  “Hope we don’t have to kill this bitch,” said Kelvin.

  “That’s up to Thom,” said Renardo. “If we do, then he’s fucked. He said once that his wife’s family had him cut out of the money. If that’s true and she dies, he’s broke. He’ll pay for that.”

  “So we call him and ask for money?”

  “Oh no. I’m gonna do this in person,” said Renardo.


  “Officer Harson, this is the police and the FBI! Come out and surrender to custody!”

  I could hear them clearly from Dobbs’ little basement where I had been hiding for hours now. I’d broken into Dobbs’ house while he was out buying liquor and drugs for his siege.

  I knew all the officers would find out about the indictments. Information like that was hard to keep secret and the cops had many friends in the county prosecutor’s office.

  Dobbs was just Ivory’s type, like Bakersfield. Very handsome, dangerous and no good. He also had a reputation as a playboy and was a gun nut. Dobbs bragged about his high-powered weapons and did survival training. This was why I knew I had to intercede. Guys like that never went quietly.

  Dobbs had knocked up Ivory and when she tried to force him to pay her for an abortion or worse, force him into fatherhood, he’d lost it and killed her.

  Jamilla covered for him but in the end, there was too much heat.

  So, I’d taken a chance and broke into his house before the news got out and sure enough, he came home and armed himself. I could hear him talking to himself very loudly as he stomped around and I heard the sound of guns being loaded.

  I would have taken him sooner but I didn’t want gunplay. One of us would end up dead. When the cops came, he'd be distracted and I’d sneak up on him.

  Dobbs helped me out when he started playing loud rock music. He was getting himself ready to do some damage and the music would be a good cover for me. He played U2. I hated U2.

  I flexed an arm upwards. The Kevlar vest I wore was uncomfortable. Normally, I would not have worn one. I told myself it was because Dobbs was well-armed but I was thinking about my family. I admit it, I was being cautious now.

  “Officer Harson, we do not want an altercation. Please come out with your hands in the air.”

  It was hard to hear over the music but it was a second warning. One more and they would storm the place.

  I started walking up the creaking wooden stairs in his basement. My heart rate was going up but I did not pull a weapon. If I was good, there would be no need to. If not, then one of us would be going out in a bag.

  I got to the top of the stairs and pushed the door open a little. The kitchen was empty and there were guns on the table, a lot of them.

  I opened the door and walked into the little kitchen. I moved to the door that led from the kitchen to the dining area. I was about the peek inside to see where Dobbs was, when the door opened and the long barrel of a rifle appeared.


  Renardo waited for Thom in the little waffle house in Plymouth. He’d worn a nice suit and had brought a gun with him just in case. Kelvin was watching the woman back at the place and so far, it was all good.

  On the news, the police had arrested eight cops in the death of that black girl. That was some shit, Renardo thought. Arrogant motherfuckers, killing a girl in a police precinct. But these days, he put nothing past them. He’d never liked the cops and now everyone was seeing what they were.

  They had surrounded the house of one of them. He was holed up and the news reported that this cop was known to have high-powered guns. There was probably going to be a shootout.

  Renardo hoped they’d do all of society a favor and kill each other.

  Thom entered about a half hour after Renardo sat down. He made his way to the back of the place and sat across from the black man.

  “All hell’s breaking loose in Detroit,” said Thom. “Jesus. So, what’s so important that you drag me out here and don’t say I did it first.”

  “It’s about that thing,” said Renardo, “the end of our business dealings.”

  “What about it?” said Thom. “I hope you don’t want more because I’ll walk right out of here.“

  “I got your wife.”
/>   This silenced Thom whose eyes started to widen. He searched Renardo’s face for humor or a bluff but found none.

  “What kind of goddamned shit is this?” Thom Ross said.

  “Two million and you can have her back,” said Renardo.

  “What? No way. Kill the bitch. I don’t care.”

  “Cool,” said Renardo as he whipped out his phone.

  “Goddammit, wait!” Thom said in a hushed voice. “Look, you don’t know what you’ve done. This is a federal crime. If I report it—“

  “Right,” said Renardo. “Poor dumb Renardo is gonna be scared of the feds. Man, that’s just a better prison to go into. I want my fucking money, what was promised to me. And this will do it or I’ma kill that bitch and you will get nothing. And after I do her, I’m coming after you.”

  “Look, she… her family controls the money. I could get it but I need her to do it,” Thom looked scared for the first time.

  “How do they keep control of the money?” asked Renardo.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” said Thom. “It’s lawyer shit.”

  “Try me,” said Renardo. “I’m smart, remember?”

  “The money passes on her side of the family,” said Thom. “She dies and the trust shuts me out. I get nothing, you get nothing.”

  “You got a week to get my money or I start scattering the doctor all over the city,” said Renardo.

  “How do I know she’s not already dead?”

  Renardo dialed his cell then held it out for Thom to listen. He heard Kelvin instruct his wife to say something. She cried and said her name. Thom’s expression never changed.

  “Happy?” asked Renardo. He hung up the call.

  “I’ll need ten days for the money,” said Thom flatly. “Have to sell some things. Then we’ll work it out.”

  “Okay,” said Renardo. “And oh yeah, if you try any funny shit like fake money or if you go to the police, just know that I’m ready to go all the way.”

  “Remember what I said about you not being a nigger?” said Thom getting up.

  “Yeah, you was wrong about that,” said Renardo. “I’m all nigga and we don’t ever trust white people. Believe that.”

  Thom muttered a curse then walked out, his feet hitting the floor heavily.

  Renardo was about to go, when he realized that he had not eaten in a long time. He grabbed a menu and signaled to a waitress.


  Adrenalin shot into my system as the barrel of the AR-15 came through the door. I waited until I saw Dobbs’ hand and then I made my move.

  I grabbed the gun where his hand was and shot an elbow up into his chin.

  Dobbs fell back into the other room and I had the gun. I tossed it into the kitchen and fell on Dobbs who was regaining his footing.

  He reached for one of two guns he had on his hip and I caught his hand as he grabbed it and turned it away from me. We struggled for it and I saw recognition flash in his eyes.

  With my free hand, I hit him in the gut and he doubled over.

  The gun fired out the window.

  I grabbed Dobbs and pulled him to the floor hard and a second later, the place was hit with gunfire. The window exploded inward and we were both showered with glass.

  On the floor, we wrestled and I easily won as he was high and I had surprised him. I disarmed him and turned him over as debris fell all over the place and guns thundered outside.

  I pulled Dobbs into the kitchen and handcuffed him. I sat on his back as I pulled out my cell and dialed.

  In the other room, a tear gas canister flew inside and went off.

  “DeAngela! It’s Danny Cavanaugh. Are you outside of Dobbs’ house?”

  “Danny?” said DeAngela. “Yes, I’m here. He shot at us. The police are about to storm him. Where are you?”

  “I’m inside with Dobbs! Tell them to stop firing!”

  “What, how did you—“

  “Just tell them to stop before they kill both of us!”

  The shooting stopped a long minute later. Something in Dobbs’ other room fell and hit the floor hard.

  “Danny?” said DeAngela.

  “I’m here. I got him,” I said.

  Dobbs was crying beneath me and squirming like a baby. I hit him in the head and it felt good.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I said.

  “I didn’t do it!” Dobbs cried. “I swear!”

  “Of course you didn’t,” I said, surprised at how angry I was. “DeAngela, I want you to come in and we’ll walk him out together.” I coughed as the gas wafted into the kitchen.

  “They won’t let me do that,” she sounded afraid.

  “You said you wanted credit, this is it. I walk him out alone, and I have a lot of explaining to do. Tell them to send a couple of cops with you.”

  “Okay, I’ll try.”

  We hung up and five minutes later, officers bashed in the front door. DeAngela entered with three tactical officers.

  I held Dobbs up by his cuffs and handed him over to the police officers. By now, both of us were choking and our eyes were red from the gas.

  “Jesus Christ, Cavanaugh,” said one of the officers who I knew. “You sure got a way of staying in trouble, man.”

  “Tell me about it,” I said.

  After reading him his rights, we walked Dobbs out of his house. The street was lined with police vehicles, ambulances, fire trucks and armed officers. Their guns were lowered but the cops stood at the ready as the suspect walked by.

  Most of the cops looked sad and disappointed but a few had stone cold hatred in their eyes. Not for me, but for Dobbs. Anyone knew, when you ran, you were guilty.

  The media had been moved off but their cameras caught it all. Dobbs lowered his head to avoid being recorded.

  I looked away from the cameras as well but DeAngela made sure they saw the steely determined look on her face. High heels and a bullet proof vest would be the headline the next day.

  I heard a distant cheer and I saw the Black Lives Matter people had been allowed to gather further up the street away from the media.

  Dobbs was taken into custody. I avoided all of the press by hitching a ride with a cruiser that was nearby. My car was several blocks over and they took me to it.

  After I got inside my car, my first call was to my boss. I told Erik what went down. He was happy about it and agreed to spin it my way with his bosses.

  My second call was home. The family was gathered at my house again and I presumed Vinny had told them my plan had been successful.

  “Hey, we got him alive,” I said. “I got some stuff to do, then I’m on my way.”



  It was a good day for the police. We had taken down a rotten apple and the world watched us do it. Everyone in the city government was either spinning or taking credit.

  My name was being mentioned quite a bit but I didn’t keep track. I was proud of what I had done but I knew that if I had screwed it up, everyone would be throwing me under the nearest bus and disavowing my actions.

  Dobbs Harson was under suicide watch. He’d been processed and seen by a doctor who’d made the ruling.

  Dobbs had cried the whole time and insisted that he was innocent, until his lawyer had come in and told him to shut up.

  Dobbs’ wife was in the hospital having fainted when she heard the news of his arrest. Their kid was safe with relatives but sooner or later, she would know what happened.

  Police found twenty-three weapons in Dobbs’ house and enough ammo to hold off an army. I don’t believe in gun control but, I’m pretty sure the Constitution didn’t grant gun rights for craziness like that.

  Dobbs would have been killed for sure but there was no telling how many cops he would have taken with him.

  Jamilla Cole and the other officers had been processed and had all made bail, a fact that had angered many people in the activist community. But Dobbs was not going to be granted that favor as he was now a flight risk. That would quiet
them down, I hoped.

  I was greeted to a hero’s welcome at my house and I had to chase Lenny, my neighbor away. The media was back, sneaking around again and this time, I could not avoid them. Vinny called some cops and soon even they were gone.

  Renitta, the oldest sister in the clan had bear hugged me and I knew it was hard for her given her historic contempt for me. Vinny’s mother, Cassandra, had kissed me several times through her tears.

  I took it all in stride and even managed a half smile. In truth, I was dog ass tired. I went straight into my son’s room and kissed him while he slept. I stood there a moment, with a lot of stuff running through me some good some not so good. Life was what it was, I concluded and there was nothing I could do about it.

  Ivanna and Marcus Sr. came in after I got there and it was not pretty. Although the family was happy about the arrest, they were pissed that the kids had gone rogue.

  Actually, they were split right down age lines, the older ones were upset but the younger ones understood why they had done it. In the end, they were all willing to forgive. There had been enough tragedy and they had to put their sister to rest.

  Vinny and I decided to talk to her mother and father about Ivory first. We told them all of the gory details. They were hit hard but now that we had a suspect, they accepted it. From there, we told the rest of the family.

  “Do they know the sex of the baby?” asked Vinny’s mother who had started crying.

  “No,” I said. “Too early to tell, really.”

  “We want the baby to bury with its mother,” said Marcus Sr.

  “I’m working on it, sir,” I said. “The state doesn’t consider the baby to be… I’ll get it done.”

  “The state doesn’t think it’s human,” said Juan. “They take the cells from it and then sell them.”

  “That’s not true,” said Easter. She was usually quiet but she was a dentist, essentially a doctor and this was something she new about. “They don’t do that when there’s a mother.”


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