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Bound by Their Kisses [Knights in Black Leather 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Marla Monroe

  Knights in Black Leather 4

  Bound by Their Kisses

  Tessa Green isn’t looking for one man much less two, but Zander Keys and Tag Hodges aren’t taking no for an answer where she’s concerned. She’s just getting on her feet after fleeing one controlling boyfriend. Why would she risk her hard won independence with two Doms? They are members of the local BDSM club and the epitome of controlling men.

  Zander and Tag know Tessa is the woman for them the moment they saw her. She’s gorgeous even if she is on the thin side, but a little tender loving care would take care of that. They try to convince her to go out but find she’s not willing to take the chance. After nearly a year of keeping their distance, they set out to show her that allowing someone to care for her and dominate her pleasure isn’t the same thing as dictating her life.

  Can they convince her before she runs again?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 42,019 words


  Knights in Black Leather 4

  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Marla Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-684-9

  First E-book Publication: May 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  I don’t always write dedications or acknowledgements because my mind is so full of voices that I’m afraid I’ll forget someone if I start listing names. But I do want to thank Reggie and his girls for being my friend and for the support they’ve given me.

  I want to dedicate this book to two of my muses who grew too perfect to continue on in this world any longer. I miss them so much and know they have found each other somehow to continue fighting over who is in charge.

  Little Bit, old friend, you were in charge of the office and ruled over it with compassion and heart. The others are lost without you to herd them to their sleeping posts at night.

  Dippity, my friend, you ruled the house, making your daily rounds to assure that everyone was at their posts and attending to their duties. Without you here to remind me to move from time to time, I grow stiff and sore. I miss you.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author


  Knights in Black Leather 4


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “Tessa. Are you about ready to clock out?” Steve, her boss and the owner of Heavy Trinkets, called out.

  Tessa picked up the empty boxes and walked toward the back of the store. She had just finished stocking the shelves, so it was probably a good time to call it a day.

  “I’m just going to break down these boxes and throw them out. Then I’ll be ready to go,” she called out as she dropped them to the floor and started pulling one apart.

  “I’ll finish that. Do me a favor and carry this box of Kelly’s creations down to Naked Ink for me on your way home. Zander has a customer waiting to see them before she makes a decision on what she wants.” Steve held out a box to her.

  Not only was he her boss, but he’d taken a chance on her last year when he’d agreed to hire her without references. She owed him. Even if it did mean venturing into one of the places she had no desire to ever set foot in. Tessa knew enough about Zander Keys, the owner of Naked Ink, to steer clear of him. While he wasn’t dangerous in the normal sinister way, he was very dangerous to someone like Tessa.

  Zander and his buddy, Tag Hodges, who owned the local bike shop, were known Doms who hung out at Golden Shackles most weekends. Golden Shackles was the local BDSM Club that had recently been updated and had new management. Tessa had never been inside the place, and she didn’t plan on changing that either. The problem was the fact that the two men had been watching her a lot lately, and despite her best attempts at ignoring them, her body seemed to have a mind of its own. When they were near, she turned into a hormonal teenager in full fan-girl mode.

  The last five years of her life had been pure hell, and she wasn’t about to screw everything up now that she’d finally caught a break and was able to support herself. She might not have much, but she had a roof over her head and food on the table. So what if it was a TV table? It held a plate with real food.

  Tessa pulled her backpack on and adjusted the box in her arm
s as she headed out the front doors of Heavy Trinkets. The tattoo shop was right next door, so she didn’t have far to walk. A set of tiny tinkling bells sounded her arrival when she walked inside the shop. The scent of ink, incense, and leather met her as she walked to the front counter, where a woman sat sketching.

  “Hi. I brought the body jewelry from next door that Zander is waiting on.” She didn’t rest the box on the glass case for fear it would mess up whatever the lady was working on.

  “Yeah, just a minute, and he’ll be right with you.”

  When the woman looked up, Tessa decided she was more of an older teenager than a woman, maybe seventeen at the most. Her pitch-black hair that hung in her face along with the kohl that outlined her eyes gave her the appearance of being much older than she was until you got a closer look at her face. She had several hoops in each ear and a stud in one nostril, but from what Tessa could see of the teen, she didn’t have any ink.

  Looking back toward where there were several doors, Tessa hoped Zander would hurry. She really wanted to head home soon. She didn’t like walking that side of town after five, even if it was a long time until it got dark. Her area of Perkins City wasn’t the safest place to be after about four in the afternoon, but it was the best she could afford. As long as she didn’t wander around after dark, Tessa didn’t have to worry too much.

  As she looked over some of the displays of artwork, one of the doors in the back creaked open then closed with a soft snap. She turned around to find Zander walking toward her. The sight of him never grew old to her. His massive shoulders blocked out everything around him, and Tessa couldn’t help but wonder how he was able to move around to ink out some of the beautiful works of art she’d seen around town. Despite being well over six feet tall with sculpted muscles most body builders worked hard in a gym to achieve, the man wasn’t stiff or clumsy by any means. He all but glided when he walked.

  When she finally allowed her eyes to reach his face, his knowing smirk pissed her off. He knew the effect he had on women, especially her, and didn’t hide that fact. He had the most beautiful light blue eyes she’d ever seen. They had just a hint of a lift at the corners, giving him an exotic appeal. He kept his head clean shaven with a silver stud piercing in one brow and studs in both ears. Unlike many tattoo artists, he didn’t have ink all the way up his neck or on his face, but she knew that he was a work of art beneath the T-shirt he wore that stretched tight across his muscular arms and chest.

  “Hey, Tessa. Thanks for bringing these over. I’ve got a lady and her old man in back who are looking for something different. I know Kelly’s stuff will be perfect for them.” Zander took the box from her arms, his hand brushing against her breast in the process.

  Tessa fought hard not to let him see her reaction to the obviously intentional slip. It would only add fuel to his libido. She wasn’t about to play with him or his friend Tag. They were more than she could handle.

  “Hope they like it. Good night.” She turned to leave, but Zander snagged her backpack before she was able to get away.

  “Hold up, Tessa. Let me give you a ride home. You don’t need to be walking home at this hour. I’ll be finished in about ten minutes. They aren’t going to get it today, they just want to pick out what they want and put it back for next time.”

  “Thanks, Zander, but I’m fine. I’ll see you later.” She pulled out of his grasp and walked over to the door.

  The moment she stepped through the entrance of the tattoo parlor, she could breathe again. What was it about the man that made her turn into an idiot when he was around? Her nipples grew hard, and her panties ended up soaked every time. He was off limits. She couldn’t handle a Dom, much less two, and everyone knew that Tag and Zander were a team.

  She’d only gotten as far as the corner before she heard the telltale sound of a bike heading in her direction. She had no doubt that Zander had called Tag as soon as she’d left. Now the other member of the dynamic duo would be harassing her. It wasn’t fair. She couldn’t handle their tag-teaming her all the time.

  While her feminine side basked in the attention they poured out on her, the cautious side of Tessa demanded that she resist their pull to give in to them. Part of her enjoyed the excitement of having two hunky men attracted to her but inside she still remembered the way she’d felt being completely under someone else’s control. Never again. Tag and Zander were all about control. It would never work between them even if she did want to give it a try. Maybe she would be better off moving on and finding somewhere else to settle down.

  Tag pulled up on the sidewalk in front of her, cutting off her path. She stopped and glared at the man. He wasn’t even wearing a helmet. She couldn’t help but stare at all that long black hair pulled back from his face. Instead of the leather thong he normally used, this time he’d wrapped what looked like a cable tie around it in a pretty shade of yellow.

  He wasn’t as tall as Zander, maybe only an inch or so over six feet, but he was cut from the same cloth with a wide chest, thick arms, and tree trunks for legs. She could tell he had some American Indian in him somewhere by the narrow shape of his face and the strong narrow nose. His dark eyes missed nothing, and right now, they were watching her watch him. He gave her a slow smile and patted the empty seat behind him.

  Tessa rolled her eyes and started to walk around him, but he quickly walked the bike backwards to block her planned escape route.

  “Don’t fight about it, Tessa. You don’t need to walk home at this hour. You don’t usually get off work after three so we don’t worry as much, but it’s after five now. Get on, woman,” he said.

  “Tag. I’m not riding with you. I can walk home just fine. Go harass someone else.” Tessa tried once again to walk around him, but he easily blocked her path. She was either going to have to look like an idiot and race out into the street to get away or give in and let him take her home.

  I don’t need this. I really don’t need to know what he feels like to add more fuel to the fire of my dreams at night.

  Tessa closed her eyes and dropped her head. “Fine. I’ll let you take me home.”

  His smile only made her angrier. He knew she wouldn’t be able to refuse if he kept on. She wanted to strangle him and Zander both. The problem was that, even more than that, she wanted to bury herself between them and find out just what it would feel like to have both of them giving her pleasure like she’d heard the various women around town talk about.

  But Tessa couldn’t allow that to happen. She wouldn’t be any man’s possession again. She wasn’t a plaything. She was woman with the need to be in charge of her own life.

  With a sigh, Tessa climbed on the back of the massive bike and held on to Tag’s sides. She should have known he wouldn’t be satisfied with that. As soon as she was settled, he took her hands and pulled them around his waist so that she was plastered to his back. He’d have a real good idea of her bra size by the time they made it to her apartment across town.

  When he pulled down off the sidewalk and took off down the road, Tessa had to hold tighter to keep her seat. The feel of his hard abdominal muscles beneath her hands had her mouth watering all over again. Her thighs rested outside of his, and her pussy tingled with the vibrations of the bike. She had no doubt her panties, and probably her jeans, would be wet by the time they made it to her apartment.

  He kept it slow all the way as if to prolong her torture, but Tessa preferred to think that he just didn’t want to take a chance with her life since neither of them was wearing a helmet. No doubt he’d forgotten to grab them when he jumped on his bike to catch her before she’d made it too far down the road.

  Tag pulled the big bike in front of her door without any prompting by her. They’d obviously checked into where she lived—exactly. For some reason, that didn’t upset her as much as it should have. She should have been worried that they had snooped enough to learn the apartment number and wondered if they’d followed her without her knowing it in the past. Instead of getting upset, Tes
sa chose to dismount the bike and forget about it.

  “Thanks for the ride, Tag.” She gave him a brief smile without looking in his dark gaze. To do that would be foolish at this point. She was already much too aware of him to tempt fate.

  As she started toward her door, she heard the motor cut and the creak of the saddle leather as he too dismounted the bike. She picked up her pace to reach the door before he caught up with her. No such luck. He somehow managed to pluck the key from her hand and unlock the door for her. Instead of allowing her to pass, Tag stepped into her apartment first, looking around as if he expected someone to be there waiting for her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, frowning at him.

  “Making sure you didn’t have any unexpected visitors. It looks like its empty,” he said with a slow smile.

  “Um, thanks. You can go now. Good night.” She held the door for him, waiting for her taxi driver to leave. He didn’t move. “What do you want, Tag?”

  He walked over and gently closed the door for her, with him on the same side as her. Then he locked it, scowling at the flimsy locks.

  “You need better locks. Hell, you need a whole new door frame. I could kick this one in without breaking a sweat.”

  “Look. You need to leave now. I have things to do that don’t include you, Tag.” Tessa frowned as he walked up to her.

  “So do I, and they most definitely include you,” he said.

  Before she knew what he was doing, Tag had her backed up against the wall with his lips on hers in a kiss that was as hot as it was dangerous. Her gasp as her back hit the wall had left her wide open for his assault. There was no way she could remain immune to him with his hot tongue doing delightful things to hers. It claimed every part of her mouth before coaxing hers to do the same in his.


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