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To Catch Her Death (The Grim Reality Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Boone Brux

  “Even though I said no?”

  Bronte nodded.

  “Still, you made the decision. You have to take responsibility for that.”

  “I know and I won’t argue with whatever punishment you give me.” She let her head rest against her pillow. “Maybe you could ground me for a year so I don’t have to see anybody.”

  “A whole year? Don’t you think we’ve already had a year of punishment?”

  Her gaze captured mine. Tears puddled, magnifying her blue eyes. “All I could think about was what you were going to do when you heard I’d been in a car accident. You know, after Dad and all.”

  I swallowed hard. “I won’t lie, Bronte, that was one of the worst moments of my life.” A single tear spilled down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb. “And hearing that you were alive was one of the best.”

  “So what now?”

  “We go on from here.” I leaned forward and swiped a matted chunk of hair from her face. “Live our lives. That’s the best we can do.”

  Before she could reply the curtain whipped open. “Bronte.” My mother sailed into the room and threw herself at her granddaughter. “We thought you were dead.”

  “Grandma, I can’t breathe,” Bronte’s muffled voice emanated from my mother’s armpit.

  I looked at my dad. For the first time that I could remember, genuine emotion played across his face. His skin was pale and eyes wide, as if staring at a ghost. “Dad, you okay?”

  His gaze slid to me. “Yeah.” His voice was raspy and I had the urge to get up and hug him, but I didn’t. If my dad started to cry, I would lose it completely.

  “Where are the boys?”

  “We left them with Vella,” my mother said. “She wants you to call her as soon as you get a chance.”

  I’d have to do something nice for her. Not having to worry about the boys was worth two bottles of wine and several hours of listening to stories about her crazy family.

  Nate lingered just outside the door. I stood and patted my mom’s back. “I’ll be right back.” On my way out I pulled the curtain closed again. “Well?” I whispered at Nate.

  “Well what?”

  I gripped his wrist and pulled him away from Bronte’s room. “Kelly Huff, did you reap her.”


  I let go of his arm. “Why not? I thought that’s where you went.”

  He glanced down the hall and then back at me. “I did but she wasn’t there.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “What do you mean she wasn’t there?”

  “Somebody reaped her already.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He sneered at me. “I think I know when there’s no soul.”

  “Sorry. It’s just weird, is all.” I paced a few steps. “That is weird, right?”

  “Weird but not impossible. Somebody might have been in the area. I don’t know.”

  “Is there any way to find out who?”

  Nate stared at me for a few seconds. “It doesn’t matter, Lisa. Kelly is gone. Job done.”


  “But nothing.” He took my hand and led me back to Bronte’s room. “You need to focus on your family right now. Not worry about who—,” his voice dropped to a whisper, “finished the job.”

  I stopped at the entrance. Nate let go of my hand but didn’t go into the room. He was right. Bronte needed me, but more than that, I needed her, and my boys. “Thanks for being there tonight. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  His lips spread into a tight smile. “Don’t mention it, Carron. That’s what partners do for each other—right?”

  Had he just called me his partner? Without coercion? Without threat of death? Not wanting to spoil our one, fragile moment with sarcasm, I nodded. “Yeah, they do.”

  A slight blush crept across his cheeks. He shifted uncomfortably and then flicked his head toward the exit. “I’m gonna hit the road.” He shoved his hands in his front pockets. “This seems like a family affair.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  He turned to leave but stopped. “Take a few days off. I’ll cover your assignments,” he said over his shoulder, not looking back.

  I didn’t reply and he didn’t seem to expect one. His step never slowing, he strode down the hall. I watched until he turned the corner. Who knew Nate Cramer, reaper extraordinaire, had a heart? I hadn’t, but it wasn’t a mistake I’d make again. And as far as Kelly Huff’s spirit, that was another issue. Maybe one day we’d discover who reaped her, but for now I wanted to forget about everything except taking care of my daughter.

  It seemed death would be my constant companion from now on and I could either be consumed by it or own it. I decided to own it. Suck it Death! There’s a new reaper in town.

  About the Author

  Boone Brux is a bestselling author in both fantasy and series romance genres. She began writing in an attempt to ward off the slow decomposition of her mental state while taking care of her twin toddlers. It soon became clear that storytelling was her true calling.

  Her books range from medieval fantasy, filled with demons and hot heroes, to humorous paranormal, and spicy contemporary romance.

  Though she loves writing romance, Boone much prefers to write stories where she gets to kill somebody or blow something up.

  She lives in the beautiful and rugged state of Alaska with her husband, two kids, and rescue dog and cat. Not to mention the numerous wild creatures that lounge in her backyard.

  To find out more about Boone Brux, visit the following sites:





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  Other Books by Boone

  • Shield of Fire – Book 1 of the Bringer and the Bane Series

  • Kiss of the Betrayer – Book 2 of the Bringer and the Bane Series

  • Chain of Illusions – Book 3 of the Bringer and the Bane Series

  • Suddenly Beautiful – Goddess Series

  • Death Times Two – A Grim Reality & VV Inn Novella

  • Spellbound in Sleepy Hollow – An anthology

  • Tall, Dark & Deadly – An Entangled Publishing containing Shield of Fire

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