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Jethro 3: No Place Like Home

Page 38

by Chris Hechtl

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Intel officers, investigators, additional security, and engineers had transported out to the fleet when they had passed through the defenses around the jump point, but there were only so many there at the time. The bulk of them ended up on the prisoner liner. The Oasis had been redirected to the prison colony once her cargo had been confirmed by her boarding parties.

  Jethro gratefully handed his duty over to an incoming group of no nonsense looking MPs. He caught the shuttle back to Firefly with the other Marines before the ship was out of range. Ensign Esh'z had seemed more than a little put out over being denied the ability to brief his incoming replacement, but Valenko had told him to look at it from another perspective, he now had the opportunity to brief the intel shop in person. Apparently that had been enough of a sop to the Veraxin to accept.

  Shuttles had cleared out some of Firefly's cargo and replaced it with raw materials. The ship AI had been careful not to touch the replicators on board. With fresh material and space they went back to work, churning out parts the Admiral had loaded into their programming.

  Horatio and the other officers knew a blackout wouldn't stop information about Firefly and the battle from getting out, far from it. He'd instituted a com blackout on the B101a1 forces, but he was fairly certain someone would say something. It was just too juicy to not do so—if they hadn't before he'd cut the orders, which he judged was a distinct possibility. And once they did it would be all over the system. But he could and did insist his people monitor for anyone breaking his orders. The contacts were mapped carefully. The JAG would deal with them later.

  The convoy made its way through the system; following orders they ignored hails from nearby civilian ships and colonies. Data flowed from the ships to the Annex. It was encrypted, stymieing any nosy civilian who attempted to listen in. Orders flew back and forth across the void.

  Bismark followed in their wake, an hour behind due to Horatio's indecision. Horatio wasn't certain what to make of the whole thing. On the one hand he was elated. On the other, he was a bit put out. Not just because Firefly had stolen his thunder, or really, Admiral Irons had. No, Admiral Irons not returning bothered him, and then there were all the orders, not to mention the promotions. He wasn't sure how Matilda or Doctor Thornby would take to a full Commander's rank. Matilda would probably think it was just a waste of time, though the Doctor...he frowned for a moment and then shrugged, putting the thought aside.

  A lot of the staff would be relieved when the promotions became official. He frowned. Things were going to get hectic with all the ceremonies, he thought with a pang. He didn't mind dressing up, but it would take time from his schedule. Time he'd rather spend on managing the yard and system.

  He shook his head. His people did deserve it though; they'd put in a lot of hard work to get them. Junior Valdez...he smiled. That kid had done a lot of growing up. He was already digging into the shipment, pulling out the fighters and parts and getting them transferred to Kittyhawk and the fighter fortresses. The lad had already started new training ops and was agitating to get Kittyhawk in for a refit.

  All the changes were a bit too much to handle all at once, Horatio thought. He did, however, like the cargo of goodies the convoy was bringing in. It would be like Christmas all over again. He'd already sent orders to track every bolt. John hadn't had the time to stuff industrial replicators on each ship, but he'd done the best he could for them and Horatio greatly appreciated it. He knew one thing. Walker, Dean, and Lake wouldn't get their hands on this shipment!

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Horatio noted the media circus over the ships arrival and scuttlebutt of battle was turning into a feeding frenzy. It built as the ships had crossed the system but didn't respond to radio requests for interviews. The Navy public affairs department put out a placating statement that didn't stop the speculation but only fueled the frenzy. Rumors and speculation of why the fleet wasn't allowing dialog was rife, some speculated that the Admiral was on one of the ships, others said he was dead. That kicked off a firestorm of talking heads.

  Just as the little fleet arrived near the naval complexes Horatio finally authorized the release of the battle. The public affairs department went into overdrive, processing the information he let them have and putting together cut scenes of the battle and aftermath for the public. The media ate it up.

  With the news already out there, the crews were allowed to communicate once more.

  The ship's veteran crew members had been deeply shocked and dismayed to be greeted warmly by a newly re-elected Governor Walker. Firefly replied for the crew, smoothly complimenting the Governor on his re-election and thanking him for his time before explaining the ship was rather busy with post hyperspace chores. Then the AI cut the connection.

  Officers and enlisted on Firefly and convoy wondered what the hell happened. Firefly downloaded the feeds from Smithy and Barry. The AI made them available to the senior staff first.

  Horatio held the convoy off station for a day to allow the crews in the yard to warm up the docks and prepare the logistics for the incoming wealth of material. There was some grumbling over the delay, but the crew took it in good stride.

  He came on board on a supply shuttle, and was piped aboard once he was there. Firefly had noted the last minute manifest change and had arranged the side party just in time for his arrival. Horatio smiled politely and then went through the ritual of boarding.

  Once that was complete he turned to Renee. “I know you're busy Renee, so I'll make it short. This isn't a brief; this is me here for a nap.”

  “A nap, sir?” Renee asked, head going back slightly in surprise.

  “A nap.”

  “An implant firmware update nap,” Commodore Firefly interjected. His ship Captain's eyes flared wide briefly and then she nodded in understanding. “I've taken the liberty of preparing a guest cabin,” the AI said.

  “All right. We'll get together for the formal debrief and such later, Captain,” Horatio said, shaking Renee's hand. “But before that, good job. Damn good job. And a promotion well earned,” he said releasing her hand.

  Renee smiled politely. He turned to a waiting yeoman. The yeoman flinched and then indicated the Captain to follow him. Horatio nodded and did so.

  “What was that about?” Renee asked when he was gone.

  “I'm not sure about the last minute thing. From the scuttlebutt I've gotten, there has been a few suspicious shuttle accidents lately. He's keeping his schedule vague or classified.”

  “Ah,” Renee replied with a frown.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  The next morning Renee breakfasted with her XO. With little to do, Shelby had hopped a supply shuttle and came over to Firefly to see her dad, but Horatio had already departed. She was a little put out over that but shrugged it off. She'd catch him later.

  Both officers had no intention of watching the damn inauguration being broadcast throughout the system. Walker had a way of rubbing everyone's nose into his victory she thought with a pang. It was the one thing that could supplant the endless media frenzy around the convoy, at least for the next day or so.

  The shuttle she had arrived on would be carrying back parts for the ship's ongoing repair. She was looking forward to it, Xavier was still a mess and not a proper warship. She couldn't quite think of the ship as hers though. Renee ribbed her about being a Captain. She complimented her on it. “It suits you. I hate to admit it, but I think the Admiral finally found something to pry you out of the number one slot.”

  “Maybe,” Shelby replied taking a seat. Shelby had flown over on a shuttle to discuss the situation. They hadn't talked about politics at first, but when the AI put the feed up, they both picked up their tablets to read the news.

  “I still want to know what the hell happened,” Shelby muttered.

  “Me too. Let's find out,” Renee said.

  They found from the news broadcasts and navy update that Enrique Fernando, the Lieutenant Governor and may
or of Anvil, had died under suspicious circumstances while out on campaign. He had been the one projected to win, the governor's strongest opponent, so it was rather suspicious.

  A series of scandals breaking a few days later had thrown the field of other politicians into disarray, with some resigning before the election, and others being tossed about like corks in a storm. Two had been hounded and heckled out of a campaign stop, not even making it past the lock. Walker had won in a narrow but respectable victory.

  “Apparently, the voters thought a pox on all of you and either voted for him or didn't vote at all thinking it didn't matter. Wonderful,” Shelby said.

  Renee and the others were thoroughly disgusted with how the universe worked. “So, it is true; there really is no justice in the universe,” the Captain said. She couldn't believe people had really bought that load of bull pucky and signed on with that bastard at the helm. She shook her head. Suddenly breakfast sort of soured in her stomach. What a pity, the waffles had tasted so good going down.

  “Not unless you make it yourself ma'am,” Shelby replied, still scanning her tablet. She knew there was more bad news. She didn't know if she had the stomach for it, but thought she'd better get it all over with at once.

  “Hell, don't tempt me. Where is that cat anyway?” Renee asked frowning.

  Shelby paused and looked up with a frown of her own. “Not here like you wanted, ma'am. He's on the prison liner with Lieutenant Valenko and half the other Marines.”

  “Well, keep an eye on him. We may need his services again,” Renee half joked. Her XO looked at her in dismay, so she waved it off as an attempt at bad humor.

  During the election Governor Walker had proposed repealing the very unpopular alien/neo taxes as a misguided effort at raising funding for the system. The fact that a mass exodus of Neos and non-humans from the system over the past three years had damaged the economy had also made it unpopular. Humans who had grown up with other species as friends were also soundly against the law.

  Coupled with some debate fumbles on live system TV by his opponents and some dirty laundry he rose to a point ahead a few weeks before the election. The death of Enrique Fernando and one opponent being caught in bed with an underage girl sealed the deal. Renee sighed as she finished reading the debrief. “Apparently it is better the vampire you know than another you don't,” she muttered darkly.

  “Tell me about it,” Shelby grumbled, rolling her eyes.

  Enrique's death on the campaign trail was still being investigated, though the doctor who had acted as a coroner had ruled it a heart failure. He had refused to ship the body back to Anvil for sixty hours...which had been debated in court before a court order prevented the mayor of Anvil to be returned home instead of recycled. A second autopsy performed when the body had finally arrived on Anvil was inconclusive since too much time had passed to check for poisons. Doctor Thornby had appointed her own medical examiner and forensics specialist to investigate. There was a note stating that Enrique had had his last physical two weeks before the campaign and had passed with flying colors. Also he had been augmented with implants, so his body shouldn't have had something so mundane as a heart attack.

  The investigation by the Pyraxian Justice Department was comical at best. They sided with the first coroner and ruled the death from natural causes and closed the case. Even when the security video of his time of death was found by a nosy reporter to be corrupted they still vehemently insisted the case was closed.

  Renee scowled at that news. She didn't like that, didn't like the implications she was reading both in the brief and the possibility of the supposition being true. That didn't bode well at all. It meant things were business as usual in the system.

  Enrique Fernando and Judge Farley were the closest friends in court in the system for the military. With the Lieutenant Governor gone and Judge Farley close to things were really looking grim for the continuation of a military presence in the system. She wondered briefly if they would pull up stakes and head to Antigua or Agnosta. What would they do with San Diego? She shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment. Knowing Horatio he'd blow it, the Yard, and the Annex up just out of spite. That would be a terrible waste.

  “Did you see this?” Shelby asked, pointing to an add on. “The supplementary link.”

  “No, I didn't,” Renee said, snapping out of her woolgathering. She hit the link her XO showed her and then frowned as she read on.

  Walker had appointed a crony as mayor of Anvil but that hadn't flown well with the station's governing board. Thornby, Smithy and Liam Kincaid had led the charge on the side of the board with some legal help. The station's official legal counsel Roland had backed the Governor so he had been sacked during a meeting.

  The governing board had selected a pool of manager candidates then ran a rump election while the battle went on in the courts. Eventually Walker withdrew his appointment when the election was completed, calling it a temporary job now fulfilled. Speculation by the intelligence department stated that the Governor most likely didn't want the black eye of stepping on the rather popular democratic movement so early in his second term. He apparently had an agenda that he hadn't yet acted on.

  “I can't believe this shit. We...” Shelby shook her head. She was glad Thornby and the others had stood up for their rights. At least someone was growing a backbone.

  She scanned on. Apparently Mayor Ralkin had also won his election, getting the Lieutenant Governor's post. He was going to continue on as Mayor of Vesta. There was precedent, after all Enrique Fernando had stayed on as Mayor of Anvil during his tenure in the same office.

  “You mean we have to put up with that slike...” Shelby sighed, throwing the tablet down in disgust. She rubbed at her temples, closing her eyes. She could just imagine what her dad was going through. Fortunately, he'd had enough experience, decades of it under the Port Admiral. He apparently could handle it or at least minimize the impact. But...she shook her head. With everything looking up...

  “There really is no justice in the universe,” Renee and Shelby said softly together.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Once they were at the Yard perimeter their drives were cut. Tugs moved each of the ships to beacons. The worst damaged of the ships headed into slips, starting with the warships. The civilian ships were diverted to the Annex to take in her civilian cargo, and then they would be transferred to the logistics stations to unload. The refugees would be debriefed by the intel department and be checked over by the medics before being shipped off to Anvil or any of the available colonies.

  When her destroyer docked Shelby Logan handed Xavier over to a work crew and went through a brief change of command ceremony. She exited the ship with a little bot carrying her duffel. She wasn't sure what to do. She didn't have any orders so she sent a command through her implants to the bot to carry her gear to the next shuttle leaving for Firefly's slip.

  She stretched her legs, glad of the walk as she made her way through the bustling crowd. Several personnel recognized her and saluted or made like they wanted to talk, but she really wasn't interested. They nodded, sending her text messages to catch up sometime.

  She caught sight of a familiar face down a perpendicular corridor. Her dad gave her a thumbs-up in passing. He had wanted to see her but a yeoman distracted him. He frowned as he turned, taking a tablet and speaking quietly with the young man.

  Shelby saw her dad and hesitated, biting her lip. She was tempted to salute, but he had his back to her. She felt the brush of someone in passing and then shrugged mentally. She'd see him later. She nodded, tossed him a salute and then headed to the boat bay to catch a ride back to Firefly. He caught her motion out of the corner of his eye. He nodded back, snorted softly at the salute and then rounded on the yeoman.

  ---( | ) --- ( | )---

  Governor Walker had his inauguration on the steps of the capitol building under the massive dome. It had been quite the picture, only slightly upstaged by Firefly's return. Stil
l, it had been quite lovely, with his wife and family arrayed behind him, and fireworks exploding outside the colony dome.

  The party afterward had been quite the event, with the rich and famous coming in from all over the system. Power players mingled with their families. On the surface it had been purely a social affair, but everyone knew better. Such parties served to allow the group to interact and get to know one another as they built alliances...or identified potential enemies. More than one deal had been quietly brokered in such events.

  Governor Walker had suffered quite a hangover afterward, but he was on his feet the next day thanks to his assistant Tracy and his chief of staff Nelson. His wife had quietly left during the night; he didn't care. He had no use for her now anyway, at least for the time being. He thought briefly of having her and possibly his children dealt with, but then discarded the thought.

  He looked over to the group present in his office. They had their own little celebration going, a quiet affair as they toasted their victory, and planned for the future. He still had a bit of crowing left to do though. It was better to get it out of his system now though, here in private instead of in front of those fools watching the media.

  Miss Persephone had killed Nancy, the former secretary of Governor Walker, flawlessly. She'd also done other work before and during the election to make up for her one failure, Epsilon Triangula. It burned her though, irked her when Walker or one of the others brought it up.

  It wasn't like she hadn't made it up since then. After all, she'd pulled off Enrique Fernando's murder flawlessly. Then she'd gone on to drugging the next leading up opponent before leaving him in bed with the adolescent girl.

  The girl had done her job and then taken a flight out for Gaston. Of course she was a loose end, and the policy on that was firm. She had eaten a piece of fudge with a time-released neurotoxin. It took affect when the ship had gotten underway for the Janus jump point. Her autonomic system in her brain had been frozen while she slept, cutting off her breathing. She'd asphyxiated, and she died quietly. It was ironic that she died in bed with the cute bridge officer. Her death was covered up to protect his career.


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