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Abandoned but Not Alone

Page 13

by Theresa L. Henry

  Rising slowly, silently from above Jason’s prone body, Aviva pulled the sheet over him before going into the bathroom to take care of her nightly ablutions of removing her makeup and brushing her teeth. Re-entering the bedroom she quietly pulled on a nightdress and slid under the covers beside him. A long muscled arm immediately snaked around her waist, pulling her close against his warm body.

  “Thank you.”

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  “I was, but I’m a very light sleeper.”

  “I’ll have to remember that for the future.”

  “Does that mean we have a future together?” Jason asked, seeming to hold his breath for her answer.

  “I hope so…I really hope so.”

  “Me too Angel…me too.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning Aviva left Jason asleep as she made her way downstairs. As she reached the hallway she was approached by Drake who informed her she had a telephone call. Curious as to who could be calling her at Jason’s house, she walked into the lounge and picked up the phone.

  “This is Aviva.”

  “Aviva, good morning my dear, this is Jackson Kingdom.”

  “Mr Kingdom, however did you get this number?” Aviva responded, surprise evident in her voice.

  “My dear young lady, I’m a very resourceful man when I have a need to be. Last night I found out for the first time that I have another son. Did you really think I would let him walk out of my life as though his existence meant nothing?”

  “I guess not…” she answered hesitantly.

  “How is he this morning?” Jackson asked abruptly, changing the tone of the conversation.

  “He’s still asleep. He's been through a lot and he needs the rest.”

  “Thank you for looking after him.” The words were so heartfelt; Aviva could feel the depth of emotion transferred through the telephone line.

  You’re welcome Mr Kingdom.”

  “Jackson…, please call me, Jackson.”


  “Say it – say Jackson.”

  Aviva laughed nervously, hesitating, feeling a little silly at her reluctance at calling Jason’s father by his first name. She actually liked this man but their conversation somehow felt as though it were a betrayal of Jason’s trust. She could sense the concern for his son was genuine, whether he had known him for a day or a lifetime.


  “Ah, there you see, that wasn’t so hard now was it?”

  “No, it was surprisingly easy to tell the truth.” Aviva laughingly replied.

  “Good, good – now that we’ve broken the ice; I must turn to the reason for my call this morning. I need your help.”

  “My help, how could I possibly help you?” Aviva responded, a feeling of unease settling over her.

  “I need you to persuade Jason to meet with his brothers and me. You see my dear – he’s ours, and we want him.” Jackson’s words, so simple, yet so poignant conveyed a longing that touched her heart.

  “I don’t know if I can do that Jackson. I think you’re attributing me with more sway than I possess if you think I can change his mind.”

  “My dear young lady, I was witness to his rescue of you last night. Well at least to his mind it was a rescue. His only reason for coming within an inch of any of us was to ensure you remained with him and him alone.”

  “I don’t know about that. Jason is his own man. I can assure you, I have no sway over his decisions.”

  “I know what I witnessed last night. However, it would seem you have yet to accept what was apparent to my sons and me. All we ask is that you try…please, it would mean everything to us.”

  “I don’t know what I can do, but I’ll try...I’ll try. Give me your number and I’ll get back to you.” Reaching for a pen and paper, she took down his contact details and said goodbye.

  Still holding the piece of paper containing Jackson’s telephone numbers, Aviva turned and almost collided with Jason. Just managing to hold back a yelp of surprise, she looked up at him, his irritation so profound his eyes glistened black with displeasure.

  “Who was that, Aviva?”

  She hesitated, he lifted an eyebrow. The arch of his brow an indication he already knew the answer to his own question. “Jackson, he wanted me to try to persuade you to meet with them.”


  “Jason, maybe you should think about meeting with them. They really want to get to know you, surely you want that too.”


  “Please, just think about it.”

  “I said, no!” Jason bellowed in anger.

  “Don’t you dare raise your voice at me Jason King!”

  “I told you no twice, now that’s an end to it. The subject is closed!” His hand slashing across the air emphatically, emphasizing a close to the subject, then he turned and walked away.

  Aviva stood with her mouth hanging open, stunned into silence. ‘Oh no he didn’t just speak to me like one of his minions, and then just walk away’, she thought, her own temper rising. Rushing to catch up with him she grabbed him by the arm and attempted to spin him around.

  “Listen, Mr Man, you don’t get to issue me with commands and then just walk away. I am not one of your underlings – you got that. If you wish to speak to me you will do so with respect. You will not get away with speaking to me in that manner, now or ever. Is that understood? Aviva punctuated each sentence with a poke to Jason’s chest.

  Jason braced his legs, folded his arms across his chest and raised one eyebrow, looking down at Aviva, saying nothing.

  “Did you hear me, Jason?”

  “What, you think I lost my hearing overnight?” He asked sarcastically, glaring down at her.

  “Apologize, I want an apology right this minute.”

  “Well it’s about to be the longest minute of your life, because I’m not about to hand out an apology when I have nothing to apologize for. I meant everything I said, and just for the record, I can’t even promise it won’t happen again, so get the hell used to it!”

  Aviva was again stunned into silence. Jason turned and walked away. She watched his disappearing back, and she was vexed, the kind of vexed that made a person want to stamp their feet and break things. ‘Who the hell did that bloke think he was speaking to?’ She had only known him for five minutes and he was already speaking to her as if she were of no consequence. 'Oh no, hell no – I am not standing for this crap, I am so out of here.’

  Storming to the kitchen Aviva found the very man she was looking for. “Mr Drake, please be so kind as to call me a taxi with as much haste as possible, I’m leaving.”

  “Um…certainly Miss Aviva, where should I inform them as to your destination?”

  “I’ll tell them when they get here.” Aviva replied giving Drake a suspicious look.

  “I’ll call now Miss.”

  With a quiet thank you, she left the kitchen, hurriedly making her way to the bedroom that she had been sharing with Jason for the last two days. Grabbing her suitcase she began throwing in her belongings.

  Bang, the bedroom door slammed off the wall. “What the hell are you doing?” Jason demanded, coming into the room.

  “I would think that were obvious, even to a dick like you.”

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I don’t know where I’m going. All I know is, as long as you’re not there, that’s fine with me!”

  “Don’t be stupid…”

  “Stupid...stupid…oh no, you did not just call me stupid.”

  “Now come on Angel, you know I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “Oh sod off, you knuckle dragging Neanderthal!”

  Knuckle dragging…Jason had to fight off laughter. If he laughed now he was going to be in over his head because as he saw it, he was currently shoulder deep in shit of his own making. Moving slowly so as not to startle her, he stole towards the open suitcase, while her back was turned he pulled out the items she had just fl
ung inside. Turning she caught him red-handed.

  “Get your hands off my knickers.”


  “Those.” Aviva pointed to his hands overflowing with her underwear. Looking down at his big fists clutching pieces of wispy lace, Jason walked to the opened draw and shoved them inside. Silently he repeated his actions, withdrew more items from the suitcase, depositing them into the draw. Stunned at his audacity, Aviva rushed to her suitcase and stood in front of it with her arms spread to keep him away.

  “Stop it. Don’t you dare touch another piece of my clothing.”

  “You are not leaving.”

  “Watch me, if you think I’m going to stay here and have you speak to me however you like, then you have another think coming.”

  “Come on Angel, I’m sorry.” Jason flashed his dimples. His dimples always worked on the ladies.

  “You have got to be kidding me. Do you honestly think the dimples are going to work right now. Well it’s too late, I gave you a chance to apologize, you blew it, and I’m leaving.”

  Jason was stunned and really worried now; his dimples never having failed him where a woman was concerned. Up to this moment he had harbored no doubts that he could talk her around.

  “Come on Angel, don’t go – I need you.”

  “No Jason, what you need is some manners.”

  “Yes ma’am I think you may be right, will you please stay and teach me?”

  “Don’t you patronize me, I’m not your mother, get her to…” Aviva broke off midway through her tirade, realizing what she had just said.

  “Oh Jason, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  “It’s okay, I know what you meant.”

  Reducing the distance between them, he pulled her hands from her mouth and kissed each palm, looking deeply into her big brown eyes.

  “Please stay with me.”

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea. Maybe it’s all happening too fast and you have so much to deal with right now.”

  “If you leave me, I promise you right now, I’ll never speak to the Kingdoms for the rest of my life.”

  “You’re trying to use your family to blackmail me?” Aviva asked incredulously.

  “Yes…is it working?”

  “Jason King, don’t you have any shame?”

  “Where you’re concerned, no ma’am I don’t. Stay with me and I’ll meet with them – set it up, I’ll meet them.”

  “You should want to meet with them for you, not because I want you to.”

  “Whatever you say, Angel.”

  “Jason… you’re – impossible.”

  “Yes ma’am, I get told that a lot.”

  Exasperated, Aviva rolled her eyes and pulled her hands away from Jason’s grasp. “I’ll think about it while I’m out. My taxi should be here by now.”

  “Ah…about that....I canceled it.”

  “What…why – you total control freak, you better go and order me another one right now!”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Where I’m going is none of your beeswax, just call me a damn cab!”

  Jason once again fought laughter; ‘none of his beeswax.’ This woman was priceless. Even with his life in a state of flux and them in the middle of their first argument she still made him laugh. But she was still not leaving his house until she told him where she was going and more importantly, when she was coming back.

  “Aviva, where are you going?”

  With a sigh of exasperation, she decided to answer him. If one of them didn’t back down they would be throwing barbs at each other all day long and she had things to do.

  “I’m going to view the apartments I told you about.”

  “I thought we agreed that you were going to stay here, with me.”

  “I didn’t agree to that; I only agreed to think about it.”

  “So does this mean you’ve made up your mind? Is that why you’re going on these viewings?”

  “Stop pushing me Jason, you’re getting on my nerves. I’ll make up my own damn mind in my own damn time. Now call me a taxi!”

  He wanted to tell her no, but he knew if that word came out of his mouth she would start packing again. He also realized he needed to back off a little, give her some space.

  “I’ll go one better than calling you a taxi.” At her look of suspicion, he hurriedly added, “You can drive one of my cars; they’ve all got a navigation system, so you should be able to find your way around town.”

  Cars, just how many did he have, I bet they're expensive. Aviva looked at him from under her eyelashes, a calculating look in her eyes. “I can drive whichever car I like?”

  Jason didn’t like the look – she was up to something, he decided to tread carefully. “Of course I’ll choose which car you can use.” Okay, he decided when she folded her arms across her chest, raised her eyebrows and began tapping her feet, wrong answer.

  “Okay, you choose, you can drive whatever car you like.”

  “Now we’re talking!” Aviva laughed, rubbing her hands together.

  “God help me.” Jason mumbled under his breath.

  “I heard that!”


  Stepping into the garage, Aviva was stunned. Displayed before her was a gleaming showcase of new and vintage cars, all shown to their best advantage under individual fluorescent spot lights. The cars were displayed on three huge circular ramps, a slope before them so they could be driven on and off with ease, all parked facing forward. For the most part, she had no idea of their make and model. Good Lord, no wonder he had hesitated before promising she could drive whichever car she liked. Rubbing her hands together again, Aviva was ready for some fun.

  Deciding to mess with his mind, she began walking around the ramp closest to the door by which they had entered the garage. This ramp contained vintage cars dating back from what she felt sure was the 1930s. Coming to a stop before a white car that had immediately caught her eyes, she inquired as to its make and model.

  “So Jason, my good man, please be so kind as to tell me about this particular car.”

  “That is a 1926 Duesenberg Model A Speedster.” Jason responded swallowing nervously.

  Watching him surreptitiously from the corner of her eye, she saw him blink twice very quickly when she stopped in front of the Duesenberg, before answering. Okay, that was a good reaction, let’s see if I can up the ante. Continuing her slow perusal, Aviva hesitated before what even she could tell was a black and white Rolls Royce. Risking another glance at him she found him looking at her. Okay, so he was on to her, so what, she wasn’t finished messing with him.

  “And this one?” Aviva asked, coming to a halt, a twinkle in her eyes. Oh yes she knew this one too but she wanted him to have to tell her. Aviva wanted to laugh so badly she had to turn away when sweat broke out on his forehead.

  “That is a 1937 Bugatti 57S Atalante Coupé, one of only seventeen made.”

  “How much would such a vehicle cost?”

  “Around $4 million.”

  “Does it work?”

  “Does…did you just ask me if it works? Of course it bloody well works!”

  “Okay, okay keep ya hair on, jeez.”

  Turning away from the vintage selection, knowing she didn’t really want to drive one of them – today. Walking over to the more modern, but she was sure, no less expensive selection she circled the ramp, eyes searching. She could feel Jason breathing down her neck and when his breath changed she came to a stop. This was the one, the poor man was nearly hyperventilating.

  “What’s this one called, Jason?”

  “That is a Bugatti Veyron Super Sports, the fastest legal street car anywhere in the world.”

  “Is it expensive?”

  “Yes, it’s worth…”

  Holding up her hand to silence him, Aviva shook her head, enjoying every last minute. “The price doesn’t matter, I’ll take it!”

  “Come on Angel, I was thinking more along the lines of the Bent…

  “No really Jason, please don’t try to persuade me towards something else. My mind is made up. I want that one. Now be so kind as to bring me the keys, I have appointments to keep.”

  Jason was reluctant to hand over the keys, but he knew he was already skating on thin ice and he needed to regain his standing where she was concerned. Dragging his feet, he strolled over to the cabinet containing the keys for his cars and withdrew the set that matched the Bugatti she had selected. He wondered how long she had been driving but refrained from asking. He understood he was being punished for his earlier transgressions. If he had to suck up 2.4 million dollars of damaged car, then so be it, he was in a corner, he knew it and she knew it.

  “Be careful Angel, and I’ll see you later” were the last words Jason spoke to Aviva before she peeled out of the garage at a breakneck pace, sunglasses in place and the sunroof down. What the hell, this was a whole lot of car and if the truth be told she was almost messing her pants at the magnitude of the car’s horsepower – but he didn’t need to know that.

  Chapter 12

  Carlos called Aviva just after her last viewing, suggesting they meet up for a coffee. He named a coffee bar located off the beaten track that would offer him some anonymity. Aviva found the place without too much trouble thanks to the cars navigational system. When she arrived he was already there, spotting Aviva he rose to his feet in greeting, kissed her cheek and held out her chair so she could be seated.

  “What would you like to drink?”

  “A cappuccino please.”

  Placing their order, Carlos turned to look at her, his gaze penetrating, summing her up. “How are you feeling today? You were in a bad way the last time I saw you.”


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