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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

Page 6

by Eden Greenwood

  I panted as the orgasm subsided. Hunter stood and took me in his strong arms. He laid me back on the bed. I opened my legs for him, allowing him to slide in.


  “Have you seen my phone?” I asked as I was rushing down the hallway.

  “I haven’t seen it,” Hunter said. He looked sharp in his jacket and tie.

  Layla came skipping out of her room, looking adorable in her purple floral dress.

  “Have you seen my phone, Layla?” I asked.

  “I think it’s on the couch,” Layla said, scrunching her brow. “Under all the cushions.”

  “Ellie, we don’t have much time,” Hunter said.

  “I know, I know, just let me look for it,” I said.

  After turning over every cushion on the couch, I found my phone lost among the pennies and crumbs.

  “Why do you need your phone at church anyway?” Hunter asked as we walked out of the door.

  “I just don’t like not knowing where things are,” I said.

  Layla scooted past us and ran down the porch stairs. She climbed into the backseat of the car and started to get into her booster. I started after her, but my phone buzzed in my hand. There was a new email from Liz.

  “It’s her,” I said, showing Hunter my phone. I read the email excitedly. “She wants to meet today. This is really happening.”

  “Wait,” Hunter said, shaking his head. “Today?”

  “Yes, this afternoon.” I bounced on my tiptoes.

  “No, sorry,” Hunter said. “It’s Sunday.”

  “Oh,” I said, the excitement dissolving to my feet. “But do you think this counts? It’s not really work.”

  “It is work.” Hunter crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell her to reschedule.”

  “Hunter, I can’t just reschedule an opportunity like this. Let it go, just this once. Please.”

  Hunter hardened his expression, then shouted down to the car. “Wait for us there, Layla. We’ll be just a minute.”

  Hunter opened the front door and gestured for me to go inside. I gritted my teeth and obeyed. Hunter closed the door behind us, then quickly lifted my skirt and gave me a sharp pop on the bottom.

  “Reschedule,” he said, sharply, then went outside.

  After church, I sent Liz an email asking to reschedule. She was fine about it, and we pushed our meeting to Monday.

  “This is quaint,” Liz said, scooting into the booth of our local diner.

  “Yep,” I said, shrugging.

  Liz wore a red knee length dress and jacket, and a thick layer of lipstick in the same shade. She carried herself with an air of sophistication that encouraged me to sit up straighter. Since I worked from home, I was accustomed to dressing casually all the time. After I sat down with Liz, I wished I’d made more of an effort.

  “Thank you again for rescheduling for me,” I said. “I hope it wasn’t an inconvenience.”

  “Not at all,” Liz said, swatting her hand at me. “I’m sure you were hard at work on current projects.”

  “Actually, no,” I said. “I was resting.”

  Liz narrowed her eyes at me. “Resting?”

  “Yes, it was Sunday,” I said.

  Liz laughed. “I don’t know many freelancers who take weekends.”

  “I always make Sunday a priority,” I explained. “It’s meant to be a day of rest and worship.”

  “Worship?” Liz repeated.

  I nodded enthusiastically. I couldn’t fathom why that would be a foreign concept to someone.

  “Anyway,” Liz said, putting on her glasses. She picked up a page from my portfolio. “I love what you do. I think you’ll make our clients every happy.”

  Liz spent some time talking about their various clients, the projects they were currently undertaking and the ones in the pipeline. I listened eagerly, letting myself be inspired by her words. I couldn’t wait to get to work.

  “I’ll send you an email about the first project I want you on,” Liz said. “I know you’re going to be great.”

  “Thank you so much for this opportunity,” I said. “I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t, Ellie,” Liz said. “But there’s just one thing. Not everyone is as flexible as I am. The client may not want to wait until Monday. In this business, the client is the priority, nothing else.”

  Her words filled me with a deep discomfort. In my life, there were important things that always ranked higher than work, like God and family. But something told me Liz wouldn’t understand this.

  “Is that clear?” Liz said in a friendly tone.

  I nodded, dumbly, in an effort not to blow this opportunity.

  We said goodbye, then I drove home with a lot on my mind. When I got back to my office, there was an email from Liz waiting for me. She’d sent all sorts of information about the client, as well as a document outlining their marketing messaging. My first task would be to redesign their website. I took a deep breath, sat behind my desk, and dove in.

  For the rest of the week, I woke up earlier than Layla or Hunter so I could get a jump start on work. The client’s website was a disaster, and would have to be rebuilt from the ground up. I spent the days chained to my computer, hunched over my graphic design software, with the web developer on the phone pressed against my ear.

  One night, I’d worked late, and hadn’t had a chance to even think about supper. I emerged from my office, squinting from staring at the computer screen for so long. Hunter was in the kitchen, and I started to suggest we order pizza. That’s when I saw what Hunter was holding in his hands; a pan of homemade lasagna. The savory smell made my stomach rumble.

  “You made this?” I said.

  “Hey, I have a few skills in the kitchen,” Hunter said, placing the pan on the counter. “You’ve been working so hard lately, I thought you could use a break.”

  “You’re the best,” I said, sighing with relief.

  “And I’m doing the dishes too.” Hunter pointed at me with the oven mitt he wore. “That’s an order.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, gladly.

  Layla came skipping into the kitchen. “Mmm,” she said, sniffing the air. “Something smells delicious.”

  “Let’s eat,” Hunter said, and we all gathered around the table.


  I’d worked around the clock, and the website was almost ready to deliver to the client. That Saturday morning, I woke up before the sun to finish some last minute details. I wanted the assignment closed so I could enjoy the weekend with my family. By the time Layla was up rubbing the sleep from her eyes, I was finished.

  I switched off the computer, then stretched my arms up to the ceiling. Layla entered my office, then curled into my lap.

  “Do you have to work much today, Mommy?” Layla asked.

  “Nope,” I said. “I’m all done. What do you want to do?”

  Layla’s face brightened. “Can we go to the park?”

  “We sure can,” I said, hugging her to me. “Let’s go get your daddy.”

  I made us sandwiches and packed them in a basket while Hunter got Layla ready to go. On the short drive there, I felt blissfully satisfied. I’d accomplished so much over the past week, and now I could enjoy time with my family.

  There were lots of kids at the park. Layla immediately befriended two girls. Hunter and I watched from the bench as she played with them. He placed his hand casually on the top of my thigh, probably to let the other men around know who I belonged too. I loved being claimed by him. It gave me a certain pride.

  After the park, we went for ice cream. By the time we got back home, it was late afternoon. I looked in the refrigerator to find something to cook for supper. We didn’t have many groceries since I’d neglected to go to the store this past week. I remembered the chicken breasts in the freezer and pulled them out to thaw. And I had the perfect recipe, something I’d seen online and had been meaning to try. I pulled out my phone to look the recipe up. When I unlocked the screen, I saw I had an email from Liz

  I read it, standing there in front of the open refrigerator. When I got to the end, I closed my eyes as a dreadful feeling washed over me. Liz said that the client wanted an alternate mockup of the website using a different color scheme, and they wanted it by Monday. Saturday was almost over, so if I couldn’t finish it within the next few hours, that would put me working on Sunday, which was exactly what I was trying to avoid. Hunter would never allow me to work on the day the Lord designated for rest. I didn’t want to disappoint my husband, but I also wanted to impress my new boss.

  “Hello, hello there,” Hunter said, breaking me from my trance.

  “Oh,” I said, closing the refrigerator door with an awkward laugh.

  Hunter studied my face, then moved in closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, and I fell back against him.

  “What’s with you?” he said, gently.

  I groaned in his arms. “I just got an email from Liz. I need to work some more tonight. Can we just ordered pizza?”

  “Sure,” Hunter said, kissing my neck. “Layla,” he called towards the living room. “What kind of pizza do you want?”

  Layla came skipping into the kitchen, clapping her hands. “We get pizza tonight? Yay!”

  Hunter turned to me. “I’ll call it in. You get to work.”

  “Thank you,” I said, and kissed him gratefully.

  The more I worked on the mockup website, the more I had to come to terms with the fact that I wouldn’t have time to finish it all today. There was just too much to be done. But what choice did I have but to keep plugging away? I worked nonstop, taking a break only to eat pizza and put Layla to bed.

  Around ten o’clock, Hunter came into my office to kiss me goodnight. He was wearing blue pajama pants and a thin T-shirt. There was nothing I wanted more than to crawl into bed beside him, but there was no time. Hunter pointed to the clock on my computer screen.

  “Two hours,” Hunter said. “And then it’s God’s time.”

  Two hours, that’s it? I thought with panic.

  “Sure, sweetie,” I said, calmly.

  When Hunter walked out, I hunched towards my computer screen and worked as fast as I could. The two hours felt like thirty minutes, and slipped away like sand through my fingers. I sped against the ticking clock, faster, faster, faster. With ten minutes to go, I only had a couple of index pages left.

  But there wasn’t enough time. I watched, in defeat, as the clock switched to midnight. I buried my face in my hands. It was such a shame. All I’d needed was a couple more hours.

  I listened to the silence in the house. Everyone was asleep. No one would know. Well, God would.

  “Please forgive me,” I whispered, placing my hands back on the keyboard.

  Around three am, I was finally finished. I crept into our bedroom where Hunter was sleeping soundly. His breathing was deep in steady. When I crawled carefully into bed, he didn’t move at all. Smiling, I rested my head back on my pillow, feeling satisfied with myself. I’d managed to please everyone.


  “Ellie, wake up.”

  I murmured as I woke up to Hunter jostling me. My eyes were heavy as I tried to open them. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was not quite seven. I’d only been asleep for a few hours. I rubbed my eyes, then looked up at Hunter, smiling coyly. There was only one reason he’d be waking me up so early.

  “Good morning,” I said, rubbing my hand over his chest.

  But Hunter’s gaze was stern and unwavering. I thought back to last night. There was no way he could possibly know what I’d done. He held up a sheet of paper with a spreadsheet printed on it. I squinted, trying to read it.

  “Do you know what this is?” Hunter asked. “I put a program on your computer that records the time you spend on it. This is your log.”

  I gulped. My heart beat loudly in my ears and my palms began to sweat. I should’ve known Hunter was keeping tabs on me.

  “I can explain,” I said.

  “How?” Hunter asked. “How can you explain this? You’ve disobeyed God, and you’ve disobeyed me.”

  “I didn’t have much more to do. I just wanted to finish,” I said, defensively. “I’m ready to worship and rest for the rest of the day.”

  Hunter shook his head. “Not good enough. You’ve prioritized work over your faith. Do you think God will continue to bless you if you ignore his rules? You’ve sinned, Ellie, and I won’t allow that in my home.”

  I should’ve known I wouldn’t get away with it, and I never should’ve disobeyed my husband in the first place. I’d chosen work over the sacred vows I’d spoken on our wedding day.

  “I understand,” I said, nodding timidly.

  “Get up, out of bed.” Hunter pulled the covers off of me, and the cold air hit my skin. I broke out in goosebumps and immediately started shivering. After I stood from the bed, Hunter looked me right in the eyes. “I don’t want you to so much as think about work today.” He reached in his pocket and held up my phone. “I’m confiscating this. And you’ll have no computer time today.”

  I nodded, holding back tears of shame. Hunter took my hand, and slipped a rubber band onto my wrist. He rubbed his thumb over it, causing the rubber to catch the hair on my arm.

  “Listen to me, Ellie,” Hunter said. “If you catch yourself thinking about work today, I want you to pop yourself with this band. I can’t see your thoughts, I can’t control your thoughts, so I need you to make sure you obey.”

  Hunter let go of my wrist, and I let it fall to my side. After about a second, I lifted my arm, and snapped the band. I winced when I felt the sting.

  “Good girl,” Hunter said, kissing my forehead.

  On the way to church and all during the service, I popped myself whenever thoughts of work crept into my head. I was determined to obey Hunter to the letter. Each time I popped myself, he turned to me and nodded approvingly.

  As the day wore on, I had to pop myself less and less. It was like I was training my mind. In pushing my anxieties away, I was able to breathe easier, relax more, and have fun with Hunter and Layla.

  That night, after we put Layla to sleep, I was looking forward to slipping into my sweatpants and spending the rest of my Sunday on the couch. As I was searching through the drawers for my favorite gray pair, Hunter walked up behind me.

  “I’ve chosen what you’ll wear tonight,” Hunter said.

  My shoulders tensed. That didn’t sound good. I’d thought the rubber band was the extent of my punishment, but I was wrong. I turned around to see Hunter holding a pair of black thong panties, and a sheer black negligee.

  “I was hoping to be comfortable,” I said.

  “I’m not asking you,” Hunter said, carefully. “I’m telling you. Put this on.”

  I took the garments from him. He stayed where he was, staring at me the entire time. I knew he wanted me to change right then and there. I peeled off my clothes, then stood before him completely naked. I slipped the thong on and pulled it up into place. I never wore underwear like this, and I found it very uncomfortable. I pulled the thin negligee over my body. It did little to cover anything. The lines of the thong and my hardened nipples were clearing visible beneath the sheer fabric.

  When I was done, I faced him and clasped my hands behind my back. Hunter took a moment to look at me. I knew that by telling me what to wear, he was demonstrating how much control he had over me. It hadn’t been my decision to work late. It was his, and he’d made it for me.

  Hunter walked out to the center of the room and I followed him. He instructed me to kneel down, my palms lying flat on the tops of my thighs. Hunter walked over to the bedside table and retrieved his Bible. I directed my gaze towards the tops of my knees as Hunter walked in front of me. He opened the Bible and began to read.

  For the next couple of hours, he read the entire book of Psalms. I stayed completely still, listening obediently, even though my legs were beginning to shake. But I kept my head bowed and listened to the holy word. This wa
s my penance. I let the joyous words wash over me. I’d always loved Psalms. It was a beautiful, poetic book.

  Hunter abruptly closed the Bible. I looked up and he gestured to the clock. It was midnight. I breathed with relief. I’d finally made it through my punishment. Hunter helped me get to my feet, and once I was standing, I thought he’d wrap me in his warm arms. Instead, he walked way, leaving me alone. He went into our master bathroom, and few moments later emerged, wielding a wide, flat hairbrush.

  I twiddled my thumbs nervously. The rubber band, the scripture readings, those weren’t my punishment. Hunter was just biding his time until the Lord’s day was over. Hunter swatted the hairbrush against the palm of his hand. I winced at the heavy noise.

  Hunter sat on the edge of the bed. He nodded his head, signaling for me to come over. My breasts swayed under the negligee as I walked, and the bottom rode up, revealing my thong. I stood in front of Hunter and he grabbed hold of both my hips, holding me there while he studied my body. I felt a slight tinge of humiliation.

  Hunter parted his legs, and I positioned myself in between them, then bent over his knee. The negligee bunched up completely around my waist. Hunter ran his finger under the top string of my thong, then snapped it against me. I lurched forward. Holding the hairbrush, he stroked the bristles across my bottom, awakening my nerve endings. I trembled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He turned the brush over, then pressed it against me. I felt how heavy and wide it was.

  I closed my eyes as Hunter lifted the brush high above his head. There was a rush of air as he swung it back down. My breath quickened, and a moment later, he struck my bottom, sending a throbbing pain rushing through me. I could visualize the red, rectangular mark that was definitely spreading across my pale skin. He gently stroked my hair as I calmed down, then raised the paddle again.

  He cracked it across my bottom, harder this time. The blow knocked the wind out of me, and the pain was red and raw. With his next strike, I began to cry. My tears fell as he continued to paddle me repeatedly. My flesh was so tender, each lick hurt twice as much as the last.


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