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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

Page 8

by Eden Greenwood

  Chase nodded, then leaned forward. “So, your intent is to better yourself, but for some reason, everything stays exactly the same. Is that right?”

  Erica scoffed, wondering who this man thought he was.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Erica said.

  “Actually, I do,” Chase said. “In every one of your interviews, you ask the same questions.”

  “You looked me up before I came here,” Erica said.

  Chase shook his head. “I’ve been following you since the beginning. I guess you can say I’m a fan.”

  Erica couldn’t help but be flattered. She tried not to let it show on her face. “Thank you,” she said.

  “That said,” Chase said. “I think you could benefit from a little discipline.”

  Erica straightened her back. “I think I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Are you?” Chase asked.

  “Yes,” Erica said, forcefully. She wasn’t finished with her questions yet, but she was ready for it to be over. Chase was confusing. He was handsome and charming, but also arrogant and pushy. Her conflicted feelings towards him made her anxious. She wasn’t in control, and she didn’t like that very much. “Thank you for your time,” Erica said abruptly.

  “Is that all?” Chase said.

  “That’s all I need,” Erica said.

  “So, no shirtless photo?” Chase said with a grin.

  Erica laughed, despite herself. “Actually, my editor did request one.”

  Chase stood from his desk. “Then I’m happy to oblige.”

  Before she could say anything, Chase was removing his shirt. Erica had to remind herself to breathe when she saw the rippling muscles of his abs, his thick, strong arms. Chase retrieved the whistle and hung it around his neck. The whistle dangled between his pecs.

  “Go ahead,” Chase said, propping his leg up on his chair, posing.

  Erica hurriedly pulled out her camera and began to shoot. Behind the lens, she had ample opportunity to study his amazing body, which she took full advantage of. She took at least a dozen or so more photos than she needed.

  “I think I’ve got it,” she said, lowering her camera.

  Chase clapped his hands together, then retrieved his shirt. “All right,” he said. “Let me show you out.”

  Chase walked towards the door. When he passed Erica, he briefly placed his hand on the small of her back and gave her a light push. His touch, though small, sent a shiver of excitement up her spine. Together, they walked out of his office.

  “Let me know if you need anything else,” Chase said. “I wouldn’t mind talking to you again.”

  “Umm, okay,” Erica said. “There’s my car.”

  She unlocked the doors and made her way over. Chase skipped ahead of her, and opened the door for her. Erica thanked him shyly as she got in.

  “Maybe next time we can do this over dinner,” Chase said. “Take care now, Erica.”

  Chase closed the door. Erica stared numbly out of her window. This interview wasn’t like the others, and that made Erica nervous. Had she gotten enough information? Had she acted like a total freak? Why was she shaking? Why was Chase’s smile burned into her mind?

  When Erica got home, she marched straight to her computer and wrote up the interview with Chase Collins. She didn’t have much information, so it was very short. She sent it off to Rose anyway, hoping it would skate by. Now all that was left to do was pick out a photo.

  Erica uploaded the photos from her camera to her computer. She wasn’t prepared to see countless shots of Chase appear on her screen, one after another. His body was so perfect, it seemed impossible. His arms, chest, and stomach seemed to be cut out of stone. He even had the indentions in his hips that that led beneath his pants. Erica couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Chase was mesmerizingly handsome.

  Her phone rang, interrupting her Chase induced trance. It was Rose. Erica had a sinking feeling as she answered the phone.

  “This is supposed to be the cover story,” Rose said. “You only sent a thousand words. I need at least six thousand.”

  Six thousand, Erica thought. That meant more research.

  “Sure, Rose,” Erica said, pressing her hand to her forehead. “I’ll rewrite it.”

  Rose sighed on the other line. “You’re really pushing your deadline. Get it to me as soon as possible.”


  Erica stared numbly at her phone. Her work ethic was very important to her, and she hated that she’d disappointed her boss. It was all because she’d let Chase get to her. As a journalist, she was supposed to keep herself at a distance, but that seemed impossible with Chase. One minute she was lusting after him, the next she couldn’t stand him.

  But she’d have to see him again. There was no avoiding that. Taking a deep breath, she dialed his number.

  “Erica?” Chase said when he answered the phone.

  Hearing her name come from his lip quickened the beating of her heart. Erica gripped a pen in her hand, trying to get a hold of herself.

  “Mr. Devon, this is Erica Collins with Collegiate Sports Magazine,” she said in her most professional voice.

  Chase chuckled. “I know who you are. We talked just today, remember?”

  Erica curled her lips. There was that attitude. “I need some additional information from you for the article. When is your next available time?”

  “How about tonight?” Chase said.

  “Tonight? Um, let me check.” Erica held the phone away from her face, pretending to check her schedule, which she already knew was clear. “That will work fine, Mr. Devon.”

  “Great,” Chase said. “I’ll send you the address.”

  “Address? To where?”

  “To my house,” Chase said. “And come hungry.”

  When the conversation ended, Erica put down the phone, then looked back to her computer screen that was covered with shirtless photos of Chase.

  Get ahold of yourself, Erica thought. Stay professional.

  To keep herself honest, Erica wore no makeup. She dressed in a modest shirt that buttoned all the way up to her neck. She tied her long, dark hair in a tight bun.

  Erica plugged the address into her GPS, and set off to Chase’s house. She was led to a ritzy subdivision populated by grand houses. Many residences were hidden behind trees and fences with security cameras out front. Erica felt out of place in her decade old car.

  Chase’s house, though large, was modest compared to the other houses nearby. It was two stories with a stone facade. The backyard was gated in. Erica walked up the grand porch and rang the doorbell.

  Chase answered the door with a welcoming smile on his face. He was dressed casually in jeans and a thin T-shirt. Erica realized he was remarkably handsome no matter what he wore. She stiffened her neck and followed him inside.

  The house was decorated with modern art, heavy wooden furniture, and every electronic gadget that had ever been invented. There was a massive flat screen TV, sophisticated speakers, and remote, it seemed, for every whim. Chase picked up a remote, pressed a few buttons, and classical music began to drift from the speakers.

  “Dinner’s almost ready,” Chase said. “Please, sit. Make yourself at home.”

  Erica settled onto the white leather couch. She gripped her notebook in her lap.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” Chase asked.

  “Water, please,” Erica said, her throat tight.

  Chase cocked his head at her. “You look like you could use some wine. Red or white?”

  Erica didn’t usually drink alcohol when she was working, but she felt like she couldn’t say no to Chase.

  “Red,” she said.

  Chase sprinted off to the kitchen, then returned with a glass of wine. Erica took a sip. The wine was delicious, but what most remarkable was the glass it was in. It seemed to be made of real crystal. Erica turned it around in her hand, admiring how light caught off the chiseled facets.

  “It’s from an antique set,” Chas
e said.

  “Oh, are you a collector?” Erica asked.

  “No, not really. It was passed down to me from someone very special.”

  “Your grandmother?”

  “Not exactly,” Chase said.

  A beeping noise came from the kitchen.

  “That’s the gratin. We’re ready to eat,” Chase said. He stood in front of Erica and extended his hand. Erica looked up at him, breathless, and forgot for a moment that she was here for work. She took his hand, and stood. Chase led her to a beautiful dining room with a large glass table. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down. Erica had never been exposed to this kind of chivalry, and to her surprise, it suited her fine. What could be better than a handsome man taking care of her?

  Chase retreated to the kitchen, then returned carrying two plates. He set one in front of Erica, and the savory smell made her stomach rumble. There was a perfectly seared filet mignon, creamy, buttery potato gratin, and roasted asparagus.

  “You made this yourself?” Erica asked, impressed.

  “I did,” Chase said, with no trace of humbleness. “Not many people know this, but I have a passion for cooking.” He took the seat directly in front of her. “There’s a lot people don’t know about me,” he said, his voice lowered.

  Erica smiled coyly. “Are you prepared to tell me?”

  Chase nodded. “Yes, yes I am.”

  Erica regarded him skeptically. Why was he opening up to her like this? Why was he making her feel so special?

  “But first, let’s eat,” Chase said.

  Erica cut into her steak and took a first bite. The meat was buttery and tender, and melted in her mouth. Chase had seasoned it perfectly, and the deep sear gave it a delicious texture.

  “Where did you learn how to cook?” Erica asked.

  Chase reached across the table and grabbed her hand. Erica’s breath caught in her chest.

  “That’s part of a larger story,” Chase said. “Enjoy yourself, and then we talk.”

  Chase pulled his hand away. Erica took a deep, ragged breath.

  “Okay,” she said. “Your house, your rules.”

  “That's the spirit,” Chase said, refilling her wine glass.

  After the main course, Chase brought in chocolate pot de crème for dessert. It was rich and delicious, with a heavenly chocolate flavor.

  “This could be served at a five star restaurant,” Erica said.

  “Thank you. I know,” Chase said.

  Erica narrowed her eyes at him. Chase laughed.

  “I get it,” Chase said. “People aren’t used to confidence.”

  “Some might call it cockiness,” Erica said.

  Chase shrugged. “What am I supposed to do? Deny that I’m a great cook, a gifted athlete, and a hell of a coach? God didn’t give me these gifts for me to be humble.” Chase leaned forward, and looked directly into her eyes. “What if I told you that you are an amazing writer, that your articles are concise and insightful, and that I looked forward to reading them every week?”

  Erica looked away, blushing. “I would say there are better writers out there than me.”

  “That,” Chase said, so loud Erica jumped. “That’s your problem. Don’t feel guilty for being exceptional.”

  After dessert, Chase cleared the dishes, then invited Erica to sit on his terrace outside. They overlooked an Olympic style swimming pool, a rock garden, and a beautiful, gurgling fountain. Erica opened her notebook in her lap.

  “Why don’t we start with your childhood? What was that like?” Erica asked.

  “It wasn’t the best, I’ll warn you,” Chase said. He stared off solemnly in the distance. “I grew up in foster care, bouncing from house to house. Some of my caretakers were only in it for the money, and only met my most basic needs. Food, though never enough for a growing child, shelter, which was always a cramped, messy house, and rags of clothing that hand been handed down through a constant stream of children. Other caretakers were more competent, and I was well cared for. But it never felt like home.”

  Chase was silent for a moment. Erica studied him, seeing him in a new light. His rough edges had been softened in her view, and even his arrogance seemed permissible.

  “The glasses,” Erica said. “You said they were passed down from someone special. Who was that?”

  Chase smiled broadly. “Ella May Tennin. She’d been a foster parent for decades, and for all the right reasons. She was a Godly woman, and only wanted to give lost children a home. When I got to her, she was seventy-five years old, but had the energy of someone much younger. Her love for me was real, I could feel it. And I loved her back. She was the closest I ever had to a mother.” Emotion rose in his voice. “If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know where I’d be.”

  The sun was beginning to set, and the dying rays cast shadows everywhere. Chase’s face was shrouded in darkness as he spoke.

  “Ella taught me about God and the Bible. She led me to faith,” Chase said. “And she was loving, but strict. At first, I rebelled against her rules. Soon I learned that the more I followed them, the happier I was. I applied discipline to every part of my life, especially sports. Football was my saving grace. I got a scholarship, played in college, then worked my way up to head coach.”

  “Did you keep in touch with Ella?” Erica asked.

  Chase nodded, then exhaled. “Yes, right to the very end. I lost her when I was a freshman in college. But I still feel her. I know she’s here, and she’s happy for me.”

  Erica felt tears stinging in her eyes. She bit her lip, keeping them at bay. “You speak a lot about this concept of discipline, and even said previously that I could use some. What would that look like?”

  Chase sat up straight and turned towards her. Erica couldn’t make out the details of his face in the darkness, but she could feel his intensity. He grabbed both of her hands, and her heart skipped a beat.

  “First, I would ask you to give up control,” Chase said. “Do you think you can do that?”

  The thought of giving up control made Erica anxious. If she did, there was no telling what could happen.

  “I, um, I-“ Erica stammered.

  Chase gave her a handsome smile. “Why don’t you try it? Give your control to me. See how it feels.”

  Erica took a ragged breath, then nodded, timidly. Chase’s demeanor suddenly changed. Erica felt like he was scrutinizing her every movement, that his gaze was peering right through her, directly to her soul. He parted his lips and spoke in a hushed tone.

  “Take your hair down,” Chase said.

  Erica instinctively raised her hands to her hair. Every strand had been sprayed perfectly in place. “It took me so long,” she said.

  Chase leaned closer towards her. He placed his hand on the side of her face. Erica looked at him through her lashes. She felt a pull towards him, something she couldn’t control.

  “Trust me,” Chase said with a gentle smile. He reached behind her head and loosened her bun. Erica helped him get it all the way down. She shook her head, and her long hair covered her shoulders. Chase held her close to him. “You,” he said. “Are what I’ve been waiting for.”

  Erica thought she was surely dreaming. When Chase closed the gap between them and pressed his lips against her, she knew without a doubt that this was real. Erica usually didn’t like new things, or strange feelings, but this, she welcomed. Every cell in her body vibrated with excitement, her stomach constricted, and her heart beat rapidly. She fell into the warmth of Chase’s embraced, relished the tightening of his strong arms around her. She kissed him hungrily. He tangled his hands in her loose hair, not letting her go.

  So this is what falling in love feels like, Erica thought as she withered in his arms.


  For the next few weeks, Erica thought she’d stumbled into a completely different life. Ever since that night at Chase’s house, the two of them hadn’t gone a day without seeing each other. Erica bounded out of bed every morning, excited by the prospect of
a new day filled with love. Chase went out of his way to impress her. He sent her texts throughout the day, reminding her that she was beautiful, talented, and amazing. He made her delicious meals in his beautiful home. Then they’d sit on the terrace and talk for hours.

  Chase was also a perfect gentleman. Erica appreciated how he respected her body, and never tried to take things farther than kissing. Even when Erica herself was caught up in the heat of desire, and in the moment, would gladly go farther, Chase never allowed it. He was so different than the other men she’d dated, which hadn’t been many. Usually, her dates never called back after they found out she was saving herself for marriage. With Chase, it wasn’t an issue. He confided in her that he was saving himself also.

  A few months into their relationship, their conversations turned towards marriage. It seemed a given that they would spend their lives together, so there was no ambiguity around this topic. One night, on the terrace, Chase explained his vision of marriage.

  “Men and women were created to be together, to be partners, spiritually and physically,” Chase said.

  Erica nodded, agreeing with every word.

  “Marriage was designed by God,” Chase said. He took Erica’s hand. “And when I marry you, I intend to follow God’s vision to the letter.”

  “And what, exactly, does that mean?” Erica said.

  “Erica, when we make that solemn vow before God, when I become your husband, you will be my responsibility,” Chase said. “You must submit to me, and in return, I promise to love and respect you, to protect you, and only do what’s best for you.”

  Erica gazed into his eyes, her heart swelling with happiness. Chase cared so much for her that he was willing to carry that responsibility on his shoulders.

  “I would follow you anywhere,” Erica said, stroking his face.

  Chase smiled, making Erica’s heart flutter. “That’s good to hear.”

  Erica didn’t know what was going on when Chase stood, then lowered himself down on one knee. The realization hit her all at once. She clasped her hands to her face and began to cry.


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