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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

Page 16

by Eden Greenwood

  Caleb exhaled. “Sorry, I’m a little distracted. I had to do so much research leading up to this trip, I keep feeling like I’ve forgotten something.”

  I smiled, coyly. “If I know you, you didn’t forget anything at all.”

  His expression softened with relief. “You know what? You’re right.”

  “I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.”

  Caleb leaned forward and took my hand. “I’m going to miss you, too. I’m sorry I’ve been off this evening.” He squeezed my hand, tighter. “I promise to focus on you for the rest of the time we have together.” He gazed deep into my eyes, and I suddenly felt like the only person in the room.

  Caleb called the waiter over and ordered the chocolate soufflé and two glasses of port wine. When the dessert came, the waiter poured a vanilla glaze over it. Caleb cut into the soufflé with his spoon, and chocolate ganache oozed out of the middle. He brought the spoon to my lips, giving me a taste.

  “Mmm,” I said, licking my lips. “Here, try some.”

  I fed him a small spoonful. The satisfied expression on his face was the same he made when we made love and he first entered me. I watched him taste the chocolate, rolling it around in his mouth, and felt a slight pulsing between my legs.

  We’d had wine with dinner, and after the port, were both feeling tipsy. Caleb told the waiter to call for a cab. When our car arrived, we slipped into the backseat where we rode together in darkness. I couldn’t keep my hands off of Caleb, and he couldn’t keep his off of me. I swung my legs over his lap and ran my fingers through his hair. Caleb slipped his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer to him.

  “You look sexy as hell,” he whispered into my ear. His breath was sweet from the port.

  I bit my lip and took a ragged breath. We couldn’t get home soon enough.

  We started shedding our clothes as soon as we walked in the door. Caleb kissed me passionately while he unzipped my dress. I shimmied out of it and let it fall to the floor. I hastily fumbled with the buttons on Caleb’s shirt, then pushed it off of his arms. His bare chest looked more delicious than any soufflé. I left light kisses on the sides of his pecs, then with the tip of my tongue, licked up to his neck. Caleb breathed heavily, and I felt his muscles clench. With a groan, he placed his hands under my bottom and picked me up.

  While carrying me to the bedroom, his kisses began to grow urgent. Unable to make it all the way down to the hall, he skirted into the kitchen and sat me down on the counter. The granite was cold under my bare bottom, but it was no match for the warmth that spread across my lower belly. Caleb kept a strong hand on my upper back, holding me upright, while he freed his cock. With the tips of my fingers, I caressed up his shaft, and swirled around the top of the head. I could tell I was working him into a frenzy.

  Caleb lunged forward, and kissed me hungrily. He pressed his body closer against me, parting my legs. I scooted to the edge of the counter, leaned back slightly, and gripped his strong arms. Caleb plunged inside of me, and I took all of him all at once. Moans fell out of my wide open mouth and echoed through the kitchen. Caleb kissed me tenderly on the lips before he started thrusting fast and furious. I was overwhelmed with pleasure. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I entered an out of body state of bliss.

  “Yes, yes!” I yelled, clutching Caleb’s biceps.

  I was rising fast to orgasm, when Caleb abruptly stopped.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, trying to mask my disappointment.

  Caleb gave me a wicked smile. I could feel his cock, still inside of me, delicately stretching the walls of my pussy. Caleb pressed his hips forward, pushing himself deeper inside. I yelped as my muscles clenched around him.

  “I want to see you come,” he whispered.

  I nearly melted on the counter. Caleb stared into my eyes as he slowly pulled back, then thrust back in. I held his gaze, getting lost in the deep brown of his pupils. He thrust in and out of me, keeping the same speed and force. My eyelids fluttered when I felt the orgasm building, stronger than before. My head fell to the side, and Caleb grasped my chin, making me look at him. I fixated on his eyes, not looking away. He thrust faster, harder. My face scrunched as I felt myself losing control. But I never dropped Caleb’s gaze, no matter how much I wanted to turn away and retreat to a private world of pleasure, I had to share it with him. It was his command, and I was bound to obey.

  Caleb’s eyes intensified as my back arched and my limbs flailed underneath him. I grabbed on to his back while the orgasm peaked, digging my fingers into his hard, unyielding muscle. The rush of ecstasy subsided. I smiled at him, panting. Caleb stared at me with a look of awe.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said, then kissed my neck.

  I leaned back on my elbows and wriggled my hips, letting his cock slide around inside of me. “Your turn,” I said with a smile.


  Caleb had to catch a flight very early the next morning. All I remembered was him jostling me awake in the darkness, and then kissing me so passionately I had to wonder if it wasn’t a dream. I woke up a few hours later at my normal time. The house was so quiet, and seemed empty without Caleb. I paced around in my pajamas, expecting to see him at any moment.

  In the kitchen, I studied the coffee pot. Caleb was the one who made the coffee in the morning, and I wasn’t sure how much water or grounds to use. I poured in both, using my best guess, and soon the coffee maker was gurgling away. While the coffee brewed, I went to take a shower.

  I couldn’t keep my mind off of Caleb. While shampooing my hair, I thought about how Caleb would sometimes surprised me in the shower for a quick round of sex before work. I started to get worked up, thinking about his wet body against mine, but there was nothing I could do to satisfy my urges. My man was gone.

  Wrapping a towel around my body, I went to pour myself a cup of coffee. I took one sip of the thick, sludgy liquid, then poured the cup down the sink.

  I couldn’t seem to break myself out of my funk all morning, and my students reflected my mood. They were lethargic and unmotivated all day. I had to yell and clap and threaten to get them to do any work.

  At the end of the day, all I wanted to do was go home, curl up in a chair, and text Caleb. But I couldn’t do that. Principal Mac was holding a teachers meeting after school. When the last bell rang, I drudged down the hall to his office.

  In the conference room, Principal Mac stood in front of everyone clasping a handful of papers. The other teachers were gathered around the long table. I found a seat between my friends, Maddie and June.

  “You’re late,” Maddie whispered, teasingly.

  I sighed. “I know. I’m dragging today.”

  “You miss Caleb already?” June asked.

  I nodded, and June gave me a sympathetic smile. Principal Mac cleared his throat, and we all turned towards him.

  “It looks like we’re all here,” Principal Mac said. He was a middle aged man with mousy brown hair and flecks of gray. He was thick around the middle, and thin everywhere else. I got along with him well enough and thought he was a fine principal, but he always seemed to be uncomfortable.

  “Today we’re here to talk about inappropriate use of electronic devices,” Principal Mac said. “I’ve got orders sent from the state to talk to guys about this, so here goes.” He loosened his collar and rifled through the documents.

  I squinted at him, wondering what this could possibly be about. Principal Mac was sweating more than usual, with large beads of water rolling down his forehead.

  “What’s he talking about?” I whispered to Maddie.

  She rolled her eyes like it was so obvious. “Porn.”

  “Porn?” I repeated. The word felt strange coming out of my mouth. It wasn’t one I used often.

  While Principal Mac organized his materials, I glanced around at the table. The teachers at our school were mostly female and around my age. They squirmed uncomfortably in their chairs.

  Oh God, get me out of here, I prayed.
  “Now, as you know,” Principal Mac said. “Students aren’t allowed to have personal electronic devices such as smart phones, smart tablets, and all that smart stuff. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try to sneak them in.” He cleared his throat, glanced quickly around the room, then looked back at the papers in his hand. He cleared his throat again, then read quicker. “These electronics facilitate inappropriate activities such as but not limited to cyber bullying, sexting, access to websites containing pornography and violence, etc. Not only do these issues distract from learning, they can also cause harm.”

  Maddie gripped my hand, clenching her lips together like she trying not to laugh. The other teachers exchanged glances while Principal Mac struggled through the presentation. He placed the documents back on the table, then leaned against a chair, drumming his fingers against the back of it.

  “That should be incentive for you all to remain vigilant about our no electronics policy, and confiscate these items as soon as you see them. I know a few of you like to look the other way sometimes,” he said, wagging his accusing finger around the room. “I won’t say who you are, but you know who you are. Any questions?”

  Everyone in the room tersely shook their head. Principal Mac nodded, excusing us, and the teachers stampeded towards the door. I walked out to the teacher parking lot with Maddie and June.

  “That was painful,” Maddie said, lighting up a cigarette.

  “I’ve never seen Principal Mac so on edge,” June said. “And that’s saying a lot.”

  I kicked a pebble across the asphalt. “Do you really think students are looking at that kind of stuff?”

  “What, porn?” Maddie said. “Of course they are. Everyone looks at porn.”

  June and I exchanged a glance.

  “Oh, come on,” Maddie said. “I know I’m the only single one here, but you guys must look at porn. Admit it, June.”

  June laughed awkwardly. I waited for her to fervently deny it, but she only stood there blushing. “Sometimes,” she said. “With Toby.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. Was what Maddie said true, that everyone looked at porn? Well, everyone but me. I never thought to look it up, and I knew Caleb would never allow it. Maddie turned to me, and my blood went cold.

  “Okay, Kristen, fess up,” Maddie said. “What are you into? BDSM, lesbian?”

  “Maddie,” I said, looking around. “Not so loud.”

  “Then what?” Maddie said.

  I stopped walking. Maddie and June turned to look at me. “I don’t watch porn. I never have.”

  “Never?” Maddie said, incredulously.

  “Never,” I confirmed. “I didn’t know it was such a common thing.”

  “Oh, honey,” Maddie said. “You’re missing out.” She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. “I’m texting you a link to one of my favorite websites.”

  “No, don’t,” I protested. If Caleb found that on my phone, I’d probably get spanking.

  “It’s already done,” Maddie said, putting her phone back in her purse. “You’ll thank me later. Trust me. And with Caleb gone, you need all the help you can get. Ta-ta!” Maddie waved as she walked off to her car. June and I said an awkward goodbye, then went our separate ways. The phone in my purse dinged. I marched to my car, not daring to look at it.


  Once home, I got to work grading papers and outlining my lesson plans for the week. When I was done, I tried to watch TV, but soon grew bored. How was I going to get through the next two weeks without Caleb? I decided I just needed to keep myself occupied.

  I ran a warm bath, then crawled in with my iPad. There was a new issue of my favorite history magazine, and I opened it up as I settled into the water. I soon became engrossed in an article about brick manufacturing around the turn of the century, and came upon an interesting fact. According to the article, the color of brick is influenced by the mineral content of the clay used to make them.

  “Caleb,” I called without thinking, wanting to inform him of this. I immediately remembered he was gone. I was so used to calling his name and having him come right in. So to be answered with silence was depressing.

  If he were here, I thought, closing my eyes. He’d listen to me tell him fun facts about bricks, then when I was done, he’d slip his hands under the water and caress my thigh.

  I opened my eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath. Why was I torturing myself with these hot fantasies about my husband? I shook the lusty thoughts from my head, then went back to the article. But I couldn’t concentrate on the words.

  I closed out the screen, then noticed the little number one next to my messages. It was the text from Maddie. The thought gave me an exhilarating jolt. I couldn’t stop myself. I clicked open the message, and then the link.

  My screen was covered with naked bodies in all manner of positions. I scrolled through the pictures, seeing women performing oral sex on men and vice versa, women with their legs splayed open, being penetrated by well endowed men. I’d never seen the act of sex before, and was shocked by the vulgarity. But I couldn’t stop looking. I kept scrolling and scrolling until I came to a thumbnail of a video that caught my eye.

  In it, a muscular man had his arms clenched around the waist of a naked woman. His eyes were closed, his mouth half opened, leaning towards her. Something about him reminded me of Caleb. With a rush of excitement, I clicked on the video.

  It started with both of them fully clothed. The man wore a suit, and the woman a long, flowing pink dress. They started kissing. The man’s hands roamed all over the woman’s body. He pulled down her dress and her breasts spilled out.

  My breath quickened as I watched the man flick his tongue over her nipples. The woman let out exaggerated moans. The man lifted her skirt, then slipped his hand between her legs. She ground her hips against him, craning her head back. When the man lovingly lifted her in his arms and carried her to a bed, I couldn’t help but think of Caleb.

  They were both naked down. The man opened the woman’s legs, then slowly inserted himself inside of her. Watching them made me yearn for Caleb, and my clitoris to pulse with desire. I slipped one hand under the warm water to the wetness between my legs. Gripping the iPad with the other hand, I rubbed my clitoris, trying to find some satisfaction.

  While the couple onscreen reminded me of Caleb and me, they did some things that we never did, like acrobatic sex positions. The novelty of it turned me on more, and soon, my hand wasn’t enough. I pulled the drain, then scooted down to the other end of the tub. I opened my legs, turned on the faucet, and let the warm water run over my clitoris. It was the most delicious sensation. The pressure and temperature were just right. I closed my eyes, thinking of Caleb and no longer watching the video. I was close, so close.

  The iPad rang with a call. I scrambled to sit up and turn the faucet off. Miraculously, the iPad didn’t get wet. I looked at the screen and saw it was a FaceTime call from Caleb. I took a few deeps breaths, then answered it.

  “Hey, baby,” I said. “Did you have a good flight?”

  Caleb was in a hotel room. He smiled at me, though he looked tired. “It wasn’t bad. What are you doing?”

  “Oh, just taking a bath,” I said, innocently. “You know. Trying to relax.”

  “A bath?” Caleb raised his eyebrow. “Let me see.”

  I bit the end of my pinky finger. “Okay,” I giggled. Turning the iPad around, I gave him a view of my naked body stretched out in the tub. I waved at him with my toe, then took a deep breath. My breasts heaved above the surface of the water.

  “Mmm, very nice,” Caleb said. The low tone of his voice reminded me how turned on I was. “But the water looks a little low. Did you accidentally pull the drain out?”

  “Oh,” I said, kicking my legs with surprise. Water splashed everywhere. “I guess I did.” I replaced the drain, then reclined back into position. I turned the iPad around and faced Caleb.

  “Don’t want you getting cold,” Caleb said. “You know, even
though I’m away, I’m still in charge.” He started unbuttoning his shirt, showing me his chest. My fingers curled, itching to reach out and touch him.

  “I know.”

  “So you’re still required to follow my orders,” Caleb said. He slipped the shirt off of his arms, then squared his shoulders. “I want you to touch yourself,” he whispered. “Pinch your nipples, make them nice and hard.”

  Since this was a direct order, I couldn’t put up any argument. I did as he said, tweaking my nipples between two fingers, pretending it was his hand instead of mine.

  “That feel good?” Caleb asked.

  “Mmm hmm,” I nodded.

  “Get yourself nice and wet,” Caleb said. He stood and unbuckled his pants. I could clearly see the outline of a bulge in his white briefs. He grabbed it and started rubbing. I listened to his soft breathing, falling into the rhythm, and getting more turned on. “Slip your hand between your legs. See how wet you are.”

  I did as he said, closing my eyes as I parted the soft lips between my legs. I was dripping wet, and my fingers slid easily over my folds.

  “That’s it,” Caleb said. “Do what feels good.”

  Onscreen, Caleb was completely naked. He held his long, hard cock in his hand. I followed his orders, and pressed into my clitoris.

  “If I were there with you,” Caleb said between labored breaths. “I’d taste every inch of your skin. Your neck, your breasts. Down your stomach and inner thighs.”

  I could picture it clearly. “Yes,” I moaned, rubbing harder.

  “I’d flick my tongue over your little clit until I made you squirm.”

  My muscles spasmed, and I slipped across the slick bottom of the tub.

  “Then, when I had you nice and ready,” Caleb growled. “I’d thrust my cock inside of you. I’d feel the soft, warm walls of your pussy. Then I’d start to thrust.”

  I rubbed faster, my breath quickening as my muscles clenched.

  “I’d fuck you harder, faster, never stopping until I see you come,” Caleb said. “Come for me now.”

  Even my body was obedient to his command. Sparkling shivers exploded through my body. My clit pulsed beneath my fingers, pumping pleasure to my every cell. I clenched my eyes shut, moaning.


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