Just One Touch: A Black Alcove Novel (The Black Alcove Series Book 3)

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Just One Touch: A Black Alcove Novel (The Black Alcove Series Book 3) Page 10

by Jami Wagner

  “I’m fine. Just thinking about what Jake and I are going to do while you’re working tomorrow night,” I say instead.

  “Oh, he has plenty of toys to keep you busy.”

  “I bet.”

  “Dad, I’m bored. Can we go now? Or can Clara come play?”

  “It’s getting too late for Clara to come play tonight, bud. I’ll see what I can do about later this week though, okay?”

  “Okay,” Jake says with a sad voice.

  “How about we go home and you can pick out the movie?” Conner asks.

  “Ninja Turtles!” Jake cheers, and we all head for the truck.

  “I had no idea he was going to pick out that one,” Conner says sarcastically.

  I laugh, not caring at all which movie we watch. My mind is still on Abby and what she may or may not do, and on Conner and what I need to tell him but can’t seem to find the words.

  Conner gets Jake ready for bed and ready for the movie, but the little guy passes out before the previews are over. When Conner returns to the living room after putting him to bed and takes his seat next to me on the couch, the look in his eyes tells me we won’t be watching a movie. The way his lips kiss me make my body feel as though I’ve been zapped by an electric current.

  Conner’s lips nip and suck against my neck, and I know there’s no way I’m going to be able to stop him. Not tonight. I don’t want to stop. That would just be cruel to the both of us. The familiar woodsy scent that consumes me every day surrounds me now, and I finally respond to the bliss he’s beginning to put me in. My desire for him becomes uncontrollable.

  My hand finds his back, clawing and gripping the best I can. His mouth is working so quickly over me, I need to hold on to him. Make sure his body doesn’t move too far away. Make sure my touch can do to him what he’s doing to me.

  “Alex you’re positive this is what you want?” he asks, attempting to pull back, but I don’t let him.

  I slam my mouth against his, slipping my tongue into his inviting mouth, and I moan, long and deep before pulling away. “I’ve never wanted someone so bad in my life.”

  A glimmer in his eyes flashes in front of me before his lips consume mine once again. His hand glides up the side of my thigh, inching the hem of my dress higher and higher until it rests fully around my waist. He grinds his hips into me once before giving enough distance between us to replace his strained jeans with his hand. Moving my panties to the side, he slides two fingers inside my core. My hips buck and my back arches at the feeling—foreplay is usually one of my favorite things, but with Conner, it’s too much. I want him. I want him right now, and I can’t wait for him to finish whatever he planned. I sit up, his fingers remaining fast at work inside me, and I reach for his jeans. I have his belt and zipper undone and am sliding them off before he lets out a second moan.

  With our clothes removed, Conner reaches for his pants and pulls a condom from his wallet.

  “Shit, we should move this to the bedroom,” he says. “Don’t think for one second I don’t want you, but I don’t want to make it easy for Jake to walk out and see this.”

  I slap a hand to my mouth. “I never even thought of that.”

  Conner lifts his body off me and I leap from the couch, making a dash for his room.

  Naked. I barely make it two steps past him before his arm snakes around my body, capturing me long enough to press me up against the wall, his erection digging into my stomach.

  I want you, too.

  He begins to kiss my neck, my collarbone, moving farther down at a snail’s pace.

  “We’re not to the room yet,” I manage to say. I’d rather not be talking, but the hallway is just as bad as the couch.

  “I couldn’t let your bare ass run past me without touching you.” His lips push against mine and I lock my arms around his neck as he lifts me to wrap my legs at his sides. His steps are quick as he enters his bedroom, but our frenzied lips never part.

  Holding tightly, he lowers us to the bed. He breaks the kiss and I look down to see he still has a hold on the gold wrapper. He glides the condom on and positions himself at my entrance.

  He pauses, his eyes finding mine, and he smiles. It’s contagious. I kiss him then, giving him the go ahead.

  He presses inside me slowly, allowing me to savor the moment we’re fully connected. He pulls back just as calmly before slamming into me.

  “Oh!” I call out. He repeats the action once again, this time covering my mouth to muffle the noises I’m making. I smile under his hand, my eyes locked on his. I lift my hips for him to continue and he takes the hint. He pulls his hand away and covers my mouth with his own instead.

  Our kisses become as desperate as every thrust he makes. His pace quickens and right when I feel an explosion ready to ignite, he pulls out and flips me onto my stomach. He’s inside me once again before I have time to object.

  “Fuck, Alex,” he whispers into my ear as his smooth hard abs rub against my back. “You feel so fucking good.”

  My mind is still processing a response when everything goes black and I let out a moan I’ve never made before. Conner’s body collapses onto mine, releasing a noise similar to my own. He rolls to his side, yanking me back to snuggle against him. Light kisses pepper across my back and that’s the last thing I remember before sleep takes over.

  * * *

  I wake the next morning alone and on the couch. I’m wearing a pair of Conner’s sweatpants that are struggling to stay around my waist and a t-shirt that hangs almost to my knees. There is also a very awake and observant Jake sitting on the floor in front of the couch, watching me as he eats his bowl of cereal.

  “Good morning,” I say, keeping myself wrapped in the blanket I’m covered with even though I have some of Conner’s clothes on.

  “Did you spend the whole night at Dad’s?” he asks, his mouth full of what I’m assuming from its colorful state is Fruit Loops.

  Where is Conner? How do I answer this?

  “I must have passed out on the couch after watching a movie,” I answer. What kind of sleep I was in to not notice I was being moved?

  “That’s why Dad says I can’t ever stay up late to watch movies. Cuz I’ll sleep.”

  “He’s right, and I should have gone to bed instead of staying up.”

  “Do you live here now?”

  “I ... I …”

  “Eggs are ready!” Conner cuts in on the conversation from the kitchen. A full smile lets me know he was listening in the entire time.

  “I also made bacon and some toast. Thought you might like food food instead of just a bowl of cereal today.”

  “It smells fantastic.” I say, taking notice of the coffee smell that also fills the air.

  The moment I step into the kitchen and am out of sight from Jake, Conner wraps his arms around my hips and pulls me in for a kiss.

  “How’d you sleep?” he asks.

  “Great.” I know I’m blushing. “How about you?”

  “Best sleep ever.”

  He kisses me again but pulls away when his phone dings from the kitchen table.

  “Will you see who that is?” he asks, flipping the bacon. “I’ve texted a couple people to see if they can cover for me this week. I hope that’s one of them.”

  “You’re going to try to have someone cover all your shifts?” I hand him his phone but not before checking the text

  “Yeah, it’s the easier solution than finding him a sitter every night.”

  “I can watch him when I’m not at the gym. The only night I work is Thursday. I work mornings the rest of the week. It’s your sister,” I say and set the phone on the counter next to him.

  “I really appreciate that you want to—”

  “Conner, let me help you. I knew you had a son when I met you, remember? I want to help.”

  He eyes me, taking in my outfit. His throat bobs as he swallows, giving me a quick kiss before turning around to face the stove.

  “You’re too good to me, Alex, yo
u know that?”

  “Yeah, but I like to think I’m just returning the gesture.”

  This causes him to chuckle.

  “Oh, I need to check my mail. I’ll be right back. Want me to get yours?” he asks.

  “No,” I answer a lot faster than necessary. If he checks my mail, then he’ll see my last name. Something he should have asked me for by now. It concerns me a little, but it’s also a relief that I haven’t had to share anything I’m not ready for. Although after last night …

  “You sure?”


  Tomorrow. I’ll tell him tomorrow. What harm can one more day do, right?

  Chapter Ten


  I have two goals when I get home from doing an inventory check: the first is going next door to see if I can find anything with Alex’s name on it. We’re way too far in now; I can’t ask her these questions without looking like it’s a second thought or something, and that can never turn out well. The second thing I am going to do is tell Alex about Heather’s idea of a family and how it won’t work and has nothing to do with her, but that is why Jake’s mom has been hard to deal with lately. Maybe Alex will have advice for me? All I know is that if someone tells her before I do, it won’t be good.

  I should have told her about Heather by now, and vice versa. I can’t even think straight long enough to do the right thing anymore. What’s gotten into me?

  “Is Abby coming in? I swear that girl and inventory are not a good combination. We should just stop scheduling her.” Logan steps around the bar, crossing something off the checklist in front of him.

  Here he is concerned about inventory, when little does he know his sister is most likely my neighbor and the girl I’m dating.

  “Hey, so, have you tried to contact your sister again? I mean, now that Sara is pregnant, doesn’t it make you wish you had her around?”

  He looks over his clipboard at me and sighs.

  “I’ve thought about it, but honestly, she would have responded by now if she wanted anything to do with me.”

  “But if she were to, say, walk through that door right now, how would you feel?”

  His eyes roam to the door. He stares at it, probably thrown by my sudden interest in his sister.

  He shrugs.

  “I’d be happy, I guess.”

  “You guess?” I’m not appreciating the uncertainty in his voice. If Alex really is his sister, no wonder she hasn’t told him or anyone else. But it still stings a little that she won’t tell me.

  “No, yeah, I’d be thrilled.” He sounds surer this time and shakes his head as if to dismiss the thought. “Why does it matter? It’s not going to happen.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” I, too, erase the idea from my head. No doubt he would keep that off-limits rule for sisters into play, and I don’t feel like taking my chances. Maybe subconsciously that’s why I haven’t asked her. If she says yes, I’d be breaking the pact Logan and I made as kids.

  “So,” I change the subject. “I invited Alex to your house this weekend. I hope nothing comes up this time.”

  “Me too. Sara and I both want to meet this girl. I heard— after a few others gossiped, of course, so correct me if I’m wrong—but I heard the two of you and Jake were looking quite the family the other day in the park. Could it be you’ve found someone Heather approves of?”

  I cringe. Here I am, the guy who hates secrets, and I’m keeping two myself. Three, if you count the fact Alex could be Logan’s sister and I should tell him about her. When did I become so selfish?

  “Heather doesn’t know,” I say, guiding the subject away from Alex.

  Logan nods slowly. A good minute passes before he says anything.

  “Look, I don’t know this girl, but I know you and I’ve seen a difference in you since she moved in.”


  “You’re relaxed. You’re definitely not as crabby as you were before when you came to work, and you seem happy.”

  He’s right. I just never realized how much the people around me observed my emotions.

  “If she means that much to you, you have to tell Heather. End of story.”

  He disappears into the back, and I spend the next hour counting bottles and tracking numbers at the front of the bar.

  I need to trust Alex. She would have told me by now if she were Logan’s sister. She’s had plenty of chances. We’re honest with each other. That’s exactly why I will tell her about Heather tonight first thing when I get off. If I confide in her, it’s possible that could be the push she needs to open up. She’ll trust me like I trust her.

  I know she will.

  * * *

  I’m stepping out of my truck outside the apartment at the same time Alex pulls in. She gets out, slams her door, and then grabs a few grocery bags from the back seat, slamming that door also.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, stealing the bags from her to carry them inside.

  “No.” She throws her hands in the air. “Did you know Abby has a history of ruining relationships?”

  She’s pissed.

  “Yes, I did know that.”

  “Not only with your sister, but with your best friend, too. Crazy. I just can’t believe it. I wanted to see the best in her, but I just can’t now. How could anyone do that? You make a commitment; you should keep it. As both a friend and a significant other.”

  “I completely agree.”

  “How could she even want to come between a happy couple? I can’t wrap my head around it.”

  “I’m not defending her, but it’s not just her fault. There is always a second party to make the wrong choice.” I wait behind her as she unlocks her door. “Both people have to want to make a relationship work for it to work.”

  “So, say a guy doesn’t like his girl anymore. It’s okay for him to cheat?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying.”

  “It’s just wrong to come between people like that. I mean, say Heather wanted to be with you. It would be wrong of me to be doing whatever this is that we’re doing with you.”

  Oh, this isn’t good.

  “How do you figure that?”

  “Because I’d be that girl who came between a family. We’ve had this conversation before.”

  “Yeah, but refresh my memory.” I set the bags on her counter and watch as she puts food away and talks at the same time.

  “It just is. It’s like first come, first served. She was here first, so the right thing would be for me to back away if the occasion presented itself.”

  “I don’t agree with you.”

  “You don’t have to. That’s just how I feel.”

  “For this particular circumstance, I do think we should agree,” I say. If I can’t get her to see why her logic makes no sense, I won’t be sharing anything with her today.

  “What if I never came along? How do you know that you and Heather would never get together?”

  “Because I don’t have feelings for her. That’s how I know. She’s Jake’s mom, that’s all.”

  I slide against the counter, pausing in front of where she’s leaning, and rest my hands on her hips.

  “You, however, I like very much.”

  “You’re just saying that to change the subject.” She pecks a kiss against my lips. “But you’re right, what I’m saying doesn’t even make sense. I’m just worked up is all, and my mind is all over the place. The last thing I want to think about is you and Jake’s mom.”

  That settles it.

  “That, I do agree with. Right now, I’d rather do what I spent most of my day thinking about.” Holding onto her hips, I lift her onto the counter, separating her legs to rest myself between them as I kiss her, hard.

  I’ll make sure we come back to this conversation at a later date.


  Conner’s hands run up the tops of my thighs, pushing the fabric of my dress back. When they reach my backside he grips my butt, pulling me forward, and crashes my center against

  “I’ve been thinking about this all damn day,” he groans into my ear.

  “I almost showed up on your lunch hour. I’ve been thinking about this moment since I woke up,” I confess. My words send him into overdrive as his hands make quick work with his zipper.

  My hands tug at his hair as my tongue slides into his mouth, meeting his own with each kiss. Our lips move as though not kissing would rip us up. As if pulling away would ruin us for the rest of our lives.

  I gasp loudly as a finger slides between my legs. The motion spreads my legs even farther. His lips feather kisses along my neck, jawline, and against my ear. Another moan escapes my lips.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, I wanted to drag this out, but I don’t think I can.”

  My ass lifts and my panties are swooped down and off my legs before he’s even finished his sentence. He picks me up, walking us to the sofa, where he sits with me straddling on top of him. As he slowly rests back against the couch, I lower myself on to him.

  A hiss comes from deep in his throat once I’m as far as I can go.

  “I’ll never get used to that,” he whispers into my ear.

  I start to rock myself against him. His hands are at my hips, helping to control the movement. Each time I start to go fast, he slows me down by gripping my body and groaning as his head leans back.

  He stops me, completely lifting me off him and turning me to place my hands on the back of the couch as he stands behind me.

  He thrusts hard and I cry out, enjoying every pleasurable moment he gives me. His hands sneak around to cup my breasts as he kisses my neck. His hips move faster and harder as his body crashes against mine from behind. My entire body shudders, and I feel as though I’m going to black out the moment my orgasm hits me. His quickened pace and groan before he slows lets me know he felt it, too.

  “What are you doing to me?” He laughs, pulling up his jeans and pulling down my dress before he heads for the bathroom. He comes out and laces our fingers as he sits next to me. “I’ve never felt so out of control the way I feel when I’m with you,” he says.


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