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Risky Love (Dark Romance) (The Risky Series Book 3)

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by Vivian Ward

  Risky Love

  Risky Series Book 3 of 3

  Vivian Ward

  Copyright © 2018 by Vivian Ward

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For everyone because we all deserve an HEA no matter how fucked up our relationships are.


  Vivian Ward Newsletter

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Bonus Material

  A Note From Vivian

  Vivian Ward Newsletter

  About the Author

  Also by Vivian Ward

  Vivian Ward Newsletter

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  Chapter 1


  Sending Ally on a mission to write down any dirt she has on her colleagues at The Gateway Times is only a small part of my plan. While she’s been busy doing that, I’ve been busy taking care of some things—such as her punishment.

  I’ve held back on her, and that was my mistake. She’s played out her little innocent act for far too long and I let her get away with it. Her big brown eyes—my little chocolate stars—and those quivering plump lips have manipulated me enough. It’s time she learns how to behave like a good girl.

  Her days of keeping secrets from me are over. If she thought I was watching her before, she’s in for a rude awakening. I thought we’d made some headway but I can see that I was wrong and we need to start over. Maybe I was wrong for kidnapping her but I’ve been nothing but good to her. Bringing her into my home is something that I would never consider with anyone else. I’ve never considered allowing anyone to live with me since Mel died.

  The betrayal that Ally’s caused resonates deep inside me. All I’ve wanted since the day I met her was to make her mine, give her a good life. She’s not seen my dark side. She thinks she has, but she’s wrong.

  She’s about to find out.

  “Ally,” I call her name. Her continuous typing on the keyboard in the study stops and I hear her sweet voice for a moment before she returns her attention back to the keyboard.

  “Almost finished,” she hollers back.

  “Come here,” I say. My booming voice carries down the hallway, bouncing off the walls.

  Silence. Then I hear her the legs of her chair scoot across the hardwood floors. She senses my agitation, I know she does, but I’m not trying to hide it. I was worried about her when I came home—before she dropped a bombshell on me—but she’s made her bed. Now she can lie in it.

  She halts at the bedroom door. Her eyes stare at me for a moment before they scan over the room. The color drains from her face when she sees everything I’ve laid out for her.

  White knotted ropes are attached to the bedposts while a variety of paddles and floggers are neatly lined up on top of the dresser. She looks at me again. Those little chocolate stars growing bigger by the second. The glimmer in them slowly fades just like a dying star.

  “W-what’s all this,” she asks.

  My eyes fixate on her throat. What I wouldn’t give to put my hand around it and constrict her airways, squeeze the breath right out of her. But I know she’s not ready for that yet. It’s okay, though, because I’ll bring her into my world—one experience at a time.

  Standing at the foot of the bed, I motion for her to come to me. Reluctant, she chews on her bottom lip. I can see her eyes dart from side to side and wonder what must be going through her head. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s thinking of running but if she’s smart, she’ll stay right here. Running from me will only make her punishment worse.

  “Sometimes, when we do things we aren’t supposed to do, there are repercussions,” I say. “And today, my princess, you are going to find out what those consequences are.”

  The breath hitches in her throat and I swear for a minute, it seems like I have an invisible hand pressing right against her airways. I watch her breathing slow until it’s completely still. For a minute, I can tell that she forgets to breathe.

  She’s scared.

  I like her this way because I should be feared. In fact, I think I might enjoy this more than punishing her but I wouldn’t know because I’ve never punished her before. It was foolish on my end not to discipline her. We have quite a bit of catching up to do, it seems.

  Silence ensues as I watch her eyes flit around the room at all of the goodies—well, I call them goodies because once she learns some discipline, she will reap the rewards. After what seems like an eternity, she finally sucks in a deep breath of air.

  “I thought you wanted me to—,” she stumbles for words.

  “Write down dirt on your co-workers?” I finish the sentence for her. “Of course, I do. That, Princess, has nothing to do with punishing you for pulling your stunt and writing that piece about me. These are two different things.”

  Picking up one of the paddles from the dresser, I rub my hand over the smooth leather. It’s soft and cool but it will bite and sting when it meets the delicate skin of her ass. This paddle seems like a good starting place. The others have holes or are intricately twined together, and will hurt her much more. I’ll see what she can take before giving her something more difficult to endure.

  One experience at a time, I remind myself.

  She’s not like Brooke or Valerie, and that was one of the things that attracted her to me in the first place. She will be better than those two. I will break her down and build her back up so that she’s stronger, bolder, more daring than anyone else.

  One experience at a time.

  Grabbing her hand, I pull her into the room. She begins to beg and plead, “No, Colton, please. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. I just—,” I cut her off.

  “Pull your pants down,” my voice is stern.

  Struggling to get out of my grip, she wiggles and twists but her strength is nothing compared to mine. It’s like swatting a gnat away as I hold her out at arm’s length to keep her hands and fists from making contact with me.

  “Let! Me! Go!” she demands, her teeth gritted together.

  “You’re going to bend over and take it like a good girl, Allison.”

  Her head snaps up as she shoots me a look of anger and confusion. She hates it when I call her Allison. It’s too formal for her, but I want her to be good and pissed before I do this. It’s the only way I can make the brat see the trouble she’s caused. I want her mind focused on me, not the lashes she’s about to receive.

  “No!” she cries out.

  Black mascara and eyeliner run down her cheeks, making her face take on a clown-like appearance. Most would think this is an ugly look for a woman with the black raccoon eyes, tear-stained cheeks, and swollen lips but
I think it’s beautiful. There’s nothing more beautiful than breaking a woman and owning her.

  Pushing her face into the mattress, she bends at the waist leaving her hips high in the air while she’s slumped forward. My cock begins to harden at the sight of her in this position but I remind myself that this has to be done. I have to punish her and bring her into my world one experience at a time.

  Her refusal to eat properly since her arrival has caused her to lose a bit of weight and her clothes hang off her, especially around her waist. One firm tug is all it takes to bare her creamy ass. My mouth salivates at the sight of it and my cock threatens to burst the zipper of my jeans.

  This is for her punishment, a small voice reminds me. But her punishment is my reward. As my mind battles between discipline and reward, I continue to carry out the task at hand—teaching Princess a lesson.

  Her long brown hair partially blocks some of her beautiful face, leaving only her puffy crimson cheeks to be seen as she sucks in clouds of invisible air and exhales them just as quickly as they enter her body. I want to see her face for this.

  Pulling her hair back, I expose her long slender neck and have a perfect profile view of her gorgeous face. Looking up at me out of the side of her eye, I see the glimmer is back in those pretty chocolate stars of hers. They’re dancing, watching my every movement.

  Bending her arm behind her back, I effectively pin her to the bed and use my weight to push her into the mattress so that I can lean down and whisper into her ear. I’m no doctor but it doesn’t take a genius to feel the uptick in her pulse. My fingertips are pressed firmly against the veins of her delicate wrists and I begin counting as she struggles.

  “Colton, get off of me!” Wiggling beneath me, I ignore her. “Colton!” Still counting, I listen to her as she begs. “Colton! What do you want? Huh? What do you want from me?”

  Her voice is urgent, yet filled with remorse for what she’s done. But she needs more than remorse for what she’s done. I continue counting a few seconds longer.

  “Please,” she whimpers between sobs. “I don’t know what you’ll do to me but please, Colton. I’ll do whatever you want. You don’t have to hurt me.”

  Eighty-five. That’s what her pulse is when I finish counting it. It could be, and should be, higher. She’s not scared enough which tells me the little liar is playing more games with me. I should be pissed that she’s not really scared and that this is all an act, but this is a game that we can both play.

  Chapter 2


  Whatever his plans are, I know I’m in over my head. It was foolish to think that he’d just let me make a dirty laundry list of my co-workers and be done with it. I’m the cause for all of this, so whatever happens from here on out, I have to have his back.

  Even if it means taking whatever punishments he dishes out. I’ve seen many sides of Colton, but I know there is more to him beneath his rough exterior. So I’ll let him show me himself in a way he knows best and in turn, I’ll show him who I really am because I’m more than the woman he knows, or thinks he knows anyway. I’m not a backstabbing journalist. I am compassionate. And though I’m terrified of him, I love him.

  I didn’t see it right away and I’m not exactly sure when it happened but I’d give anything for this man, even if it meant giving up my writing career. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’d move the mountains between Heaven and Earth for me, and I’d do the same for him. No questions asked.

  True, when I first met him, I was all about writing the story of a lifetime and that was selfish. I know that now. Colton means so much more to me than any story or any journalist writing career.

  And I know my pleas right now are falling on deaf ears, but I’m not making them for myself. I’m pleading for his benefit. I’ll admit, I was scared when I first walked in and seen all that he’s laid out, but now this is all for him. I’ll do whatever necessary to bring us closer together and to make things right.

  “You’re a liar,” he says, pushing himself off me.

  “What?” I ask, confused.

  “You are not afraid of me.”

  Scrambling onto all fours, I gasp as my mind races to catch up to what he’s talking about. “I-I’m not sure what,” he holds his hand up.

  “Stop with the charades, Ally.” His tone is clipped as he remains calm and collected. Even after holding me down while I struggled under his weight, he didn’t even break a sweat. “I know you’re playing a game.”

  “What game?” I ask, sitting up before him.

  “A pulse never lies, Ally.” His feet pad across the hardwood floor to the dresser where he picks up a flogger. “And it’s something that you can’t control.”

  I gulp. Hard. I’m not exactly sure what he’s talking about but I have a feeling he’s about to let me in on what I’m missing.

  “You see, nobody can control their pulse. You can try to speed it up or slow it down, but nothing will work.” He returns to the bed and stops before me. “Just like your act won’t work on me, Ally. I’ve been too easy with you and you’ve gotten away with a lot but this, this story, it’s too much.”

  “I know, Colton, and I’m so,”.

  “Damn it!” He yells. “Enough. You’re not sorry. If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have written it. Or maybe you would’ve told me that it existed, or maybe you would’ve asked for help to get rid of it but do you know what I think Allison?”

  My eyes grow wide with fear. I’m afraid to know what he thinks. I don’t want to know but I understand that he didn’t ask a rhetorical question and is waiting for me to respond. “What?” I ask sheepishly.

  “I think you were holding on to it in case things didn’t work out here so you’d have something to fall back on.”

  His words hurt me. I can’t say that I haven’t thought about the story that I wrote, but I can’t say that I’d thought about telling him that it was out there, either. I’m not sure why I never mentioned it or why I didn’t ask for help deleting it. I’d honestly put it out of my mind and forgotten about it. Maybe it was because I was afraid of what he would think or what he would do, but I know now that I’m about to find out.

  I was wrong about Colton. I thought he could be manipulated but he has the ability to see through things. Things and people.

  He has the ability to see through me.

  I’ve never thought that I was a bad person, not even when I was getting his story. When Kristin first planted the idea in my head, I said no but she had a point about what it could do for my career. And at the time, I was only thinking about my career. Yeah, it was selfish and ignorant but I just wanted to make my parents proud. I wanted to make my whole family proud.

  But now I want to make Colton proud. I want him to be happy about who he’s with, and I want to be that woman. I blink at his harsh words.

  “I never thought that, Colton. Not for one minute,” I answer him. Whether he believes me or not, I can’t say but it’s the truth. He’ll never believe that I’d just pushed everything to the back of my mind as I adjusted to our new living arrangement. It doesn’t matter either way because he’ll believe what he wants.

  “Pull your pants down,” he mutters. Still kneeling, I do as he says and begin to pushing my pants down my legs until he stops me.

  “Ah-ah-ah,” he waves his finger and shakes his head. “Panties too. All of it. Push all of it down to your knees.”

  Maintaining eye contact with him, I loop my fingers through the top of my panties and slide them down my thighs. Colton walks around to the other side of the bed and stops once he’s behind me. I swear I can feel his stare burning the pasty skin of my ass, but I don’t let it bother me. Instead, I continue looking straight ahead and focus on all of the items on the dresser until he pushes me forward and buries my head into the mattress.

  Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

  He delivers blow after blow to my powder-white ass. The leather strikes my skin like a match, heating up before lighting it on fire. I can feel the hotn
ess radiating from my skin as it no doubt turns from a pale creamy color to light pink before turning cherry red. With each passing second, I can feel myself becoming wetter.

  It’d probably piss him off to know that I like pain and that it turns me on. I couldn’t hide it from him if I wanted to. All he’d have to do is dip his finger between my legs and I’d be figured out.

  After a good, firm spanking, he finally stops and sucks in a deep breath as he takes in the sight of his handiwork. A low whistle ensues before he commands me to kneel on the bed again.

  “Not one noise?” he asks as he walks around to face me again. “You like it rough?”

  It’s not a question, it’s a statement. He’s learning more about me quite well. I choose not to answer him.

  “You want to give me the silent treatment? Is that what you want?”

  I raise an eyebrow as I return his gaze.

  “That’s okay, Princess. You don’t have to answer me. I’ll find out on my own.”

  Slowly, he unzips his pants and pushes his boxers down, allowing his cock to spring free from the material. He doesn’t even bother to unbutton his slacks or remove his belt. Instead, he lazily pulls it through the zipper area and pushes himself toward my face.

  “Suck my cock,” he commands.

  I stare up at him and our eyes lock. Raising my hand, I reach for his cock but he slaps my hand away. “No, you don’t get to touch me. Not while I’m angry with you.”


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