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Risky Love (Dark Romance) (The Risky Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Vivian Ward

  Ally’s smile couldn’t get any brighter than it already is. Those big brown chocolate stars are twinkling with happiness and it makes me feel good to see her face lit up like this.

  “Okay, okay,” he says, putting his hands up as though he’s surrendering. “Colton, I will say that when you have your mind set on something, there’s no changing it. As your attorney, I’m advising you that putting her in charge of an entire news outlet is a mistake but it’s your money, so I will protect you in every way I can. I will begin drawing up the business proposal this evening and send it over in the morning or afternoon.”

  “The morning,” I say. “It has to be done ASAP. We can’t wait around on this because I don’t want to lose this. The Gateway Times is worth one million as it stands right now. With some upgrades and several changes, it can be worth a lot more, so start with a million and see how they react.”

  “Thank you, Colton,” Ally says as she leans over and hugs me.

  “I’d do anything for you,” I kiss her cheek. When she sits back down in her seat, her eyes flutter down as though she wants me to look at something. Following her lead, I look down and watch her slowly spread her legs open. Damn it! She’s doing it again. She’s not wearing any panties under her dress and is exposing herself—in the middle of a business dinner. That naughty, naughty woman. I am going to spank her little ass when we get home tonight. It’s one thing to do it when it’s just the two of us on a date, but to do it with the family attorney present? That’s so hot and so wrong on so many different levels.

  After I’ve finished the breakfast that Linda cooked for me, I head in to the office to call Tyler. I don’t know what kind of stunt he tried pulling with my attorney but he’s going to find out exactly what I think about it. That took a lot of balls to do that. What if my attorney assumed that we’d worked out a deal and approved it, thinking I had full knowledge of it? I spent countless hours planning the perfect business for the perfect club and hunted for the right building. Once I had it all, I spent hundreds of hours on the job site as I watched my baby come alive.

  This was my first non-real estate business like Winston said. It was quite the journey for me, but it was well worth it. I will not tolerate someone trying to swoop in and steal it out from under me. There’s also the fact that Ally seemed like she might be interested in us using the club—together. I never thought she would say that in a million years but the thought of sharing her and watching her be pleasured excites and scares the hell out of me. I never would’ve allowed Melissa to do such a thing or entertain those thoughts but that was before the place existed.

  I’ve seen Ally in the club, wearing sexy outfits and watched numerous men flirt with her and hit on her. I know the men would love her, and a woman like Ally deserves all of the sexual satisfaction a woman can handle. There were plenty of nights when I left the club worked up, hard and horny, aching to fuck her. I’d gone home so many times and jacked off to the image of her fucking me in the club in front of everyone or pictured different members taking turns on her. Fuck, thinking about it right now makes me want to turn around to go back home and fuck her. But I’ve got a lot of work to do today and I want to get to the bottom of things so it’s best that I stay on course to find out what the hell Tyler is up to.

  I ride the elevator up to my office suite and am greeted by complete silence. My usual chaotic office is serene and peaceful when the others aren’t here. When I open my office door, filthy images of fucking Ally on my desk flood my mind. I remind myself that there will be plenty of time for that later as I set down my briefcase and log into the computer while I call Tyler’s cell phone.

  He doesn’t answer so I leave a message asking him to call me back. My phone doesn’t ring until after I’ve already brewed a pot of coffee and have started working for the day.

  “Tyler,” I answer the phone. “What have you been up to?”

  “I’m just getting out of bed. Why are you calling at such an early hour?” he asks, yawning in between words. I can almost picture him crawling out of bed getting ready for another day of deception down at the club.

  “Care to explain the stunt you pulled yesterday?” I ask, my tone clipped. We might have been friends for years but that doesn’t excuse his behavior.

  “Stunt? What are you talking about, Colton?”

  I’m really trying to keep it together but it’s not working well. “Cut the shit, Tyler. You know what you did. Explain yourself.”

  His gruff voice carries over the phone line, deep and agitated. “What in the hell are you talking about, Colton? I’d tell you whatever it is you want to know but I have to know what’s going on first.”

  “The business proposal, Tyler. Why’d you do it? Were you hoping he’d think we’d arranged something and put it through? I have to admit, that was pretty clever.”

  His voice strains and stutters for the right words before he finally articulates his words. “Are you crazy? What business proposal? Are you considering selling me the club?”

  I laugh. “No, that’s never going to happen. My attorney got your lowball offer yesterday. You must’ve been up all night putting that piece of shit together and couldn’t wait to fax it to him as early as he got it.”

  I hear him taking a drink before swallowing loudly into the phone. “Colton, what the fuck are you talking about? I haven’t faxed your lawyer anything. Do you know how crazy you sound right now? What time is it? Did you dream this up?”

  I sip my coffee and set my mug on my desk to prevent throwing it across the room. How dare he accuse me of dreaming this up. “My lawyer received a fax at 4 o’clock in the morning with your business proposal of $750,000. I know that you’re well aware of how much my company is worth so I took that as an insult. Even at dinner last night, my attorney couldn’t believe you’d offer such a low number.”

  “Woah, woah, woah!” he yells into the phone. “I did not fax anything to your lawyer and if I did, it wouldn’t be for $750,000. I also was in bed yesterday at four in the morning.” He sucks in a deep breath of air before slowly exhaling. “I wouldn’t do that to you, Colt. We’ve been friends for too long and I wouldn’t waste my time drafting something up without talking to you about it first.”

  I don’t believe him, especially after the rumors around the club about him buying the place from me as he tried to alienate me from the members. “Bullshit,” I tell him. “I’ve heard the talk around the club about you buying me out. What are you doing that for if you’d never do anything without talking to me first? You just like to get the members in an uproar so there’s a bunch of whisper?”

  “No,” he smacks his lips. His tone completely changes from annoyed and angry to frustrated. “I think I know what happened.”

  “Do you now?” I ask, sarcasm dripping from my question.

  “I think Brooke is behind all of this.” A heavy sigh escapes his chest. “She was the one telling club members that we were trying to buy out the club. I guess when she was talking about it, some of the members thought it was actually happening but I promise, I never said a word to anyone.”

  “Then what about the business proposal that my attorney received?” I press. I want to hear his answer for that.

  “Look, your guess is as good as mine but I bet she had something to do with it, too. Colton, I swear, we go back how many years? I’d never do you wrong. You should know this and the fact that you don’t is upsetting to me.”

  “Then tell me how it happened. Why would someone—who wasn’t you—fax a business proposal to my lawyer?”

  Silence ensues for several long, awkward seconds. “Let me talk to Brooke today. She didn’t come home last night because her mother is ill and in the hospital. Would it be all right if I come over for dinner this evening so we can get this dispute settled?”

  I think about it for a minute and imagine how Ally will react. “If you come, do not bring Brooke with you. She’s not welcome in our home anymore. Ally never wants to see her again.”

��That won’t be a problem. I’ll see you around 5:30.”

  Chapter 16


  “What do you mean he’s coming over for dinner?” I ask, angry that he didn’t consult with me first. “You know I don’t like that, that woman he’s with.”

  Even thinking about her setting foot in my house makes me see red. I can’t believe that he’d have the audacity to let her back into my home. I understand that he didn’t know she was coming the first time but today is a different story. I’m putting my foot down because I should never feel uncomfortable in my own house.

  “Babe, don’t worry. He’s not bringing her. I already talked to him and made sure that she’s not coming. It will just be him.”

  I’m surprised and relieved that he did that. “Oh,” I say feeling silly for going on my rant.”Okay, what time is he coming over?”

  “It sounds like he’s coming right after work. Can you let Linda know so she can prepare enough for dinner and have an extra spot ready at the table for him?” he asks.

  “Yep, I can do that,” I smile. I love it when he calls me during his lunch break. “Have you been busy today?” I ask him.

  “Always. I think I’m closing on a deal for a new development and I’ve got some contractors working out a deal on one of my dad’s original properties to upgrade the electrical and plumbing before we give the apartments a facelift. They really need it. How about you? What have you been working on all day?”

  “Oh a little of this and a little of that,” I giggle. “For the most part, I’ve been studying other news outlets—both their print and online stories—to see how they operate and do things but I also want to keep the paper familiar for the people. They’re used to a particular layout, you know?”

  “I’m sure you’ll work something out. You’re pretty creative when it comes to things like that. Have you heard anymore from your best friend?”

  I try to think who he’s talking about but I’m not sure because I haven’t been expecting any calls or emails. Other than work, I haven’t really had anything else on my mind. “No, why? Who are you talking about?”

  He laughs, “Darcy. I figured they’d still be trying to bribe you into giving them your USB drive.”

  “Oh,” I laugh. “Yeah, she’s so dumb but no, I haven’t heard from her. She’s probably busy on her knees under Greg’s desk. Those two make me sick.”

  I can’t imagine messing around with a married man. I don’t know how she sleeps at night. I’m not sure how he sleeps at night either, especially next to his poor, unsuspecting wife.

  “If you don’t hear from her today, I’m sure you will by tomorrow or the next day—at the latest,” he says.


  “Winston should be finishing up the business proposal to buy The Gateway Times. They should get it today but Greg might not find out until tomorrow depending when Winston faxes it over.”

  “Do you really think they’ll sell it to you?” I ask. I’m scared that they’ll turn the offer down. It’s no secret that a lot of work is going to have to go into this and if they reject Colton’s offer, he might not be willing to pay more if it’s too much of a risk. Of course, they could just deny the offer for any reason, especially if they have a contract or some deal worked out with the other company. They’re under no obligation to accept anything we present them with, no matter how reasonable or generous the offer is. And hopefully, if Greg finds out, he doesn’t try to interfere to prevent the sale from going through. If he does that, we’ll leak the photos that Colton’s PI was able to obtain of Greg’s affair when we met up for lunch the other day. Not only do we have audio proof that the two of them are in a romantic relationship but we also have pictures of them sitting together with her head on his shoulder and more pictures of them holding hands as they walk down the sidewalk when they’re going back to their cars. It wouldn’t be very wise for either of them to do anything we didn’t like.

  “No,” Colton says. “If they decline the offer—which they might, they might value themselves at higher than one mill if they’re comparing themselves to other media outlets— we just offer them a bit more. It’s no big deal. We’ve got this cat in the bag.”

  I think about what he’s saying but I’m scared they’ll ask more than they’re worth because they know that nobody in their right mind would pay that much. “What is the max you’re willing to pay for something like this,” I ask. I’m hopeful that he’ll say a pretty sizable number but I’m worried he’ll say not much more. I know they’re not with a lot but I also they could be worth more if things change, so they might hold out.

  “I’d pay up to $1.5 million, maybe a bit more. I guess it all just depended on how badly you wanted it.”

  If he weren’t all the way downtown, I’d give him a blow job right now for saying that. “I love you,” I say. “I guess I better get going so that I can ask Linda about dinner and get back to my research. I’ll talk to you later.”

  After we hang up, I make my way downstairs to take a break from the computer and find Linda going through her cleaning supplies as she hums. I wait patiently for her to stand up and notice me before I startle her.

  “Hello!” she says when she turns around and sees me. “I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  “I was trying to be quiet so that I didn’t bother you.”

  “Don’t be silly. Can I make you some tea?” she asks. I nod and then she busies herself making up a fresh pot of tea. “Would you like some lunch? I can heat up leftovers or make you something else if you’d like,” she offers.

  “No thanks,” I decline. “I wanted to come down to see if you could make dinner for one more tonight. Tyler is coming to dinner so we’ll need an extra place for him at the table as well as portions.”

  “Tyler’s coming?” she asks. “I haven’t seen him in ages. I actually won’t have to do much extra for tonight. Since you’ve insisted I eat dinner with you guys before I go, I’ve been buying extra food when I go shopping but I’m afraid I can’t stay tonight.”

  “Oh? How come?” I ask. I hate when she says she has to leave. I’m always afraid she’s making up an excuse to go so she doesn’t feel like she’s imposing because she’s always worried about that.

  “My sister isn’t feeling well so I told her I’d bring her some soup and pick up her medicine at the pharmacy. She has high blood pressure and a weak immune system. I’ve always told her it’s because her diet is filled with potato chips and candy, she never has any real meals.”

  I instantly pout as she’s telling me these things. Linda’s a very genuine, caring person. Her sister is very lucky to have her around. “That’s sad,” I say. “You’re a great sister, though.”

  My mind wanders to the guest house that’s behind the mansion. There’s no reason that Linda and her sister couldn’t or shouldn’t live there. I’m going to talk to Colton and have him offer it to Linda and her sister. It’s so sweet that she tries to take care of her the way she does and while I know either one of them could say no, I don’t see why they would.

  The two of us sit and talk while sipping tea until Colton walks through the door bearing the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.

  “What are you so happy about?” I ask as he kisses my cheek.

  Chapter 17


  “Great news! I just heard back from Mr. Winston,” I say as I place my briefcase and keys on the counter. “He said he sent over the business proposal, The Gateway Times denied the offer but they sent it back with a counter and you are now looking at the proud owner of the local St. Louis newspaper!”

  “Oh my God! That’s wonderful,” Ally jumps off the barstool and squeezes me tight.

  I pick her up and spin her around. She’s so happy and I’m happy for her. “I know! So now whatever your plan is for the paper, you better step it up. I’ve already hired an IT team to help jumpstart the process of getting the news online and they’re creating a phone app as we speak.”

  “I can’t believe
this is really happening!” she squeals. “Linda! I’m going to run The Gateway Times!”

  Watching her eyes light up is like parents watching their kids on Christmas morning. She’s so excited and full of energy. I’d pay ten billion if it meant making her this happy, but Ally’s always liked simple things. She’s not the type to wear flashy jewelry or expensive clothing. She loves wearing her department store brands, modest jewelry and light makeup.

  As the three of us talk about the news, I smell a roast cooking in the oven. “Linda, are you making what I think you’re making?”

  “Yes, I’m making your favorite: roast with potatoes. I’ve also got some freshly kneaded bread that I’ll be baking to go with it.”

  “You are perfect,” I kiss her on the forehead. “Did Ally tell you that we’re having company for dinner so you’ll need to set an extra place tonight?”

  “She did,” Linda nods. “But I told her that I won’t be dining here tonight so Tyler can have my seat at the table.”

  “Why?” I ask as she takes the dough out and begins kneading it on the counter, reshaping it so that it’s perfect when she puts it in the oven.

  “My sister,” she pauses as she sprinkles the dough with a bit more flour. “She’s sick. You know, she hasn’t been feeling well for a few days. I told her to relax and let me bring her some soup and medicine. It’s probably just a cold,” she shrugs. “Hopefully, I will be able to eat dinner here tomorrow.


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