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The Harvest: Taken

Page 12

by M. A. Church

  I figured that was probably as close as to an apology I was ever going to get. He wasn't sorry for what he did, but he respected my show of strength. This was his way of extending the proverbial olive branch. I wondered how many times in his life he'd made an overture of... whatever he wanted to call this. I felt sorry for him, which would probably make him want to kick my ass up somewhere around my shoulder blades. But I didn't pity him. I had an idea he wouldn't want me or anyone to pity his past lifestyle. So what did I want to do about him and this crazy, tentative offer of friendship?

  "I have a name, by the way. It's Dale. I think I like that better than 'white boy'."

  I stayed and talked to him for a while. I left when he started drifting off from the pain medication.

  Chapter Twelve

  We were three days out from Keyno's home world when we ran across a distress signal from a ship that was being attacked by space pirates in our vicinity. The situation was serious, for space pirates were nothing to joke about. The emergency signal sounded through the ship. Chad and I had stopped by to visit with John. Gibor contacted Chad—making sure we were still in Dosstkal—and told us to stay there, then commed Doc to warn him there'd be incoming wounded.

  "Who?" Doc demanded as we eavesdropped on the conversation.

  "You heard me!" Gibor snapped. "Wounded from a damaged Onfre ship. They were attacked by space pirates. A few simple pulse laser shots from us had the pirates retreating. I don't know which shocks me more—that someone attacked an Onfre ship and managed to disable it, or that Keyno offered assistance to the Onfre, and they accepted."

  "Is it wise to have our mates here, then?"

  "No time for them to leave. The Onfre are being transferred now. Keyno and I will escort them to Dosstkal. Lock the group of them behind a holding field if you have to."

  "Our mates, or the Onfre?" Doc hissed.

  "Funny. Keyno and I are at Freight Hold Two to meet them now. We'll bring them to Dosstkal shortly."

  I immediately remembered that name from my studies. The Onfre were the ones responsible for seeding the atmosphere of Tah'Nar and causing the problem that led to me being harvested in the first place.

  "By the gods, never thought I'd see the day we'd willingly help an Onfre warship," Doc snarled under his breath.

  Doc launched into action, getting ready for the wounded. The tension was thick. Tah'Narians and the Onfre had declared an uneasy truce after what happened many years ago. The truce mainly consisted of the two species avoiding each other as much as possible. This had the potential to be either the first civil interaction between the two species since the attacks had occurred—or it could end up in another war.

  "I hope the captain knows what he's doing," Doc mumbled. "This could backfire, placing the whole ship in danger."

  "Keyno may see this as a way to have peace between the two species," I replied. "It's time to put the past where it belongs—in the past."

  Ten minutes later, Keyno escorted the Onfre into Dosstkal.

  "Doc, this is Captain Ti of the Onfre star cruiser Beylord." Keyno turned to the other captain. "Captain Ti, this is Chief Medical Officer Tanlor Kere. Will you allow him to treat you?"

  Ti nodded his head slightly.

  After permission was given, Doc moved closer. Several of the Onfre stiffened, their hands playing over weapons when Doc touched Captain Ti. That, in turn, had Keyno's officers tensing, their long tails skidding across the floor and their ears lying back on their heads. One of the Onfre officers allowed a bit of fang to show and another narrowed those strange red eyes in warning. Tension coated the room. I caught myself shifting from foot-to-foot, my breathing picking up. All we needed was the right spark to ignite the situation into a fireball of aggression. Moving slowly so everyone in the room had a clear view of his hands, Doc examined the Onfre captain. Captain Ti had a long gash that ran from his temple to his jaw line, and the dressing he was holding against the cut was quickly turning green from his blood.

  Captain Ti was as tall and muscular as my mate, but there the similarities ended. His skin was the silvery-white of snow. It reminded me of the rare snowfalls we had at home. As Doc treated Captain Ti, the male's gaze canvassed the room, checking for threats and accessing any possible danger. Never once did he flinch from the pain he had to be feeling, nor did his breathing increase as he was treated. There was no emotion whatsoever, just an unrelenting gaze and the posture of a male... waiting. Waiting for what could happen next and ready to defend if needed. I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. I'd never seen anyone with eyes that were actually shaped like diamonds with red vertical pupils. Chad had a ball python he'd kept as a pet for two years until it escaped and fell asleep in his mom's underwear drawer, which led to some damn strange visions. So I tried rather desperately to think of something else.

  One look at the guy's fangs was enough to yank my mind around. Rear-facing and arched, they were wickedly pointed, sharp, and utterly mesmerizing. I noticed that his tongue was forked as it flicked out to taste the air. Could the Onfre beguile prey with their fangs, with the dance of tongue and teeth? The more I stared, the more getting close to him seemed like a good idea. Keyno put a stop to that by pulling me into his arms. I privately thought of the Onfre captain as a king cobra after that and wondered, with a small smirk, what kind of snake charmer could hypnotize such a creature.

  "Thank you for offering to help us. I must admit I was surprised that you offered assistance, considering the cargo you are carrying," Captain Ti commented as Doc cleaned the cut and prepared to stitch him up.

  "Would you like something for the pain?" Doc offered.

  Captain Ti refused. I noticed Colt staring at him, an eyebrow raised—whether because the Onfre captain had called us "cargo" or something else, I didn't know.

  "Those pirates are a menace to everyone," Keyno said, shrugging. "They would've killed your crew just so that they could salvage your ship."

  "Indeed," Captain Ti answered as an uneasy silence blanketed the room.

  I jumped into the lull, saying the first thing that popped into my head. "Would you like to come to our quarters and have a meal with us?"

  Silence greeted that remark as Keyno shot me a look, Doc froze, and Chad goggled at me. Even the security officers of both species looked at me in shocked amazement. What the hell? I offered him food, not my damn body.

  "This is my impulsive, headstrong mate, Dale." Keyno sighed deeply as he introduced me.

  "Ah." Captain Ti looked at me. "Tell me, Dale, do you know the history between our two peoples?"

  "Let's see. The Tah'Narians attacked you guys, and then you guys attacked them. Which, to make a long story short, ends with me standing here, now able to bear young. So yeah, I know the whole deal. The invitation still stands."

  Keyno pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling things that sounded like "Dammit, Dale," under his breath. Doc tried to pick his jaw off the floor. Chad eased over to me, shaking his head. John looked about as confused as I felt. Captain Ti had a slight smile on his face.

  "What?" I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned at Keyno.

  Captain Ti threw back his head and laughed loudly, his security officers grinning at Keyno. I heard a snort and looked back at Colt. He was shaking his head.

  "What, dammit? Did I say something funny?"

  A smile lifted the corners of Captain Ti's lips. "I would be honored to join you and your mate. Let me contact my ship and inform them I'll be having a meal with Captain Shou."

  "Call me Keyno. If you need help with repairs, I can send some of my crew," Keyno offered.

  "Again, I would be honored. And call me Ti," Ti replied. "I will make sure our leadership knows what has happened here today. Maybe there is a possibility of true peace, thanks to your impulsive mate. May I say that you are very lucky in your choice?"

  "Dale is... work," Keyno said, grinning at me.

  "I could say the same, my mate." I laughed.

  "And may I say that anything worth h
aving is worth working for? I hope to find such a challenging mate for myself one day." Ti's eyes were glued to the back of Dosstkal.

  Noticing the frequent looks, I figured what the hell. My luck seemed to be holding today, why not play at a little matchmaking? I saw the interest in Colt's eyes when Ti had first come in. This was someone I figured Colt could be paired with, someone as fearsome as he was. Any race that could destroy another race's ability to reproduce was badass.

  "Speaking of mates, why don't I introduce you to some of the 'cargo' that's on board?" I hoped my voice didn't betray the insult I felt at being called "cargo." No. I hoped it did.

  "I apologize, Dale, for my choice of words. I truly meant no offense to you. My species is partly responsible for your standing here."

  "It's just a sensitive subject for me." I led Ti to the back of Dosstkal. "Captain Ti, this is Colt, a potential mate."

  "Hola, Captain Ti," Colt said. "You the one that fucked up their world?"

  "My species, yes." Ti looked at Colt, tied to the bed.

  "So they fucked with you and then you fucked with them—hard, eh?" Colt gave Ti a once-over that would've had me squirming, but Ti just stood there and stared back at him. "I'm down with that, man."

  "Why are you restrained?" Ti asked.

  Keyno answered before Colt could open his mouth. "He and several others who followed him attempted to escape, and they attacked several of my crew. He also threatened Dale."

  "They think I'm dangerous." Colt's voice had a strange pride in it. "That's what's up with the bondage."

  Keyno crossed his arms over his chest. "You are dangerous, and I'm taking no chances with Dale this close—"

  "I won't hurt your mate," Colt's voice rasped softly. "You have my word."

  "Keyno." I grabbed his hand. "It's okay. He's different now, I think. He'll never be totally harmless, but he's not the threat he was before."

  "Have you been injected with Tah'Narian DNA yet?" Ti asked.

  "Yeah, papi, they did their freaky stuff to me," Colt said.

  I would've sworn that as they made eye contact, something passed between them.

  A hiss from the machine by the bed signaled that Colt had received another pain injection. He swallowed once and licked his full, lush lips as the medication swept through his bruised body. Even hurt and restrained, though, there was no hiding how built Colt was. I watched Ti take in the whole picture before his eyes returned to Colt's face.

  "Hmm, interesting." Ti eyed Colt, whose eyes were drifting closed again. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you. One that I hope to have again."

  I squeezed Keyno's hand, hoping he had noticed what I'd seen from the very beginning. Keyno snorted softly as he watched Ti stare at Colt, his interest obvious.

  "Shall we eat?" Keyno asked.

  Ti took one last look at Colt and then contacted his ship to relay his plans. The meal took place in our quarters, and went very well. Keyno and Ti found they had many things in common, including interest in the hast. They were close to the same age and liked some of the same foods. I served while they talked, and then joined them. They talked about the attack and how daring the pirates had become. Ti admitted he'd been caught off guard because the pirates had been hidden. By the time they were visible, the Onfre ship had taken several hits. One had been their Dosstkal.

  Finally, Ti brought up the subject I'd been waiting for—Colt.

  "This mate called Colt—do you think you'll find a Tah'Narian who will want him?" Ti asked.

  Keyno was helping me clear the table when Ti asked his question. With a quick look at me, Keyno sat back down and faced Ti. His tail twitched on the floor, a restless movement.

  "I am worried, to be honest. He is being counseled, but the attack will work against him. Most Tah'Narians want a more... complaisant mate, one who won't be as defiant as Colt is sure to be. At the very least, they don't want to have to worry about hiding all the gods-be-damned weapons in the house. He still insists on going by his gang handle, not his real name, even after multiple counseling sessions. I have my doubts whether Colt will ever fully submit to someone. He's too strong-willed and aggressive." Keyno looked at me. "There is a good possibility he'll end up being sold as a slave."

  "The hell he will, Keyno!" Outrage poured from me. "He can't help what he's been through. He should've never been harvested in the first place! You know how I feel about this, and—"

  "Dammit, Dale—"

  "Oh, no, don't you 'dammit, Dale' me."

  "I'm interested in buying him." Ti interrupted the fight that was fast getting out of hand between Keyno and me. "Stop the counseling. I want him how he is now: wild and unbroken."

  "What?" Both Keyno and I exclaimed at once.

  "You mean as a slave? Hell no, Colt is not going be sold as a slave!"

  "Dale," Keyno said quietly, the authority in his voice shutting me down completely. "Ti, what are you saying? I need to understand what you are asking for."

  "I want him as my mate, not a slave," Ti said. "And I know what he needs. I want him tied to my bed, screaming in pleasure while I fuck him over and over until he passes out. Then I want to wake him up and do him again while he begs for more. Is that clear enough?"

  I stood there with my mouth hanging open, staring in shock at Ti. He was pretty fucking clear about what he wanted, as far as I was concerned. I heard Keyno snicker as he slipped a finger under my chin and closed my mouth.

  "In that case, I'll talk to our king for permission for you to request a mate." Keyno grinned. "What a subspace message that'll be. Anyway, you'll go through the usual process all other Tah'Narians go through with our new mates, but we can do it here on my ship, not Tah'Nar. I'll stop the counseling. Get to know Colt; spend some time with him. He has to be in agreement with this arrangement, you understand?"

  "He'll agree," Ti replied, very sure of himself. "I can give him what he needs, and he knows that."

  "I'll make the necessary arrangements with King Duran."

  Later, Ti returned to his ship and our crew members returned to ours. Keyno debriefed them, and all reported that they'd been treated well. Keyno was pleased with how things turned out; he didn't even lecture me about inviting Ti to eat with us without his approval.

  "You never cease to surprise me." Keyno pulled me into the shower in our quarters and washed my hair. "I never know what is going to pop out of your mouth next."

  I grinned at him and, as he nudged me insistently, turned around. "Hey, you were the one who rode to the rescue. Inviting him to eat with us just seemed like the next logical step. And damn good thing I did, huh? Fuck, he surprised me about Colt."

  Keyno squirted more conditioner in his hands, caressing me. After he washed me, he removed another bottle and squirted lube into his hand. Steam rose around us as he gently eased that thick finger inside me and curled it around, searching for my prostate. I moaned quietly as he withdrew that finger only to add another. His hand on my shaft moved leisurely, twisting around my swollen head.

  "Ah, speaking of moving to the next logical step..." I wiggled my ass, trying to get him to hurry up. The smell of cloves surrounded us, driving me closer to orgasm.

  "Impatient, are you?" Keyno purred behind me. "Take what I give you, and wait until I say it's time."

  I groaned as he slid in me. "Please, Keyno."

  "Brace yourself against the wall."

  The gentle thrusts lasted until I relaxed enough for him to move faster. Grasping my hips, he leaned over my back and held me steady. Strands of his wet hair moved around to my chest to tease my hard nipples as he pounded me. Little nibbling bites traveled across my shoulders as he took me. Time stood still as we moved together.

  "Close..." I warned him.

  The hand stroking my shaft sped up, moving in time to his thrusts.

  "Come for me, now." As my orgasm crashed through me, I tightened on his cock, almost restricting his movements as he came inside me. His bellow echoed off the shower walls as his body locked us together.<
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  "It just gets better and better." I collapsed against him, trusting him to hold me up.

  "So perfect for me, so concerned for others... and such a brat." Keyno laughed as we sank down on the shower bench waiting for his barb to release. I was exhausted from the heat of the shower and the intensity of the sex.

  "Make that a tired brat." I smiled slightly. Finally his barb released and we finished our shower. "A tired, satisfied, and happy brat."

  "Are you really, Dale?" Keyno squatted down in front of me. "Happy, I mean. Your happiness means everything to me, but you never talk about us or..."

  I stared at him while he looked into my eyes, his sentence unfinished. "I love you, Keyno," I whispered. It felt right saying it now. "I'm happy being yours."

  Ever since he had given in on counseling those males who attacked me, I had known that I loved him. As my mate and a royal family member, Keyno would've been well within his rights to have Colt killed. If it had been left up to Keyno, Colt would be dead. The only reason that he was still breathing was because I'd asked Keyno to spare his life.

  "My chosen, I love you, Dale." Keyno surged up, bringing me with him. Wrapping his arms around me, he lifted me off my feet.

  I buried my face in his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Let's go bed, and you can show me again how much you love me."

  Chapter Thirteen

  We reached Tah'Nar shortly after the attack on Ti's space ship. We entered the thermosphere and docked at a space station.

  Parts of their world reminded me of a tropical rainforest. Most of the Tah'Narians had homes in the trees, but they also had dwellings in their major cities. Keyno had a six-seater mini-air shuttle he used for travel. It reminded me of our cars back on Earth, just more futuristic. Plus it flew.

  As we neared his home, he circled around so I could view it from the trees and see all the surrounding mountains and lakes. Keyno had a treetop home near a stream that ended in a waterfall. His home, which was nearly one hundred and thirty feet up, was built around the upper trunk of a tree, and had a porch. The roof was thatched and looked like it was part of the treetop. Keyno landed and parked the craft in a hanger on the ground, though parking for the aircraft was available at the side of the house, too.


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