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The Harvest: Taken

Page 15

by M. A. Church

  On our third day on Aploi, we went hiking and found a beautiful lake surrounded by stunning silvery blooms that bloomed from a wild plant with feathery leaves. The flowers were huge, maybe as large as my hand. Since they were an unknown life form, he wouldn't let me touch them. I desperately wanted to bring two back to the Botany Lab, though, so he made me go thirty yards away with a fully charged weapon in hand while he harvested them. Stubborn male.

  I was fully prepared for the blossoms to attack him, sting him, spray him, cover him in some kind of strange pollen or goo, make him grow horns or shrink down to the size of an ant, possibly even weep about his dad for an hour or so. Instead, nothing happened... nada, zip, zero. He brought me the two plants and I carefully sealed them in the specimen bags. Keyno wiped his hands on his shirt, and then absently rubbed one across his nose.

  I admit I should've been paying more attention. I did feel a little anxious as I sealed the bags up and readied them for transport. I was too busy getting the plants stowed and the stunner reset to a less lethal level, though, to really notice what my mate was doing, until well... I noticed the very loud purring. In the time it took me to treat, seal, and stow the two plants, Keyno took all of his clothing off and was writhing naked in the flowers, purring like... well, like a great big cat. He was fully aroused, and I'd never seen him so... playful. His pupils were huge; his eyes had nearly no color at all, they were fully dilated. He was obviously more inebriated than he'd ever been in my presence. And then I suddenly realized where I'd seen this behavior before.

  My sister Susan had a cat, and she once bought a toy that had a little pouch for catnip. She'd gone out, bought a small baggie of raw catnip, put a pinch in the toy, and we all laughed as her cat went wild playing with it. But Susan hadn't thought to put the baggie of catnip in a cabinet that Sir Charles, her cat, couldn't open. The next day, we all came in to see the baggie torn open, what was left of the raw catnip strewn across the floor, and Sir Charles writhing around on his back completely stoned.

  Kind of like my mate at the moment.

  I had to get Keyno out of those flowers. I stripped out of my clothes, carefully folding them up with my botany kit and the samples of what I was already thinking of as "Tah'Narian Catnip." I pulled the lube out of Keyno's travel bag, took my time applying a liberal amount to myself, and then slowly approached my purring mate.


  His ears pricked up. He rolled onto his side and, when he spotted me, his eyes narrowed to slits. He made these bizarre noises—a strange combination of yowls, growls, and purrs that, for some reason, made me unbelievably horny. I stayed well clear of the flowers. No way was I going to end up like him. If we both were affected, we might never get off this planet.

  He rolled onto his hands and knees, his tail flicking back and forth as his butt wiggled and twitched. He didn't look like Sir Charles playing, though. Keyno looked like a stalking lion or slinking jaguar. He followed my every move, and the thrill of not knowing when or how he was going to pounce was driving my arousal through the atmosphere.

  Already breathing fast and hard, I took two hesitant steps backward. Keyno tensed, his muscles flexing as they rippled and bulged, just as they had in the corridor during his dominance display when he'd hurt Colt.

  Oh, boy. He's gonna pound my ass.

  I spun, dashed—and the chase was on. At least I got his stoned butt out of those damned flowers.

  As I ran fast and full-out, as swiftly as I could—my feet pounding the ground, my eyes wide, my senses flaring—I knew that I'd never felt as alive as I did at that moment. I could hear Keyno behind me. I knew he was close, knew I was going to be caught, and couldn't wait.

  Lust made me run faster, but Keyno was a natural predator. All of a sudden, he just vanished. I whirled around, searching, but I couldn't see or hear him anywhere. I couldn't even smell the combined odor of those flowers and his bonding scent, and he'd been emitting that like crazy, earlier.

  I had run in an almost perfect circle, I saw. The lake and those damn flowers were about two hundred yards off in the distance. I was in a copse of small trees with leaves that resembled tremendous elephant ears. They flapped in the gentle breeze; the sound was distracting. Their branches were at such strange heights that I had to duck to move through them.

  I never saw him. Like a jaguar in the rain forest, Keyno had silently climbed one of those trees. He pounced on me from above, riding me down to the soft soil. His mouth covered mine and ate my laughing scream even as his hands roamed my entire body possessively. His kiss was hard, full of tongue and teeth. I was so excited I couldn't stand it.

  I expected him to just fuck me hard and fast, but he didn't. He scent-marked me first, rubbing his face against mine.

  "Dale... I need... Can I...? Tell me now if you're afraid."

  I grabbed his face, making him look at me. "I'm not afraid of you. Fuck me."

  Keyno grabbed me around the waist and hauled me up on all fours. He was being so dominant, his growls were so deep that I was shivering uncontrollably and mewling, little cries of, "Please, please!" coming out of my mouth. One finger, two, and then three worked me open, the burn fading quickly as my need rose.

  "Now, Keyno... do it now."

  Keyno stretched over me and I pressed back, seeking the cock that I wanted so badly, only to have him sink his teeth into the fleshy area between my neck and shoulder. I screamed at the sharp, unexpected pain, jack-knifing under him. Then pleasure shot through me. Gently he slid into me, all of him, all at once—God, God, it felt incredible. Trembling, he froze, waiting for me to signal for him to move. When I relaxed around him, I thrust back. One tentative stroke, and then came another. When I moaned in encouragement, Keyno released the reins he held on his passion. He relentlessly pounded into me from behind, the low, yowling growls never completely going away.

  He held me in place, his teeth buried in my flesh, as one hand stroked my cock and the other worked what I knew now was my surculas. My orgasm, when it came, nearly stole my consciousness. Over and over I screamed, my pleasure intense and raw, my body bucked under him as he used me for his own release. All I wanted was for him to keep on doing it, for it never to stop. His barb shot out and engaged, triggering another small glorious burst of pleasure. Keyno pressed tightly against me, expertly worrying his hand over my surculas, and this time the bliss of it did steal the world away.

  I awoke to find us back in the portable home, nude and clean, though it was dark outside. Keyno was quite embarrassed about the incident at first, but after he realized I was neither hurt nor upset, he got over it. We decided it was best not to return to the lake, though, and we kept the catnip samples far away from him until someone with medical knowledge of Tah'Narian physiology had a chance to test them.

  I spent my last day on Aploi gathering more plant samples, and convinced Keyno that we should sleep under the stars for our last night on the planet.

  "This reminds me of our home," I sighed as Keyno lit a fire. "It's so peaceful, so beautiful."

  "It's crossed my mind that I've yet to make love to you out of doors while actually cognizant of what I'm doing, chosen. I think this should be rectified quickly, don't you think?"

  "Oh, yeah," I said, nodding my head seriously. "Absolutely, my mate, this should be taken care of right away."

  We made love that night by the firelight, and I never felt more loved or more at peace in my life. The tender care he took left me breathless. The next morning we cleaned up, struck the portable home, and returned our camping site to its pristine condition before heading back to the cruiser. Keyno alerted his spaceship that we were heading back, and we lifted off.

  We barely cleared the stratosphere when space pirates appeared and attacked.

  "Buckle in, Dale!" Keyno shouted. "I'm sending out a distress call."

  "Why the hell are they attacking us? We don't have anything to salvage that's worth a damn!" I clutched the strap over my chest. "Do you think they know it's you? That you stopped
their attack on the Onfre warship?"

  "No idea, but get ready. We just lost our engines. We're going to crash land."

  "Jesus," I moaned.

  The landing was brutal, but the ship didn't break apart. As we crashed, throwing dirt everywhere, smoke filled the cabin. Something tore loose and slammed into my head, knocking me silly. Blood seeped into my eyes as I looked at Keyno slumped over the controls. I tried to unbuckle and reach him, but nothing worked right. Consciousness slowly faded away from me.

  I woke to Doc checking me. Surprisingly, Ti was standing next to the bed.

  "Dale, can you understand me?" Doc asked.

  "Yeah, Doc." I blinked up at him. "How are you here? Where the hell is here?"

  "You're at the palace in the Royal Physician's office. Ti answered Keyno's distress call and found you. He was on his way to Tah'Nar and contacted us when he received Keyno's distress call. He brought you back home with a Tah'Narian battle cruiser escort. You had some pretty bad bruises on your shoulders and chest and a nasty cut on your head. Everything has been treated, but you'll still be sore."

  "Where's Keyno?" Memories of smoke and pain, of being unable to reach Keyno, flooded back. "Doc? Where's Keyno? Is he all right?"

  Ti looked at Doc, and then moved in closer to me. "As Doc said, I answered the distress signal and found your ship. You were still strapped in, and Keyno was not there. We ran a scan on the planet, but his life signal didn't show up. We believe the pirates have Keyno."

  "What! They took him? Why would they take him? That makes no fucking sense!" I yelled. "Are they holding him for ransom?"

  "We don't know yet," Doc said.

  Suddenly, the door flew open and people flooded my room. King Duran entered with Gibor and Chad close behind him. If King Duran is here, it must be really bad.

  Chad hurried in and stood next to my bed. "I heard. Are you okay?"

  "I will be as soon as I get some damn answers."

  "No one has told you?"

  "Told me what? I swear to God, I'm about to start throwing things!"

  Ti and our king spoke quietly. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but the expression on Ti's face was furious. Doc slammed his fist down on a table, knocking bottles and instruments off a tray as Gibor stood by with his fists clenched.

  "Chad? What the hell are they talking about? Do you know what's happening? Tell me."

  "Ah..." Chad mumbled. "Well, see, there's this deal that came up. A-and... oh, boy, I shouldn't be the one... shit."

  Yar entered my room with a smirk on his face. I understood then why Chad was stumbling around in his explanation. What was he doing in my room? And how could I get him out? My blood ran cold as his eyes settled on me and stripped me bare.

  "No!" Doc yelled, drawing my attention away from Yar. "A petition can't be made on a claimed mate until death is proven."

  "What?" I whispered. "What did he just—"

  "If death has occurred, Your Highness, then Doc or I should claim Dale. We're both friends with him. Not this piece of slime." Gibor gestured angrily toward Yar.

  "Death..." I whispered as words flew around me. "No, he's not—"

  "I have the highest rank, and I am a royal family member. I should be the one to claim Dale as my mate." Yar moved closer to me, and I shrank back from him. "Besides, you both already have a mate, and I do not. I want him turned over to me now."

  "That's not for you to decide." Gibor took a step toward Yar. "Again, there's no proof—"

  "Stop!" I screamed, bringing the conversation to a halt. "I'm not a piece of meat to be fought over! Keyno's not dead. He was alive the last I saw him. I'm telling you that he's not dead."

  Silence met my outburst as everyone stared at me.

  "And let me make this completely clear: I would rather be mated to a snail than to Yar. I can't think of anyone who I'd be less interested in as a mate. I have a mate, one who I'm happy with."

  "You will be my mate one way or—" Yar growled at me, the threat clear in his eyes.

  "I agree with Dale." Jolak entered the room and moved over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. Good God, Jolak was involved in this, too? In his condition?

  Jolak looked at King Duran. "My mate, allow Captain Ti to investigate as he has requested. No one should claim Dale until we have proof of Captain Shou's fate. I ask that you allow him to stay with us in our home."

  King Duran spoke then. "Agreed. Dale is now under my protection until Captain Ti returns."

  "Please find him, Ti." Stunned that Ti would offer, my eyes darted to Yar. "He's not dead. I'd know. I don't know how, but I'd know. Help me, please. Something stinks about this whole deal."

  "You have my word that I won't stop until I find him." Ti turned and his eyes ran over Colt, who had appeared in the doorway, apparently attracted by all the noise. Keyno had told me before we left that Colt had been held at the Royal Physician's Office since disembarking. The majority of his physical injuries had been healed for a while, but, given Ti's interest in him and Colt's history with leading near-successful rebellions, it had been decided that keeping him isolated there was safer.

  Quickly, Ti turned to face our king. "May Colt accompany me on this mission, Sire? I assume Keyno told you of my interest in him? I was on my way here to see Colt. That's why I was so close when Keyno's distress signal came through."

  King Duran looked at Colt and then at Ti. "If you're sure this is what you want, and the mate Colt is agreeable, then yes. I'll deal with the paperwork later."

  "Good." Ti turned and walked over to my bed.

  "Ti, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked quietly. "He was first named by his gang for a strong, poisonous beverage, and the other meaning of his current name is handgun—a weapon."

  "Aren't you forgetting his name has another meaning, Dale?" Ti grinned, his fangs fully extended and exposed. "Doesn't 'colt' also refer to a young stallion that's in need of being ridden hard and broken by his master? I think we'll get along just fine."

  "Well, shit."

  Ti smirked at me and then looked at Colt. "I believe humans call the type of lifestyle I lead BDSM. Have you heard of this?"

  "You could say that."

  "No. Do not allude to an answer. Tell me yes or no."

  "Yeah, then, I have."

  "Are you interested in it?"

  For once, Colt's smirky attitude faltered. "I... was always the top. I... There was never no man that was bigger or badder than me in my mind so... I..."

  "Do you think you would submit to such a man?"

  "Never found one."

  Ti stepped closer. "Are you sure about that?"

  Colt stared at Ti a long time before answering. "Yeah, I think I am."

  "We'll discuss limits, safewords, and expectations in private, if you are agreeable."

  Something passed between them—some dark and sexual understanding that made Colt tremble for a moment. "Yeah, I'm agreeable." Then Colt slightly inclined his head in acknowledgment of whatever agreement they'd just reached. Ti motioned to Colt with a gesture and strode out of my room, his determination showing in every step he took.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Yar tried to stay with me, but his presence sent my vital signs scrambling. Doc used that as an excuse to kick him out.

  "Thank you." The machine next to my bed showed my stats slowly returning to normal once Yar had left.

  "Anything that interrupts the healing process isn't good for you. Stress is among such things." Doc shrugged, his irritation slipping through the professional mask. "No one but us has to know just how much I enjoyed throwing Yar out. I really do not like that male."

  John sat at the end of my bed, grinning at his mate. "Good."

  I shivered and pulled the blanket up higher. "The night King Duran had that celebration, Yar kept staring at me. I told Keyno, but he said there was nothing he could do."

  Doc frowned at me. "I didn't know this. Unfortunately, he was correct, Dale. Yar hadn't broken any rules. But never mind hi
m. You have the king's protection, so he can't claim you. You have to believe that Ti will find Keyno."

  I refused to believe Keyno was dead. Tears flooded my eyes. I wanted my mate, dammit. I wanted his arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I didn't want to be here; I wanted to be home. It took me a few seconds to realize that I meant Keyno's house, not Earth. When had Earth stopped being home? What was there left for me now, especially if... if... no. He was not dead, dammit.

  "What's going to happen to me?" Wrapping my arms around myself, I huddled in bed.

  Chad sat next to me and offered me something to dry my eyes with. He held me close while I cried. "Hey now, you can't give up. You have to hold on and believe Keyno will be rescued. Jolak offered you protection until Keyno returns. Jesus, Dale, you have Ti and Colt out there looking, along with another starship. King Duran sent a damn starship to hunt the pirates. That's his nephew they messed with, you know what I'm saying? Come on, now, stop with the tears, please."

  John patted my leg. "Let him cry, Chad. He needs the release. Better to get it out than hold it inside."

  "I just... God. Things were going so good, and then this happens. I'm scared. Yar scares me. The look in his eyes makes me shudder. I don't want another mate, I want Keyno. I don't want to be here unless I'm with him."

  "Do you think he's still alive? Do you feel that?" John leaned closer.

  Sniffing, I wiped my nose. "Absolutely."

  "Then hold on to that. I refuse to believe that fate or karma or whatever you want to call it put you through all this just to take Keyno away from you now."

  "You wouldn't think so, right?" I lay back on the bed. "Thanks, guys."

  "Try to rest, Dale. I'm going to turn the lights down in this section for you." John stood up and left.

  "He's right." Chad held my hand as he stared in my eyes. "You have to believe. Besides, like I said, you have Ti and that gangbanger dude looking, too. Those guys make my hair stand on end. They are both utterly ruthless. If I were a space pirate, I'd give Keyno up and run like hell. If anyone can find Keyno, they can."


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