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Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories

Page 26

by Nadia Nightside

  At Maryse’s command, they both masturbated furiously. Bryce had a head start on Lauren, and came in almost no time, quickly forming a small puddle on the ground. His cock—that beautiful big cock that Lauren had fantasized about for so very long—was completely exposed and covered in glistening cum. And Lauren didn’t care—she barely even looked over (truthfully only noticing it to ensure that Bryce followed orders along with her). All the rest of her attention was on Maryse, her shiny hair, her beautiful elongated torso, her angelic face...and fingering her eager cunt all the while.

  “Believe it or not,” said Maryse, stroking Lauren’s face, “I like you. A lot. I think you’re lovely and intelligent. And a queen like me needs quite a few qualified servants. How about it? Would you like to be my designated pussy-licker?”

  “Oh, oh yes!” Lauren whimpered, fully submitting to the idea. “Yes, Mistress! Yes, my Queen! Please!”


  “ a good boy and fuck our new servant while she pleases me. I deserve her pleasure while she pleasures me.”

  Caleb slipped out of Deborah, who wailed with delirious bliss, her body convulsing still in orgasms. She crawled after him, calling out praises to his perfection.

  “Yes, my Queen,” said Caleb, his voice deep and booming.

  Caleb slipped up behind Lauren at Maryse’s order, and entered inside of the buxom, curvy brunette once more. Right away, just as before, Lauren came—his enormous bare werewolf cock sending tidal waves of pleasure through her voluptuous form. Her big tits mashed down on the floor—and still, the thing most prominent on her mind was licking Maryse's pussy.

  God, no one was using any protection. They could all...they could all just get so fucking pregnant and somehow that made everything so much hotter.

  Maryse wrapped her legs around Lauren's face as Caleb relentlessly fucked the brunette from behind. Every hard stroke that he delivered only made Lauren lick harder, her entire being dedicated to licking and loving Maryse's beautiful, beautiful pussy.

  “Oh, yes, darling!” Maryse moaned. “Yes, that's so good! That's so good!”

  Lauren's heart swelled with the praise, and she redoubled her efforts, so desperate to make her Mistress cum.

  “Yes, oh yes!” Maryse cried, the pleasure really getting to her. “You're going to make me...I'm going to...oh yes, pet...I'm going to...”

  Encouraged by the blond goddess's words, Lauren felt another orgasm of her own building—and could feel as well the werewolf balls of Caleb tightening, ready to fill Lauren up with his potent cum.

  “Yes!” Maryse shouted in triumphant orgasm. “Yes, oh god, yes!”

  Her bliss set off a chain reaction—Lauren exploded in pleasure, knowing her Mistress was pleased; Bryce unloaded his cock again, spraying Lauren's face and Maryse's fertile belly; Caleb unleashed inside of Lauren's sweet, hot cunt, filling her with his magically virile goo once more; and Deborah hadn't stopped cumming.

  Before very long, they had all found their way into each other's arms, holding one another tightly. And once more, as before, Caleb began to melt down into his human form.

  After several moments of riding the bliss, some sanity returned to Lauren’s mind.

  Did she truly love Maryse? She had no idea. She certainly was taken in with her—and while aroused, there was no telling what Lauren would think anymore.

  Perhaps Lauren had some immunity to magic, but her arousal certainly seemed to make her more and more vulnerable to naughty, immoral thoughts by the second. Already, just looking at Maryse’s sleek, tanned, toned body, she ached with the desire to slide forward and start to lap at her hot cunt...

  Even if Lauren could make it to the Summer Solstice Festival with her mind intact, how would she ever convince Maryse to let them reverse the magic that had taken over their lives?

  Would she even want to?

  # # #

  House Of The Shifter

  It was early in the day—just a week after the whole affair at Camp Sunshine Springs—and the new reign of King Caleb and Queen Maryse was in full swing. After several days of enjoying the bodies of one another, and also of their submissive servants Lauren, Bryce, and Deborah, the King and Queen (as Maryse insisted they be called) were adding a new member to their royal court—the Huntress, Aksana, who had only come to town to presumably kill Caleb.

  Lauren watched—in the living room of Deborah Sanderson's house, which had become a veritable castle of lust—as Caleb mounted Aksana for the third or fourth time, plowing into her willing, happy, fertile body like he owned it—which probably Aksana would now insist he did. They were on top of a pile of soft, brown leather pillows. Caleb was in his werewolf form, and so his every feature was made larger and more muscular, the normally wiry young man turned into a musclebound, hairy, fanged stud with a twelve inch cock.

  Lauren lounged in a recliner chair across from the display, one foot splayed over the armrest, touching her breasts and pussy with advanced interest, noting each muscle twitch in Caleb's heavily muscled back. Also in the circle were slender, redheaded Deborah and the studly Bryce—touching their own bodies rather more vigorously than Lauren. That was only to be expected—they were both magically entranced to obey enthusiastically, and Lauren did so of her own volition.

  Everyone, at this point, was quite familiar with everyone else's body. Lauren, who had once felt some shame at her outrageously developed curves and substantial bust, was feeling more comfortable with her body than ever. When Caleb was transformed into his werewolf form, she seemed better suited to taking his cock than anyone else—even Maryse (though Lauren would hardly say that out loud in this company).

  So, relaxing in the recliner, Lauren wore nothing but sexy black heels and a slender red silk robe over her delicious body—and felt as comfortable as she ever had been.

  Another round of earsplitting screams of pleasure burst out from Aksana as Caleb drove her to orgasm yet again. Their wet, sweaty bodies shuffled and slid through the thick leather pillows. Aksana's hair, short and dark, had a shock of pink to it that Caleb seemed to have a lot of fun pulling and kissing.

  Aksana had been called to the house by Maryse, using some magical totem that Aksana had given the gorgeous eighteen year-old blonde.

  There had been no pretense to the meeting. One second, Aksana had arrived, looking for Maryse and trying to talk. The next second, Caleb had pushed her down to the ground and began his domination, with Maryse's unstoppable beauty supplementing his efforts.

  Caleb was a werewolf—and unique to his kind, he could make any woman he bit as a wolf into his loveslave. Maryse had been enchanted with powerful magic, giving her nigh-irresistible beauty and charm—to add on to her already quite-considerable natural beauty and charm.

  Between the two of them, there was no one who could resist submission.

  Even Lauren—who was somehow immune to the powers of both Maryse and Caleb—was such a natural submissive that she couldn't help but be turned on by the total destruction of Aksana's will. It was wrong, she knew, but her pussy wouldn't stop telling her how right it all felt.

  Her own submissive streak was a rather new development...but one that she was learning to enjoy greatly. If this was her reality, now—and what a reality it was!—then she saw no reason not to just give in and let it all happen.

  The gorgeous, young Maryse, her deliciously toned body clad only in a sheer, light pink-colored robe, stroked Aksana's pale yearning face, cooing and encouraging.

  “Worship your new King,” Maryse said, her glamour at full power. “Worship and obey.”

  Orgasms rolling through her tight, athletic body as Caleb continued to push his enormous bare cock inside of her, Aksana nodded fervently.

  “Worship and obey,” she moaned, her Eastern European accent heavy and hot.

  Lauren felt rather certain Aksana’s loyalties were nicely rearranged, now.

  The thought turned her on—completely rearranging a person’s thoughts like that. It all turned he
r on, in fact. All of this incredible domination she bore witness to. Any dirty, nasty though turned her on, no matter how foul or cruel.

  For example, the wonderful young man she was certain she was in love with—Bryce—was a complete sexual servant for the blonde angel Maryse. No more than a week ago, Caleb, in his werewolf form, had bitten Bryce, and in doing so made him a werewolf as well. Of course, without a full moon to instigate the change, Bryce hadn't changed quite yet. Now, entranced in the living room, he stroked his cock, calling out Maryse's name every few seconds, orgasms dripping out from his cock in a seemingly continuous stream of pleasure.

  And that turned Lauren on. He would only fuck Lauren if commanded to by Maryse or Caleb—which had happened a number of times now—and that turned Lauren on.

  Certainly, Lauren wanted Bryce to have his free will back. But at the same time, knowing that all she had to do to suck him off was to sweetly ask her Mistress Maryse for permission...that turned her on.

  It was all wrong, and filthy, and dirty, and Lauren found it harder and harder every day to care when she could have a stomach full of her young stud lover’s entranced cum whenever she wanted.

  Besides—she had to make the best of the situation. It wasn’t like she knew how to give Bryce his will back. She wasn't magic like Caleb or Felicia, Caleb's hot witch stepsister.

  And Bryce did want Lauren—she could see it in his eyes how he wanted her. It was just he now, after being enslaved by Maryse, wanted Maryse more.

  Lauren continued to watch, her pussy positively dripping with lust, as Caleb—in werewolf form—drilled the Huntress Aksana from behind and made out passionately with Maryse.

  The relationship between Maryse and Caleb was certainly an odd one. The same enchantment that gave Maryse her immense charm and glamour also made her immune to Caleb's enslaving effects. So, Maryse was dominant of Caleb, even a bit condescending...but only while he was a human. In wolf form, he took over—and did he ever. Wolf-Caleb had no qualms whatsoever about slapping and choking Maryse while he fucked her, or ordering her with grunts and growls to hold down other newly-made slaves for him to do the same to them as well.

  Lauren knew from experience.

  Maryse didn't seem to mind—and in fact seemed openly turned on by the one creature who could still own her, despite all her new-found power and beauty.

  Struggling a bit with her desire to keep touching her pussy, Lauren slid upward from the recliner. She had entered the “throne room,” or more appropriately, the living room of Deborah's house, to discuss something of great importance with Maryse, originally. That had been about an hour ago, shortly after Aksana's capture. Deborah and her brother, Danny, had given the house up to Maryse happily. When their parents returned, they had done the same thing.

  It was, in many respects, Lauren’s fault that Aksana had been taken at all. Maryse had mentioned meeting the huntress—and mentioned her warning about Caleb’s condition and her threat to kill him. Lauren had insisted—as best she could in her subservient position—that they bring Aksana into their fold. Better an educated ally than an educated foe, after all. And between Caleb’s cock and Maryse’s charm, they could make allies out of most anyone.

  Now was the opportunity to speak to Maryse, though. Caleb had collapsed on top of Aksana, filling her up once more with his hot shifter cum, and Maryse had started to roll away, admiring her reflection in one of the many nearby mirrors.

  “Ma—” Lauren stopped herself. She almost said the wrong thing. “Mistress?”

  Maryse turned to her, smiling broadly. God, it was so wonderful to see this creature smile. Lauren almost had to use “creature” to describe her; she was beyond human, beyond mortal, beyond anything known. Seeing her beauty in action was always surprising and sudden, like watching a perfectly capture photograph come to life.

  “Yes, darling?” Maryse asked, golden hair shimmering. “What is it?”

  “It’s just...I have some concerns that I w-wanted...I hoped to talk to you about.”

  “This again?”

  Lauren had tried to communicate her worried to Maryse already, of course, without much success. Invariably, Maryse would get distracted by the need to suck Caleb’s cock, or to have her pussy licked by Deborah, or to have Lauren finger herself while watching Maryse check her make-up in the mirror...all of which Lauren was only too happy to comply to (especially the last one).

  Maryse was well aware that Lauren was there, more or less, by choice. Two days earlier, she had asked Lauren about it—and Lauren had told her the truth.

  Lauren didn’t think she was affected by Caleb's enslaving powers or Maryse's enchanting powers as much as the other people seemed to be, but she was still perfectly happy being on her knees before Maryse.

  It just felt natural. So right. She had loathed Maryse for so long when they were in high school, but so much of that now seemed silly in relationship to just how much the blonde goddess turned her on. All Lauren wanted to do was write poetry about her Mistress and ensure that Maryse got every last little thing she wanted.

  A vacation house on the top of a mountain? Yes! New slaves to adore her? Okay! An outfit for every hour of the day? Wonderful! The ruling power of a hundred nations? Super!

  It was like all of that time Lauren spent hating Maryse was just practice for having Maryse on her mind all the time.

  “It’s just...I don’t get it,” Lauren said. “All this magic.”

  She could see Maryse very obviously struggling to not roll her eyes.

  “As I said already...this again?”

  “Just listen, please? I mean—Caleb’s something they’ve never heard of before, great. Super. Then I am too—okay, that’s weird, but I’ll accept it. Then, Caleb bites Bryce as a werewolf, but nobody else? Getting weirder. Two werewolves to deal with now. And more than any of that, now, you’re super magic queen with almost no effort at all? Mistress, I only want to obey and give you pleasure,’ve got to admit this is a little...convenient.”

  “Are you suggesting I don’t deserve to live in perfection?”

  Lauren gulped. “N-no, Mistress! Not at all!”

  “Good. My status now is my destiny. This is no more than I deserve. It is less, actually.” Maryse sighed, tweaking one perfect, strawberry-sized nipple. Her breasts were even bigger and more buoyant than Lauren's, now. “I rather tire of this line of questioning. I don’t like being interrogated.”

  “Of course, Mistress. I am only...concerned about our safety, and our future—”

  “That is enough, slave.”

  Lauren nodded meekly. It was so, so fucking hard to fight Maryse when all Lauren wanted to do for the rest of her life was curl up before her feet and be her perfect little sex kitten, lapping at her pussy.

  There was a great moaning on the other end of the room—Caleb had rolled off of Aksana, reverting back to human form. They trembled in one another’s arms.

  “Oh, look at that. Caleb’s finished up with the huntress. Be a dear and show her to her room? She’ll likely be very tired.”

  Lauren nodded meekly, setting about following her Mistress’s orders. Aksana was light—her form slender and toned.

  The house had mostly been redecorated to Maryse's liking—all pictures of Deborah's family put away, new flashy curtains and thicker carpets installed. She had worked fast, and hadn't had to pay a dime for any of it. All Maryse did was smile at the decorators and installers, and they were happy to give her anything for free.

  “Maryse...” Aksana moaned as Lauren dragged her naked, sweat-covered body along. “Oh, Maryse....and My King...”

  This was normal for new slaves. They had taken over three more in the last few days, all close friends of Maryse, all from the beautiful social elite of Summerville. Those beauties were in their own room, now, resting up from their intense marking sessions with Caleb and the blonde goddess.

  At the end of a hallway adjacent to the upstairs game room was Aksana's room. Lauren slumped Aksan
a against the wall for a moment to open the door and set the lovely Aksana inside on the bed.

  The room was small and dark. Lauren turned on a nearby desk light. It had been a guest room, once—pictures of flowers and kittens on the walls.

  Lauren had, with much difficulty, convinced Maryse that it would probably be best to attend the Summer Solstice festival and the ceremony that the witch, Felicia, had proposed several days ago, right after the incident at Camp Sunshine Springs.

  At the very least, Maryse would admit that she didn’t like the outlying factor of Bryce’s currently-dormant lycanthropy, especially after Lauren's persistent questioning—Would he be tame if he transformed? Would he become wild and hurt someone? Hurt himself? Too much of a risk. Better to use the ceremony to take care of it.

  Maryse’s opinion on curing Caleb’s condition was still in the air. Her oft-encouraged vanity had led her to believe that there was only the insistence that Caleb would die if he transformed because he was so powerful—what better way, after all, to convince someone not to do something?

  But the information that his life was at risk came from Felicia...and certainly Felicia didn’t have any reason to lie about that, right? She was Caleb's stepsister, after all.

  As far as Maryse’s own condition—enslaving and enchanting everyone she came across—the blonde goddess was adamant, however. There would be no change. She was having the time of her life, finally treated with all the deference she knew she deserved.

  Doubt filled Lauren, even at the substantial thrill Maryse's vanity gave her. She had no idea if Aksana’s deliriousness would cease before the Summer Solstice festival tomorrow. And something about that whole ceremony that stunk to her. She just didn't know what, or why.

  If only Lauren could have someone to help her...Aksana must know so much. She was trained in the ways of the supernatural, after all! She would have lots of information.

  The huntress squirmed on the bed, calling out for her king and queen.

  Placing her hands on Aksana’s forehead and naked chest, gently trying to calm her, Lauren sighed. She just needed Aksana’s mind to be free from Maryse, free from Caleb...she just needed her mind to be clear, she needed for Aksana to have her will back.


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