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The Way to Yesterday

Page 17

by Sharon Sala

  Reese put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, wishing there was something he could say that would help, but there was not.

  Then Daniel looked up, unashamed of the tears blurring his vision.

  “Find her, Reese. Please.”

  “I’m doing my best, Daniel.”

  Daniel’s mouth twisted into something between a grimace and a smile.

  “Last night…in my dream…”

  “Yeah, what about it?” Reese asked.

  “Mary called the man Howard Lee.”

  Reese’s eyes widened. “Hell. You dreamed that, too?”

  Daniel shrugged. “I didn’t dream it. It’s what she said. Howard Lee.”

  “Yeah, right,” Reese said, then he added. “There’s one other thing Carol Shane said that should help us eliminate some more names on the DMV list.”

  “What’s that?” Daniel asked.

  “If he shops in that supermarket regularly, then he must live in the general area. We’ll keep that in mind when we’re going through the list.”

  Bobby Joe Killian walked into the room. Daniel knew about his bad-boy image, but he didn’t care. He was also relentless.

  “Let us help,” Daniel begged.

  Reese frowned. “No. Absolutely not. This is a police matter.”

  “Fine,” Daniel said. “Just know that we’re going to be looking anyway, whether you like it or not.”

  “Damn it, Daniel, you’re making my job harder.”

  “Then don’t shut me out,” Daniel said. “Bobby Joe is a licensed private investigator. He’s already got the same list from the DMV that you have. We can either work together and maybe find Mary and those girls before it’s too late, or you can keep stalling me and make everything take twice as long.”

  “He’s right, you know,” Bobby Joe said.

  Reese turned. “You’re back already? Surely you weren’t gone long enough to get her phone number and address?”

  “Already been there, done that,” he said. “So are you going to let us help or do we go maverick on you?”

  “I should lock you both up,” Reese said.

  “No, let’s find the bastard and lock him up, instead,” Bobby Joe said.

  Reese threw his hands up in disgust.

  “Okay, fine,” Reese said. “We’ll divide up the list. If you find someone suspicious, you call it in. You don’t play cowboy and go after him on your own.”

  Daniel shook his head. “No deal. If we find him, we’ll call it in, but if he has Mary, he’s mine.”

  Howard Lee’s phone began to ring just as he was putting bacon in the frying pan. He looked at the caller ID as he wiped his hands and then frowned. Savannah Memorial. Someone from work was calling him. This wasn’t good. Not once in his entire time with the hospital had anyone ever called before.

  He let the phone ring as he went back to breakfast. Time was precious. If he did what instinct told him to do, he’d already be gone. But the girls had been sick and he’d been afraid to yank them out of their beds without rest and food.

  He turned the fire down under the skillet and then took some eggs from the fridge and began breaking them into a bowl. Normally, he would have served the girls cereal, but there was no telling how long it would be before he could take a chance and stop to feed them. They needed a good, solid meal before the journey began.

  As he popped bread into the toaster, he thought of Sophie and frowned. If she’d been a good wife, she would be the one making breakfast. But he couldn’t trust her. Instead, he had to keep her shut up with the girls.

  He turned the bacon and then took glasses from the cabinet and filled them with milk. He started to put sedatives in the milk so that the girls would be complacent on the trip, and then realized that Sophie probably wouldn’t let them drink it. She’d obviously tossed their drinks the night before. He discarded the thought, reminding himself that he could easily give it to them later in a soft drink before they left.

  As for Sophie, he didn’t know exactly what he was going to do with her, but he damned sure wasn’t taking her along.

  A short while later he started down the stairs with their food on a tray, taking care not to spill as he maneuvered the narrow opening. As he got to the bottom step, he saw the beds were empty. He started to frown and then noticed the bathroom door was shut.

  “Breakfast,” he called out.

  The bathroom door opened almost instantly and Mary looked out.

  “We’ll be there in a minute.”

  He set the food down on the table and then started toward the bathroom.

  “Is there a problem?” he asked.

  “No. The girls are getting out of the tub. They’re just not dressed yet.”

  “I can help,” he said, and started to push the door wider when Mary put a hand in the middle of his chest and pushed him backward.

  “You don’t touch these girls again,” she said. “God only knows what you’ve already done to them.”

  Howard Lee paled. The idea that he would be improper with his daughters was appalling.

  “I’ve done nothing wrong!” he cried, and then yanked Mary out of the doorway, shaking her roughly as he shouted in her face. “You’re evil for even thinking such a thing.”

  Mary flinched. His features had twisted into an angry grimace and the grip he had on her arms was beginning to hurt, but couldn’t let him see her fear. She tore out of his grasp and then put herself between him and bathroom, where the girls were still dressing.

  “You’re the one who’s evil,” she snapped. “How can you stand there and tell me you’ve done nothing wrong? You stole these children! You locked them up in this…this…dungeon, and then you drugged them senseless. My God! Have you no shame? Have you no conscience? Don’t you care that they weep for their parents? They’re not your daughters, they’re your captives…just like I am.”

  Howard Lee was livid. He didn’t want to hear this. He wouldn’t listen to the lies anymore.

  “You’re wrong!” he shouted. “They’re mine. But you can quit worrying about yourself. I don’t want you around them anymore. We’re leaving…but you’re not. Do you hear me, woman?” Then he pointed to the table. “Get the children out here and make sure they eat a proper meal. And please see that they drink their milk. I did not put any medicine in it, although when I come back, I will have to administer another shot of antibiotic to each of them.”

  “I don’t want no shot.”

  They both turned. Justine was standing in the doorway, holding Amy Anne’s hand. “Neither does Amy Anne.”

  Howard Lee’s mood darkened even more. He did not like dissension.

  “Shut up! All of you!” he yelled. “I’ve got things to do and clothes to pack. Sit down and eat your food. I’ll be back in a while to help you pack your things. Then we’re going on a trip.”

  “I don’t want to go on a trip, either,” Justine said. “I want to stay with Mary.”

  Mary moved to the children and then pulled them close. It angered Howard Lee to see how they clung to her.

  “Do as I say!” he ordered, and then stalked back up the stairs, slamming the door shut with a ferocious thud.

  “He’s good and mad,” Justine said.

  Mary shuddered. “Yes, he is,” she said, and then made herself smile. “Come on girls, lets eat some breakfast. We’ve got to keep our strength up. And while we eat, we need to make a plan. Okay?”

  They nodded and then followed her to the table. It did Mary good to see both girls tuck into the food. While she wasn’t so sure about their future, hers looked even worse. If he didn’t plan to take her with him, then what? Would he just leave her locked up in here, or would he kill her?

  She took a bite of the toast and then helped the girls spread jelly on theirs. Justine dug into the food with the exuberance of youth, confident that with Mary as their ally, she would make everything all right. Amy Anne was more hesitant, but with Mary’s help, ate her food, too. Mary was glad that they believed in her. It would
make things easier, but she wished she had as much confidence in herself. Dear God, she wanted to go home.

  Daniel stood against the car with his arms crossed, waiting for Bobby Joe to finish talking to the woman across the street. She was the eighth person on the list that they’d talked to since they’d left the precinct and so far, no luck. He took his cell phone out of his pocket and called his parents. He needed to hear Hope’s voice and to reassure her that everything was all right. So far, she had no idea her mother was missing and he wanted to keep it that way. A few seconds later, his mother answered.

  “Mom, it’s me. How’s Hope?”

  “She’s fine. She’s having a ball and knows nothing about what’s going on.”

  Daniel looked down at the toe of his boot, concentrating on the scuff marks to keep from losing his mind.

  “Good. Is she with Dad?”

  “Yes, they went to the park.”

  Unconsciously, his shoulders slumped. He’d wanted to talk to her, but it was probably better that he didn’t. It was getting harder and harder to hide his emotions.


  “Do you have any news?” Phyllis asked.

  “Well, we know that the same guy who snatched Mary is probably the man who took the two little girls who are missing.”

  “My God!” Phyllis gasped. “Are they…do you know if—”

  “We’re pretty sure they’re alive because he was caught on tape stealing some antibiotics from the hospital. The doctors said it was stuff normally given to children. One of the medicines he stole is a substitute for people who are allergic to penicillin and one of the little girls who is missing is allergic to it. A lot of this is circumstantial guesswork, but it’s pretty close to the mark.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Phyllis said.

  “So am I, Mom. So am I.” Then his voice shook. “I can’t do this without her.”

  “Do what?” Phyllis asked.

  “Live.” He choked back a sob. “I can’t even imagine my life without her.”

  “Then don’t,” Phyllis said shortly. “Think positive, darling.”

  “Yeah…well…tell Hope I called, okay? And I don’t know how long this is going to take so—”

  “Don’t worry about it. If you haven’t found her by Monday, we’ll see that Hope gets to school.”

  “Monday is October the 2nd…Hope’s birthday.”

  “Oh, we know. She’s already reminded us a dozen times. Had Mary planned a party?”

  Daniel frowned, remembering how pale Mary had gotten in the antique shop before she’d passed out, and how confused she’d been for a while afterward.

  “No, not really. She hadn’t been feeling too well the past few days.”

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “We’ll make a big deal out of the day for her, although you know if Mary is still gone then, you’re going to have to tell her something. She’ll expect her mother to be present on her birthday.”

  Hell. “What if she’s not?”

  “One thing at a time, dear. For now, she’s fine. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get a break in the case.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears,” Daniel muttered.

  “Goodbye, honey. If you need anything, just let us know.”

  “Yeah, all right, Mom. And thanks.”

  “No thanks are necessary.”

  He disconnected and dropped the cell phone back in his pocket as Bobby Joe came running to the car.

  “Any luck?” Daniel asked.

  “Nope. Who’s next on the list?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll look as you drive.”

  They got inside the car. Bobby Joe started the engine as Daniel took the list from the dashboard. He marked off the name from the address they’d just left and then ran his finger down the paper to the next one.

  “Uh…a Delmar Watts on—”

  But Daniel didn’t finish what he’d been going to say.

  “What’s wrong?” Bobby Joe asked.

  “This,” Daniel said, pointing to a name farther down on the page.

  “What about it?”

  “Howard Lee Martin. It says Howard Lee Martin, 1449 Raleigh Avenue.”

  “So? Do you know him?”

  Daniel shivered suddenly, as if a ghost had just walked past his ear.


  “Then what’s the big deal?”

  Daniel looked up, his face devoid of all expression.

  “Last night in my dream, Mary called the man Howard Lee.”

  Bobby Joe pulled to the curb and then turned and looked at Daniel.

  “Well hell,” he said softly.


  Bobby Joe frowned. “Do you believe in precognition?”

  Daniel shook his head. “No, but I believe in Mary Faith.”

  “That’s good enough for me,” Bobby Joe said. “What street did you say he lived on?”

  “Raleigh. 1449 Raleigh.”

  “Hand me the city map.”

  Daniel did as he was asked, watching anxiously as Bobby Joe scanned the map. The longer he sat, the more certain he felt that this meant something.

  “Hurry,” he said.

  Bobby Joe looked up.

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?” he asked.

  “Just hurry.”

  Bobby Joe slammed the car in gear and peeled away from the curb, leaving a short streak of black rubber on the pavement behind him.

  Daniel braced himself and hung on.

  Reese Arnaud pulled the last sheet from the fax machine and dropped it on the desk next to the list from the DMV. It was a complete listing of every employee from Savannah Memorial. Now he had to see if any of the names cross-matched with the names from the DMV. He sat down with a thump, shifted the lists so that they were side by side, then started reading.

  He was halfway through the list from Savannah General when one of the names jumped out at him. He frowned, trying to remember why the name Howard Lee Martin would mean anything, and then it hit him. Daniel’s dream! He said Mary had told him the man name’s was Howard Lee.

  He shivered suddenly, and then dug through the DMV list, telling himself the name wouldn’t—no, couldn’t—be there, too. But it was. Howard Lee Martin. 1449 Raleigh Avenue.

  Reese reached for a city map, looking to see where Raleigh Street was in conjunction with Vinter’s supermarket.

  “Son of a bitch,” he said softly, and then stood.

  “Patrick…come with me,” he yelled.

  “Where are we going?” the detective asked, as he got up from his desk.

  “I’m not sure,” Reese muttered. “But I’m desperate enough to give this a try.”

  Chapter 14

  All during breakfast, Mary was encouraged by Amy Anne’s behavior. Twice during the meal she’d caught the little girl watching her when she thought she wasn’t looking. While she was encouraged by Amy Anne’s improvement, Mary wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to go through with her plan.

  After Howard Lee’s threat, Mary had been given no choice. She had to make a move before Howard Lee separated her from the girls. If he got away from Savannah, they would be lost for good.

  What she’d planned would be dangerous for her and would hinge upon Howard Lee keeping the cellar door open when he came down to get the girls. He’d never closed it before and the plan would work only if he kept to the routine.

  And she’d talked to the girls. Justine knew what to do and was excited to the point of hysteria, but Amy Anne had only listened. Mary wasn’t certain if she even understood what was expected, but she had to be sure.

  Taking both girls by the hand, she sat down on the bed and scooted them up on her lap.

  “Justine, can you be a brave girl for me?”

  “Oh, yes!” she said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

  “When Howard Lee comes back, do you remember what to do?”

  “We hide by the wall and don’t make any sounds, and when he comes down, you yell for us to
run and we go up the steps and out of the house.”

  “And what else?” Mary asked.

  “We yell for help and we don’t stop running or yelling until someone calls the police.”

  “Right,” Mary said.

  Justine wiggled with excitement, picking nervously at the buttons on Mary’s shirt as she thought about getting home. Then a thought occurred and she started to frown.

  “But what if he follows us? He’s got very long legs. He’ll catch us and then he’ll be mad.”

  Mary hugged them close, making herself smile.

  “No, no, remember what I said. He can’t follow you because I’m going to grab him by the legs. I’ll hold on very, very tight. He won’t be able to move and you can get far, far away.”

  “Oh yes! I remember!” Justine said.

  “Good,” Mary said, then she looked at Amy Anne. She was so small and so quiet—a tiny doll with big blue eyes on the constant verge of tears. “Honey, do you understand what you need to do, too?”

  Amy Anne was looking down at her shoes, not talking, not moving. Mary put a finger under Amy Anne’s chin and tilted her face until they were face to face.

  “Amy Anne…do you want to go home?”

  Tears welled in the her eyes as she stared at Mary’s face. Finally, she nodded.

  Mary cupped her face with both hands. “When I tell you to run, will you run with Justine? Will you run as fast as you can and never look back?”

  Amy Anne nodded.

  “Good girl. Okay, you girls go sit where I showed you to sit. I’m going to fix the beds so it looks like you are in them asleep. That way Howard Lee will see the lumps and think it’s you. I’ll make sure he comes toward me. As soon as he’s far enough in the room, I’ll shout for you to run. When I do, Justine, you grab Amy Anne by the hand and you girls run up the stairs and out of the house as fast as you can.”

  Justine quivered, she was so excited. “I will be home tonight, won’t I, Mary?”

  Mary hugged them tightly. “Yes, baby…you and Amy Anne will be in your very own homes tonight. You’ll be with your mommies and daddies and this man won’t ever hurt you again.”

  “And you, too,” Justine said.


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