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Hellfire Part Two

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by Robyn Masters

  “It must be like looking in a mirror for you. I mean as you pick up useless pieces of shit when that is exactly what you are as well,” Sam says.

  “Sam if I am so useless then why don’t you just leave me. Go do what or whomever you wish and leave us alone. We can take care of ourselves,” Ryan replied.

  “Oh you can take care of yourself can you? Did you take care of your cock while you were away? Did you take care of a task that millions of men do every day? No? No masturbating for you? Oh, I thought you said you could take care of yourself. I must have misunderstood you.”

  “Fine Sam. You control me through force and restriction. Does that really make you happy? Wouldn’t it be better if I did things for you out of love and respect instead of fear” Ryan asked.

  “Don’t be silly Ryan. Of course it doesn’t make me happy but it sure does make me horny. I just love having the control over you. I have this key hanging around my neck and the shock controller in my purse and as long as I do, you have no choice but to obey me like a dog.”

  “I don’t remember our wedding vows including the clause that I was to behave like a dog.”

  “No, but I do remember the word obey in our vows, so don’t play the wedding vow crap with me,” Sam replied.

  “Sam, if you don’t love me any longer then why don’t you just move out and we will get divorced.”

  “I never said that I don’t love you Ryan. But I love you much more when you are attentive and caring to my every need. I don’t like this back talk you have been dishing out lately. I am surprised that your lack of orgasm doesn’t have you in that submissive place I adore so. Have you found a way to cum with the cage locked on?”

  “No. It’s impossible to cum with this contraption on. I just try not to think about it and if you must know since you have become so mean to me, I have lost my desire to be with you. When you would allow me to have sex with you, I was much more acceptable to wearing the cage. Now, I feel like it’s a one way street and all of the pleasure is only going your way and none of it is coming to me.”

  “As it should be Ryan. If you have pleasure, you will be less attentive and will start to ignore me again spending hours in your office working while I lay in bed masturbating instead of being made love to.”

  “That’s what I am saying Sam. I would be more into this if you let me be a little less attentive at times. I need to work and maintain this house and both are very difficult to do when wearing this cage around my cock and balls. Please let me out of this thing so I can be a man again.”

  “You are still a man Ryan. I haven’t dressed you up in my bra and thong yet have I? I haven’t put make up on your face and made you wear my heels now have I? I don’t plan on feminizing you unless you really piss me off. Then Ryan might be dressed up like Barbie and my cell phone video will be rolling the entire time. Would you like that sweetie?”

  “Stop it Sam. You disgust me when you treat me like this. Why don’t you help me clean up the house instead of just standing there..OWWWW!”

  Sam reached into her purse and pressed the shock button once again and this time she kept pressing the button until Ryan hit the ground and begged for mercy.


  She releases the button and laughs.

  “Just do as I tell you and things will be great. If you behave, you might even have penetrative sex tonight. Of course that would be me wearing my strap on and fucking you in the ass. One of these days I am really going to do that to you instead of just threatening to do it.”

  Ryan just laid on the floor squeezing his legs together as he conformed into a fetal position. Sam walked away to check on Eva. Ryan sat up and took several deep breathes. His balls were still tingling from the shock collar zap Sam gave him. He stood up and went to her purse to see if he could find the shock collar remote. He opened her purse and looked inside but the remote was gone.

  “Ryan? Do I hear you going through my purse? Are looking for this?”



  Ryan fell to the ground again. He had to get the collar off his balls and the cage off his cock before Sam disabled him for life. He needed to escape her sadistic control and find safety and love with someone like Patti. He wondered how she was doing.

  Chapter Eight

  Patti slept in Sunday morning since she got in late from a night out at Hellfire. She helped Hans watch the door and made some tips in the process. Hans didn’t pay her but gave her a store gift certificate. She was thinking of getting a new flogger for Ryan to use on her backside. She was missing Ryan very much. She hadn’t seen him since the last time they played on Wednesday. She knew Ryan was married when she agreed to play with him but what she thought was going to be a platonic play type of relationship, had turned into love, at least for her. She wasn’t sure if Ryan loved her or not. They had never had sex except for the tonguing that Ryan gave her when she was tied down.

  Patti got up and checked her phone for any messages. It was already 11:15 am and her husband had taken the kids to the park to watch Patti’s oldest son Nathan play football in a local league. She tapped on the messages icon and there were two messages from Ryan. Her heart started to beat faster.

  “Hi Patti. I hope all is well. I miss you. We need to get together and talk. Text me when you are available.”

  Then there was a second message. “Hi Patti. I never heard back from you. I plan on taking my dog to the park to run a bit. Meet me there if you can. I will be there between 11 and noon. Hope to see you.”

  “Shit! I need to take a shower and get ready before I can go out. Let me text him back and see if he can wait for me,” she says to herself.

  “Hi Ryan. Thanks for the text. I just got up. Can you wait for me? I can get there by noon but if you have to leave at noon that doesn’t make much sense.”

  Ryan texts back, “I can wait. See you then. I am by the picnic area near the pond.”

  She texts back, “Okay. See you then.”

  Patti jumps in the shower and gets ready to meet Ryan. As she thinks about meeting him she wonders what he wants to talk about so badly that he is making time for her on a Sunday. Maybe he wants to make love she thinks. As she lets her imagination get away from her she lightly fingers her clit.

  Ryan waits patiently with Apollo at the picnic area. As he throws the ball for Apollo to retrieve for what seems to be the hundredth time, he sees Patti pull into a parking spot. She walks toward Ryan and smiles unaware of Apollo running full speed from her right.

  “Apollo! No!” Ryan yells.

  Patti looks up just in time to see this large but very friendly Doberman leap onto her, knocking her to the ground.

  “Patti are you okay? I’m so sorry. He is extremely friendly and loves to meet new people.”

  “I think he is more interested in the donut holes I brought for him as a treat,” she replies as Ryan helps her up.

  “Donut holes. Damn I would have knocked you down too if I knew you had those. I’m starving,” Ryan says.

  She laughs and kisses Ryan and pets Apollo who sits perfectly as drool hangs from his mouth from the scent of sugar glazed donut holes.

  “Shake hands Apollo. Give me paw,” she asks as she holds a donut up for Apollo to see.

  “Do I have to shake hands and beg too?” asks Ryan.

  “No, you just have to give me another kiss.”

  Ryan kisses Patti passionately as Apollo cries for another donut hole.

  “Okay Apollo, go get it.” Patti throws one of the treats into the grass and Apollo runs after it.

  “So Ryan, what is so important that you were able to make time for me on a Sunday?”

  “I wanted to have a heart to heart conversation about us, your life at home, my life at home, our children, etc. I want to talk seriously about us if you are interested in doing so.”

  “I would love to take this to the next level Ryan. I mean, hell you have seen me naked at
least a dozen times when we have played, but I have never seen you naked. This is the first time that I am seeing you outside of Hellfire and you aren’t wearing black.”

  “Yes, I do actually wear jeans, t-shirts and Jordans on occasion.”

  “Yes, I can see that and you look great. So, let’s drop the pup off and go to a hotel for some real quality alone time if you know what I mean.”

  “I’d love to but that will have to wait for another time. I do need to tell you about something that is related to that though.”

  “What is it Ryan? Do you have a problem down there?”

  “In a matter of speaking, yes but believe me it’s not what you would ever think.”

  “Okay. So what is it?”

  Ryan takes a deep breath and tries to find the words to explain to Patti about his situation. She can see the strain on his face.

  “Ryan it’s okay. Just tell me.”

  “Patti, I am locked in a chastity cage. My wife holds the only key. She locked me up because she caught me cheating on her with another woman. I was only flirting with this woman but Sam got very upset and said it was cheating. Next thing I know, she tricks me into letting her bind my hands behind me and then places the cage on my balls and cock. Ever since, I have only had an orgasm three times. See controls everything that I do.”

  “I see. So you are locked in a chastity cage and yet you still come out to play with me regardless. What if I was more aggressive and reached between your legs like this and felt… oh my, a metal one. That feels heavy.”

  “It is but you get used to it. I needed to be with someone that was not controlling me in such an evil and sadistic way. I wanted to be in control but I didn’t want to hurt you. Thus my reason for being a sensual Dom. If you have questions I am more than happy to answer them.”

  “Yes I do have a question. Would you like to go for a drive?”

  “I have Apollo and if I take him home then it will be difficult for me to get out again.”

  “Just follow me. He is okay in the car for a little bit isn’t he?”

  “Yes, he will be fine. Where are we going?”

  “Just follow me,” she replies.

  Chapter Nine

  Ryan follows Patti as she hops on the expressway toward the city. He wonders where the hell they are going on a Sunday. He thought maybe she was going to Hellfire but they don’t open until 7:00 pm on Sunday and it was only a little after noon.

  As Ryan keeps her car in sight, she puts on her turn signal to O’Hare.

  “What in the world? Why is she going to the airport?” he wonders.

  Patti drives into the employee only parking structure and tells the guard that Ryan is with her. He waves Ryan on as he follows Patti and parks next to her.

  “Leave Apollo in the car and follow me inside.”

  “Where are we going Patti?”

  “You’ll see. Just trust me okay?”

  He nods and follows her.

  They walk quite a ways through a part of the airport that Ryan has never seen. As they continue to walk he sees a metal detector screening station up ahead.

  “Patti, my cage will set the screening machine off if I go through it. It happens all the time.”

  “Yes, I know. I see it all the time. We are not going that far. We are going into this room right here.”

  Patti opens the door with her employee card and Ryan follows. Patti walks up to a large metal case. She takes out her keys and opens the lock on the case. She opens the doors to the case to reveal hundreds of sets of keys hanging on hooks.

  “Ryan, I work for TSA as you know. I inspect baggage that is checked by passengers, not carried on. In order to check the baggage we have to be able to open it. Since the customer is not with their baggage once it comes down here, we need to have keys of our own. We have every key for every type of lock made known to man and woman. So, drop your pants and we will get that cage off of you.”

  Ryan smiles big and can’t believe his eyes. There are so many keys. One must fit this lock on his cage.

  “There are a lot of keys there Patti. This could take days to find the right one.”

  “Not really. I will know which keys will work just by looking at the lock. Now, get your pants down.”

  Ryan looks around to see if anyone is looking but the room is deserted. He drops his pants and pulls down his underwear exposing the custom made metal cage locked to his genitals.

  “Ah, it’s this one. Do you have a pin in your right ankle?” she asks.

  “Well, yes as a matter of fact I do. How did you know that?”

  “I was the x-ray tech last week when you were scanned. I remember seeing this cage and noted the pin in your ankle as well because the cage was so different than the ones I usually see.”

  “You see a lot of these do you?”

  “Tons. They are very popular.”

  She looks over the lock that is placed behind the balls to make it impossible for Ryan to see or attempt to open. She then walks back to the metal key case and retrieves 4 sets of keys.

  “One of these should work. Hang tight. Oops.. bad choice of words.”

  As she tries key after key her touch against Ryan’s thighs and balls is getting him aroused and his cock starts to swell and press against the metal cage.

  “Sorry to get you excited but I’ll help you with that as soon as I… “click”. There we go.”

  She removes the lock and hands it to Ryan. She then slips the cage part slowly off his cock and then opens the ring so his balls can be removed. He is free of the cage.

  “Oh my God Patti. I love you!”

  “Well that’s one way to get you to say it but I had something a little more persuasive in mind.”

  She starts to stroke his swollen cock and it gets instantly rock hard.

  “Oh God. Oh boy. Oh Patti. I’m going to cum. I haven’t cum in over three months. It doesn’t take much.”

  “Hmm, I can see that. We don’t want cum shooting all over the place now do we?”

  With that she kneels in front of him and places his cock in her mouth and begins to blow him. He is going crazy as her tongue is circling the head of his cock over and over bringing him to orgasm very quickly.

  “Damn..I am cumming!”

  He explodes inside of her mouth and she takes every drop.

  She wipes her mouth and stands up and kisses him deeply.

  “Now wasn’t that better than just swatting my ass once a week?”

  “Oh God, yes. It was absolutely wonderful.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed. Now, let’s get your cage back on.”

  “Back on? Oh no. Why does it have to go back on?”

  “If you go home with it off won’t Sam become a little suspicious?”

  “I don’t care. Fuck her. I’m not putting that thing on again. It has a zapper in it that shocks my balls. No way.”

  “Ryan, do you want to lose your home, your daughter, half or more of all of your stuff?”


  “Then put this back on and let her think you are being faithful and in her total control. She doesn’t let you cum anyway so she won’t notice if you aren’t as up for it as usual. Now that I have a key as well we can meet and fuck as much as we want and you can go home with her the no wiser.”

  “Patti you are a genius. I see what you are saying. Okay. I don’t believe I am saying this, but lock me up.”

  Patti, places the ring back around his balls and tries to slide the cage part over his cock but he’s still too large.

  “Hmm, I need to get some ice to get you soft again.”

  “Ice? No way. Here I can get it in the cage. Give me it and you can slide lock back on.”

  “I have to admit the design of this cage is very unique and creative. The lock placement is different than any other cage I have ever seen. I can see where the battery for the shock wire is kept. There, I have removed it so she can’t shock you any longer.”

  “Thank you for that.”

; “Just don’t forget to pretend as if you care getting shocked when she presses the remote or she will discover that the battery is gone and you will be found out.”

  Patti reaches under and slides the shackle of the lock into the clasp and Ryan hears the faithful “click” of being a kept man once again.

  “I can see why women find this exciting though. That little click made my clit twinge. How’s it feel to be the slave of two women now instead of just one?” she asks.

  “What? Oh no.”

  “I’m just kidding darling. I want to fuck the little hell out of you and this cage will be removed more than it will ever be kept on. Of course you never know. I might have replaced the lock with a new lock that only I have the key to and Sam will never be able to control you again.”

  “In a funny way, I wouldn’t mind that. There are aspects of the cage I do find arousing but it’s only fun if I get to cum more than twice a year.”

  “Yes, I think it can be a great play device but like you said there has to be a payoff to keep the excitement going.”

  “Now do you have the right the key?” he asks.

  “Yes, actually it’s a more common than I would have thought. I can take one of these keys with me since there are many copies here and it won’t be missed.”

  “Thanks so much Patti. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “I do. If your week is free, we will get together on Tuesday evening at the Hometown Suites and we will stay the night. Tell her you have to go out of town. We can spend a great night together. What do you think?”

  “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  To be continued…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine




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