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Broken (The Chances Series Book 2)

Page 12

by O'lone, Amanda

  Chapter 19

  It’s late Friday night and we just arrived in Maine and all I want to do is go to sleep. Since we found out two days ago that I was pregnant Eric has been very protective and not letting me do much. So when we pulled up to the beach houses and get out of the truck and go to help bring stuff in he stops me and has me go inside.

  “Why don’t you go take a long bath princess, it’s been a long trip being coupe up in the truck, you need to stretch and relax. I’m just going to get our bag with our clothes for tomorrow and make sure the guys are set.” He kisses me softly.

  “Ok, a bath sounds pretty damn good right now.”



  “In 11 hours you become Mrs. Simmons.” He smiles. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

  “I can’t wait.” I kiss him and he nips my lip and I moan. “I am so glad Brody and Annie aren’t keeping us away from each other like we did to them.” We giggle.

  “I would castrate Brody if he did. Fuck he almost did it to me.”

  “Yea, well, I’m glad he didn’t, I’m kinda fond of your junk.”

  “My junk? Did you just call my cock and balls junk?” He tickles me. I burst out laughing and run towards the beach to get away. He of course runs after me and catches me and throws us into a hard passionate kiss. We both drop down in the sand and he lays me back. We look into each other’s eyes, so much love. “I am so in love with you Jasmine. I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow, to make you my wife. I can’t wait to be a father. I am so honored you are carrying my child. There is no one I want more than you. You are my forever. “

  “Oh Eric, I love you too. You are my eternity. And I am honored to have you as the father of my child. I fall more and more in love with you every day.” He kisses me softly and slowly. Long passionate kisses. He spreads my legs apart and settles in, I wrap my legs around his waist and trust up to rub on his hard on I feel pressing onto my heat. We both moan. I reach down and grab his ass and squeeze. He trusts at me.

  “Fuck Jaz. I fucking need to be in your pussy now. I need to be balls deep in you. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Mmmm, I want that to baby, but we have company just now.” He looks over his shoulder and Bradley is standing there.

  “What the fuck is it Bradley?” He growls.

  “Just was checking if all the crew was in the one house or if we had another for rent?”

  “Just the two. One for you guys and one for Brody , I and the girls.”

  “Ok, well some are going to be roughing it on the floor.”

  “Why it was supposed to be a 4 bedroom, and they were supposed to fix it with putting in twin beds.”

  “Well, it’s a three bedroom and queen beds in the rooms.”

  ”Fuck, did anyone check the other house, maybe we just got them mixed up?”

  “Don’t know. I’ll go check.” And he jogs off.

  “Fuck that kid gets to me some days. I swear he does it just to piss me off.”

  “It’s just cause we were making out, He did it to get you going. He teases Brody all the time about him and Annie.”

  “I know, that’s why he is annoying. He interrupted me with my girl.” Eric smiles and kisses me again. “I guess we should head to the houses now. You need to rest.” He stands and takes my hand to help me up. “Head up to the house, I have the bags.” He slaps my ass and I head in. I make my way up to our room and head to the bathroom. There is a Jacuzzi tub, just what I needed. I start the tub and start getting undressed. I hear Eric has entered the room. I sit on the side of the tub and wait for it to finish filling. 5 minutes later I’m getting in and Eric walks in. “Have room for one more?” He removes his shirt and my mouth waters. I lick my lips and he smiles. “I take that as a yes.” And he starts removing his pants. I slide forward so when he is done he can get in behind me. When he does I lean back and he wraps his arms around me. He rubs my stomach and kisses my neck. “I can’t believe there is a mini us growing in there.”

  “I can’t either. I can’t wait until I can feel it move.”

  “How far along in the pregnancy before you do?”

  “I should be able to feel it in a couple of months.”

  “Really, that far?”

  “Well yea, it’s really tiny.”

  “So when will I be able to feel it from out here?”

  “I’m not sure. We can find out at the docs when we get back home.” We then bathe and get out and ready for bed. I climb in next to him and snuggle in. He wraps his arms around me and I lay my head on his chest and a leg over his. I have no trouble finding sleep. Tomorrow I become Mrs. Eric Simmons.

  The day has finally come where I make my princess mine. Brody and I are in his room getting dress and the girls are in my room getting dressed. Bradley comes in.

  “Hey, nervous?”

  “Fuck no. I can’t fucking wait to get down there and marry her. Do you know if the girls are ready yet?”

  “They are. That’s why I’m in here. The JOP is also downstairs ready to go.”

  “Then what are we waiting for.” I stand up and head out the door. I hear Brody and Bradley chuckling behind me.

  “Never thought I would see the day that Eric would settle down and become an old married man.” Bradley says.

  “Yea well, my princess finally arrived. All it took was one look and I was done for.” We reached the bottom of the stairs and Jazzy is standing there and I falter in my step. She is stunning. Even better than in my dream. She smiles when she notices me. I walk over to her.

  “WOW.” Her smile gets bigger.

  “Wow yourself baby.” I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “You ready princess? I know I am. God you look so beautiful. You took my breath away.”

  “I haven’t been more ready for anything in my life as I am right now. Let’s do this baby.” She giggles. I give her a peck on the cheek. Not exactly where I wanted to but it will have to do until we are officially married. Then I will ravish those luscious lips. We hold hands and walk out of the house. The guys set up a small arch way and decorated it with flowers and the JOP was standing there with Brody and Annie waiting. When they notice us coming they get into place. The ceremony was nothing special she didn’t want to write our own vows, she just wanted the quick 5 minute version, said she just wanted to be married as so as possible. I chuckled when she told me that a few weeks ago. I tried to tell her that I was all for writing vows and doing whatever she wanted. That it was her day and I wanted her to have everything she wanted. She then stated all she wanted was us. As long as I showed up she was happy. Like I wouldn’t show up. Hell would have to freeze over to stop me from marrying my girl.

  “I now pronounce you Man and Wife, you may kiss your bride.” And as I kept to my word I ravished that gorgeous beautiful mouth. She moaned and I swallowed every one of them up. The sound of throats clearing pulled my attention away from my princess. I look over and see Brody smirking.

  “Mate, I ken how ye feel, but save it fur to night.”

  “Why? You and Annie didn’t. If I remember correctly you two took off an hour after the ceremony.” Annie blushes and Brody smirks and shrugs his shoulders.

  “Right, well, lets git some pictures of ye two first and then ye can go shag yer wife.” I pretend to weigh the options.

  “Deal, I hold Jazzy’s hand and we head over the boulders on the edge of the water. Annie follows and we pose for our wedding pictures. When done Jaz grab my hand and pulls me with her further down the beach. “Damn princess I can’t wait to get you out of this dress you are so fucking beautiful but I know what’s underneath is even more beautiful.”

  “Mmmm, I can’t wait for that either.” She turns to face me and wraps her arms around my waist. She tilts her head back and I lean down and kiss her gently. She reaches her hands up and places them on my chest. She starts fiddling with the buttons on the shirt. I smirk against her lips and start kissing her again. I know she is itching to unbu
tton my shirt. I kiss her harder pushing her to take what she wants cause god knows I want it too. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her up against my body, pressing my hard cock against her belly. That does it. She starts unbuttoning my shirt. I reach down and run my hand on her thigh where the slit runs up. She widens her stance and I move under the front of her dress from the top. I reach around and grab her ass. FUCK! I groan and she smirks against my lips. “Something wrong Mr. Simmons?”

  “Nothing at all Mrs. Simmons. I love that you are naked under your dress and ready for my cock to enter your hot wet cunt. Fuck I need you now.” I pick her up and back her up to the large boulder behind her. She gasps from the cool touch of rock kissing her back. I whip her dress to the side and up over my arm, exposing her wet pink pussy she reaches down and unties my pants and pulls my cock out. I grab it and run the head between her pussy’s lips coating it in her honey.

  “Shit Eric, please put it in me. I need your cock in me now.” I kiss her and slowly slide into her heat. Her head falls back and moans. I kiss and bite at her neck and rock in and out of her. She is close her pussy is gripping tight around my dick. I hiss and groan.

  “Oh god jaz, you feel so fucking good. I’m gonna come so hard. Come for me. Come all over my cock. Grip me with your greedy cunt. She reaches down and rubs her clit. She starts to spasm and a flood of her warm juices soaks my cock. Her pussy is gripping so fucking tight I shoot off. “FFFUUUCCCKKKK Jaz! Fuck you are incredible. God I love you so fucking much.” I rest my forehead against hers. We are both panting hard.

  “I love you so much too Eric. I can’t wait to start our lives together.” I slowly pull out of her and reach into my pocket and pull out a handkerchief. She laughs and smirk.

  “Just wanted to be prepared.” I kiss her and wipe her clean.

  Chapter 20

  These past two weeks of being Eric's wife has been amazing. I fall in love more and more every day. Even though we don't see much of each other at the moment due to the heavy work schedule the guys are keeping to get this job in Maine done, the time we do have is perfect. Moon lit walks on the beach every night, a few nights we had taken a dip in the ocean and made love on the beach. Tonight we decided to go out for dinner with Brody and Annie.

  "Princess, You ready? Brod and Annie are downstairs." Eric comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. "Mmm, you feel warm Jaz, are you feeling ok?"

  "Yea, just a little tired. I'll be fine." I lean back into him and rest me head on his shoulder.

  "You sure baby. If you are tired we can stay in. I don't want you to outdo yourself."

  "By eating dinner?" I smirk. "Really, I will be fine. I'll get a glass of water before we leave and I will perk right up." I give him a peck on the cheek and turn in his arms. He kisses me tenderly and pulls back.

  "Ok then, go get some water and we will head out." He grabs my ass and I giggle and walk out the door and down the stairs.

  "Hey Jazzy, ready to shake your booty?" Annie asks shaking her body. I chuckle.

  "When am I never ready to go dancing?" I laugh at her.

  "Water first princess." Eric announces from the top of the stairs. I roll my eyes at him and salute.

  "What's wrong Jazzy?" Annie asks all concerned.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Why is Eric making sure you drink some water?"

  "Nothing is wrong. I'm just feeling a little sluggish and told him I would drink water to perk myself up. No big deal."

  "Malibu rum will perk you up too." She winks.

  "Yea I agree but unfortunately I won't be drinking tonight."

  "What! Jasmine Simmons is not having sex on the beach with me?! What the hell, you're not pregnant." She chuckles and then stops and stares from me then to Eric. We are both smiling at each other. "OMG!!! YOU'RE PREGNANT!!" She comes running over to me and throws her arms around my neck. I hug her back. "Oh my god! I can't believe it! When did you find out? When are you due? OMG I’m going to be an auntie!" She runs over to Eric and hugs him as well. Brody hugs me.

  "Congratulations Jaz. We are so happy fer ye two."

  "Thanks Brody."

  "Hard tae believe Eric is going tae be a Da." Brody punches him in the shoulder and Eric shoves him back. Brody hugs him and congratulates him.

  "Alright lets get this party started I’m starving!" I say and we all chuckle. We pile into Brody's jeep and head to the restaurant. After eating we are sitting talking about our baby and Annie is already planning a baby shower. That girl loves to throw her parties. I reach over to grab my water and get a sharp pain in my lower back. I try not to wince but Eric notices.

  "What’s wrong Jaz?" He rubs my back were I’m grabbing.

  "Nothing I just go a little twinge in my back. can you hand me my water please." He reaches over and grabs my water and I take a sip. My back starts to relax. "Thank you baby. I'm ok. I think I just pinched a nerve when I reached for the water. It's gone now." He leans over and gives me a kiss.

  "Aww you two are so cute." Annie squeals out. We all laugh. After paying for dinner we head to the club. The club is amazing. It's right on the beach. One wall of the building slides open so guest can dance outside as well as the inside. There is also an outside bar. We grab a table outside since it’s a nice warm night for October. We are waiting on the guys beers and Annie's drink, when my back twinges again. This time it was a little sharper. I gasp which alerts Eric.

  "Jazzy, let's go, you need to get some rest. You have been busy all day in the office. Coming to the club was too much baby. I don't like when you over do it."

  "No Eric. I'm ok, really."

  "Honey, maybe Eric is right. You have been out busy all day. We can all leave and come back next weekend. You do have that little peanut to take care of now too." Annie says rubbing my back.

  "Fine, but you guys finish your drinks first." They all nod and start drinking. I lean in on Eric's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me in. I get another twinge.

  "Aahhh." Eric puts his beer down and stands.

  "Let's go princess." He lifts me up and Annie gasps.

  "Shite! Hospital noo Mate!" Brody nods to where I was sitting and Eric looks down.

  "Fuck!" And he rushes out the door.

  "Eric! What's wrong! Eric!" I start crying. My stomach starts cramping. Eric gets me into the jeep and follows me in. Brody speeds off to the ER.

  Chapter 21

  "Where the fuck is the doctor!" My princess is in pain and the doc is taking his sweet fucking time getting in here.

  "Mate calm doon the nurse went tae git him and an ultrasound machine. It's only been two minutes." Brody says. He has his arms wrapped tightly around Annie who is crying. I love these guys and I am so fucking glad Jazzy and I are not here alone. I know I need my best friends support. Just then the nurse walks back in and followed by the doctor. Brody, Annie and myself look at him with disbelief on our faces.

  "What the fuck-" I mumble, louder than I thought cause Jaz looks up from resting.


  "Dean? What- What are you doing here?" Annie asks.

  "Well, no need for introductions. Obviously I'm a doctor here." He chuckles.

  "No, we mean, Why are you here in Maine? And you are a doctor? Kev didn't mention that." Annie replies and looks at Brody questioning if he knew and Brody shakes his head no.

  "Ok, hate to break up the reunion but could we please find out why I am in so much pain." Jazzy groans through clenched teeth.

  "So Jazzy, how far along we you?"

  "About 10 weeks."

  "Ok, lets have a look at what’s going on." Dean says. He presses on Jazzy's stomach and she starts crying. I lean down and nuzzle into her neck.

  "It's ok baby, you are going to be ok. I love you Jaz." I whisper.

  "When did you notices the pains Jazzy?"

  "Just before we left for dinner. It was around 5pm. She thought it was just from being busy all day in the office and not getting much rest
. She had a glass of water and we left. She was fine through dinner then she said it felt like a muscle twinge in her back." I tell Dean. "Then we get to the club and sit and she is in a considerable amount of pain that she gasps and cringes. I then lift her up to carry her out to the car and that’s when Brody and Annie see some blood." Jazzy starts crying again and I lean down and hold her in my arms.

  "I'm so sorry Eric. I should have listened to you and stayed home. I'm sorry baby."

  "Shhhh, Jazzy. You did nothing wrong baby. It's ok. Shhh." I rock her.

  "Well lets do an ultrasound and check what’s happening inside." Dean and the nurse move around and get things set up to do an ultra sound. When i notice Dean sitting at the foot of the bed and pulling out something that looks like horns coming out on each side of the table I look at Brody with a WTF expression. Annie smirks.

  "Ummm Dean, I know I’m not the doc and all but I have seen TV, don’t you do ultrasounds up here on the stomach? Not between my wife's legs." The nurse chuckles and Dean gives her a look that shuts her up.

  "Usually yes Eric, but since Jazzy is only 10 weeks in it is harder to see what’s happening with the external machine since the embryo is very small. So I have to use this internal one to look." He holds up this long stick thingy. "Jazzy I need you to put your feet in the stirrups and let your legs fall open."

  "Oh NO!! NO NO NO! You are not going to be seeing my wife's pussy."

  "ERIC!" Jazzy and Annie screech at me.

  "What! He's not going to shove that dildo thi-"

  "Eric, mate. Lets go fur a walk fur a bit. We wull be back in 10 minutes, Is that enough time Dean?" Brody asks while pulling me out the door. Dean nods yes and Brody shoves me out and shuts the door.

  "Dude! Let me back in!"


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