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Departed (Unbearably Gifted Book 1)

Page 8

by Samantha Romero

  I smirked, winking at him as I took the money from his hand and tucked it into my red, crotch-less lace panties. “Sure thing—you can touch my body, Mr.–?”

  He shook his head, smirking back. “Lockhart.”

  “Well, Mr. Lockhart, as I was saying, you can touch me, but just so you know in advance, I never sleep with my clients.”

  With a sinful glint now nestled in his sparkling eyes, he leaned forward on the stool and pinched both of my nipples, tugging them gently as I trembled in pleasure, feeling his strong hands take control of me for the first time. “Are you sure about that, Estelle?”

  Biting the edge of my lip as I inhaled his masculine scent, I shook my head as I stood up on top of the piano and slowly started to dance for him. He leaned back, gaping up at me in silence. Oh, how I loved the power of nudity.

  Shrugging, I winked at him. “I guess I could make an exception… just this once.” I smiled seductively bending over in front of him so he could see every tingling crevice of my frame.

  Silence, it turns out, can be very tantalizing. Neither of us said a word for the next fifteen minutes—like we were gagged without the cloth. The only sound came from the grandfather clock down the hall as it continued to tick off the passing minutes of our sexual standoff. His eyes never once flickered away from my body; instead, they burned over my curves, down my spine, across my buttocks and through me.

  Every second that passed was a second I knew I would be closer to his touch. The thought of that made me ache for him, more than ever before. If I had been wet in the past, someone needed to put out a tsunami warning ‘cause I was ready to cause some serious damage on land.

  Finishing my dance, I licked my top lip, hungry for what I wanted to do with the large bulge now trapped beneath his trousers. Although I wanted to taste him then and there, I knelt back down on the piano and waited patiently for his next move, I had started this game, now it was his turn to play.

  Wordlessly, he stood up, pushing the stool backwards as he leaned in towards my body. His long, warm fingers wrapped around the nape of my neck, and I closed my eyes in bliss, feeling his hands on my skin.

  Gently he pulled me towards his soft, full lips, stopping only millimeters away from my mouth. He inhaled my breath almost like we were wild animals discovering each other for the first time, and it was his will to decide if he would kill or protect me.

  Softly I moaned as his hot, wet tongue slipped between my parted lips. Inhaling in urgency, I reached out and dug my nails into his shoulders, pulling him closer against me as our tongues twisted and licked each other in lustful exploration.

  I couldn’t help but think surely I was about to wake up from this moment, and sadly discover it was just another dream, leaving me to crave his touch for the rest of the day. Thankfully, he continued kissing me, his long fingers running down my neck, brushing over my collarbone and then down and across my nipples teasing them to full attention. I knew this moment was real.

  “Lick me,” I whimpered, “Take all your sadness out on me.”

  His dark eyes locked with mine as his thumb teasingly rubbed over my buds. “Is that what you want?”

  I nodded, almost beside myself with longing. “Having such sadness within you, David, is not healthy. I know—I have a lot of my own.”

  Without a word, he buried his face into my breasts, urgently sucking as I arched my back, moaning in surrender on top of the piano. “More—suck me harder!” I cried out in pleasure.

  He pulled me closer to his chiseled body as the licking sounds of his tongue against my breasts made me moan even louder, caught up in his titillation. His teeth delicately bit then suckled my raspberry-colored buds as his hands began moving down my body, over my stomach and across my thighs.

  Button by button I undid his white tailored shirt, revealing the reality of his body to my longstanding fantasies. When I pulled off his shirt and threw it on the ground, I wasn’t disappointed.

  The day God created him, it was a fantastic day. Because underneath David’s cotton wrapper, he was fine—more than fine; he was sex on a stick. Cut, like a cologne model, and oh-so-doable.

  His abdominals were chiseled into his skin like marble leading two by two in a trail pointing straight down to his cock. I instantly wanted to drip honey over his chest and lick it straight off. God help me, I would have done that without any honey—either way, he was divine, and I wanted to taste him badly.

  “Not unlike the dreams,” I whispered to myself, still smiling with delight as I drank in his naked, rippling chest.


  I grinned; there were other more important things on my discovery list. Sliding off the piano lid, with my feet now firmly on the ground, I pushed him up against the keys, running my hands down and across his black trousers, feeling his hardness pushed up against the fine fabric. “So you are attracted to me? Looks like it wasn’t all in my mind.”

  He smiled, his dark brown eyes now hooded in lust. “You know I’m attracted to you; I tried very hard to hide how attracted I was every time I saw you standing on that platform. She thought I was hard for her; she was wrong.”

  I pulled his zipper down, and immediately, his thickness sprang out to greet me like it had been locked in a cage, starved without pleasure for an eternity. He groaned, releasing his head back as I wrapped my fingers around its girth.

  Like I was about to discover the taste of a new delicacy for the first time, I knelt on the ground in front of him, my heart beating so fast I thought it might explode. Slowly I began licking up his shaft, eager to taste his saltiness, and devour him completely in my mouth. He leaned back onto the piano for support, and watched the focused, screaming appetite that I had to satisfy.

  His weapon was large and long, with medium thickness, and I began moving up and down. He stroked my hair, groaning as he watched me. The keys of the piano let out a cry every now and then as I got faster, sucking with urgency to relieve him.

  “Estelle, you’re such a tease,” he groaned. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take—let me come inside you.”

  I released him from my mouth, still kneeling as I gazed into his beautiful eyes. “There’s nothing I want more in this moment, than you. You know that David—I think you knew that from the moment you saw me.”

  He knelt down beside me, roughly spreading my burning thighs apart with his hands. His long fingers began exploring my wet folds in teasing circles as he watched me squirm with pleasure against the soft, thick carpet. As we started to passionately kiss again, he pushed one finger deep inside me, and then a second. I moaned in rapture, feeling him fill the void that had been empty for so long.

  Lying down on his back, he guided my aching sex to his mouth. He spread it open with his fingers, like I was a ripe peach at the beginning of the season just waiting to be picked and tasted.

  The sweet juices oozed out of my throbbing sex to be devoured by his hungry mouth. Arching my back in pleasure, I squealed, feeling his tongue lick up the center, flick over my clitoris, and then delve deep within my glistening folds. Two of his fingers began penetrating in and out, slower and then faster, as he licked me in rhythm to his fingertips. I moaned, my body quivering in helpless ecstasy as he indulged in his teasing feast.

  “I can’t take it much longer…” I panted. “You’re killing me.”

  He looked up at me from between my legs and smiled widely, taking another lick. “I think it would be a good way to die though, don’t you?”

  I shook my head, my legs now shaky from his attention as I stood up and leaned over on the piano stool waiting to feel him against my derrière.

  “Remove your panties for me,” he ordered as he stood up and dropped his trousers, stepping out of them.

  My sex tingled with excitement, now desperate to feel the real thing. Obeying his request, I pushed my panties down to my knees giving him complete access to all entrances.

  He walked towards me as I quivered, waiting. His warm pelvis pressed up against
my bare ass, and as he slowly kissed the nape of my neck, I felt the head of his long, delicious cock brush over my entrance.

  David slid into my wetness like the missing piece of a forgotten puzzle. Finally, the sexual standoff that had started so many months before had come to a resolution. I moaned in relief, digging my nails into the wooden stool, surrendering to the lust-filled bliss that came with finally feeling my fantasy—Mr. Unknown—inside of me.

  “Ahhh,” I groaned, “deeper.”

  “So you like to call the shots do you?” he whispered, licking my earlobe “I’m meant to be the client, remember? What I say goes.” His hands trailed down to my hips and he yanked me back towards his torso, as I squealed in pleasure.

  “Deep enough for you, beautiful?”

  I arched my back and gripped my nails harder into the seat, whimpering. “Again, David… please, do it again.”


  I awoke to an empty bed. Shit. This feels familiar.

  Rolling over, I suddenly panicked as memories flooded back from other late-night romps. I discovered a scrawled piece of paper lying on his pillow. I half-expected it to say, “I’ve left you a twenty on the dresser; thanks for the fuck, luv.” But to my relief, he was not that kind of man.


  I didn’t want to wake you. You looked too beautiful.

  Due to a phone call, I had to head into the city. I won’t be back until the afternoon, I suspect. You can stay around if you like—either is fine by me. As you know, the house is not exactly cramped.

  I haven’t felt like I could relate to anyone for many years. Being with you really hit home how alone I have felt all this time.

  Despite having so many people around me, when no one truly knows who I am, and the pain I feel surrounds my every thought, it wouldn’t matter if there were twenty billion people, all telling me how amazing I am. I still feel completely alone and unloved most days.

  Regardless of the game we played yesterday, my feelings towards you are very real. Last night, for the first time in years, I didn’t feel alone. If only you knew what that meant to me.


  The beauty of his heartfelt words really pulled at my soul. David, more than anything, was just really hurting. Life can be a bitch like that, throw you under a truck when you least expect it. I sure had been there and suffered that, annoyingly, more times than once.

  Just like me and my screwed up life, he obviously had a lot of crap going on too. So, maybe we could be together? Maybe we were meant to be together? Maybe this was fate?

  My wistful thoughts abruptly screeched to a halt when a stack load of chimes started ringing through the house. What the? It sounded like he had installed Big Ben somewhere downstairs in the lobby. The chimes rang out again.

  I looked around his vast bedroom, searching for some sort of decency. The mossy green-papered walls were lined with dark wooden shelves that almost reached to the top of the high ceilings. Each shelf was covered in musical manuscripts and old, worn-out novels. This man was such an artist. I had picked that from the moment I first laid eyes on him, all those months back.

  Stepping into my skirt and picking up the silk coffee-colored blouse I had stuffed into my handbag the night before, I hurried down the long, winding staircase as I fumbled with the buttons and tucked it into my skirt.

  The chimes rang again.

  What time is it? How can someone be that impatient, when I’m the one who has got out of bed for them!

  Rushing to the double front doors, I turned one of the old, ornate handles and heaved open the giant door. “Hello, yes?”

  On the top of the steps stood an older man wearing a black hat. I don’t know what sort of hat—one of those fancy old-time kinds. It wasn’t a top hat, it wasn’t a baseball cap—it was like a fedora, I guess, old-looking and sort of squashed.

  He looked at me without uttering a word. I blinked back, not knowing what more to do. “Um, Can I help you? I’m sorry for making you wait. I was in bed, you see.”

  His eyes half closed as he tried to calculate who I was. A very strong accent came from his lips. “Is David here?”

  “No, he’s not, sorry.” I fluffed my hair, realizing I hadn’t even looked in the mirror before opening the door. My bed hair was always a massive nightmare, no matter what I tried to do, so not checking it before seeing anyone was a huge no-no.

  “Well, I need to see him.” The man pressed, half stepping in the door. “It’s urgent.”

  I stepped backwards, surprised by his behavior. “I’m sorry, as I said, he’s not here.”

  He exhaled, looking down the street and then at me in annoyance. “When he comes back, can you tell him to contact me? It’s about Alexander.” I nodded, not having a clue whom he was talking about.

  Like a sudden change in wind direction, his game plan changed and he smiled, looking at me in a kind way as my hair blew around my shoulders in the fresh morning breeze. “I’m sorry, you must be his beautiful Sophia.”

  I shook my head as I pondered, looking at the well dressed man in front of me. He half-looked like one of the clients from the strip club. I expected him to pull out his wallet filled with filthy cash and begin ordering me to grind up against him. I had seen far too many men like him before.

  His face dissolved into bemusement, as he stood waiting, with his foot still halfway lodged in the doorway. “Well, can I come in?”

  I shook my head as chills ran down my spine. “No, I’m sorry. I think you should come back at a later time.”

  Now angry, he raised his voice. “I think you should get some manners, young lady. I asked you nicely if I could come in, and now I’m going to whether you like it or not!”

  He pushed past me and sauntered into the house. Casually, he looked around, wandering through the different rooms as I chased after him in concern. His footsteps finally halted the moment he entered the oversized, room where David’s piano sat in isolation, waiting to be played yet again.

  He turned to see my face filled with apprehensiveness. Who the hell was this man, and what the fuck did he want?

  “Well then,” he pointed back down the hall, “go fetch me a cup of tea—be a good girl, won’t you, dear?” Slyly he smiled at me, his eyes wandering up and down my body, not surprisingly choosing to pause on my silk-wrapped breasts. This guy was so original—not.

  I frowned, speechless to hear such demands from a complete stranger before 8:00 a.m. I was used to men telling me what to do, and having my breasts ogled at, but that was at work—that was part of my job description. I had far less tolerance for men outside of the club, especially such an arrogant one. One who had just waltzed on in like he owned the joint and started demanding this and that like I was some sort of maid.

  He cleared his throat and pointed down the hall again. “Quickly,” he clapped his hands together “it’s not going to make itself you know.”

  Biting my tongue before I said something I knew I would regret, I turned and left him alone with the piano.

  “I’ve got all day, my lovely,” he called after me, “and I’m more than happy to wait for David, especially around a specimen as well-endowed as your beautiful self. I’m sure we could think of one way or another to pass the time.”

  Estelle & David’s story continues in the next sexy installment


  Preview of DESIRE - #2 in the Unbearably Gifted Serial



  “And now he shows up. Fucking men!” I huffed, rolling my eyes as I heaved one of the massive double oak doors shut behind me. I dropped my gaze to the concrete steps, carefully negotiating my way down to make sure I didn’t slip on their dark, mossy embellishment.

  David smiled at me warmly, curling his long fingers around my waist as he greeted me at the bottom of the steps and leaned in for a kiss. I laughed at his confidence and pushed him away. The multiple orgasms were last night… not today. I was well and truly over the afterglow. I didn’t need him to sugar me up—I was
way past sugaring.

  He seemed baffled by my reaction. That “look” of his was familiar enough to me—I had seen it countless times before. In fact, I’m happy to divulge that over the years, I have left a long line of men in confusion, and if he wanted to understand what he was dealing with, he would have to go to the back of that line and wait his turn. I sure as hell wasn’t some open book you could read once and understand. I needed multiple readings from every possible angle, over and over again, and then from the back to the front before I could even start to become legible.

  I looked him up and down as I folded my arms across my body to protect myself from the effects of his sexiness. “So you’re back. What were you expecting? Applause?”

  Gravel crunched under his feet when he stepped back from me. “No, I wasn’t expecting applause, as such; I told you, I don’t like pedestals.”


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