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Carnal Desire

Page 20

by K. T Fisher

  When he turned the gun on Eve it triggered something in Elle. She reached down, grabbed the gun he’d dropped and pulled the trigger at the same time as the rest of us.

  She has nightmares about it most nights. She can’t make peace with her part in it. I know Cowboy, Angel and I haven’t lost any sleep over it though. Crazy fucker needed to die. He’d destroyed too many lives.

  Eve is still looking over her shoulder. By the time she came round, the backup team had arrived and we’d cleaned up the scene. She never saw his body so she won’t believe he’s dead. She’s constantly on alert, expecting him to pop up whenever she goes out.

  Angel has a surprise for her today; we’re all hoping it helps.

  I pull my woman closer to me, holding her tight, yet careful to avoid the tender area where I’ve just inked her. She’s refused to come to my room at the shop until today. She knows this is where I fucked Emma. I’m hoping I’ve healed that, given her different memories of this room to take away. We made love in here before her tattoo. On the table. Against the wall. Straddling my chair. I know now I love her. Deep down I love her. But it’s too soon to tell her that yet. I’ll give it a little longer, but before the year's out she’ll be my old lady.

  Claimed and official.



  I take a deep breath and hunt down Eve. I’m pretty sure she'll be in our room as she told me she was going to give Elizabeth a bath.

  I open the door and I'm greeted by loud giggling and squealing. I look to the bed. Eve’s bent over a wriggling Elizabeth. She’s blowing raspberries on Elizabeth’s chubby belly.

  "Mummy!" Elizabeth squeals.

  A smile creeps on my face and I pounce on Eve. I tackle her to the bed, lifting her top to reveal her stomach.

  "Gabe, what are you-" I cut her off, blowing a raspberry on her belly, just like she did with Elizabeth and she giggles.

  Elizabeth laughs loudly and begins bouncing on the bed. "Get mummy!"

  After our little play, Eve finally gets Elizabeth dressed and ready. I decide it's time.

  With sweaty hands and a fast beating heart I look at my beautiful lady. "Eve, I need to show you something."

  I see in her eyes that there's a little panic. After all the shit Satan put her through she still doesn't truly believe it's all over.

  "What?" She asks, picking up Elizabeth.

  "It's good I promise." I smile at her.


  I bring my black SUV to a stop, and I begin to sweat.

  Fuck I've never been this nervous in my life!

  I've brought down men, dealt with frightening and life threatening situations and nearly lost Eve to him, but I swear, I've never been this fucking nervous. Truthfully, I'm fucking scared too.

  I take a risk and glance at Eve who is sitting in the passenger seat. Her eyes are bright and staring, confused at what she’s seeing in front of her.

  She looks to me. "Gabe?"

  I open my door and quickly walk around to her side. Elizabeth, who is sitting in her booster seat, is too busy playing with her dolls to care about us at the minute. I hold Eve’s hand as she slowly gets out of the car. Her eyes widen at the sight in front of us.

  I turn her towards me so we're standing chest to chest, my arms wrapped around her back.


  I gaze into his dark, beautiful blue eyes as he looks down at me. "Eve, I told you that when you were completely safe that I would get our family a home." I'm stunned as he turns me around to face the beautiful building in front of me.

  I look at the house; it looks a little larger than an average house, but not too big. Pretty windows are scattered amidst the cream colored brick work. A lush green garden spreads out in front, a large private fence protecting the back. Surrounding the front garden there’s a little white picket fence that almost makes me laugh.

  I feel Gabe lean down to my ear. "That time is now, baby. Welcome home."

  Happy tears fall, I can't believe it. I'm finally safe. Gabe wouldn't get me the house we wanted if we were still in danger. The tension and fear I’ve been feeling falls away. I'm left an emotional wreck as I watch Gabe get an excited Elizabeth out of the car. He laughs as she plants a wet, sloppy kiss on his cheek.

  Once Gabe puts Elizabeth down she goes straight for the white wooden gate, running in circles around the front garden. This is it. This is the life I've always wanted for myself and my baby girl.

  Gabe holds my hand, guiding me inside our new home. I take a deep breath, letting it all sink in. I watch Gabe and Elizabeth explore and happily follow them.

  I'm where I'm meant to be.

  I’m home.



  There is no way we could have created this book without our fantastic team of beta readers. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Elle, Emma, Ellen, Nessa, Vickie, Angi and Jane. There were times when we left them hanging in suspense, and we had them shouting and swearing at us for some of the plot twists they hadn't been expecting. Their input was invaluable. Their reactions were priceless. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  Thank you to the readers who bought Severed Angel (Severed MC #1), your feedback and responses have been amazing and we are truly humbled and honored by your sharing them with us. We just hope that this second book lives up to your expectations.

  Thank you to the bloggers who have supported us all the way through this crazy journey. To Kelly of Kelly's Kindle Konfessions who introduced K.T Fisher and Ava Manello to each other, without you there'd never have been a book one. To Charlie & Mel's book reviews who have shared nearly every single one of our teasers and been in constant contact awaiting book two, and to everyone who shared a cover reveal, teaser or hosted an author takeover, thank you.

  To the authors we love and who we admire, thank you for writing such great books. You inspire us daily. And to those authors who have supported us in this journey, words cannot express our thanks enough. And yes... we're fangirls and in absolute shock still that you took time out to do that for us. We love you.

  About K.T Fisher

  I love reading, it's my favourite hobby. I've always had ideas for my own books packed into my head so I thought I would write them out for people to enjoy

  Stalk K.T. Fisher


  Twitter: KTFisher_Author


  About Ava Manello

  I'm a passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love nothing more than helping other Indie authors publish their books - be that reviewing, beta reading, formatting or proofreading,

  I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog

  Stalk Ava Manello


  Twitter: @AvaManello






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