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Twilight of a Hybrid

Page 46

by Ryan Johnson

  The princess was happy to see her father not seating on the throne. Every time she would walk in the throne room, she would be seeing her father sitting upon the seat doing his royal duties as King of Shimabellia.

  For nineteen years, she walked in and out of the throne room seeing her father smiling at her and seeing him sit on the throne.

  Now it was her turn to inherit the throne. Now, with the king gone, she can finally become she always wanted to be; the next ruler of Shimabellia. Of the years she lived her life, she can now sit upon the throne and call herself the new ruler and Queen of Shimabellia.

  As she walked closer to the throne, she stopped and turn back to look at her subjects. Apparently these people in the throne room were loyal to their king. And, due to his long disappearance, they were placing their loyalty in their soon-to-be queen.

  “My father once said to me ‘when there is a sunset there is a sunrise the next.’ The sun had set on my father Uragiru, and the sun now rises on my terms. Since no one has heard from the king for a month, it meant he has died trying to kill the traitorous hybrid or he died in succeeding in his war against the hybrid that tried to kill him. Whatever happened to him will remain unclear. He sat upon the throne for long enough. It is now my time to inherit what rightfully belongs to me. And do make sure I am clear on this, I’m going to—”

  Then there were loud fanfares blowing in the throne room. Those fanfares blew loud during the speech of the princess, and she was so annoyed to hear those going on while she was talking to the crowd.

  “Presenting the return of His Highness,” said a soldier. The soldier was turning his head as he saw a shadowy figure coming from the left side door close to the throne room, and the door was a secret entrance for the current ruler. When he saw it, he gave a signal to other guards to sound the blows of the fanfares. “The King has returned!”

  The princess nearly screamed loudly as she wanted to be the new Queen. Just at her height of being crowed the new ruler; news quickly took that opportunity away from her. Now she had to wait longer for Uragiru to die and take the throne at a later age.

  From the shadows from the pillars, a figure walked out; it wasn’t Uragiru. It was a strange human creature walking out plainly in front of everyone’s eyes. There were two large wide wings, curved wolf-like legs with red scales shining like diamonds, and a tail slivering behind the strange creature. Its face resembled a human face with a few lizard scales on his cheeks, two long curved horns near the sides of his forehead, and there were strange fins behind its ears.

  The strange creature was hearing linen clothes of dull blue and red coloring. The clothes covered most of upper half human torso and were tightly wrapped around his wings, but his legs remained in sight. He wore vambraces with small rubies on his lower arms and small pauldrons armor draping on his shoulder. There was a black, thin crown on his head with three long circlets thin like sticks.

  The figure walked past the guard, past the princess who was going to the throne, sat instantly sat upon the throne. The strange creature wasn’t a ruler and it walked from the shadows of the secret door, walked in front of everybody, and sat upon the seat that should have been the princess’s. And the face looked oddly familiar to a person she knew.

  A few people in the crowd began to whisper of the strange creature walking from out of nowhere and fearlessly sitting on the throne the royal family.

  “Greetings, people of Shimabellia, I am Valverno, whom you people once called Vaeludar. The new ruler of the island and as well of Isla Maeli.”

  It was the hybrid who had appeared sitting on the throne. Vaeludar, who was there in the flesh, sat upon the throne. He was the one who King Uragiru went to war against and he was sitting upon the throne of power.

  “It’s you? Your alive?” said the princess.

  “What kind of question is that, Princess Stephanie? Of course, I am and I always have been for the past seventeen years. What else would I have been doing during that time? And I am here to do some necessary things that should have been done years ago.”

  “What do you mean? Where’s King Uragiru? That is the throne of my father. And by rights, it is mine and mine on—”

  “King Uragiru, your father and my predecessor is no longer upon the living, and I am the one who killed the king!”

  There were loud gasps of great shock; their king was dead and the murderer was sitting onto his throne, if the hybrid was treasuring it like a trophy. There was a near panic of what was now going to happen to them.

  “When the king declared war upon and marched with an army of seventy thousand men at his command, it was a mistake on his part for him to come to me. Now he paid the ultimate price. Instead of joining me on my mission to kill Lusìvar, King Uragiru lost his reasonability as a king and went traitor. Therefore, I have stripped everything of the royal family and place myself as the new ruler of Shimabellia.”

  “Are-are you kidding me? Are you insane?” shouted the princess.

  “Your father was more insane than I ever will be. He loved his power more he loved his people and you, princess. Or have you not heard? You were adopted. Uragiru was never your father. So you are not eligible to take to the throne. So, as a quick solution, I killed the king and taking over the throne.”

  The princess was just ready to kill the hybrid; upon hearing the words he was laying on her. “You murderer! Bodyguards! Kill that hybrid! He killed our beloved king!”

  The guards that escorted the princess to the throne ran from the crowd and to the hybrid with spears pointing at him. Then the guards around the side walls charged around the crowd to the throne. They were aiming to kill the one who confessed of killing King Uragiru. As they changed with great speed, they couldn’t help but notice something coming from the ceiling.

  A figure with white glowing armor jumped from the ceiling and landed in front of the hybrid. This lone figure was dressed in heavy white armor hearing a helmet of an eagle’s head and wore a long white cape.

  As the soldiers came charging, the lone knight dashed to the soldiers coming from the crowd and waved a long spear at them. They were suddenly sent back to the crowd. The lone knight casted a wind magic from the spear that easily broke the soldiers’ spears and sent them flying to the ground.

  Then the soldiers from the sides were caught in the mist of two other falling knights dressed in white glowing armor, each hearing the same armor but different helmets: one was a cheetah and the other was a tiger.

  These two face the two opposite directions the princess’s bodyguards were coming from and did the same thing their first comrade did. They sent soldiers flying away with broken spears that snapped easily like a dead twig from a dead tree.

  After the three knights did away with the bodyguards, they stood beside the hybrid sitting on the throne. One held out a long spear, one held two long kukri knives, and the other held a longsword.

  “May I introduce three of the four legendary White Knights: Charity, Loyalty, and Charity. The sacred bodyguards eternally bound to serve me. They are granted the rights to the Bodyguard for the Throne, where they power exceeds beyond those of royal rankings.”

  “You!? Just who do you think you are?” asked the princess.

  “Did you not hear me the first round? I am Valverno, demigod from Pangaea and son of one of the Crystal Dragon god!” Valverno stood up and walked from the throne. “The word demigod is a ranking title; it outranks all other ranks such as kings and dukes. No one has superior authority other than the Three Gods. And it would make a Prince of the Gods.

  “But now, since we have established of me being here, acknowledge me as the new ruler of Shimabellia: Demigod Valverno!” Then Valverno stood up and stomped both his feet and flapped his wings once.

  This sent out a windy shockwave that shocked the entire room. The windows on the high walls broke into thousands of glassy shards and fell like snow. Valverno raised his hand and sent out a stroke of a strong wind blowing the snowing glass out the gaps the glass brok
e from. And behind him, the throne had shattered so suddenly.

  Valverno looked upon the people standing in fear of him. No one was saying anything. He gave a strange, tilted glare at several people that briefly startled them, just by looking at them.

  “All hail Demigod Valverno!” said a voice.

  From the one voice in the crowd, few others began to join in. Their voices began to ring louder as other voices began to join.

  Then the nobility started to say the same thing: “All hail Demigod Valverno!” In a matter of minutes, all the humans in the throne room shouted out Valverno’s name.

  The demigod of the ancient world of Pangaea gave a small smile as the people in front of him were calling his name. Instead of sitting on the throne, he decided to remain standing and make sure the people he didn’t consider to be his allies were calling him by his name. With his power and his three White Knights, there was now no human force that could fight off against his might.

  Valverno was now the new ruler of Shimabellia. He looked at the princess standing beside the throne and slowly backing away.

  At that point, one of the White Knights jumped to Princess Stephanie. The Knight restrained the princess as if she was going to be held like a prisoner to Valverno. Valverno turned away from the captured princess and looked at the people calling out his name. He took a few steps back where now the throne had been destroyed.

  Valverno was ready to take on the island and those who may still have their loyalty in the royal family. He looked upon the ceiling and saw the light of the sun shining down upon him.

  Now it would be a matter of time of who would make the first mistake that could cost a certain person’s life and the future of the Living Life: Lusìvar, who will rule over the islands and life and bring Shadow or Valverno, who may win and bring peace to the islands and the future and bring Light into the future.

  The final battle for the future has begun and only one will be the ultimate victor!






  Ryan Johnson was born 1994 in California. He moved to Arizona in the year of 2000, and he has lived there ever since. His first word was “flower” which pronounced as “tlower.” His world of fantasy adventures started when he was eight years old, when he had an idea he was reincarnated to Earth from another dimension. And throughout his childhood, he felt like an outsider and a lone-wolf than a people person, living in the shadows of other people.

  He was diagnosed with autism at a very young age, and he wouldn’t speak until he was five years old, speaking only a hundred words. Throughout his childhood, he underwent many doctors, therapies, medical treatments, etc. Doctors told his parents there was no hope for him of being able to think for himself and forever be a low functioning human boy.

  However, throughout the years, Ryan managed to pull through and now he has grown intelligent enough to live on his own. He is now creating different worlds like the two islands of Shimabellia and Isla Maeli and creating the characters of the world of A Tale of a Human Dragon Hybrid. He currently lives in Arizona where he is currently to conclude his A Tale of a Human Dragon Hybrid Trilogy of which he started in 2014.




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