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Her 2 Protectors

Page 5

by Jessa Kane

  Fear like I’ve never felt before slings around my neck. There hasn’t been enough time to find the person who poses a threat to Penny. She’s vulnerable right now—at the mercy of the same asshole who killed her father—and we’re the line of defense surrounding her. Unless we don’t make it back. Who’s going to protect her if we don’t?

  Testing the doorknob to the apartment and finding it locked, I step back and kick it open, both of us turning to protect against a backdraft. And then we’re moving, but I’m thinking back to that kiss we gave Penny earlier. How I was so fucked over worrying her that I overwhelmed her, kissing her until she couldn’t breathe. Then there was Nick, easing her concern. Comforting her.

  If something happened to one of us, she’s going to need that, isn’t she? She’s going to need Nick, the immortal. The man she calls Daddy.

  Although it causes me actual pain to say what’s needed, I stop in the process of raising my axe to break apart fallen debris in our way. “If something happens to me, just get out. Go to her, all right? She’s going to need someone. She can’t lose us both.” My throat constricts. “Just protect her, please. Keep her safe.”

  Nick can’t hide his surprise, but buries it almost immediately. “Shut the fuck up,” he growls at me, brushing past to take the lead into the bedroom, where the woman is still waving…what I now see is a bra. “We’re both getting out of here. I’ve got her—you clear a path.”

  So much for my attempts at being noble. I make sure Nick has the woman secured over his shoulder, before turning and moving back through the living room.

  That’s when a beam falls from the ceiling.



  I try to stay in the locked apartment. I really do.

  But I didn’t count on seeing the fire from Zeke’s bedroom window. Smoke fills the sky and below…below is an inferno. I’m way too familiar with the experience of being surrounding by flames. Is that what my two lovers are seeing right now? A wall of fire, the inescapable smell of everything melting and being destroyed?

  After fifteen minutes spent pacing the bedroom, I’m going stir crazy. I can’t lose Nick and Zeke. I can’t. They were my saviors in the fire and every day afterward, standing guard at my bedside, making me feel loved and cared for when I needed it most. Touching me with such passion one minute, holding me like a treasure the next. Already, my stomach is caving in on itself at the very possibility they could be hurt. Don’t firefighters get injured—or worse—all the time?

  Yes. Yes…and if that happens, I have to be there to give them the same support they’ve given me. I have to do something.

  Dark laughter fills my head. Shadows move in my memories. There’s a very good reason Nick and Zeke want me to stay in the apartment. I could be next on the To Kill list of the man who set the fire that brought my saviors to me in the first place. But I’ve moved three times since the fire. Surely the faceless evil won’t be lying in wait for me. Finding me so fast would be impossible, right?

  I break speed records taking a shower and getting dressed, pulling on the first thing I grab out of my overnight bag. Jean shorts and a halter top. I toss my purse over my shoulder and run from the apartment in ratty sandals, skidding to a stop on the sidewalk. Where am I going to go? Not the scene of the fire, right?

  No, if I go to the fire, I could be a distraction for Nick and Zeke. One that could get them hurt. I’ll go to the firehouse. There must be someone who stays behind and they’ll have news about Nick and Zeke’s welfare. I’ll just hang out until I know they’re all right, then I’ll book it back to the apartment.

  They’ll never know I was gone.

  My Uber pulls up a minute later and I make it to the firehouse in no time, my sandals slapping on the pavement as I run to the door, stepping inside—


  At least a dozen firemen look up from their task of undressing, their eyes spearing me with curiosity. In some cases. In others, it’s outright appreciation, their interest sliding down to settle on the hem of my shorts.

  “Um…oh. I didn’t expect…” I swallow hard and adjust my purse. “Can someone tell me if Nick and Zeke are here?”

  They exchange glances.

  “You don’t need them when you’ve got us.”

  “You here to give us a hero’s welcome, darlin’? We’ve got us a nice little break before we’re due back at the scene.”

  “How do you know Nick and Zeke, anyway?”

  “I…” I back toward the door as a few of the men come toward me, rubbing their hands together and looking me over like I’m their next meal. “They’re my friends.” Panic creeps into my throat. “Why aren’t they here? Are they hurt?”

  The men stop walking, one of them sighing loudly. “Zeke took a hit on the shoulder. Ceiling beam. Went to get patched up, but his cocky ass will be fine.”

  “And Nick?”

  “I’m right here.”

  I whirl around and find a murderous Nick watching the men behind me with a dangerous tic in his jaw. I’m so happy to see him in one piece, though, I jump without thinking, leaping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. “I was so worried,” I whisper in his ear. “Please don’t be mad.”

  His considerable muscles remain bunched. “You disobeyed me, sweetheart,” he murmurs back, settling a possessive hand on my bottom, cupping and stroking it. “We’re going to have a long talk about this.”

  It only occurs to me now that the other fireman might recognize me from the night I was rescued, but none of them seem to notice. I’m not surprised, though, considering Nick and Zeke stayed huddled around me like protective cavemen the whole time. “They said Zeke is hurt,” I say with a catch in my voice.

  “I’m fine, baby,” says the man in question, appearing in the doorway. There’s a bandage wrapped around his shoulder and some dime-sized burns along the side of his gorgeous face, but otherwise he’s as solid and healthy as usual. “Or I was until I saw these motherfuckers checking out what’s ours,” Zeke mutters for our ears alone, circling around to block me from their view. “It’s getting old real fast.”

  “Well, shit. Which one of you does she belong to?” one of the men calls. “Maybe he can be persuaded to share. She is sweet.”

  Nick goes from tense to bristling beneath me, and Zeke’s energy is much the same. “I guess this is why I should have stayed home,” I whisper, trying to appear contrite and defuse the situation. Nick doesn’t notice, though, because he’s too busy communicating to the other men in the room that I’m off limits. But I hear their footsteps coming closer and I know they’re not taking the hint.

  Truth be told, it ticks me off a little.

  Acting on instinct, I hike myself higher on Nick’s body and fuse our mouths together, sliding my tongue into his mouth shyly, the way I’ve started to sense he likes. There’s only a couple seconds of stubborn resistance before Nick kisses me back, his resistance crumbling in the form of a broken growl. The big hand on my backside moves me up and down on his erection, his mouth chastising me for not listening with occasional nips of my bottom lip between his teeth. The seam of my shorts grows damp, my flesh eager to please Daddy. But he’s not the only one I’m called to pleasure.

  I come up for air and twist in Nick’s grip, holding my arms out for Zeke. Nick passes me to the other man, who’s able to cradle me despite his injured shoulder, my thighs cinching around his rangy hips. Our kiss ignites like a powder keg, volatile and urgent. Zeke bruises my mouth, giving me no quarter. Branding me. Sweeping his tongue deep, tasting me with brutal hunger.

  I’m so consumed by the moment, I don’t hear the other fireman groaning until Zeke ends the kiss. I tuck my face into Zeke’s neck and peek over his shoulder to find some of them reaching into their uniform pants, their hands moving in quick jerks, their attention trained on me.

  “Look at her. Fuck,” one of them grits out. “Still not sure who she belongs to.”

  “Both of them,” I answer, reaching back t
o tug Nick closer before he can charge the group, so I’m sandwiched in between him and Zeke. “Only them.”



  I still want to kill everyone in the firehouse who owns a pair of testicles.

  But as I follow Zeke—who’s carrying Penny—into the locker room upstairs, I can’t stop the glow of pride spreading in my chest. Zeke and I were prepared to take on a dozen men to keep them from Penny. We would have succeeded, too, because no man loses a fight over a female like her. Not when they’ve gotten a taste. Of her body. Of her worry and concern. Of the whole package.

  She belongs to us now and I don’t care who knows. I’m old-fashioned to the bone and sharing a woman is not conventional. But won’t sharing Penny with Zeke be a million miles more satisfying than having a different woman all to myself? Fuck yeah. She was mine the moment I laid eyes on her, but right beside me, another man was having the same experience. I have to try and respect that, difficult though it’s proving. The ongoing struggle to share is between the three of us, though. Any outsider who’s got a problem with us can deliver their complaints to my right fist.

  I flip the lock on the door, then turn to watch as Zeke sets Penny down in between two rows of lockers. She sways into him, closing her eyes as he caresses her cheek. Yeah, Zeke’s touch is comforting, but when he speaks, his voice is anything but. “She didn’t stay home where it’s safe,” he says, the smoke he inhaled making him hoarse. “What are we going to do about that?”

  They both look at me and purpose sinks into my bones. Already it’s understood that I’m the disciplinarian—and I like that role just fine. In fact, I love it. It’s everything I need and want and crave. “Take off your shorts, Penny. And pull down your panties.”

  Her eyes grow wide, mouth parting in surprise. “But, Daddy—”

  “You knew there would be consequences for breaking the rules.” I loosen my belt while walking toward her. “You broke them anyway.”

  Penny crosses her arms, a clean indication she’s not going to obey me.

  “Do you need some help doing what you’re told?”

  She starts to stomp off, but Zeke catches her around the waist, drawing her back against his chest, locking her arms at her sides. “Has to be done, baby. We can’t keep you safe if you go running around in the middle of night wearing clothes that belong at the beach.” I begin unfastening her shorts and lowering the zipper while Zeke continues to speak in her ear. “If we’d come five minutes later, those men would have done things they’d be ashamed of in the morning. They wouldn’t have been able to help it. You turn men into fucking animals, Penny.”

  “Your father knew it. That’s part of the reason why he asked us to protect you.” Zeke’s eyes flash at my phrasing—part of the reason—and I realize our discussion about the men who killed Penny’s father is way overdue. Later. “Now your Daddy and your big brother know it. If my belt on your ass if the only way to make you obey rules meant to keep you safe, so be it.”

  Wasting no more time, I take a seat on the bench and yank down Penny’s shorts and panties, shaking my head over her perfect cunt. Soon. I’ll be inside it soon. Now, though, I catch her wrist and draw her closer, turning her face down over my lap. “Please, don’t,” she cries. “I’m sorry.”

  “Not as sorry as I am,” I rasp, smoothing a hand over her beautiful ass cheeks, cupping them in my palm. “Going to spank it now. And fuck it later. One is a punishment. The other is Daddy’s God-given right, isn’t it, sweetheart?”

  Penny doesn’t answer, only squirming on my outstretched thighs.

  With a flick of my wrist, I snap the belt down on her supple ass. “Isn’t it my right to put my cock in your tight, pink asshole, little girl?”


  “Good.” Jesus, I’m already beginning to sweat, my cock thickening with hot, pulsing blood. “Are you going to obey your men next time?”

  “I’m going to try,” she whimpers.

  I raise the belt and leave another strap mark on her left cheek, the smacking sound following by a choked cry of “Daddy!”

  “Christ.” Zeke starts to pace. “I can’t take much more.”

  “Me either,” I say, meaning it. I set the belt down beside me on the bench and trace the split of her ass, traveling down until I reach her pussy. My intention is to apologize for the pain by rubbing her sensitive little clit, but what I find instead makes me groan. “She’s fucking soaked.”

  Zeke stops pacing. “Likes being punished, does she?” The younger man expels a rushed breath, relief eases the worry lines around his eyes. “So much for teaching her a lesson. Maybe next time we put her in time out and don’t touch her at all.”

  Penny makes a sound of protest, so I slide a finger into her cunt to appease her, loving the way she tightens her thighs around my hand. “Now, that would just be a punishment for us, wouldn’t it?” I say, working my finger in and out.

  “Fucking right, it would,” Zeke breathes, unzipping his pants and taking out his cock, giving it an anxious pump. “Goddamn, she’s so beautiful I don’t know what to do with myself. Can’t believe we’ve got her to ourselves.”

  Neither can I. I’ll never be able to believe it. Or stop thanking fate for her.

  Zeke asking me for the promise that I’ll care for Penny if something happened to him tonight…that moment won’t stop prodding me. Part of my irritation with him and my reluctance to share Penny stemmed from his cavalier attitude. His cocky personality. But what he did tonight was worthy of her.

  I draw my finger out of Penny’s pussy and use her wetness to write my initials on her reddened ass. Then I stand, pulling her up with me, settling my mouth against her ear as I walk her toward a starved-looking Zeke. “You’re going to give him some sweet, grateful pussy right now, Penny.” I run my thumb up the nape of her neck, soothing the shock of my spanking with a slow massage. “He was a hero tonight. Told me to get out if something happened to him, because you need me more. But we all know that’s not true, sweetheart. You’re going to remind him.”

  Obviously having heard me, Zeke swallows and looks away.

  “Zeke…” Penny whispers, her voice uneven. “How could you say that?”

  “I just want you to have everything you deserve, Penny. No matter the cost.”

  I untie the halter top strings at Penny’s neck and draw the flimsy piece of clothing off over her head. “We both need you to be happy,” I say, kneading her tits in both hands. “You know why that is?”

  “You love me?” she whispers, looking back at me over her shoulder.

  “We love you,” I say, pressing a kiss to her temple. “So damn much.”

  “God, yeah. Penny.” Zeke appears stoned as he comes forward. “How could we do anything but love you?”

  Contentment mixes with fire inside me. I could hold her and savor the feel of her for hours, but both of our male appetites are pressing, growing by the second. Before Zeke can reach us, I grasp Penny behind the knees and lift, positing her back to my chest and spreading her legs wide open. “Show Penny how a man fucks her when he spent a few minutes thinking he’d never see her again.”

  * * *


  If there’s ever a time in my life I don’t turn into a fucking madman over the sight of Penny’s cunt, I must be six feet under. It affects me like nothing else. All bare and built too tight for the kind of obsessed, animalistic fucking she tempts a man to hand her. Won’t stop me from giving it to her, though. Nothing can stop me joining my body with the girl I not only love, but have lost my mind over—and I do it now.

  Have to. Need her.

  Breathing like a goddamn racehorse, I take one final look at the perfection of Nick holding open Penny’s legs for my cock and I step between them, tucking myself in between the glistening, barely parted lips of her cunt and I lunge upward, catching her scream with my mouth.

  “Shit,” I rasp halfway through a kiss, my eyes rolling back in my head because she’s wrapped up
around me like a Chinese finger trap, constricting when I pull out for that second mind-blowing thrust. “I keep this dick just for little sister, don’t I?” I rasp at her mouth. “So tight I know I’m doing something that’s just plain wrong. Feels so fucking right, though. Feels like you’ve got a crush on your big brother and asking for homework help is just an excuse to lie beside me on the bed in your little plaid skirt. You were asking for this.”

  “Daddy knows his pain, don’t I?” Nick growls, pressing Penny tighter to me so she’s flattened between us, receiving my thrusts with little whimpers because she has no choice but to take this fat cock she owns now. “How are we supposed to keep our pants zipped when you don’t bother wearing any? You should have known this was coming when Daddy started buying your panties. That shouldn’t be my job, but you made it my business every time you bent over.”

  Penny throws her head back on Nick’s shoulder and moans, her tits bouncing every time I drive to the hilt—and I’m going fast. Because as much as we’re living out this fantasy that seems to have sucked us in, tonight I did think I could lose my chance to see Penny again. That leftover fear has made me desperate to feel. To absorb her and take the perfection she offers.

  I wrap a hand around the back of her neck now, pulling her in for a kiss while I grind, grind, grind myself as deep as her body allows, feeling her thighs shudder on my hips, Nick’s grip flexing where he spreads her open for my convenience.

  “Hold her while I get my cock out.” Nick’s voice is hoarse. “Keeping taking her hard. That’s what you do for her. That’s what she needs from you.”

  Desperate to have her full weight settled on me, I take Penny from Nick and give a vile curse at the bliss of having Penny all to myself for a while. Not a second passes before she’s got her thighs perched on my hips, her fingers weaving through my hair, blonde hair across one eye. I can’t help it, I turn and pound her up against the locker, starting a deafening racket.


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