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One Kiss to Win

Page 19

by Romi Hart

  “As long as it’s back to your place,” I blurted out before I had a chance to think about how that would sound. He stared down at me, eyebrows raised for a moment as he considered my proposal. I shrugged, playing it cool. But in reality, my heart was pounding in my chest just looking at him. I wanted him so badly that it was taking everything I had in me not to lunge across the table and get my hands on him right there and then. I had never felt this kind of chemistry with anyone, never felt that solid, sweeping, stark kind of attraction that made me want to throw myself head-first at him and not give a damn about any of the consequences.

  "I'm not far from here, actually," he remarked, offering me a hand and ignoring the glances he was getting from the people around him. Maybe a few of them recognized him, or maybe it was just that the sexual tension was too much to ignore. I took his hand and let him pull me to my feet, and he planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth before we made for the door.

  “Come on,” he pulled me close into his side as we made our way down the street. The sun was shining down on us as though it had come out just to light up this scene, and I nestled against him, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly. I knew that we probably should have been playing it a little cooler, but I didn’t give a damn. I was just so glad that we had finally accepted the fact that we should be together – no matter what.


  He traced his thumb over the strip of bare skin that was exposed to the air between the top of my pants and the bottom of my shirt, and all at once any thoughts of romance dropped from my head and all I wanted to do was fuck him.

  “How far did you say your place was?” I asked, trying to sound casual and failing dismally. He grinned down at me.

  “Just around the corner,” he gestured ahead of us, and then leaned in close to my ear to whisper.

  “Or I’m sure we could find a car if you’re that desperate.”

  His teasing little words plus the feel of his hot breath against my skin was enough to send a sharp shiver up my spine. Fuck, I needed this guy – I needed him now. I walked faster and he hurried to keep up, and before I knew it we had come to a halt outside an enormous apartment building that seemed to tower a million miles into the air.

  "You live here?" I gaped. I thought back to my tiny apartment and felt a little twinge in my stomach. He really was on a whole different planet.

  “Yep,” he replied, nodding at the doorman who let us in with a small smile and a glance between the two of us.

  “Please tell me you’re on the top floor, too,” I teased as we stepped into the elevator, and he shrugged.

  “Penthouse apartment,” he grinned. “Nothing less.”

  As soon as the elevator doors slid shut, he was on me - it was the fastest I'd seen him move in his life, and I watched all those videos of him demolishing the defenses of the best teams in the world. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close against him, so I could feel his hard body through the thin t-shirt he had on. He pressed his mouth into my neck and kissed me lightly, the sensation a contrast with the harshness of his hands as they moved to grope my ass and my thighs.

  “God, you feel so good,” he groaned. “I missed this.”

  "Me too," I gasped, and he finally moved his head to kiss me properly. We didn't take our time, instantly losing ourselves to the moment as he backed me up against the wall and caught my wrists lightly in his hands, pushing them up so they were either side of me. I was helpless under his grip – but even if he hadn't laid a hand on me, I would have done anything at all that he wanted. He had me under his spell, a silly phrase that I never thought had any bearing in reality – until that moment.

  He reached around and slammed his hand against the button next to the door, and the elevator ground to a halt. I turned to see what he’d done, and I gaped when I saw that he’d hit the emergency stop button.

  “Holy fuck, Adam,” I gasped. “Are you serious? We could get into so much trouble…”

  “I don’t care,” he panted into my ear, slipping his hand down the front of my pants with ease. “I want to fuck you right here, right now. That okay with you?”

  I was about to protest, but then his fingers found my clit and he stroked me lightly, one hand planted above my head as he looked down at me intently to read my reaction.

  “Yeah,” I breathed, arching my hips up to allow him easier access. “Fuck, yes.”

  He pushed two fingers inside of me and stretched me a little, forcing me to suck in a sharp breath of surprise. Fuck, but it felt good. I squirmed against his hand and he watched me, our bodies far enough apart that the space between us felt like a palpable, living thing. I wanted to fuck him, wanted him to take me right there and then, but I didn't know how long we had and I didn't want to be caught with my pants down. Literally.

  “We’ve got as long as we need,” he assured me, reading my mind and leaning in to kiss me once more. “Trust me.”

  “Something tells me this isn’t the first time you’ve done this,” I grinned into the kiss, and he shrugged and he shifted his thumb up to stroke my clit in time with the movement of his fingers inside me.

  "No comment," he breathed in my ear, and just like that, any doubts I might have had about the scenario vanished. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in as close as I could, grinding my hips against his hand and moaning loudly. I had waited long enough – I needed him, now. I had never felt anything like the surge of desire that shot through me at that moment, and as his other hand traveled down my back to cup my ass, I felt almost dizzy with need for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close, clinging to him for dear life, and wondered for a moment how the hell I'd ended up here. And how the hell I'd gone so long without him.

  "Fuck, you're so wet," he murmured in my ear, and he pulled his fingers from my panties and pushed them into my mouth. I sucked and licked on them hungrily, staring up into his eyes as I did so, and he grabbed me and hoisted me up onto the then metal handrail that ran around the edge of the elevator. I wrapped my legs around him and drew him in close, and before I knew it he had squirmed his hand beneath me and was peeling off my pants and underwear. He grabbed the top of my shirt and yanked it down, hooking his fingers beneath the bra and drawing one of my nipples into his mouth as he undressed me. Was it always going to be like this? This urgent, this desperate, this…perfect? I pushed the thought from my head as I clutched at him, letting my head tilt back as he moved back up my body and peppered kisses all along my throat as he went.

  Pulling a condom from his pocket, he sheathed himself as quickly as he could. I heard the little rip of foil as he paused for a second as he slid the condom over his dick. I looked down at him hungrily as he did so, my pussy already aching for his dick. It was as though we'd been built to fit together like this, as if we were a pair of jigsaw puzzle pieces. He looked me dead in the eye as he positioned himself against my slit, and slowly, slowly eased himself inside of me.

  “Holy shit,” he growled, running his hand up my back and tugging on my hair lightly. I couldn’t find the words to articulate how it felt, and all I managed in response was a dizzy, desirous moan. He thrust up and I tightened my legs around his waist, loving the way he felt, loving how powerful he was beneath me. I did my best to rock my hips back down to meet him, moving in time to his deep thrusts, but I was at his mercy – Adam was holding me up, more or less, and he was the one setting the pace. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him down to kiss me, our tongues meeting once more as he began to move faster.

  “Fuck, Sam,” he groaned in my ear, and I loved hearing my name on his lips – it sent a shock of passion through my body and I raked my fingers down his back approvingly. He leaned over and lightly bit my lip, his thrust growing deeper and more rhythmic with every passing second.

  “Oh, shit,” I groaned, clenching my teeth and tensing my jaw as I felt everything between my legs start to tingle with anticipation. One of my shoes fell off as I curled my toes, but I couldn’t have c
ared less. All that mattered to me was feeling him come, feeling his cock deep inside me as I reached my own climax, seeing the look on his face as he-

  "Ah!" I cried out as the orgasm hit me, my entire body going limp in his arms as I lost myself completely to the feeling. I had to press my head against his shoulder to keep from falling over, my limbs weak and trembling as my pussy pulsed with pleasure. He kissed that spot between my neck and my ear, that sensitive little stretch of skin that felt so good that it was almost too much, and came himself, thrusting up hard and letting out a long, slow breath as his body relaxed. We stayed like that for a moment, both of us coming back down to Earth slowly like feathers drifting on the breeze.

  “Shit,” He muttered. “We probably shouldn’t wait around like this.”

  “Agreed,” I grinned, reaching for my shoe and doing up my pants. “That was…”

  “Wait till I show you what I can do in the comfort of my own home,” He cocked an eyebrow, and leaned down to kiss me once more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight, inhaling his scent and enjoying the closeness of him. This might be hard, but it was right. So obviously, blatantly, brilliantly right.


  “Hey, buddy, come here!” Adam called to Jacob across the park as Jacob barrelled away with the soccer ball at his feet. “That’s not fair!”

  I watched them with a grin as Adam pursued Jacob and the two of them tussled over the ball for a couple of seconds before Adam let Jacob win it and score a goal in the makeshift goalposts we'd set up using our jackets. The day was warm, and I was out with my two favorite people in the world. It didn't get much better than that.

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, and thoughts of the last six months drifted through my brain. I mean, so much had happened already that it was hard to keep track, but at the same time, every little detail felt as though it had been seared into my brain.

  Adam and I had done our level best to keep things on the down-low for a while. I didn’t even tell my mom that we were back together for fear that she might mention it to the wrong person and boom, the whole saga would end up on the back pages of the newspaper again. I had to admit, it was kind of fun sneaking around like we were doing something deviant. I loved the way it felt to make my way to his apartment block in the dead of night, glancing over my shoulder to make sure that no-one had seen me, and slip up to his place for a sweaty, hungry fuck before I headed back to my place. There were a lot of crazy-risky hook-ups during that time, and I found that I loved nothing more than for the two of us to drive out to somewhere not-so-remote and screw in his car just far enough away from the road that no-one would catch us. Even thinking about it now made me grin.

  The story I wrote on him came out a couple of months ago. It had been a long time coming, but that was a good thing – Irina had adored it and loved the angle I took with the stuff about his childhood, and it turned into kind of a sensation all of its own. Adam's story resonated with a lot of people and he wound up getting a bunch of great press for it, and all the interest in the story meant that I had suddenly shot up the pecking order at work. I had pretty much free reign to chase after any investigative piece that I wanted, and was currently putting together a story I was really excited about on the first openly gay player in the American soccer leagues. I was sure it was going to be brilliant, and so was Adam – he had been my biggest cheerleader since day one, and I had him to thank for giving me the story of a lifetime.

  And then, of course, there was Jacob in the middle of it. While Adam and I had continued keeping things quiet, I did my best to keep things feeling completely normal for my son. It was strange, falling in love and keeping it from the person closest to me, but I wanted to be sure Adam was in this for the long haul before I did anything too rash. And Adam was nervous too, worried that he would fuck things up and be a shitty father figure to Jacob. But as soon as they met, it was a match. Jacob adored Adam and didn't seem perturbed by the fact that he was a super-famous sportsperson either. To Jacob, he was just the dad he'd always wanted, the one who could take him out and play sports and always guarantee good seats in the cinema when the latest blockbusters were released.

  I watched the two of them, and eventually, Adam looked up and grinned at me, making his way back towards me across the fresh-cut grass.

  “You okay?” He asked as Jacob trailed behind him, focused on dribbling the ball at his feet. He was getting pretty good at soccer – but then, Adam wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  “I’m great,” I nodded with a smile, and leaned up to kiss him briefly. When I pulled back, I saw Jacob pulling a face, and rolled my eyes playfully.

  “That bad?” I teased him, and Jacob scrunched up his face in mock-disgust.

  “Yeah,” he agreed.

  “Come on then,” Adam scooped Jacob up. “Why don’t you show me how your penalty kicks are coming on if we disgust you so much?”

  Jacob laughed and hugged Adam, glancing over his shoulder at me as he did so. There they were; my two boys, the most important people in my life. I wasn’t sure what I’d done to earn the two of them, but I would be happy to pay off that debt forever. Lying back in the grass, I stared up at the gorgeously blue sky and smiled lazily. I couldn’t imagine life getting a whole lot better than this.

  * * *

  The End

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  Dangerous Play



  Bottom line, I slept with a lot of women I shouldn’t have. Single women, movie stars, poor women, older women, younger women, married women, women with boyfriends, women with girlfriends, female friends of my guy friends and of course, those classy women who say they don’t want no part of Nate Jiggur.

  They expect to meet a monster. A misogynist, a bully, a player, a cheat, a crook and a sneak. But that’s not me. That’s just the guy they try to sell you on TV. Everything the world knows about me is true. I’m the world’s fiercest quarterback who led the losing-streak Dallas Cowboys back to the Super Bowl—twice! I’m not just an MVP in sports, last year and the year before…I’m the MVP in real life, baby.

  Everything else, the life I live behind closed doors, that’s anyone’s guess.

  But you wouldn’t be wrong to say I get laid as much as the pope prays!

  When you have countless groupies throwing themselves at you after every game, the same old same old gets boring after a while. That’s why I like the women that say, No way, Hosea! Beware of Nate Jiggur, that shaved head twenty-six-year-old white boy is bad news!

  That’s what they all say at first. And when I finally take the bitch downtown, that’s when it feels oh so extra good to pound that sweet poontang until she comes twice. Because there’s nothing sexier than a woman that changes her mind and lets me dance in her forbidden garden, if you catch what I’m saying.

  I’ve heard it all before…

  I'm a high-class kind of girl and I want a man who worships the ground I walk on. And I've heard terrible, terrible things about Nate!

  Oh you heard things?

  Yes, I KNOW what kind of man you are. And I don’t fall for players. No sir!

  Ohhh I see, because you’re a championship girl, isn’t that right? You’re the highest caliber, MVP little miss special. Waiting for Mr. Right to come along. Million dollar woman that spreads her legs for NOBODY.

  That’s right! You’re not all that! I’ve had better.

  Wait, wait, sunshine. Let’s get one thing straight. You NEVER had better than Nate Jiggur.

  Yeah right! Whatever, Mister Ego!

  Now if you want to go tell your friends that you said NO to Nate Jiggur, the star quarterback, and you married your lame ass childhood sweetheart or some shit, you go right ahead. But you and I both know, there ain't nothing better than Nate. So stop lying to yourself. If you say no to me, you're missing out on the opportu
nity of a lifetime!

  And that’s when this rascal turns on the smile and makes them forget their own name. Is it my chiseled body they love? My handsome, flawless face with those shiny white teeth? Is it my movie star voice or just the fact that I ALWAYS win?

  Nah, I’ll let you in on a little secret…

  “Please do,” the uppity reporter Brenda Baynes says to me, listening to me rant and rave for a sports interview that’s going to air on HBO. “Just remember none of this is off the record.”

  “The secret is knowing when to make a pass,” I say slyly, always loving mixing it up with football and making love. A man makes the throw when a woman is feeling down. Low. Upset about her boyfriend. When she needs a little ego boost. That’s when I bring out the big guns. Not my huge cock, not my bulging biceps or very lickable abs. But my charm, you see. As in, ‘Damn you are so beautiful. You look so hot in that dress. Or my favorite, I’m trying really hard not to kiss you.’”

  “You really say that?”

  “The easiest ones are the under-sexed. The ones whose boyfriends are stupid enough to keep a woman waiting. All it takes is one smooth line, ‘I really don’t understand why your boyfriend doesn’t want to make love to you all the time! If I were you boyfriend I’d be all over you like grass on gridiron!’”

  She stares at me.

  “Err, that line usually works on football fanatics. Not neatly dressed ambitious news reporters.”

  “Ah, I see. So it’s safe to say that you haven’t matured to the point where you realize cheap sex is not all there is to life.”

  “Matured?” I say in giggling disbelief. “Matured? My fellow philosopher, one never matures from the joy of life! One is always living life to its fullest, is one not? If one is so tight-assed Republican that one cannot let her hair down and get it ON once in a while the WORLD feels sorry for such a one!”


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