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The Undercover Groom_Bachelor Billionaire Romances

Page 12

by Taylor Hart

  “We don’t. It’s a chance I had to take, Nick. I knew if he never got her, if he was really as crazy as she said, he wouldn’t stop until he got her eventually.”

  “You were playing craps with her life!” All he could think about was her safety. He understood the old man’s motives, but he didn’t want to risk her life.

  “It’s going to be fine.” Frank pulled out a device and hit a button.

  Men’s voices filled the car. “What if she doesn’t wake up soon?” one voice asked.

  “She’ll wake up.”

  “Is that Hal?” Nick pointed to the recording device.

  He heard something that sounded like tape ripping. “Stan, get over here,” someone said.

  “Who?” Nick asked.

  “That’s Hal.”

  They heard a door open and close as they pulled up to an older hotel on the outskirts of Jackson. Three other cop cars were already parked by a parking garage.

  “You tried to run from me. You’re going to have to pay,” a man said.

  Nick felt like his heart had stopped beating. “Let me out!” he yelled, jumping out before the car had fully stopped.

  “Wait!” Frank got out too.

  Another officer lingered outside, holding a similar device. “Where is he?” Nick asked him.

  The cop shook his head. “Who are you?”

  “Where is she?!” Nick roared.

  “Just tell him,” Frank insisted.

  The cop pointed toward the hotel. “Room four-oh-one.”

  Nick seized the sound device and took off.

  “Nick, wait,” Frank called after him. “Wait for an admission!”

  Nick put the device to his ear, ignoring Frank. They could get him on kidnapping and assault and battery. It was enough. He wouldn’t let her get hurt.

  “You thought you could get away from me, leave town, slip away from your life?” The words sounded scratchy through the device. “Now, Ava, you’re going to pay.”

  Chapter 22

  Unable to believe this was really happening, feeling like she was part in shock and part the calmest she’d ever been, Ava felt her lip begin to swell.

  Hal bent forward and she thought he would hit her again, but he ripped off the duct tape. “What do you have to say for yourself?” His voice was calmer than it had been, but her whole body screamed from the backhanded slaps she’d taken.

  “H-hal, let’s talk about this.” Her voice was thick because of the fat lip.

  “Talk,” he said, holding the gun in one hand and looking like he was ready to strike with the other.

  The old fear, the old anxiety, the old panic swelled up in her, waiting to crest like the wave of an ocean right before it slams into the rocks. This was how she’d lived; heightened, but always in fear of him. And now he’d gone completely off his rocker.

  His next blow reverberated through her face. “I said talk!”

  Something clicked inside of her despite all the physical pain. Unlike all those other times, she was different now. She wasn’t afraid. She thought about what Hunter had said about war. This was her war, and being with Nick the past couple of days had helped her see what a real relationship could be like.

  Tears burned into her eyes, not because of fear, but because she felt the inner strength that had always been there, but had only recently been unlocked. She glared at the man who had tortured her, been her captor, the man who should have been her protector, her partner. “I’m not yours!” she said defiantly. “I’ve never been yours. And I’ll never be yours! You’re weak and disgusting and I hate you!”

  Another backhand rocked her vision. “Shut up!”

  Blood pooled from her nose onto her lip, and her mouth filled with the taste of metal. “You’re weak, Hal. Just kill me.”

  “What?” Taking a step back, he stared at her.

  “I won’t run anymore. I won’t be afraid of you. So if you want to kill me, kill me now, because if I get loose you’re going to wish you’d never married me.”

  “You don’t mean that. We were happy! I’ve always loved you.” He clenched his hand into a fist and punched a wall. “And if you wouldn’t have made me upset all the time, none of this would happen. Don’t you see that? This is your fault. I just wanted a perfect life for us.”

  In a sickly burst of inspiration, she knew how she could stop Hal for good. She just had to get close to him.

  His face turned sad. “I know you loved me.”

  As hurt as he sounded, she knew what he would respond to. He always had. It had been the way she’d made up with him one too many times.

  It disgusted her, but she would use that disgust to kill him.

  Her face angled up toward him. “Hal, I’m not going to lie. The best thing about us was in the bedroom.”

  Hal flinched and blinked. “What?”

  She shrugged, trying to ignore the slimy feeling. “Come on, Hal. After all, it’s our anniversary, right?”

  Chapter 23

  Nick heard the last words out of Ava’s mouth and pulled up short, just coming off the elevator on the fourth floor. “What the …?”

  Two cops stood outside of the door, weapons in hand. As he rushed down to them, one held up a hand and whispered, “Are you Nick?” After Nick nodded, he went on. “We’re waiting to go in on Frank’s command. We apprehended the other man; now we’re waiting.”

  Nick hesitated, every part of him keyed up and wanting to smash something. He pulled out his gun and took the safety off.

  The guy looked at his gun. “You’re not going to need that. We’re going to get in there quick.”

  He heard rustling. “Lay with me, Hal,” she said.

  Nick thought she was going crazy, but then he wondered. Could she … would she be setting him up?

  “I knew you still had a thing for me.” He heard more rustling in the room.

  “Come here, Hal. Closer.”

  Every part of Nick wanted to bust in, but he posed himself behind the door, clutching the gun in his hand, and waited. He crossed himself and prayed. “Keep her safe, Lord, and keep my hand steady if I have to shoot.”

  Chapter 24

  Her gut twisting, Ava watched Hal tugging down his pants. “Take off the duct tape, Hal. Let’s enjoy it.”

  Hal hesitated. “I don’t think I can trust you, Ava. This shift, this turn isn’t real.” He wagged his finger at her.

  It didn’t matter; her legs weren’t duct taped. Psyching herself up, thinking of what Hunter had taught her she could do with the power of her legs the other day, she waited. “Whatever you want.” She just had to get him close enough.

  Tentatively, he approached and placed the gun on the bedside table next to them. “Don’t make me use it.” He sank himself down to her level and started to tug at the top of her pants.

  That’s when she struck hard with her knee. Right in the crotch.


  But before he could pull away, she kicked and wrapped her legs around his middle and squeezed, screaming like a warrior.

  “You …” Hal snarled like something inhuman.

  The door flew open and Nick barged in, his gun out.

  Hal was faster, picking up his gun and tugging her into a headlock, the gun at her temple. “Hey, fake boyfriend, welcome to the party.”

  The other cops filed in, but Ava only had eyes for Nick. He looked like Hunter had the other day. Determined. Dangerous. Focused. He wanted to kill Hal, and she knew he would.

  She tried to move, but Hal pressed the gun harder. “If you take one more step, I’ll blow her head off.”

  Ava was sick and tired of being afraid. Rearing back, she slammed her head into Hal’s face.

  A gun went off.

  Chapter 25

  Nick watched as Hal’s body slumped down, the gun falling from his hand.

  Without thinking, he rushed toward Ava on the bed and pulled her from the dead man’s grasp. Did it surprise him that he’d gotten the man between the eyes? No.

nbsp; Did it surprise him he’d been able to do it before the man killed Ava? No.

  He’d just let himself react. No time to actually think about it. No time to actually process what could have happened. He ripped the duct tape from her hands, wincing sympathetically. He had to get her out of here.

  “Frank!” she called, collapsing.

  Frank took hold of her, but Nick held her other arm. “Let’s move.”

  With Frank on one side and Nick on the other, they took her down the elevator and out of the hotel.

  She slumped against Nick. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I left. Sorry I didn’t wake you. It’s my fault.” She trembled and began to cry.

  All he could do was hold her. “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s over.”

  He thought of the way Hal’s mouth hung slack as he pulled Ava out of his arms. Did he feel bad? Was he okay? He’d never felt better in his life.

  He’d saved her. That’s all that mattered.

  Chapter 26

  Ava didn’t know how long they’d been at the police station, but Frank had insisted she go to the hospital to get checked out, so it could all be in the report. She felt like she’d answered questions hundreds of times to every police guy and doctor that came along. The sun had set long ago by the time they were finished with everything.

  When she emerged from the hospital room, Nick stood. His hair was mussed, and he wore the shorts and T-shirt he’d fallen asleep in last night. He surveyed her, looking a bit frazzled himself. “Are you okay?”

  “Are you?” Even though she hadn’t fully processed things, it had been on the edge of her mind; he’d killed Hal. He’d killed a man. She worried about him after what he’d told her about the last case. Was he okay?

  Nick opened his arms and she fell into them, feeling like this was the only place she ever wanted to be.

  He hugged her tighter, then let her go. “Let’s go get some sleep.”


  They walked out of the hospital arm in arm, and he helped her into the Jeep. They rode home in silence until she answered a call from Frank asking how she was doing. She told him she was fine, then she simply held Nick’s hand as he drove her back to the house.

  When they pulled in, she felt exhausted. He ran around the Jeep and opened the door, helping her down. “Let’s get showered,” he offered, walking her to her room. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She shut the door reluctantly.

  After she showered, she lay on her bed in her robe, her hair wet, and closed her eyes. All she could see was Hal’s face in her mind. She pushed herself to her feet. She had to say good night to Nick. To tell him thank you. To do something.

  Opening the door, she was startled to see him on the floor, a pillow beneath his head, a blanket draped over him. He cracked an eye open.

  Without saying a word, she reached down, taking his hand, and moved to the bed. “I need you. Will you hold me?” She searched Nick’s face.

  His hair was wet and he smelled like soap as he pulled her into his chest. “I’ll hold you forever, Ava.” He kissed her forehead.

  She climbed into bed, and he got on the top of the covers, but pulled a blanket over himself and held her.

  “Ava.” His voice was rough with sleep.


  “Don’t go running without me, okay?”

  She smiled. “I won’t.” And she knew she never wanted to run without him again.

  Chapter 27

  One week later

  Ava stood on Frank’s porch, looking out over his land, the ranch, the empty horse corrals, a couple of cows. Deciding to take Frank up on his offer, she’d come back here to Park City. He and Ava had fallen into a dinner time routine since the day she had come home. It felt different than she ever imagined, having a place to call home, and a father.

  She missed her own father and mother every day, but now it felt different. And wonderful. There was a tenderness between her and Frank she’d never had with her own father. They could be together and not say a word, but feel completely at ease. It was nice. Not to mention the fact Frank doted on her. She’d noticed he seemed to delight in it too, when he wasn’t mercilessly teasing.

  It still felt like a movie, but it had shocked her how much relief she felt at Hal’s death. And yet she also felt guilt, like she somehow could have stopped it, followed by hatred as she remembered the pain and terror. Then more relief, and more guilt, and the cycle continued. But every day was getting better.

  Frank moved out onto the deck and stood next to her, sipping a cup of coffee. “Hey.”


  It’d been a wonderful thing, falling into this routine with him. Helping him with chores on the ranch. Learning how to milk a cow. Helping feed the two horses he had. Exercising the horses.

  “I suppose my neighbor is comin’ over tonight?” he asked, a teasing look in his eyes.

  She smiled, feeling that warm part of her. The part that surprisingly had grown more and more, ever since things had happened. Since they’d been home.

  It’d been strange and wonderful, and complicated and simple. All things that were Nick.

  As if on cue, Nick’s truck pulled up to the house, and he got out. He wore a T-shirt that still showed off his tan. He looked fresh from the shower and his jeans fit in that lean abs-hard-as-rock kind of way. Butterflies stirred in the pit of her stomach.

  Nick grinned. “Frank.” He nodded to him, and then his eyes fell on her. “Ava.” He pulled flowers from behind his back. Yellow daisies. She’d told him they were her favorite, and he’d brought them to her every day.

  She melted into his arms, feeling like a teenager with how she was unable to keep distance between them when they were together.

  He held her and sniffed in an overly dramatic way. “You smell good.”

  She mimicked his silly sniff. “You do too.”

  “Oh brother,” Frank said in a gravelly voice, turning for the door. “An old man best get himself inside when antics like this are about.”

  She caught Frank’s eye, and he winked at her.

  “Wait. Uh.” Nick let her go and shuffled toward him. “Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone.” He turned back, calming her worry before it could flare up. “It’s fine. You just stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  They went inside. She wanted to chase them, but she didn’t.

  Trust. Trust. Trust. It was a thing her therapist had told her about a million times.

  She did trust Nick and Frank, so she went to the edge of the deck and held on, trying to calm herself. She inhaled and filled her lungs with all the gratitude in her life.

  She thought of her parents. Her aunt. Of her nursing degree. Of Frank. Nick.

  Then Nick was back, the door slamming behind him. His arms wrapped around her. “I missed you today,” he whispered in her ear, kissing the side of her neck.

  Turning in his arms, she kissed him back, loving everything about it. The way he held her. The way he smelled. How solid he felt. The way he was such a good man. Then, to her surprise, he knelt down on one knee, reaching into his pocket.

  “What?” Her hands flew to her mouth.

  He opened a small box, smiling slowly and shyly. “I know it hasn’t been that long, but somehow I think it’s been long enough.”

  She felt every part of her start to tremble.

  “Ava, I love you. If it’s too fast, that’s okay, I will wait. But if you love me, just let me make an honest woman out of you and an honest man out of me. I need you. I want you. I will make you so happy. I promise I will …”

  Ava took his face in her hands and kissed him, not letting him finish.

  She heard Frank laughing inside the door. “Good, shut him up.”

  Nick stood and his hands pulled her closer, tousling her hair.

  She held his five o’clock shadow. “Yes,” she whispered against his lips. “I’ll marry you.”

  Nick lifted her in the air and spun her in circles, laughing. “I love
you, Ava.” He put her down.

  Tears spilled on her face. “I love you too.” As he slipped the ring on her finger, she laughed, “Now you don’t have to pretend anymore. Now you’re really my fiancé.”

  “Actually, aren’t I your groom?”

  “Yes, my undercover groom. Oh, I like that, doesn’t that sound like a book title?”

  He scrunched up his nose. “Yeah, it does. Does that mean we’re like a romance book or something?”

  She shrugged. “Romance, suspense, comedy … I think we have it all.”

  He kissed her again. “Yes, we do have it all.”

  Free Last Play Romance

  You can get a free copy of The Rookie, A Last Play Romance by Taylor Hart by clicking here.

  As an added bonus, you’ll also receive updates when the next Taylor Hart Romance is released so you don’t miss out on one of these sweet romances.

  If you liked The Undercover Groom—you may also like Second String: A Last Play Romance….the billionaire football player who started it all in Jackson Hole, Wyoming! Keep reading for a sneak peak of Cameron Cruz’s love story!

  Second String: A Last Play Romance

  Cameron Cruz, quarterback for the Denver Storm, stared off the back deck of his recently acquired home in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Being in Jackson for the past three weeks had been good for him. It’d given him a break from the incessant paparazzi. Given him a break from all the questions from his sister, Alicia. Given him a break from the sport he loved—the sport that was so deeply tied to the father he’d lost six months ago.

  His phone buzzed. Flipping it over, he shook his head. Think of the devil and she shall call. Reluctantly, he answered the phone. “Hey, sis.”

  “Can you tell me why I’m staring at a deed to a house in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, that’s in my name?”


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