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Cannibal in the City (Black Love Book 2)

Page 9

by Antwan Floyd Sr.

  “Be cool, ladies go in the back he should be pulling up soon just play it like we talked about Angel.”

  There was a knock at the door and the two ladies got up and went to the back of the apartment. Black dialed a number, placed the phone on speaker phone and placed it in his outer jacket pocket then handed the two guns to Angel and sat on the couch next to the dog which was now dead. Angel looked at his phone pressed a button and placed it back into his pocket then opened the door and allowed Nunez and two of his men to walk in. As soon as he walked in his eyes focus directly on the dog, he covered his nose with his hand the dog was beginning to decompose and was giving off a foul stench.

  “What happened here?”

  Nunez said, placing both hands on his hips, Black stood to his feet.

  “I need to talk to you, outside, alone!”


  Angel yelled out, shotgun focused on Black, Black looked at Nunez frustratingly and sat. Nunez gestured with his hands at Angel.

  “Lower that thing.”

  Angel reluctantly did as he was told.

  “You two check the back, see if anyone else is here.”

  “Yes, my niece and grandmother are in the back they couldn’t stand the sight of the dog.”

  Angel said as the two men went to the back and returned with the women.

  “You fellas take the ladies out front.”

  One of the men opened the door and held it as the other three walked out, the older woman leading the way after the other man was out Angel closed and locked the door.

  “Now somebody tell me the fuck is going on?”

  Nunez demanded, leaning against the wall. Angel laid the shotgun across his shoulder and began talking.

  “This guy, who say he is a friend of yours comes in here talking about we tried to kill his friend Parker, I told him I don’t know Parker and it was going to be trouble if he didn’t go. Then he starts talking about he is a friend of yours and if there is trouble with him then I would have trouble with you. Then out of the blue he shoots Gordo.”

  Nunez looked confused.

  “Gordo? Oh, the dog.”

  Nunez looked to Black, throwing his hands in the air.

  “Why you shoot the dog man?”

  “Needed to get their attention, they weren’t taking me seriously as I would have liked.”

  Angel, chuckled. He spoke.

  “That’s when Maria come from the back with the shotgun.”

  Nunez looked surprised.

  “Little Maria?”

  “Yes, I’ve been taking her to the farm and getting in shooting practice, but she looked so nervous that I took the gun from her and had him sit and wait until you came and cleared some things up.”

  Nunez placed his hands in his pockets and approached Angel.

  “You did the right thing brother.”

  He placed his hand on top of Angel’s other shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. Then turned back to Black.

  “Why are you so quiet Black, what do you have to tell me about your part in all of this?”

  “It’s like I told you, alone, I’ll only talk alone.”

  Nunez turns to Angel and nods towards the door.

  “Give us a few minutes please?”

  “No! This is my house, I want to know what he has to say.”

  “I’m asking as a friend, give us a few minutes Angel.”

  Black stood his feet.

  “Yeah, Angel, let the men speak.”

  Nunez turned back to Black.


  Angel set the shotgun down against the wall and opened the door before going out he looked back at Black.

  “Joder culo.”

  Black smirked as Angel went out the door and closed it. Nunez shook his head confusedly.

  “Tell me what the hell are you up to bruh?”

  “To be honest man, I came out this way to sell some information.”


  “Yeah, I know what you did.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?”

  “Got jammed up, and made a deal with the devil, they’ve had their foot on your neck ever since.”

  “You going stop talking codes and spit it out?”

  “You sold Salvatore out and put it on Parker.”

  Nunez laughed.


  “I read the file Nunez, and I want my payday.”

  Nunez stepped closer to Black.

  “That’s what this is about? A shake down? Not going fly I don’t get extorted I do the extorting.”

  “Wrong answer, see the correct answer would have been what file? You didn’t even deny it. Doesn’t matter I’ve seen it all how you gave up Salvatore to Bosselait and you’ve been dropping names of all of your competitors to keep Bosselait at bay cause I know all too well being the former district attorney once they get their hooks in a snitch it’s in for life.”

  Nunez was now face to face with Black spittle flew from his mouth as he spoke.

  “Watch who you call a snitch.”

  Black laughed.

  “Oh I’m sorry credible informant, you know I went to see Jesus last night and funny thing he was killed before I got to talk to him. I doubt it if he knew any of this with it being a secret indictment and all your name was confidential there was no need to kill him I just figured you were thinking better safe than sorry.”

  Nunez eyes narrowed.

  “Better safe than sorry.”

  “But don’t understand why throw Parker under the bus he was already doing his time and he didn’t talk.”

  “Misdirection, while everyone was looking at my left hand…”

  “You were going in their pockets with your right hand, 48 Laws of Power.”

  Nunez hunched hsi shoulders.

  “Eh, more or less.”

  “$500,000 dollars cash in 2 days or I make what I know public to the streets.”

  “You are out of your mind if you think I am giving you half a million dollars based off of a rumor that you have no proof of.”

  “Tell me this bruh, I tell Angel what I have and show him the file you think he’s going to care if it’s a rumor or not?”

  “Angel? That little fat man, is the least of my concerns.”

  “I figured you might say that, that’s why before I came here I had a plan B I don’t know how well your street cred will hold up once I have my people upload those files onto Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I tell you what, I’ll give you a day to think about it.”

  Nunez remained silent.

  “24 hours Nunez, then I bring what I got to Angel I may not get as much from him as I can from you but I guarantee he won’t argue about paying. I actually came to offer the deal to him, but got trigger happy when he wouldn’t hear me out.”

  Nunez turned and headed towards the door.

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  He opened the door and Angel and his two men stood at the door pointing their guns at him, Angel removed his cell phone from his pocket and dangled it in the air. Nunez turned back to Black who was holding his cell phone in the air he spoke into the phone.

  “Hey Angel, can you hear me now?”

  Black’s voice came through loud and clear through the cell phone’s speaker phone. Nunez stepped backwards back into the apartment as the three men came in, Black reached into Nunez jacket and removed his gun from his holster he handed it to Angel as Angel gave him his gun back.


  Black said addressed to one of the men.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll put out the word the contract is off you have my word.”

  Black nodded at the men and left the apartment as he walked down the hall he jerked as he heard the sound of the shot gun go off.


  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  It was getting dark out and Parker was getting nervous about being out on the street after dark, with the warrant and the bounty on his head. He was also becoming restless, He sat watching Hal
e’s apartment building and he hadn’t been back out in hours he figured he was in for the night or asleep and he would leave and pick it up again tomorrow just as he was about to leave Hale stepped outside carrying a duffle bag and got into a waiting taxi. Parker put the car in drive and began following the taxi, the taxi got on the express way, and he got on the express way. He got off on 95th and Dan Ryan and drove to the Grey Hound station by the L train Parker quickly parked across the street and ran back to the Greyhound platform before Hale got on a bus and he lost him. Parker made it back just in time to see Hale get on a bus going to St. Louis. Hale stood back watching as others loaded the bus he pulled out his phone and called Black.

  “Black, the kid just got on a greyhound bus to St. Louis.”

  “What are you waiting for? Follow him.”

  “Man you can’t be serious, I can’t leave the state I’m on parole.”

  “If they catch you here or you catch you there doesn’t matter violation is violation and your already violated don’t lose that kid I’ll sort that stuff out when you get back.”

  “This may not even have anything to do with the girl.”

  “Get on the bus.”

  “Fuck, what kind of shit are you getting me into?”

  “Get on the bus Parker before it pulls off, and don’t worry about Nunez it’s taken care of the bounty is lifted and I’m letting your mother stay another day at the hotel then I’ll personally pick her up and take her home.”

  “Alright, I’m getting on the bus.”


  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  With one crisis cleared he figured he would mend another fractured situation in his life, he pulled into the parking lot of Victory’s gym on 17th and parked turned the car off, grabbed his gym bag from the passenger seat and got out of the car walked into the gym, showed is membership card and went to the locker room. After choosing a locker he threw his bag in and went back out and started jumping rope to loosen up work on his footwork, and being lighter on his feet, stamina, strengthening of leg muscles, speed, and coordination after ten minutes of that he began hitting the heavy bag, jabbing right, right, left, right, right. He did this until he began to sweat and he felt like his arms were going to give out. Next he moved over to the speed bag and threw punches at it for ten minutes. He was about to grab the barbells and work on his biceps when he spotted Trigger in the ring sparring with another fighter. He stopped and watched, her opponent was at least two feet taller and a hundred pounds heavier. She threw two jabs connecting both with his face, unfazed he moved in closer and wrapped his arms around her head placing her in a double collar tie, then began throwing blows to her rib cage with his knee, she took the blows, stepped in closer then suddenly used all of her body weight to drop to her knees slipping out of the position while simultaneously throwing two quick blows, one to his inner thigh and one to his groin. He dropped in pain as she rolled over to her back and locked her legs around his neck. The more he squirmed to get free, the tighter she gripped and applied pressure until he tapped out. She let go of his neck, got to her feet and helped him to his, they hugged and he climbed from the ring. Another fighter handed her a bottle of water, she took a swig, swished it in her mouth then spit it into a bucket. Grabbing a towel she wiped the sweat from her face when she noticed Black watching her, she rolled her eyes and turned so that her back was facing him. He smiled and walked over to the ring and climbed in.

  “Think you got enough in you for another round?”

  She chuckled.

  “That’s not what you want Black, stick to the heavy bags.”

  “You turning down a fight with me?”

  She dropped the towel outside the ring and moved towards the center, he did the same so that they were eye to eye. They stared one another down for several seconds then she moved in throwing two quick jabs that connected to his face, he took the jabs dancing around the ring throwing a few of his own that she sidestepped she stepped in closer throwing punches catching him in the abdomen then throwing her arms around his head putting him in a double collar tie and threw jabs at his ribs with her knee until she got tired, when he felt as if she was losing her breath he picked her up off of her feet and flipped her landing and laying with his body weight on top of her he quickly wrapped one arm around her ankle, placing it in his armpit, then locked his arm to his other arm with his hand placed on her shin, and using his leg as leverage, he leaned back. The pressure, on her calf and Achilles tendon, caused a hyperextension of the ankle joint, shot so pain into her ankle she started tapping the mat with her free arm. He let her loose of the move crawled over to her and cradled her head in his lap. She looked up into his eyes.

  “I hate you Black.”

  He stroked her hair.

  “I know.”

  “Why you been ignoring me?”

  “Needed time to think, had a lot on my plate.”

  “So you weren’t being an asshole because I didn’t want to move in with you?”

  “I’m an asshole period I don’t need a reason.”

  “Ain’t that the truth?”

  He laughed as she rose to her feet and he climbed to his.

  “Come home with me Trigger.”

  “Not tonight Black, call me alright?”


  She climbed from the ring and went to the locker room.


  About the Author

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